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"English is fun” intellectual game

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  1. To check the knowledge of pupils of English language. To develop the abilities to speak English, creative abilities of pupils. To teach the pupils to be able to discuss, to find expression in any situation.
  2. To teach the pupils,to listen, to make up dialogues and also to read with good pronunciation.
  3. To develop children’s memory, native country, love of arts, music and working.
  4. To teach children to be attentive, kind and polite, to bring up feelings of friendship and respect for the English speaker countries.
  5. To develop pupils’ interest for learning English language, to improve pronunciation skills and abilities;

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«"English is fun” intellectual game»

School 12 after I. Qabylova

The theme: "English is fun” intellectual game

among 5th grades

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To check the knowledge of pupils of English language. To develop the abilities to speak English, creative abilities of pupils. To teach the pupils to be able to discuss, to find expression in any situation.

  2. To teach the pupils,to listen, to make up dialogues and also to read with good pronunciation.

  3. To develop children’s memory, native country, love of arts, music and working.

  4. To teach children to be attentive, kind and polite, to bring up feelings of friendship and respect for the English speaker countries.

  5. To develop pupils’ interest for learning English language, to improve pronunciation skills and abilities;

The objectives of the lesson:

    • Summarize the received knowledge .

    • Broaden the horizons of the students, develop memory, attention.

    • Development of creative abilities.

    • Ability to work in a team (in groups).

    • Development of all kinds of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking, writing).

The type of the lesson: competition lesson

The equipments: computer, interactive board, illustrated pictures, video material.

Greeting of the teams

- Good morning, children. At this competition lesson we are going to repeat everything we have learnt The ABC, grammar materials, about London, work with words and do different activities that you have prepared in groups for us.

Dear children!
Attention, please. If you want to take part in an exciting competition, show us your talents, be ready! Be ready to answer (the more you know, the more points your team will get).

Teams! Prepare all the necessary . Don’t forget to choose captains of your teams, repeat the use of be and have got , verbs, you may need them. Captains, be responsible and try to do everything for your teams to get the most points. 
I wish you success.

So,let’s begin our competition lesson.

The theme of our lesson " English is fun"

-Are you ready?

- Yes ,we are ready!

Main part:

  • The ABC order (writing & speaking);

  • Use am/is/are or have got/has got (writing);

  • Listehing (listening & speaking);

  • Make up words” (reading & speaking);

  • Make up dialogue (speaking);

  • Read and color (reading & drawing);

1-group. «The eagles » 

The moto: «One for all and all for one! »

2-group. «The braves » 

The moto:«Friend in indeed is a friend indeed!»

Let's see who the winner in our competition is. Who has more points?

 Dear friends! Our game is over. Thank you for your work. I hope it was interesting to answer the questions and you could find a lot of new information.

" English is fun” intellectual game

(among 5th grades)

Done by English teacher:

Spanova Sh.A



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