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Экскурсия по родному селу на английском языке

Категория: История

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«Экскурсия по родному селу на английском языке»

 STOLOVOE Ильина Лиза 8В класс


Ильина Лиза 8В класс

A brief geographical reference  the village is located 25 kilometres North-East of Tambov. Coordinates : 52 degrees, 48 minutes and 29.5 seconds North latitude; 41 degrees, 46 minutes, 34 seconds East longitude in the North, the South 52 degrees, 46 minutes, 18 seconds North latitude.

A brief geographical reference

the village is located 25 kilometres North-East of Tambov. Coordinates : 52 degrees, 48 minutes and 29.5 seconds North latitude; 41 degrees, 46 minutes, 34 seconds East longitude in the North, the South 52 degrees, 46 minutes, 18 seconds North latitude.

  during this lime was the first small canteen Church, which was wooden, cold, brought from somewhere and put on a stone base in 1873

during this lime was the first small canteen Church, which was wooden, cold, brought from somewhere and put on a stone base in 1873

 Uritskogo street(in the past - Shushica, speaking name for itself, because it is located near a pond)

Uritskogo street(in the past - Shushica, speaking name for itself, because it is located near a pond)

driving along the asphalt road we get to the former canteen Forestry

driving along the asphalt road we get to the former canteen Forestry

there is a store built at the turn of the 60s and 70s of the 20th century.

there is a store built at the turn of the 60s and 70s of the 20th century.

 On the right side, in the direction of movement, a large area is set in a historic Park

On the right side, in the direction of movement, a large area is set in a historic Park

in the Park is a district hospital

in the Park is a district hospital

  next to the hospital is the common grave of pilots whose plane crashed in our forest, in the period of the great Patriotic war

next to the hospital is the common grave of pilots whose plane crashed in our forest, in the period of the great Patriotic war

 the village Council, local post offices, savings Bank, pharmacy, shops are in the centre of the village

the village Council, local post offices, savings Bank, pharmacy, shops are in the centre of the village

    the monument to the fallen villagers in the great Patriotic war, the last being all festive events, dedicated to the great Victory. The monument symbolizes the Grieving Mother, standing in front of the entrance to the temple, which remembers all of their dead sons, whose glorious name immediately and reflected. In the Dining born and raised Hero of the Soviet Union Zaburdaev Vladimir Petrovich.

the monument to the fallen villagers in the great Patriotic war, the last being all festive events, dedicated to the great Victory. The monument symbolizes the Grieving Mother, standing in front of the entrance to the temple, which remembers all of their dead sons, whose glorious name immediately and reflected. In the Dining born and raised Hero of the Soviet Union Zaburdaev Vladimir Petrovich.

  local Culture House (built in 1974), with a spacious Assembly hall(he was also a cinema room), a spacious lobby, several specialized rooms on the second floor of the community library.

local Culture House (built in 1974), with a spacious Assembly hall(he was also a cinema room), a spacious lobby, several specialized rooms on the second floor of the community library.

 In DC for many years folk ensemble

In DC for many years folk ensemble "Stolovchanka"- winner of many festivals and competitions.

       four-storey building, the branch Kovalevskoi school . School history began in the last weke year. In the early 20th century, the village had three schools: manor, County and parish. In Soviet times to 1957 was seven years, and then to 2009 secondary institution. Today, it is a primary school (nine years of education).

four-storey building, the branch Kovalevskoi school . School history began in the last weke year. In the early 20th century, the village had three schools: manor, County and parish. In Soviet times to 1957 was seven years, and then to 2009 secondary institution. Today, it is a primary school (nine years of education).

And this former high school today the teacher's house.

And this former high school today the teacher's house.

Red village

Red village

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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