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Эссе "Kazakhstan: the Unity History of Great Country"

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Atapkelov Zhanbolat Begaristanuly

Zhanaozen School - Gymnasium

Grade 11A

Mangistau region


Kazakhstan: the Unity History of Great Country

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts …. How old am I? I am eighteen years old. And my independent country Kazakhstan is six years older than me. If we look through at the history of my country it goes back to the stone epoch. At various stages of the history the territory of Kazakhstan is interested in with neighbouring countries . It was attacked by Dzungars in the East, by Kalmaks in the North and by Mongols in all side of my country. But our ancestors were very brave and protected our huge land from those warriors. I should acknowledge from the start that throughout human history, nomads, semi-nomads and shepherds were skilled metallurgists and excellent horsemen. That’s why they saved our land for future generation.

The question I need to answer is how we gained our Independence. My view is that in the history of Kazakhstan there were a lot rises and falls, wins and losses. Our ancestors dreamed about their freedom and independence. Their dream came true only after falling of the USSR. There were many other bitter pages in the history of our nation. Our spiritual unity doesn’t just subject to hard test. The next thing was the colonial policy of the Russian Empire, where we have almost lost our native language, customs and traditions.

There is more important thing happened in 1986, hundreds of young people made the protest against the blatant flouting of basic civil rights. Youth expressed their disagreement with the decision of the Upper, when the question of management of Kazakhstan was resolved.

 I think it’s terrible that we couldn’t manage our native land. The Youth of our country thought that every nation must lead their country themselves. And they demanded the Independent Policy. The Independence was given us with a great hardness. There is a Kazakh proverb which is best fit to that situation «Жылама?ан бала?а емшек жо?», in English “No pain, no gain”.

The sixteenth of December in 1991 was the great date for all Kazakh people.

 The Kazakhstan joined the world community such a new independent country.  Since that 24 years have passed and what we have got, what we are doing, where we are going and where we will be in 2050…

We must remember that by means the Country’s Constitution the youth of Kazakhstan have to access dreams of our ancestors to become literate.

Today a lot of things are being done for the young people. We can study where we want, we can learn every language we want. Three-side unity languages policy is well-adopted that’s why personally, I'm going to be literate well-brought person, who serves for the benefit of my country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Now we are – the people of Kazakhstan should not stop there, and to carry out the main aim: "Enter the list of 50 most developed countries of the world. As I see we are now on the 61st place. Our state is getting better and better developed thanks to our President Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishuly. I believe that Kazakhstan will cope with all the problems which only come across its way, because we are all people living on the territory of Kazakhstan are unified for peace and gloriousness of our country cheek by jowl.

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«Эссе "Kazakhstan: the Unity History of Great Country"»

Atapkelov Zhanbolat Begaristanuly

Zhanaozen School - Gymnasium

Grade 11A

Mangistau region

Kazakhstan: the Unity History of Great Country

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts …. How old am I? I am eighteen years old. And my independent country Kazakhstan is six years older than me. If we look through at the history of my country it goes back to the stone epoch. At various stages of the history the territory of Kazakhstan is interested in with neighbouring countries . It was attacked by Dzungars in the East, by Kalmaks in the North and by Mongols in all side of my country. But our ancestors were very brave and protected our huge land from those warriors. I should acknowledge from the start that throughout human history, nomads, semi-nomads and shepherds were skilled metallurgists and excellent horsemen. That’s why they saved our land for future generation.

The question I need to answer is how we gained our Independence. My view is that in the history of Kazakhstan there were a lot rises and falls, wins and losses. Our ancestors dreamed about their freedom and independence. Their dream came true only after falling of the USSR. There were many other bitter pages in the history of our nation. Our spiritual unity doesn’t just subject to hard test. The next thing was the colonial policy of the Russian Empire, where we have almost lost our native language, customs and traditions.

There is more important thing happened in 1986, hundreds of young people made the protest against the blatant flouting of basic civil rights. Youth expressed their disagreement with the decision of the Upper, when the question of management of Kazakhstan was resolved.

I think it’s terrible that we couldn’t manage our native land. The Youth of our country thought that every nation must lead their country themselves. And they demanded the Independent Policy. The Independence was given us with a great hardness. There is a Kazakh proverb which is best fit to that situation «Жыламаған балаға емшек жоқ», in English “No pain, no gain”.

The sixteenth of December in 1991 was the great date for all Kazakh people.

The Kazakhstan joined the world community such a new independent country. Since that 24 years have passed and what we have got, what we are doing, where we are going and where we will be in 2050…

We must remember that by means the Country’s Constitution the youth of Kazakhstan have to access dreams of our ancestors to become literate.

Today a lot of things are being done for the young people. We can study where we want, we can learn every language we want. Three-side unity languages policy is well-adopted that’s why personally, I'm going to be literate well-brought person, who serves for the benefit of my country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Now we are – the people of Kazakhstan should not stop there, and to carry out the main aim: "Enter the list of 50 most developed countries of the world. As I see we are now on the 61st place. Our state is getting better and better developed thanks to our President Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishuly. I believe that Kazakhstan will cope with all the problems which only come across its way, because we are all people living on the territory of Kazakhstan are unified for peace and gloriousness of our country cheek by jowl.


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