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Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

- give a brief description (action, location)

- say what the pictures have in common

- say in what way the pictures are different

- say which kind of life you’d prefer

- explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Подготовка к выполнению задания 4.

(0) I would like to compare and contrast two photos.

Start with a topic both photos are devoted to.

Both photos show…

Each picture illustrates how/where…

Both photos show problems which…

The photos deal with different aspects of…

The pictures/photos/photographs are about…

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

1) Describing the first picture

Let me see. In the first picture I can see a group of people sitting under a big tree. It looks like summer and everyone looks relaxed

2) Describing the second picture

In the second picture there are a lot of people sunbathing on the beach. In the background we can see lots of apartments. The beach is really crowded.

In the first photo there is… who/that …..

The second photo shows … who/that…

In the first photo there is… who/that …..

The second photo is different because it shows … who/that/…

Say what the pictures have in common

These two photographs are






Both pictures have a few/a lot of things in common.

The photos are quite similar in many ways.

The pictures are similar because they both show …

Both photos were taken inside/outside.

Both pictures were taken in winter/summer.

They both show people Ving

They both display people Ving

I think the common theme here is ….

I believe that the theme which relates these photos is …

A (one) similarity (which stands out) is …

Another (an additional) similarity (which is instantly apparent) is …

A striking similarity is …

… and … have a lot in common, for example …

The main similarity between … and … is …

The only similarity between …. that I can see is ….

The common theme is ….

Слова и выражения для описания и сравнения фотографий:

In the first picture I can see … — На первой картинке я вижу …

In the second picture there are … — На второй картинке находятся …

It looks like … — Похоже на …

The scene looks like … — Сцена выглядит …

Everybody looks like … — Все выглядят …

In the background … — На заднем фоне …

In the foreground … — На переднем фоне …

The common theme – Общее на фотографиях …

where as — в то время как (сравниваем одну фотографию с другой)

It’s my idea of a … — Это мое представление о …

I guess …

I suppose …

I’m sure …

I get the impression that …

I am pretty confident that …

Вводные слова и выражения, в том числе выражающие личное мнение:

Let me see. – Дайте подумать.

Well, … — Ну, …

Obviously, … — Очевидно …

I mean … — Я имею в виду …

On the other hand, … — С другой стороны (при сравнении фотографий)

При описании фотографий нужно использовать следующие грамматические конструкции.

1) Предложения в пассивном залоге

The pictures were taken in the summer time. — Эти фотографии были сделаны летом.

2) Модальные глаголы в значении предположения

They could be farmers or something. — Они, возможно, фермеры или кто-нибудь в этом роде.

3) Причастия (действительные и страдательные)

In the first picture I can see a group of people sitting under a big tree. — На первой фотографии я вижу группу людей, сидящих под деревом.

In the second picture there are a lot of people sunbathing on the beach.

4) Конструкции предпочтения

Id rather be in the first photo. — Я предпочел бы быть на первой фотографии.

Say in what way the pictures are different

These two photographs are



… in the first photo while … in the second photograph …

There are some differences between these two photos.

There is a big difference between these two pictures.

The two pictures have more differences than similarities.

The main difference between … and … is …

The main difference of these pictures is …

Another important difference is …

In contrast, the second picture is …

A (one) difference (which stands out) is …

Another (an additional) difference (which is instantly apparent) is …

A striking difference is …

… and …. are quite different, for example …

In comparison to …

Compared to …

Contrasting … and … , I want to stress that …

Neither … nor …

I am not sure exactly what this is but …

…. whereas …

… but…

Say you’d prefer. Explain why.

Personally, I think… In my opinion, … Moreover, …

I’d rather… I definitely wouldn’t like to... Besides, …

I enjoy… more than…that is why I prefer...

I would prefer (be)

As far as I am concerned, …

It seems to me …

Организация высказывания

I have 2 pictures to compare.

Both photos show…

1. In the first photo there is… (who/that)…..

The second photo shows … (who/that)…

2. Both pictures have a few/a lot of things in common.


3. There are some differences between these two photos.


4. Personally, I’d prefer…


5. I enjoy… more than…


So, I’d rather... /I’d prefer...

Задание 4. Вариант ответа

These pictures are about places where people can live in.

In the first picture we see a large industrial city. In the second picture there is a small village.

There are not many similarities between these two pictures. I think that what unites them is that in both pictures we can see buildings, houses and roads.

There are more differences than similarities between these two pictures. I’ll name some of them. Firstly, the first picture shows a densely populated city with lots of tall buildings and blocks of flats, while the second picture depicts a rural area with a lot of green land and some old houses. Secondly, the city is located near a river, whereas the village is situated at the foot of the mountain. Another difference concerns transport. There isn’t any means of transport in the second picture. In contrast, in the first picture we can see a steamboat and a lot of cars on the bridge across the river. Furthermore, we can guess that the first picture was taken in summer, while the other picture shows an autumn day.

Personally, I’d prefer city life to country life. A city is a place where there are more places to go to, a wide variety of attractions that can't be found in the countryside. Besides, a city can give young people great opportunities to continue their education. And that is very important for me because I’m going to study at a university.

1. Contrast the information using the linking words given.

The children are swimming in the river. The people are sunbathing on the beach.


Unlike picture 1 in which the children are swimming in the river, in picture 2 the people are sunbathing on the beach.


While in picture 1 the children are swimming in the river, in picture 2 the people are sunbathing on the beach.

In contrast

In picture 1 the children are swimming in the river. In contrast, in picture 2 the people are sunbathing on the beach.

2. Fill in an appropriate word.

In the first picture the people are in the green countryside while in the second picture the people are on the beach.

In picture 1 the children are swimming in the river. In contrast, in picture 2 the people are swimming in the lake.

1. Contrast the information using the linking words given.

The children are swimming in the river. The people are sunbathing on the beach.


Unlike picture 1 in which the children are swimming in the river, in picture 2 the people are sunbathing on the beach.


While in picture 1 the children are swimming in the river, in picture 2 the people are sunbathing on the beach.

In contrast

In picture 1 the children are swimming in the river. In contrast, in picture 2 the people are sunbathing on the beach.

2. Fill in an appropriate word.

In the first picture the people are in the green countryside while in the second picture the people are on the beach.

In picture 1 the children are swimming in the river. In contrast, in picture 2 the people are swimming in the lake.

(0) I would like to compare and contrast two photos.

Both photos show…

1) Describing the first picture

Let me see. In the first picture I can see a group of people sitting under a big tree. It looks like summer and everyone looks relaxed

2) Describing the second picture

In the second picture there are a lot of people sunbathing on the beach. In the background we can see lots of apartments. The beach is really crowded.

3) Сравниваем две фотографии: что общего / Comparing the pictures

Obviously, the pictures were taken in the summer time and maybe the common theme is about what people like doing on holidays.

The pictures are similar because they both show …

4) Сравниваем две фотографии: чем отличаются / Contrasting the pictures

There are a couple of (several) differences between the photos. The scene in the first picture looks very peaceful. On the other hand, the beach scene looks very noisy and chaotic.

The other is that the person on the left is …. while the person on the right … . Also, …. Furthermore, …

5) Делаем предположения / Speculating

Maybe, the people in the second picture are on a package holiday and normally they live in cities where as the people sitting under the tree live in the country. They could be farmers or something.

6) В заключение, выражаем личное мнение / Personal Feelings

Personally, I’d rather be in the first photo. It looks like a perfect way to spend the summer afternoon. The scene at the beach … Well, it’s my idea of a nightmare. I mean I like going to the beach but I don’t really like crowds.


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