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Эссе (подборка сочинений для учащихся 11 классов) "за и против"

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22 готовых Эссе (10- 11 класс) по экзаменационным темам.

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«Эссе (подборка сочинений для учащихся 11 классов) "за и против"»

В данной работе предлагаются 22 готовые темы эссе «за и против» (ЕГЭ)

(объем 200-250 слов)+/- 10;%

1.The best time is that spent with family and friends 250

1.It is generally agreed today that the time spent with close people is the greatest time, while others believe that the most excellent time is the time spent without them. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue 41

As far as I concerned, The best time is the time people spend with their family and friends. Firstly, the family and friends are people we spend the most time with. I love my relatives a lot. They always support me and can give advise. Secondly, they are the people who care about us most, do their best to make us happy and surprise us.
Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. Some people like to be alone. They like to travel, to have their hobbies, to build career and many other things. If he travels alone, he can decide which place to visit, spend all the vacation on the beach or go sightseeing. Doing things he likes and chooses himself is the best time a person can have.

4.I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. I am convinced that the best time people have is the time with their family and friends. Personally I appreciate the time I spend with my family and friends. They are the most important people in my life.

5Taking all these into account I support the opinion that I would like to say that the best time is the time spent with close people.

2.The best way to lose weight is following a diet. 225

1.It is generally agreed today that the problem of losing weight is one of the most discussing issues in the modern world. Some people believe that it is necessary to follow a diet to be slim, while others claim that people should eat all they want.

As far as I concerned, it is very important to get rid of unhealthy food habits in order to become thin. Firstly, scientists has proved that our weightdepends on what we regularly eat. Secondly, in the modern world there are a lot of examples of people who have lost their weight after they starteddieting. Moreover, number of people suffering from obesity is increasing year after year. Many of them admit that they have bad eating habits.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that people's weight does not depend on their eating habits, claiming that our family has a much greater influence on it than our lifestyle.

4.I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. The last scientific researches have shown lack of the influence of our genes on the weight.

5Taking all these into account I support the opinion that overweight people will be able to understand the importance of dieiting. Yet, I must admit that we should not restrict ourselves too much but we must control what we eat.

3. Fast food has a bad effect on our health 226

1. The question whether Fast food has a bad effect on our health is highly debated. Fast food is very popular, especially among teenagers. Nevertheless, nutritionists consider that fast food should be banned. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

2. As far as I concerned, fast food does much harm to people’s health. Firstly, such food is low in protein, vitamins and minerals. Secondly, fast food contains a lot of cholesterol. Thirdly, fast food is high in fat, sugar and calories and full of chemical additives. Мany fast food lovers suffer from diabetes, cancer and tooth decay (кариес)

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that fast food can be prepared and served very quickly, so going to fast food restaurants helps to save time and money. Moreover, It is tasty and cheap.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that those who like it are facing a serious problem threatening their health. They may become overweight or obese, which can lead to heart disorders and other health problems.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that the food choices we make every day affect our health. We should avoid food that is rich in cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and saturated fats. If we want to stay healthy and to be in good shape, we should choose healthy, balanced  meals.

4. Having a hobby is important for everyone 222

1.It`s generally agreed today that Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. However, there are people who believe that it is not necessary to have a hobby. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue 53
2.As far as I concerned, one of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. Firstly, You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul. Secondly, a hobby helps us relax when we are tired or feel stressed. Thirdly, hobbies can help you meet new people. 106

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that hobbies are a waste of time. For them it`s better to focus on their work and their professional skills development than hobbies. 143
4.I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious Hobbies teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge . Moreover, it is possible to turn your hobby into a successful career. 186
5Taking all these into account I support the opinion that hobbies can give us lots of positive feelings, pleasure, energy and happiness. and it's up to you to decide whether to have a hobby or not.

5. Computers cannot replace people .(222)

Of course Computers serve people’s needs and their number is growing in different spheres of human activities. However, It`s generally agreed today that teachers can not be replaced by computers. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, teachers will not be displaced by computers. I would like to support my point of view.Firstly, computers will not be able to cope with the psychological aspect of teaching. Only human beings can build an emotional connection with each other. Secondly, the quality of classes by computers will be very low. Computers will teach according to the programmes, but they cannot find an individual approach to a student.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that in the digital age computers can replace teachers because this replacement will save money for governments – computers do not need a salary.

4.I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that computers do not need a salary but IT specialists who maintain machines will cost even more for governments than teachers.

5Taking all these into account I support the opinion that teachers cannot be replaced by computers because computers lack emotions and they are not able to react to many types of changing situations in the classroom)

6. Distance learning is the best form of education (208)

The question whether Distance learning is the best form of education is highly debated.

