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Дополнительный материал к уроку "Символы России и Америки"

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«Дополнительный материал к уроку "Символы России и Америки"»


American symbols

The symbols of every country arc - the flag, the motto, the an­them. They pay much attention to the symbols in America, because, like anywhere in the world the symbols of the state are connected with the history of the country, and with its traditions.

The American flag. For the citizens of the country the flag is very important. It is not only the cloth of a certain color, it arises pa­triotic feelings and gives them confirm in the glory and greatness of their country. The American flag has a long history. The flag of the country is remarkable and can't be confused with any other flag. It has 13 stripes - 7 red and 6 white and 50 white stars on a blue field. The stripes represent the 13 original states, with which the country began. And 50 stars represent the modern states of America. As it has stars and stripes, it is called "Stars and Stripes". They also call it "Old Glory". The first American flag appeared in 1776, when the former British colony fought for independence and demanded flag of their own. And that flag was raised over the residence of George Washington on January 1 of 1776. On June 14 the following year the design of the official American flag was adopted by the Congress. And that's why that day is celebrated in the United States as Flag Day. In 1795 the 2 stars and 2 stripes were added to the flag, making the total quantity of them 15. It soon was decided that a stripe should be added to the blue field of the flag each time the new state enters the Union. The 50th star was added for Hawaii in 1960. The emblem of the country. The emblem of the United States is a bald headed eagle. This kind of eagles is frequently met on the territory of the country. It became the national emblem in 1782. It has an olive branch in one paw, and a bunch of arrows in the other. The olive branch is the symbol of peace, and arrows - symbol of power and strength. You can see eagles on the dollar bills, on coins. The sym­bol of democracy. The symbol of democracy is the Statue of Lib­erty. It is situated on the Liberty Island in the Harbor of New York.

It is the first thing the people see, when they arrive to America by sea. And for many immigrants it was the symbol of hope.


Motto - герб

anthem - гимн

cloth - ткань

patriotic feelings - патриотические чувства

glory - слава

confuse - путать

stripes - полосы

"Old glory" - «Старая доблесть»

the design - облик

was adopted - было принято

total quantity - общее количество

blue field of the flag - голубое поле флага bald headed eagle - белоголовый орлан frequently met - часто встречается olive branch - оливковая ветвь bunch of arrows - пучок стрел power and strength - сила и власть


  1. What are the main symbols of every country?

  2. Is flag very important for the citizens of the United States?

  3. What do stars and stripes symbolize?

  4. When did the first flag appear in America?

  5. What is the national emblem of the country?

  6. What does the eagle have in its paws?

  7. What is the symbol of democracy in America?

The symbols of Russia

The symbols of Russia, as the symbols of every country are the motto, the flag and the anthem, and, of course, the national emblem. As for the emblem, it is a brown bear. The bear symbolizes power, strength and calmness. Another symbol of Russia is a birch-tree. Its tenderness and beauty always inspired poets and musicians. The birch-tree is a symbol of beauty, and of Russian soul. The flag of Russia has three colors - red, white and blue. They are placed on the flag in such an order - white, blue and red. These colors symbolize nobleness, honesty, courage and love. This flag was adopted by the government of the country in 1991, and this was the return of the old Russian flag after the 70 years use of the Soviet red flag. The na­tional motto of the country is a double headed eagle. It was first in­troduced in 1497 by Ivan Ш. He married the Byzanthean princess, and she brought this symbol from her native country. The double headed eagle symbolizes the unity of Europe and Asia in one coun­try. It was also returned to the political life of the country in the years of perestroika. And now this motto is seen on all official buildings of the country. And there are some other symbols of Russia. We regard as symbols the Red Square, the Kremlin, Russian Palekh boxes and Matryoshka dolls and other things. We are proud of our country and its traditions.


Calmness - спокойствие

birch-tree - береза

tenderness - нежность

inspire - вдохновлять

soul - душа

order - порядок

nobleness - благородство

honesty - честность

courage - мужество

double headed eagle - двуглавый орел

introduced - введен

Byzanthean princess - византийская принцесса

unity - единство

regard as - рассматривать как


  1. What is the animal symbol of Russia?

  2. What does it symbolize?

  3. What is the plant symbol of Russia?

  4. What traits of Russian character does it reflect?

  5. What are the colors of the Russian flag?

  6. What do they symbolize?

  7. When was the flag adopted by the Russian government?

  8. What is the motto of Russia?

  9. When was the motto first introduced in Russia?

  1. What does the double headed eagle symbolize?

  2. What other symbols of Russia do you know?


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