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English grammar

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English Grammar for 5 th and 6 th forms. Lesson Plan:Verb Tenses. The past simple/present simple/future simple.

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«English grammar»

Lesson plan




English Date:_______________________ Time: 45 minutes

Rakhat Danikulova


Verb Tenses: Past, Present, Future

Help your English language learners master effective communication with this lesson, which covers the past, present, and future verb tenses. From reading to writing, kids will get the practice they need to communicate.



After this lesson students will be able to:

- identify the verb and tense in a sentence by circling and labeling.

- write a sentence using the past, present, or future tense.

Materials needed:

5 minutes

2 minutes

5 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

3 minutes

5 minutes

Smart board, power point, markers, white board, copybooks.

Verb Tense Chart - Enlarged for you and a copy

for students

Verb Tense Lesson Assessment

Verb Tense Lesson Exit Ticket

Past, Present, Future Sentences handout

The course of the lesson

-Good morning! How are you? I am glad to see you?

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

What season is it now?

What month is it now?

-Let’s begin our lesson. And I want to check up your home task. What was your home task?

-(Students answer)

Warming up:

-Are you tired let’s have some fun.

Let’s do crazy claps. (activity for the whole students)


Start by showing the students the enlarged Verb Tense Chart, with past, present and future simple tense


An action that already took place

Subject + verb + ed


The cat + jump + ed + on the table.

The cat jumped on the table.


An action that is happening right now

Subject + is/are + verb + ing


The cat + is + jump + ing + on the table.

The cat is jumping on the table.


An action that is going to happen

Subject + will + verb


The cat + will + jump + on the table.

The cat will jump on the table.

Tell students to take a moment with their partners and discuss what’s on the chart. This is meant for students to have an opportunity to make observations and discuss things that they might already know and things they don't know.

(Explain that verb tense tells us when an action takes place.)

-Today, we are going to speak about differences between tenses.

The past tense tells what has already happened, the present tense tells us what is happening, and the future tense tells what will happen.

-My dears by the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify the past, present, and future tenses, and write a sentence using a tense.


Demonstrate how to circle and label verb tenses on the whiteboard or projector, using a simple sentence.

Verbalize your thought process through the steps listed below, to model the objective. Write them on the

board as you go, or before starting the lesson, so students can reference the steps with their partners,

and independently.

Stress that writing two additional sentences is important to meet the second objective of the lesson.

Refer to the handout of additional sentences. The handout includes eleven sets of three sentences each,

one for each verb tense. You only need to model this one set.

Model these three sentences on the Verb Tense Assessment Handout:

Mrs. Rakhat is closing her eyes.

Mrs. Rakhat will close her eyes.

Mrs. Rakhat closed her eyes.


Mrs. Rakhat’s Model:

1. Mrs. Rakhat is closing her eyes.

2. Mrs. Rakhat closed her eyes,yesterday.

3. Mrs. Rakhat will close her eyes, tomorrow.

Guided Practice:

1. Ms. Kamila is smiling at her smart students.

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

1. The students learned to write correct sentences yesterday.

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

1. Ms. Pitts will sing the Star Spangled Banner tomorrow morning.

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

1. Benny sharpened all the pencils after school.

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

1. Islam is playing his favorite video game.

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________


Past, Present, Future Sentences

Objective: I can identify the verb and verb tense by circling and labelin

1.Mrs. Danikulova is smiling at her smart students.

She will smile at her students tomorrow.

She smiled at her students yesterday.

2.Alladdin is playing his favorite video game.

He will play his favorite video game after school.

He played his favorite video game last night.

3.Bektur sharpened all the pencils after school.

He will sharpen all the pencils after school.

He is sharpening all the pencils now.

4.The students learned to write correct sentences yesterday.

They are learning to write sentences right now.

They will learn to write sentences tomorrow.

5.The teachers will decorate their bulletin boards tomorrow.

They are decorating their bulletin boards now.

They decorated their bulletin boards over the weekend.

6.Ms. Pitts will sing the star spangled banner tomorrow morning.

She is singing the Star Spangled Banner on the announcements.

She sang the Star Spangled banner yesterday on the announcements.

7.Abraham is studying for his test right now.

He will study for his test tonight at home.

He studied for his test last night.

8.Aruuke will dance to her favorite song at the party.

She danced to her favorite song at the party.

She is dancing to her favorite song at the party.

9.Kamila is painting a picture of Spongebob.

She will paint a picture of Spongebob.

She painted a picture of Spongebob.

Home task:

And now open your daybooks and write down your home task

Your home task will be……………………………………………

Marking: -------------------------------------------------------

Self assessment for students


Let your teacher know:

-I fully understand

-I need more practice

-I don’t understand yet.

Teacher :

Thank you for your job!

The lesson is over. Good-bye!


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