Some people think that e-learning offers the best process of studying. Others believe that e-learning is not the most beneficial method of education. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, online classes is the best method of learning. Firstly, having classes from home saves time. Students do not need to travel to and from schools and universities as they do when they have traditional classes. Secondly, online learning allows students to continue their studies during a pandemic, when all schools, colleges and universities are closed. They cannot have real classes with tutors too, otherwise they can get infected.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that distance learning is not the best form of education because it is boring. People do not have real life interactions when they study online.

I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that people communicate a lot when they meet friends and relatives, when they go out or play sport. In addition, when people study they have to concentrate on learning, not on socializing.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that distance learning is the best form of education. It is better than traditional education or individual classes with a tutor at home.

7. Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation (220)

1..The question whether Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation is highly debated. Some people think that digital literacy is necessary for professional success. Others, on the contrary, have an opposite opinion. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

2. As far as I concerned, digital literacy is really important for success in any profession and I have some reasons to support my point of view.
Firstly, computers save time. Now people can do their job easily since there is a wide range of helpful computer programs. Secondly, it is much more conveniently and faster to communicate with the colleagues sending them e-mails than text messages.

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that digital literacy is useless for some professions. For ex doctors and teachers who do not often work with computers, so IT skills are not important for them.
4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that people who work in schools or hospitals have to use computers every day to find out information and chat with colleagues.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that digital literacy is necessary for us to be successful in any occupation. It will help us to succeed in career and in our life in general.

8. Robots will soon replace people in all jobs (219)

1.The question whether Robots will soon replace people in all jobs is highly debated. Some people think that all jobs will be automated shortly, while others believe that many things can be done only by humans. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

2. As far as I concerned, there are still many spheres that will not be affected by artificial intelligence soon. Firstly, we are talking about professions that include skills such as creativity, adaptability and others. Secondly, the robotics revolution will creat new opportunities and jobs. 79

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that machines can handle( справляться, выполнять) any routine that people find exhausting , dirty or even dangerous, especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Besides, robots can work efficiently twenty-four-seven without holidays and complaints, producing more results.126

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that Any job, even a repetitive one, should be accurately engineered, organised and controlled. So, humans and robots create a synergy that would allow these processes to remain smooth. Eventually, a machine breaks down, or software can hang up.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that despite contrasting views on whether robots replace people in all activities, I am convinced that humans will only benefit from cooperation with machines, especially in such an area as medicine.

9. Love makes a person happy (200)

1.The question whether Love makes a person happy is highly debated. Of course, Love plays an important role in our life.
Some people want to love and be loved but others claim that and love brings only problems. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

2As far as I concerned, I absolutely agree with the statement, that love is important in our life. Firstly, love is a wonderful feeling that each person can experience. Secondly, when you are in love you get a lot of positive emotions.

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that love brings only unhappiness. I mean the consequences of the relationship, especially relationships between teenagers. Someone can stay alone or to fall into depression and ends with suicide

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that people cannot exist without love. This feeling keeps people together and cannot cause depression or suicide and a person who loves you is always ready to help you in any troubles.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that love is really beautiful feeling and it is important to have someone whom you love and who loves you in return.

10. Is it a good idea for teenagers to have a part-time jobs while they are still in school? (230)

1.The question of a student's part-time job in his spare time is highly debated.

A lot of people think that there are more advantages than disadvantages while others claim it is challenging for young people. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

2. As far as I concerned, having a part-time job is one of the best ways to spend time valuable. Firstly, part-time jobs offer teenagers opportunities to earn money, get new experience and some essential skills that will benefit them while choosing a future career. Secondly, a person is responsible enough and correctly manage his time.

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that it is no good for teenagers. First of all, it will be hard finding decent work (достойная работа) for teenagers because employers often think that young people could not even follow the instructions and be on time. Moreover, parents can give their children pocket money.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that teenagers should start their career from easy jobs like babysitting, newspaper carriers or consultant in a local shop. Besides, their savings (сбережения) can help parents.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that getting a part-time job for young adults is usually a great and productive experience as it makes teenagers more confident and responsible. They can gain independence, manage while still at school.

11. Friendship is the greatest gift of life. (227)

The question whether friendship is the greatest gift of life is highly debated. Some people say that having a friend is the best thing a person can have, while other believe that there are other great things and having friends is not one of them. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue. 56

2. As far as I concerned, I absolutely agree that friendship is one of the most valuable things in our lives. Firstly, It's always difficult to deal with difficulties alone, so it's important to have someone you can rely on or just ask for advice. Secondly, a true friend will always protect you  and keep secret. 111
3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that friendship takes a lot of time. To keep a friendship one must always find time for his friends. Moreover, friends can lie and betray you. 151

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that true friend cannot betray because real friends are people who trust and support each other. 181

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that a person is happy and satisfied when he can share his good and bad days, when he can talk about everything and he has someone to rely on. It’s also important to be a good friend.

