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Эссе "Профессия учителя"

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Эссе на тему "Профессия учителя". Моё мнение

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«Эссе "Профессия учителя"»

The Teacher’s Profession

One of the most important decisions in life is the choice of a profession. This problem is compounded by the fact that it is necessary to solve it very early, still not at a completely conscious age. The graduates of schools, in addition to their loads of the study of subjects and passing exams, should determine accurately their future profession.

The right choice in the modern world is becoming increasingly difficult. A great number of new and prestigious professions appear, more knowledge is required to implement one’s plans for his (her) future life. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the individual. For many professions the character and natural gifts are not less important.

Since childhood I have dreamed of becoming a teacher.

I understand that the noble and time-consuming work of a teacher is not highly valued in the country, salaries are small, the environment at work is far from being favourable and the profession requires constant dedication. But I believe that doing things you love, and not just making a career, can bring excellent results. There are a lot of examples of the teachers who have become known for their work. I have read many books and watched a lot of movies about this fascinating, generous and interesting job. I think that the life of a society and a country as a whole, depend on the teachers, the quality of their work, their skills and commitment. A good teacher must possess many qualities: to be creative, hard -working, self-restrained, able to solve problems and make the right decisions.

While studying at school I have realized that teachers are different. Some of them have taken this job by mistake, without estimating their strengths and character. As a result, they fail to achieve good results in the work, and they ruin the life not only of themselves but also of other people, especially children. This is a very sad mistake which is sometimes difficult to correct. I believe that a teacher should have a talent, as well as an actor, writer or a doctor. Before you decide on a profession and make it enjoyable, not a punishment for you, you need to listen to the advice of authoritative people, psychologists, good teachers. You need to observe the work from the "inside" and assess your abilities. I know that some prestigious and highly paid professions can become a heavy burden for many young people. Moreover, opting for the most common and not fashionable jobs, you can achieve very good results and get real satisfaction, and sometimes the purpose of your life. I hope that I will succeed and I will never be disappointed about my choice.


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