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Эссе на тему: "Очаг мой, Дагестан"

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I would like to tell you about my homeland, about Dagestan. I could tell you long stories or poems about that beautiful land, but I need to write only a short essay, so let’s consider some facts about this place in the earth, which can be called the pearl.

Dagestan is one of the republics of the Russian Federation. It is the one which is the most southern in the North-Caucasian Region! The capital of my country is Makhachkala. It is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the south of Russia.

The name of my beautiful country comes from the word “mountains”, “Dagestan” means the land of mountains, and it’s really so!

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«Эссе на тему: "Очаг мой, Дагестан"»

Республиканский конкурс творческих работ на английском языке среди учащихся 7-11 классов «Мой горный край»


«Эссе на тему «Очаг мой, Дагестан» среди учащихся 10-11 классов»

Автор работы: Омарова Эльмира,

ученица 11 «а» класса

МКОУ «Эминхюрская СОШ»

Руководитель работы:

Имамова Назима Бинямудиновна,

учитель английского языка

МКОУ «Эминхюрская СОШ»

Декабрь, 2016г.

I would like to tell you about my homeland, about Dagestan. I could tell you long stories or poems about that beautiful land, but I need to write only a short essay, so let’s consider some facts about this place in the earth, which can be called the pearl.

Dagestan is one of the republics of the Russian Federation. It is the one which is the most southern in the North-Caucasian Region! The capital of my country is Makhachkala. It is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the south of Russia.

The name of my beautiful country comes from the word “mountains”, “Dagestan” means the land of mountains, and it’s really so!

Dagestan is situated above the coast of the most beautiful sea of the world – of the Caspian Sea. There are many rivers – Terek, Sulak, Samur and others, which bring their waters to the sea.

Dagestan is rich in historical and cultural monuments. There are over 8 000 monuments in Dagestan that are under federal protection. Some of them are truly unique ones as the 7th century Naryn-Kala fortress. This is inexpressible sense when you fell the time going back, when you can imagine the original view of the place.
Dagestan is the land, where many-many nations live together. It is the most poly-national in the world – Lezgins, Tabasarans, Avars, and, of course, Russians, live there together for many long centuries.

Summarizing, I want to invite everybody to visit my Dagestan, the pearl of the Caspian’s countries!


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