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«Флоренс Найтингейл - основательница профессии медсестры»

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««Флоренс Найтингейл - основательница профессии медсестры»»

2. Задания

Специальность: 34.02.01 Сестринское дело

Дисциплина: «Иностранный язык»

Второй курс, второй семестр

Тема: «Флоренс Найтингейл - основательница профессии медсестры»

1. Let us practice some words referring to our topic, name and write them down, please.

1.     founder

2.     take an interest

3.     sick

4.     poor

5.     take care of

6.     training

7.     private hospital

8.     medical supplies

9.     drain

10. improvement

11. condition

12. properly

13. health care

14. selfless service

15. impact

16. devoted





заботиться, ухаживать

обучение, курсы

частная больница


водосток, сливная труба


условие, состояние

должным образом, правильно

медицинская помощь, сфера здравоохранения

самоотверженный труд

влиять, оказывать влияние

посвященный, преданный


2. Find in the text words and expressions, connected with health and medicine.

3. Find the verbs in the Past Simple and translate them.

Florence Nightingale - The founder of modern nursing.

Florence made lots of improvements to the hospital in Scutari. She cleaned the drains, sorted out a supply of drinking water, filled the hospital stores with clean sheets and bandages, set up a nursing timetable and made sure that the soldiers were well fed and cared for. The soldiers called her the ‘Lady with the Lamp’ because she used to walk the hospital wards at night to check on her patients.

The Crimean War ended in 1856 and Florence returned to England. Now she was a national heroine. At her own expense, she installed a white marble cross in the Crimea on a mountain above Balaklava in memory of the victims of the Crimean War.

In 1859 Florence Nightingale wrote a book about caring for the sick called Notes on Nursing. She believed that all nurses should be properly trained, and in 1860 she set up the Nightingale Training School for nurses in London. Florence carried on writing reports about ways to improve health care and to develop the nursing profession and to organize it into its modern form.

Florence Nightingale died in 1910, aged 90. Her selfless service and professionalizing in nursing impacted positively upon the lives of millions of people. The work of the Nightingale School of Nursing continues today. Her book is still used at schools and considered as a classic introduction to nursing. In 1912, the International Federation of Red Cross established a medal named "For true charity and concern for people that cause admiration of all mankind". This award is the most honorable for the sisters of mercy anywhere in the world. There is a Florence Nightingale Museum in London and The International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday each year.

4. Answer the questions:

1.       Who was Florence Nightingale?

2.       Where was she born?

3.       Was her family poor?

4.       Did her parents agree with her wish to become a nurse?

5.       Where did she train to be a nurse?

6.       During what war did she help the soldiers?


5. Put the following sentences in the correct order according to the text:

a)   She became a famous person at home.

b)  She established Nightingale Training School in London.

c)   In 1851 she went to Germany and completed a nursing training.

d)  Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820.

e)   She died in 1910.

f)    Her parents were upset and angry when she told them that she wanted to become a nurse.

g)  She helped soldiers during the Crimean war.

h)  Florence wrote a book on nursing.

6. Are the following sentences true or false? Correct if necessary.

1) In her early years Florence realized that she wanted to help sick animals.

2) Her family was against her decision.

3) Florence finished nursing training in Italy.

4) Florence helped soldiers during the Second World War.

5) After the war she became a celebrity in Britain.

6) Florence established a training school for doctors.

7) She died when she was 80.

7. What adjectives describe Florence’s personality better? Choose and translate them in Russian. Should a nurse have the same character features?















Brilliant organizer







8. Video. Далее студенты просматривают видеофрагмент, по окончании которого дают ответ на поставленный в нем вопрос – What nursing problems did Florence Nightingale face?

9. Тест для итогового контроля знаний.

1. Florence Nightingale was born…

a) to a poor family

b) to a working class family

c) to a rich family


2. She wanted to become…

a) a soldier

b) a doctor

c) a nurse


3. The Crimean War began…

a) in 1828

b) in 1854

c) in 1919


4. Florence Nightingale decided to go to Crimea…

a) to fight

b) to look after the patients

c) to live in filthy conditions


5. The hospitals were …

a) crowded and dirty

b) big and new

c) crowded but ventilated


6. Florence Nightingale became known as “the Lady with the Lamp” …

a) for her dedication to Crimea

b) for carrying a lamp

c) for caring for her patients


7. News of her hard work filtered back to London and she became…

a) rich

b) famous

c) a doctor


8. After the war she wrote a book…

a) about the Crimea War

b) on nursing

c) about her family


9. During all the life Florence developed and improved…

a) nursing profession

b) rules of hygiene

c) educational standards


10. The Museum of Florence Nightingale is in…

a) New York

b) London

c) Florence

Эталоны ответов.

