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Дополнительные задания по теме "Развлечения" (раздел 6), Английский язык учебник 10-11 класс, авторы: Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш.

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«Дополнительные задания по теме "Развлечения" (раздел 6), Английский язык учебник 10-11 класс, авторы: Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш.»


Answer the questions:

  1. What do you prefer: going to the cinema or going to the theatre?

  2. Why do you prefer going to the cinema (theatre)?

  3. How often do you go to the cinema (theatre)?

  4. What genres of films (plays) do you like?

  5. When were you at the cinema (theatre) last?



Translate into English:

  1. Запутанный сюжет

  2. Трогательная любовная история

  3. Великолепная сюжетная линия

  4. Впечатляющее начало

  5. Пугающая сцена

  6. Выдающиеся актеры

  7. Необычные костюмы

  8. Драматические ситуации

  9. Сенсационный мюзикл

  10. Отличные декорации



Fill in the adjective modifiers from the box and translate the sentences:

absolutely really extremely

completely totally very

  1. Comedies are ….. boring.

  2. Action films are ….. violent.

  3. Westerns keep audience in suspense because they’re ….. astonishing.

  4. Adventures in the sea are ….. dangerous.

  5. Cartoons teach you to believe in ….. unreal things.

  6. Musicals are ….. stuffed with singing.



Fill in WHO, WHICH or WHOSE in the sentences:

  1. Sarah is the girl ….. parents work abroad.

  2. Those are the keys ….. I am looking for.

  3. Mr. Hill is a man ….. lives next door to me.

  4. That is the man ….. office is opposite mine.

  5. This is the house ….. my parents want to buy.

  6. That’s the woman ….. daughter is a film star.

  7. Carol is the woman ….. painted this picture.

  8. These are the flowers ….. I planted in the garden.

  9. The man ….. is sitting next to you is my uncle.

  10. This is the skirt ….. my sister gave me.



Here is a story about Stevens likes and dislikes. Change it to show that he really likes and dislikes something as in the example:

I like to go to the cinema. – He does like to go to the cinema.

  1. I prefer to watch action films.

  2. They are very dynamic.

  3. I don’t like melodramas.

  4. They are full of tears.

  5. I hate tears.

  6. I dislike theatre, especially opera.

  7. It is very complicated.

  8. I love comedies.

  9. Last Sunday I enjoyed one of them.

  10. It was really wonderful.



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