12. Damage to the environment is the biggest problem facing the world (212)

1.It`s generally agreed today that Environmental damage is the biggest problem facing the world. Some people think that environmental problems are the most dangerous whereas others don’t agree.   In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue .

As far as I concerned our environment is becoming worse with every passing day and environmental catastrophe is the biggest threat. . Firstly, global warming can bring us a lot of troubles. If the ice melts, a lot of countries will be flooded. Secondly, Ozone holes can cause the death of a lot of lands. Also bad food, air and water can be the reason of various diseases.

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that there are more significant problems, such as lack of food and nuclear war can be even more dangerous.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that these threats can kill our planet. Nevertheless, they are easier to control than environmental problems.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that every environmental problem is related to our human lifestyle. We have got only one planet to live on, and we must save it.

13. Children should be required to help with household tasks. (247)

1.It is generally agreed today that children should have some responsibilities around the house. However, there are those who are sure that children should not have to do household duties. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, I am sure that teenagers must help to their parents with household chores. Firstly, when teenager help parents with chores, they gain important skills as discipline and responsibility. Secondly, when a teenage helps his parents cleaning the house or doing other household chores, they are preparing for adult life. Children should take care about their parents.

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that teenagers are small to do household chores. Moreover, children simply do not have time to help about the house because of their homework. School takes a lot of time.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that they get tired at school .But household chores do not take much time. Moreover, they risk being left alone for life due to a lack of housekeeping skills.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion I believe that teenagers must help to their parents with household chores.

These works allow them to know their responsibilities in running a family, helps them have a good preparation for their future and it is also a way of expressing their love and sharing difficulties with their parents.

14. It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment. (251)

1.It is generally agreed today that government should protect condition of environment. However, there are those who are sure that ordinary people can solve the environmental problems themselves. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, ordinary people play a main role in environmental preservation. Firstly, they organize organisations to protect and improve the environment. . The most famous among them is “GreenPeace” founded by ordinary people. Secondly, nobody will protect the place where we were born except us. If we don’t litter, we will not only protect ground from pollution, but we will show a good example for a young generation.

3. Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that government is responsible for our nature. This can force people to take part in the cleaning of territories, and this creates laws that ensure careful treatment of people and their duties.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that a great number of those people who never participate in such events and ignore laws. Moreover, even after government’s cleaning of a river such people go on dropping litter into the river and leave rubbish near the it in spite of the signs and posters.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that only men can preserve the environment. They are organic unity, which can prevent air and water pollution and leave a clean green planet after them.

15. Some people believe that the career which young choose should please their parents. (212)

Nowadays it is very difficult for young people to choose the career Some people believe that parents should be happy with their children's choices, while others believe that parents do not have to be happy with their children's work. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned ,young people should choose the career by themselves. Firstly, only children know their interests. Teenagers feel what they really want and like. Secondly, if young people choose the career not taking into account parent’s opinion, they will not blame somebody for their fail in case their choice is wrong.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that parents are more experienced, so it would be easier for them to make a right career choice for their children.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that parents often want children to do something they did not achieve in their childhood. So, it will not be children’s choice.

5. Taking all these into account I support the opinion that choosing a career is children’s business. Although, I must admit that teenagers should not completely ignore parent’s opinion. Instead, adults should remember about children’s own dreams.

16. Some of my friends say there is nothing better than reading a good book while others would rather watch its films version (212)

1.It is generally agreed today that people are getting more and more concerned about screen versions of books. Some of them claim that there is nothing better than reading an original. However, there are those who is in favor of its film version.

As far as I concerned , the written version has a clear advantage . Firstly, a book has more important details that help you to understand the character and the motivation of his actions better. Secondly, while reading a book you can make notes to, for example, remember some inspirational quotes.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that it takes less time to watch an adaptation of a novel then read the whole text. Moreover, watching a film helps to understand the main idea of the book which it based on easily.

4. I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that a book can be breathtaking that you will read it in one day. Moreover, reading improves your imagination. Finally, a lot of books you can also read online just for free.

5. books develop our imagination and intellect and have more complete story than their film versions do.

17. Only people who earn a lot of money are successful  ( 214)

The question whether people who earn a lot of money are successful is highly debated. Some people believe that people are successful if they are wealthy. Other think that people can be successful without money. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue 46

As far as I concerned, earning a lot of money is not the key of being successful. Firstly, Only people who want to achieve goals and gain good knowledge succeed, because self-development is very important for people now. Secondly, rich people are often unhappy, because all people around them want to be their friends because of their money. 

