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Famous people Michail Lomonosov

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«Famous people Michail Lomonosov»

Famous people

Michail Lomonosov

Mikhail Lomonosov was born in Arkhangelogorodskaya province in 1711. He was born in a rich family. His parents were Vasiliy and Helen Lomonosov. His father was a very kind person but his mother died when Mikhail was 9. The third wife of Vasiliy Lomonosov was an angry stepmother for Mikhail who was looking after him when he was 13 years old.

Mikhail loved education. He studied very well. His first teacher was Mr. Sabelnikov. At the age of fourteen he wrote without mistakes.

It was impossible to live with his stepmother , that’s why he decided to go to Moscow. He went to Moscow on foot with fishermen. It took him three weeks. In July 25 1745 when Lomonosov was 34, the title of Professor was awarded to him. He was a great scientist. He made a lot of discoveries in physics and chemistry.

In 1736, he married Elizavetta-Christina. They had three children.

He died in 1765 when he was 54 years old.


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