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Флоренс Найтингейл

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«Florence Nightingale-The Lady with the lamp»

Конспект урока по теме: « Florence Nightingale-The Lady with the lamp». Класс-11 Дата 14.12.2017

Задачи урока: ознакомить учащихся с личностью Флоренс Найтингейл, провести КНА.
Цели урока:


продолжить формирование умений в чтении, с извлечением специфической информации;продолжить формирование навыков монологической речи;


развивать навыки восприятия речи с аудио записи;

развивать внимание, память, мышление; развивать навыки умения работать в группе;

развивать умение прогнозировать, читать с извлечением информации из прочитанного текста;


воспитывать чувство сострадания.

Reading: a letter; a text about Florence Nightingale

Speaking: giving a talk about Florence Nightingale

Listening: a text about Florence Nightingale 

Ход урока.



T.: Good morning. How are you? Sit down.

2. Работа с учебником.

T.: Open your Text books, page 77, ex.1a.

Read the task.

Read the letter.

Answer the questions. What was this woman’s profession and what is she describing? (прочитать письмо Флоренс и ответить на вопросы)

Больница Баррак, Скутари,

14-ое ноября, 1854

Ни губки, ни тряпки, ни белья, ничего у меня не осталось. Все ушло на то, чтобы сделать подушки и рубашки. У этих бедняг не было ни чистой рубашки, и они не мылись два месяца, до того как пришли сюда, а состояние, в котором они приехали после транспортировки - буквально ползком. Я надеюсь, что через несколько дней мы наведём немного чистоты. Но у нас нет ни таза, ни полотенца, ни куска мыла, ни метлы - Я заказала 300 жестких щёток. Но одна половина барака в неисправном состоянии, поэтому невозможно использовать ни капли воды на каменных полах, на которые уложена гнилая древесина, это приведет наших мужчин к лихорадке в кратчайшие сроки.

Answer Key

Florence Nightingale was a nurse and she is describing the conditions at the army hospital where she worked.

3.Начало работы. Объявление темы урока. Работа с презентацией.

 Работа с презентацией.( Извлечение необходимой информации из презентации, биографических данных с целью заполнения кластера).

T.: The theme of our lesson is «Florence Nightingale-The Lady with the lamp»

 T.: Look at the monitors.

Well done.
place/date of birth: Florence, Italy, 1820

early years: became a nurse; volunteered to help in army hospitals; organized the hospitals; helped the soldiers

later years: fame/celebrity; continued working to improve conditions; wrote a book;

achievements: established a school for nursing; raised awareness of conditions in army hospitals

date of death: 1910

Answer the questions about Florence Nightingale.

4.Аудирование. Прослушивание текста с вставлением слов.
Упр.3,стр.77(прослушивание текста 2 раза)

T.: Now let’s check your answers of ex.2. How did you fill the gaps in the text?


Answer Key

1 meaningless

2 Eventually

3 terrible

4 overcrowded

5 clothing

6 properly

7 dedication

8 famous

9 influential

10 consultant


5.Чтение текста учащимися.


6. Рефлексия.

7. Завершение урока. Объявление дом. задания.

T.: Your homework is ex.4, p.77 (find information about a person who has helped improve conditions in your country).


8.Подведение итогов урока.

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Florence Nightingale  Pioneer of nursing

Florence Nightingale Pioneer of nursing

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale

  • Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820. The daughter of upper-class British parents, Nightingale pursued a career in nursing, despite family objections.
Florence Nightingale’s family home-Embley park.

Florence Nightingale’s family home-Embley park.

As a young woman Florence felt that God had called her to help others. She wanted to be a nurse but her parents did not want to her to become one.

As a young woman Florence felt that God had called her to help others. She wanted to be a nurse but her parents did not want to her to become one.

Young Florence Nightingale
  • Young Florence Nightingale
Early life

Early life

  • In 1844 she began to visit hospitals; in 1850 she spent some time with the nursing Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul in Alexandria; and a year later she studied at the institute for Protestant deaconesses in Germany.
Crimean War

Crimean War

  • In 1854 she organized a unit of 38 woman nurses for service in the Crimean War; by the end of the war she had become a legend.
She arrived early in November 1854. In Scutari (modern-day Üsküdar in Istanbul, Turkey) Nightingale and her nurses found wounded soldiers being badly cared for by overworked medical staff in the face of official indifference.
  • She arrived early in November 1854. In Scutari (modern-day Üsküdar in Istanbul, Turkey) Nightingale and her nurses found wounded soldiers being badly cared for by overworked medical staff in the face of official indifference.
T he Barrack Hospital

T he Barrack Hospital

Florence Nightingale - the Lady with the lamp.  In Scutari Florence Nightingale Checks Patients During the Night

Florence Nightingale - the Lady with the lamp.

In Scutari Florence Nightingale Checks Patients During the Night

The most famous monument to the memory of Florence Nightingale is probably the one in Waterloo Place, London , which is a part of the Crimean War Memorial.
  • The most famous monument to the memory of Florence Nightingale is probably the one in Waterloo Place, London , which is a part of the Crimean War Memorial.

Florence Nightingale Medal Who is it for ?  For qualified nurses who are active members or regular helpers of a National Red Cross.

Florence Nightingale Medal

Who is it for ?

For qualified nurses who are active members or regular helpers of a National Red Cross.


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