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Дополнительный материал к учебнику Кауфман 10 класс

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«Дополнительный материал к учебнику Кауфман 10 класс»

Kronotsky Nature Reserve   Lyukshin Egor 10 IT

Kronotsky Nature Reserve

Lyukshin Egor 10 IT

The area of the reserve is 1,147,619 hectares. Including: forest area - 660,380 hectares, non-forest area - 352,240 hectares, marine area - 135,000 hectares
  • The area of the reserve is 1,147,619 hectares. Including: forest area - 660,380 hectares, non-forest area - 352,240 hectares, marine area - 135,000 hectares
Climate The reserve is located within the boundaries of two climatic subregions: the eastern mountain volcanic and the eastern seaside. A mild winter, a relatively warm summer. The climate of the region is marine, wet. The annual amplitude of air temperature is 20-25 degrees.


  • The reserve is located within the boundaries of two climatic subregions: the eastern mountain volcanic and the eastern seaside. A mild winter, a relatively warm summer. The climate of the region is marine, wet. The annual amplitude of air temperature is 20-25 degrees.
History The Kronotsky State Biosphere Reservation may be rightfully considered one of the oldest Reservation in Russia. It was created in 1882 in the Kronotskoye Lake area as a preserve for hunting the sable and has been operating in the area for more than 100 years.


  • The Kronotsky State Biosphere Reservation may be rightfully considered one of the oldest Reservation in Russia. It was created in 1882 in the Kronotskoye Lake area as a preserve for hunting the sable and has been operating in the area for more than 100 years.
Then in 1934 the Sable preserve was renamed into the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. It also has Russia's only geyser basin, plus several mountain ranges with numerous volcanoes, both active and extinct. Due to its often harsh climate and its mix of volcanoes and geysers, it is frequently described as the  Land of Fire and Ice .
  • Then in 1934 the Sable preserve was renamed into the Kronotsky Nature Reserve. It also has Russia's only geyser basin, plus several mountain ranges with numerous volcanoes, both active and extinct. Due to its often harsh climate and its mix of volcanoes and geysers, it is frequently described as the  Land of Fire and Ice .
Flora and fauna   The reserve's flora includes 749 species of vascular plants. The main part of the reserve is occupied by the forests of the stone birch, also there are cedars and alder stlanik in the upper parts of the slopes of the mountains. Coniferous forests are widespread in the Kronotsky Lake.

Flora and fauna

  • The reserve's flora includes 749 species of vascular plants. The main part of the reserve is occupied by the forests of the stone birch, also there are cedars and alder stlanik in the upper parts of the slopes of the mountains. Coniferous forests are widespread in the Kronotsky Lake.
Fauna (52 species of mammals, 221 species of birds, 852 species of insects) is typical for the Kamchatka. The most popular animal of the reserve is the brown bear. The nature reserve boasts over 800 brown bears, some of the largest in the world that can grow to over 540 kg.
  • Fauna (52 species of mammals, 221 species of birds, 852 species of insects) is typical for the Kamchatka.
  • The most popular animal of the reserve is the brown bear. The nature reserve boasts over 800 brown bears, some of the largest in the world that can grow to over 540 kg.
The reserve is home to the largest wild reindeer in Kamchatka (about 2.5 thousand individuals), a subspecies of sable (for which the reserve was originally created).
  • The reserve is home to the largest wild reindeer in Kamchatka (about 2.5 thousand individuals), a subspecies of sable (for which the reserve was originally created).
Valley of Geysers   The Valley of Geysers is the only geyser field in Eurasia and the second largest concentration of geysers in the world. This 6 km long basin with approximately ninety geysers and many hot springs is situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Valley of Geysers

  • The Valley of Geysers is the only geyser field in Eurasia and the second largest concentration of geysers in the world. This 6 km long basin with approximately ninety geysers and many hot springs is situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Caldera of the Uzon volcano Uzon is a 9 by 12 km volcanic caldera located in the eastern part of Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Together with the Geyzernaya caldera it hosts the largest geothermal field in the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Caldera of the Uzon volcano

  • Uzon is a 9 by 12 km volcanic caldera located in the eastern part of Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Together with the Geyzernaya caldera it hosts the largest geothermal field in the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Kronotskaya Sopka Kronotsky is a major volcano of the Kamchatka Peninsula. It has a symmetrical conical shape. The summit crater is plugged by a Volcanic neck, and the summit itself is ice-capped. Kronotsky is considered to be one of the most beautiful volcanos in Kamchatka.

Kronotskaya Sopka

  • Kronotsky is a major volcano of the Kamchatka Peninsula. It has a symmetrical conical shape. The summit crater is plugged by a Volcanic neck, and the summit itself is ice-capped. Kronotsky is considered to be one of the most beautiful volcanos in Kamchatka.
Tourism Tourism in the Kronotsky Reserve began to develop not so long ago. After its foundation, there were times when the reserve was closed for visits, but now there are many interesting tours and the reserve is visited by 5000 tourists every year. Come and see the real beauty of the nature.


  • Tourism in the Kronotsky Reserve began to develop not so long ago. After its foundation, there were times when the reserve was closed for visits, but now there are many interesting tours and the reserve is visited by 5000 tourists every year.

Come and see the real beauty of the nature.

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Thank you for attention


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