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that only money can make you happy because you can buy expensive things and gadgets , look more attractive and travel around the world. Moreover, rich people have different opportunities in life.
I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that money is always needed, but you can't buy health with it. Furthermore, money spoils people and leads to a bad end.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that self-improvement is the key of success. It would be better to achieve success in family, friendship and self-education.

18. Some people think that in the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be on line with home delivery. (247)

It is generally agreed today that online shopping is becoming more and more popular. So, many people believe that traditional shopping will disappear soon. However, a group of opponents disagree with this statement. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, traditional shops will really soon disappear. Firstly, online shopping with home delivering makes people’s life easier because it economizes their time. It is really convenient for busy people who do not have any time to spend hours on shopping. Secondly, a person can order goods from different countries , and they do not need to go there. It economizes their money.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They consider that online shopping will not be able to substitute traditional shopping because very often it helps to reduce the stress. A number of people, especially women, calm down while shopping.

I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that there are different ways to become calmer. For instance, to go to the museum, or to breathe fresh air, or to read a good book. Moreover, shopping is a very expensive way to calm down.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that the majority of people will prefer online shopping in the future because it has many advantages.

Of course tastes are different and It is up to a personality to decide which way of shopping to choose.

19. Some people think that extreme sports help to build character. (218)

The question whether character is built with extreme sports is highly debated. There are two opposite points of view. Some people think that such activities steel your character, others think it does not. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, extreme sports can really help to build character. Firstly, they are dangerous and require a good physical shape and courage. Secondly, they regularly work on their self-regulation and discipline, fight their fears and gain experiences outside the comfort zone. Moreover it helps to cope with everyday stresses.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They consider that extreme sports are just another kind of entertainment, which also can cause injures and even death. Extreme sports are addictive. They make people their slaves.

I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that Extreme sports are still a leisure activity as traditional sports, despite of the high risks to be injured or die. And as any sport they affect positively on personality, physical and mental health.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that extreme sports are an important part of modern life when the danger is minimized. Practising extreme sports nowadays is a real help in building character.

20. Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money. (224)

It is generally agreed today that learning foreign languages is an important part of live for everyone. Nowadays people spend a lot of money on it.
But not all people share my point of view. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, learning foreign languages has plenty of benefits. Firstly, it opens up new horizons in your career. Secondly, foreign languages can improve our memory because we need to learn a lot of words, expressions and texts in a short period. Moreover this will improve the understanding of culture because a person can read books and poems in the original and also see films.
Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They consider that it is a waste of time and money because it is really difficult to speak and write on foreign languages fluently. There are online translators and the electronic translator will do it for you.
I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that electronic translators will not be able to help in live communication.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that knowledge of foreign languages could be very useful in different ways. Of course, it requires a lot of time, effort and money, but it is worth it

21. The plane is the most convenient means of travel. (258)

It is generally agreed today that travelling by air is the best way of transferring. Over the past few years, people have begun to travel to places they would only have dreamt of visiting fifty years ago, thanks to the possibilities offered by air travel. But not all people share my point of view. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, travelling by plane is a necessity when you plan a long distance trip. Firstly, it can help you to save your time. You can spend your time doing your favourite activity such as watching a film or listening to music. Secondly, this way of travelling is the most convenient, because of easy process of making arrangements. There is no need to stay in in a queue, you can book tickets in advance by phone or on the Internet.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They consider that travelling by plane can be a nightmare, with airport delays, turbulence and trip is very dangerous. Moreover not everyone can afford high price tickets. And the most important many people are afraid of heights and suffer from air sickness.

I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that air travel will always remain popular. Its speed, comfort and convenience are hard to beat.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion any transport is dangerous in its own way. But air travel will always remain popular. Its speed, comfort and convenience.

22. Distance learning can fully replace traditional classroom learning (208)

The question whether distance learning is the best form of education is highly debated.

Some people think that e-learning offers the best process of studying. Others believe that e-learning is not the most beneficial method of education. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue

As far as I concerned, doing courses on the Internet has become very popular nowadays .Firstly, having classes from home saves time. Students do not need to travel to and from schools and universities as they do when they have traditional classes. Secondly, it allows students to work without distractions from others and at their own pace.

Nevertheless, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that distance learning is not the best form of education because it is boring. People do not have real life interactions when they study online.

I am afraid I cannot fully agree with all these people. It is obvious that people communicate a lot when they meet friends and relatives, when they go out or play sport. In addition, when people study they have to concentrate on learning, not on communication.

Taking all these into account I support the opinion that distance learning is the best form of education. It is better than traditional classroom learning or individual classes with a tutor at home.


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