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English lesson. Theme: Vertebrates.

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«English lesson. Theme: Vertebrates.»

Tasks for the 5th grade learners

Учебные задания для учащихся 5 класса

Инструкция: учебное задание может быть отправлено на проверку учителю посредством системы «Мектеп онлайн».


Английский язык


Eyes Open 1

Урок № 25, тема урока

Lesson № 25 Vertebrates.

Цели обучения: - understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics; - understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

Цели урока

• read and learn about vertebrates.

• learn vocabulary to describe animals.

• describe the vertebrates animals.

Порядок действий




Перейдите по ссылке и посмотрите видео: https://youtu.be/faJ13ZBVizY

• Ask: Are all animals the same? Elicit the answer that animals are different and then give students a couple of minutes to think of which categories we can organize animals into, e.g. animals that can fly, animals that haven’t got legs, animals that live in the sea, animals that eat meat, animals that don’t eat meat, etc.

• Ask one member of each group to tell the class that group’s ideas.

Аssessment сriteria:

  • Read and identify the main idea in the text

  • Identify details in a text with little support

  • Read the given fiction or non-fiction text, identify the general information and write.

  • Translate the sentences.

1.Open the textbook at page 22 ex 2. Read the text and translate orally.

1. Birds.

2. Fish.

3. Mammals.

4. Reptiles.

5. Amphibians.


- Good morning, students! How are you today? Доброе утро учащиеся! Как у вас сегодня дела?

Today we will read and learn about vertebrates, learn vocabulary to describe animals, describe the vertebrates animals. Сегодня мы изучим как описывать позвоночных животных.

Study new words:

Vertebrates - позвоночные

Backbones - позвоночник

Mammals – млекопитающие

Reptiles – рептилии

Amphibians – земноводные

Gills – жабры

Fins –плавники

Fur – мех

Lungs – легкие

Smooth skin – гладкая кожа

Tadpole – головастик

Scales - чешуи

To hatch - вылупиться



1. Writing task./ Письменное задание. (Пишите полностью предложения.)

P. 22, ex.3. Read and write the correct statements.

1. Their young are born from eggs.

2. Their young from inside their bodies.

3. They haven’t got lungs.

4. They haven’t got arms or legs.

5. They’ve got skin, fur or feathers.

6. They don’t live on land.

7. They can live in water and on land.

7 баллов

2. Writing task./ Письменное задание. (Перевод запишите письменно)

1. Baby chicks are born or “hatch” from eggs.

2. Some mammals live in water but they breather with lungs out of water.

3. Adult amphibians have got lungs and they can live on land or in water.

3 балла

Total: 10 points /Итого: 10 баллов.

Feedback/ Обратная связь:

Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?


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