2. Find in the text words and expressions, connected with health and medicine.

Sick, take care of, nurse, hospital, ill, doctors, medical supplies, bandages, ward, patients, health care

3. Find the verbs in the Past Simple and translate them.

Made, cleaned, sorted, filled, set up, called, used, ended, returned, was, installed, wrote, believed, trained, carried on, died, used, established

4. Answer the questions.

1. Florence Nightingale was a sister of mercy.

2.       She was born in Florence in Italy.

3.       No, her family was very rich.

4.       No, her parents didn’t agree with her wish to become a nurse.

5.       She trained to be a nurse in Germany.

6.       She started to help the soldiers during the Crimean war.

5. Put the following sentences in the correct order according to the text:

a)       - 5. She became a famous person at home.

b)      - 7. She established Nightingale Training School in London.

c)       - 3. In 1851 she went to Germany and completed a nursing training.

d)      - 1. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820.

e)       - 8. She died in 1910.

f)        - 2. Her parents were upset and angry when she told them that she wanted to become a nurse.

g)      - 4. She helped soldiers during the Crimean war.

h)      - 6. Florence wrote a book on nursing.

6. Are the following sentences true or false? Correct if necessary.

1) False - In her early years Florence realized that she wanted to help sick people.

2) True.

3) False. - Florence finished nursing training in Germany.

4) False. - Florence helped soldiers during the Crimean War.

5) True.

6) False. - Florence established a training school for nurses.

7) False. - She died when she was 90.

7. What adjectives describe Florence’s personality better? Choose and translate them in Russian. Should a nurse have the same character features?

Helpful – готовый помочь

Kind – добрый

Clever – умный

Determined – целеустремленный

Compassionate – сочувствующий

Hardworking – трудолюбивый

Attentive – внимательный

Caring – заботливый

Brilliant organizer – отличный организатор

Ambitious - амбициозный

Sympathetic – отзывчивый

Courageous – смелый, отважный

Sociable – общительный

8. Video. Далее студенты просматривают видеофрагмент, по окончании которого дают ответ на поставленный в нем вопрос – What nursing problems did Florence Nightingale face?

During her work Florence faced following problems:

- filthy hospitals

- insanitary conditions

- illnesses and diseases

- not enough nurse

- not enough medical attention for patients

- working long hours

9. Эталоны ответов к тесту:

1)    с

2)    с

3)    b

4)    b

5)    a

6)       c

7)       b

8)       b

9)       a

10)   b


Критерии оценки:

Оценка «5» (отлично) ставиться, если:

1. Материал усвоен в объеме, определенном Государственным образовательным стандартом, изложен логично в соответствии с нормами литературной речи.

2. Даются правильные формулировки, точные определения понятий, терминов, обнаруживается полное понимание и обоснование ответа.

  1. Студент правильно отвечает на вопросы преподавателя.

  2. Свободно владеет речью, медицинской терминологией.

  3. Допустимы одна – две несущественные ошибки, которые студенты исправляют самостоятельно.

Оценка «4» (хорошо) ставиться, если:

  1. Ответ студента в основном удовлетворяет названным выше требованиям, однако требуется некоторая помощь преподавателя.

  2. Студент знает и понимает положения данной темы, но допускаются некоторые неточности и несущественные ошибки, которые исправляются после замечаний

  3. Студент излагает материал недостаточно последовательно, выводы доказательны, но содержат отдельные неточности.

  4. Работа может иметь незначительные отклонения от предъявляемых требований, но студент сам устраняет допущенные ошибки.

Оценка «3» (удовлетворительно) ставиться, если:

  1. Студент недостаточно знает и понимает основные положения данной темы, допускает ошибки, неточности.

  2. Излагает материал недостаточно связано и последовательно; в выводах слабая аргументация.

  3. Нарушена логика изложения и нормы литературной речи.

  4. работа имеет существенные недостатки.

Оценка «2» (неудовлетворительно) ставиться, если:

  1. Студент не знает основные положения темы, главное содержание материала не усвоено, имеются существенные ошибки, искажение смысла, формулировок и правил.

  2. Материал излагается хаотично, неуверенно, с частыми остановками.

  3. Студент отказывается от ответа, объясняя своей неподготовленностью.

  4. Работа полностью не соответствует представленным требованиям.


1. Козырева, Л. Г. Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ: учебное пособие / Л. Г. Козырева, Т. В. Шадская. - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2018. – 315 с.

2. Полоса, С. В. Английский язык для акушерок: учебник / С. В. Полоса - Москва: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2021. - 208 с.

3. Марковина, И. Ю. Английский язык. Базовый курс: учебник для медицинских училищ и колледжей / И. Ю. Марковина, Г. Е. Громова, С. В. Полоса. - Москва: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2019. - 152 с. 


№1. Video. Florence Nightingale: Changing the Field of Nursing - Fast Facts | History



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