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Emergency care for various poisoning

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Poisoning (intoxication) - is a pathological condition that occurs when a chemical compound (poison) is exposed to the body, causing violations of vital functions and endangering life.

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«Emergency care for various poisoning»

Emergency care for various poisoning

Emergency care for various poisoning

Content Definition Types of poisoning, common poisoning Symptoms Emergency care Conclusion


  • Definition
  • Types of poisoning, common poisoning
  • Symptoms
  • Emergency care
  • Conclusion
Definition Poisoning (intoxication) - is a pathological condition that occurs when a chemical compound (poison) is exposed to the body, causing violations of vital functions and endangering life.


Poisoning (intoxication) - is a pathological condition that occurs when a chemical compound (poison) is exposed to the body, causing violations of vital functions and endangering life.

Types of poisoning: Food poisoning Drug and alcohol poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning Poisoning with pesticides Acid and alkali poisoning Poisoning with household chemicals Animal or vegetable poisoning  The most common poisoning : Food poisoning Drug and alcohol poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning

Types of poisoning:

  • Food poisoning
  • Drug and alcohol poisoning
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Poisoning with pesticides
  • Acid and alkali poisoning
  • Poisoning with household chemicals
  • Animal or vegetable poisoning

The most common poisoning :

  • Food poisoning
  • Drug and alcohol poisoning
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

Drug and alcohol poisoning Vomit Seizures Irregular breathing Cyanosis Low body temperature Loss of consciousness

Drug and alcohol poisoning

  • Vomit
  • Seizures
  • Irregular breathing
  • Cyanosis
  • Low body temperature
  • Loss of consciousness
Carbon monoxide poisoning Headache Nausea Dyspnea Dizziness Loss of consciousness

Carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dyspnea
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
First aid for food poisoning In almost every case, the first step is to wash the stomach. The easiest and most affordable way is to drink plenty of water and irritate the root of the tongue (to induce vomiting). Next, you need to mix 20 grams of sodium sulfate with water and take it orally. The victim is prescribed rest, in the first days after poisoning, try to drink more water and refrain from eating.

First aid for food poisoning

  • In almost every case, the first step is to wash the stomach. The easiest and most affordable way is to drink plenty of water and irritate the root of the tongue (to induce vomiting). Next, you need to mix 20 grams of sodium sulfate with water and take it orally. The victim is prescribed rest, in the first days after poisoning, try to drink more water and refrain from eating.
Emergency care for alcohol and drug poisoning The very first action in case of alcohol poisoning is to call an ambulance. If the victim reacts to external influences, he has a pronounced lethargy in actions and drowsiness, it is necessary to put a cloth moistened with ammonia under his nose and, if possible, rinse the stomach.To flush the stomach, you need to drink plenty of water with the addition of baking soda, at least a liter. Next, stick two fingers into your mouth to induce a gag reflex.Warm up the patient.Give activated charcoal.If the victim does not respond to external stimuli and is in a coma, it is necessary to turn him over on his stomach, in order to avoid getting vomit into the respiratory tract.

Emergency care for alcohol and drug poisoning

  • The very first action in case of alcohol poisoning is to call an ambulance. If the victim reacts to external influences, he has a pronounced lethargy in actions and drowsiness, it is necessary to put a cloth moistened with ammonia under his nose and, if possible, rinse the stomach.To flush the stomach, you need to drink plenty of water with the addition of baking soda, at least a liter. Next, stick two fingers into your mouth to induce a gag reflex.Warm up the patient.Give activated charcoal.If the victim does not respond to external stimuli and is in a coma, it is necessary to turn him over on his stomach, in order to avoid getting vomit into the respiratory tract.
First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning The very first thing to do is to provide the victim with fresh air. Take it outside and put it on your back. Let him breathe freely, if his chest is constrained by clothing, it is necessary to remove it. Make sure the victim is breathing and able to breathe on their own. If breathing is not audible or barely noticeable, artificial respiration is necessary.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

  • The very first thing to do is to provide the victim with fresh air. Take it outside and put it on your back. Let him breathe freely, if his chest is constrained by clothing, it is necessary to remove it. Make sure the victim is breathing and able to breathe on their own. If breathing is not audible or barely noticeable, artificial respiration is necessary.
Important to remember ! In all cases of poisoning, seek medical at tention immediately !!!

Important to remember !

In all cases of poisoning, seek medical at tention immediately !!!

Thank you for attention !

Thank you for attention !


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