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Education in Belarus

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«Education in Belarus»

Education is among the main priorities of the national policy of the Republic of Belarus, and according to the Constitution, all Belarusian children have the right and equal opportunities to learn and study. The main principles of the educational system of Belarus are the priority of human values, national culture and scientific basis. Great attention is given to the development of a child’s personality, a healthy
way of life and support of gifted children. Belarusian students are also encouraged to take part in extracurricular activities including clubs, school concerts, sport competitions, excursions and holiday parties. Almost all Belarusian educational establishments are mixed-sex which means that boys and girls study together.
The academic year begins on the first of September and finishes at the end of the May. As a rule, there are 20-25 students in a class and they have 6-7 lessons a day. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is responsible for the running of school system, developing and applying the state educational standards, developing new curricula and accreditation of educational establishments.
Pre-school education isn’t compulsory but well-developed and more than 70% of Belarusian children aged 1 to 5 attend pre-school educational establishments: nurseries and kindergartens. There are about 4.000 kindergartens in our country and some of them are private. Some kindergartens provide education for children who need psychophysical care and development.
School education starts at the age of 6 or 7 and is divided into three levels: primary, basic and secondary education. Education in primary and secondary schools is compulsory and lasts for nine years: students spend four years in primary school (from first to fourth grade) and five years in secondary school (from fifth to ninth grade). All Belarusian students have to complete nine years of school. After finishing basic education each student must pass exams to get a Certificate of Basic Education. Then a student can choose whether to continue education at high school (secondary education) or to enter a college, lyceum or vocational school.
At the age of 17 school leavers get a Certificate of Secondary Education which allows them to continue their education at the university level. To enter a university a student must successfully pass centralized exams. Higher education in Belarus can be obtained full-time or by correspondence. Most courses run for 4 years and very gifted students are awarded a scholarship. At the end of higher education, the graduates are given The Special Diploma.

Education is among the main priorities of the national policy of the Republic of Belarus, and according to the Constitution, all Belarusian children have the right and equal opportunities to learn and study. The main principles of the educational system of Belarus are the priority of human values, national culture and scientific basis. Great attention is given to the development of a child’s personality, a healthy
way of life and support of gifted children. Belarusian students are also encouraged to take part in extracurricular activities including clubs, school concerts, sport competitions, excursions and holiday parties. Almost all Belarusian educational establishments are mixed-sex which means that boys and girls study together.
The academic year begins on the first of September and finishes at the end of the May. As a rule, there are 20-25 students in a class and they have 6-7 lessons a day. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is responsible for the running of school system, developing and applying the state educational standards, developing new curricula and accreditation of educational establishments.
Pre-school education isn’t compulsory but well-developed and more than 70% of Belarusian children aged 1 to 5 attend pre-school educational establishments: nurseries and kindergartens. There are about 4.000 kindergartens in our country and some of them are private. Some kindergartens provide education for children who need psychophysical care and development.
School education starts at the age of 6 or 7 and is divided into three levels: primary, basic and secondary education. Education in primary and secondary schools is compulsory and lasts for nine years: students spend four years in primary school (from first to fourth grade) and five years in secondary school (from fifth to ninth grade). All Belarusian students have to complete nine years of school. After finishing basic education each student must pass exams to get a Certificate of Basic Education. Then a student can choose whether to continue education at high school (secondary education) or to enter a college, lyceum or vocational school.
At the age of 17 school leavers get a Certificate of Secondary Education which allows them to continue their education at the university level. To enter a university a student must successfully pass centralized exams. Higher education in Belarus can be obtained full-time or by correspondence. Most courses run for 4 years and very gifted students are awarded a scholarship. At the end of higher education, the graduates are given The Special Diploma.


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