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«Food and Shopping» 2(с)

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««Food and Shopping» 2(с)»

«Food and Shopping»  2(с)модуль Grammar in Use,8 класс

«Food and Shopping» 2(с)модуль Grammar in Use,8 класс

Ex.1Read the text “Buy nothing day” at p. 30, SB and answer the questions.   • What is 'Buy nothing day'? What is the idea of this day? How long have people been celebrating “Buy nothing day”? • How popular is it? • What do people do on this day? • How do students celebrate this day at Erica’s school? • What did James do? • Do you like the idea of this holiday? Would you like to join this day/to organize it in your class/ school?

Ex.1Read the text “Buy nothing day” at p. 30, SB and answer the questions.

• What is 'Buy nothing day'?

  • What is the idea of this day?
  • How long have people been celebrating “Buy nothing day”?

• How popular is it?

• What do people do on this day?

• How do students celebrate this day at Erica’s school?

• What did James do?

• Do you like the idea of this holiday?

  • Would you like to join this day/to organize it in your class/ school?
Ex.1 Present Perfect: It has always fallen; All the students have brought in a few items; We have decided; We've walked to school; We've asked our parents Present Perfect Continuous: People have been celebrating; We have been working


  • Present Perfect: It has always fallen; All the students have brought in a few items; We have decided; We've walked to school; We've asked our parents
  • Present Perfect Continuous: People have been celebrating; We have been working
Ex.2 1 A: Have you seen; B: has been trying;  2 A: have known; B: Has she been studying; 3 A: has lost; B: has not been eating; 4 A: Have you been cleaning; B: have just started


  • 1 A: Have you seen; B: has been trying;
  • 2 A: have known; B: Has she been studying;
  • 3 A: has lost; B: has not been eating;
  • 4 A: Have you been cleaning; B: have just started
Ex.3 a.  In the first sentence we have used the Present Perfect because it refers to an action that happened at an unstated time in the past. In the second sentence the Past Simple is used because it refers to an action that happened at a specific time in the past (last year). b.  A: Have you ever saved money for a reason? B: Yes, I have. A: What did you save it for? B: I saved it to buy a new bicycle. It was a year ago. A: Have you ever visited a charity shop? B: Yes, I have. A: Did you buy anything? B: I bought a pair of earrings. A: Have you ever bought something you regretted afterwards? B: Yes, I have. A: What did you buy? B: I bought a very expensive pair of jeans.


  • a. In the first sentence we have used the Present Perfect because it refers to an action that happened at an unstated time in the past. In the second sentence the Past Simple is used because it refers to an action that happened at a specific time in the past (last year).
  • b. A: Have you ever saved money for a reason?
  • B: Yes, I have.
  • A: What did you save it for?
  • B: I saved it to buy a new bicycle. It was a year ago.
  • A: Have you ever visited a charity shop?
  • B: Yes, I have.
  • A: Did you buy anything?
  • B: I bought a pair of earrings.
  • A: Have you ever bought something you regretted afterwards?
  • B: Yes, I have.
  • A: What did you buy?
  • B: I bought a very expensive pair of jeans.
Ex.4 I.  A: I am/have been very tired lately. B: Have you not been sleeping well? A: I'm afraid not. I've been worrying about my coming exam. B: Do you know the material well? A: Quite. I've been studying hard for a year. B: Then you should stop worrying. Everything will be OK.


  • I. A: I am/have been very tired lately.
  • B: Have you not been sleeping well?
  • A: I'm afraid not. I've been worrying about my coming exam.
  • B: Do you know the material well?
  • A: Quite. I've been studying hard for a year. B: Then you should stop worrying. Everything will be OK.
Ex.4 II.  A: I'm so angry at Peter! B: Has he been lying again? A: Yes, he has. He has been making up stories about me. I won't speak to him again.


  • II. A: I'm so angry at Peter!
  • B: Has he been lying again?
  • A: Yes, he has. He has been making up stories about me. I won't speak to him again.
Ex.4 III.  A: Natasha is/has been happy lately. B: Has she been doing well in school? A: Yes, very. She's got a lot of excellent marks in Literature and History. B: Congratulations!


  • III. A: Natasha is/has been happy lately.
  • B: Has she been doing well in school?
  • A: Yes, very. She's got a lot of excellent marks in Literature and History.
  • B: Congratulations!
Been to Побывал где-либо - то есть, поехал и вернулся Используем, когда имеем в виду законченное путешествие. Например: Ты когда-нибудь был (been to) в Лондоне? Я побывал (been to) в Берлине дважды. I have never been to Japan although I would like to visit sometime. Я никогда не был в Японии, хотя мне хотелось бы посетить ее как-нибудь.

Been to

  • Побывал где-либо - то есть, поехал и вернулся
  • Используем, когда имеем в виду законченное путешествие. Например: Ты когда-нибудь был (been to) в Лондоне? Я побывал (been to) в Берлине дважды.
  • I have never been to Japan although I would like to visit sometime. Я никогда не был в Японии, хотя мне хотелось бы посетить ее как-нибудь.
Gone to Уже уехал, но пока не вернулся Употребление: Здесь человек отправился в путь, но назад еще не вернулся. Например: Мистер Нортон ушел (gone to) на совещание пару минут назад - перезвоните через час. Джон уехал (gone to) в Нью-Йорк на пару дней.  Пример: Ben has gone to the shop to buy some drinks, he'll be back soon! Бен ушел в магазин купить что-нибудь попить, он скоро вернется!

Gone to

  • Уже уехал, но пока не вернулся
  • Употребление: Здесь человек отправился в путь, но назад еще не вернулся.
  • Например: Мистер Нортон ушел (gone to) на совещание пару минут назад - перезвоните через час. Джон уехал (gone to) в Нью-Йорк на пару дней.
  • Пример: Ben has gone to the shop to buy some drinks, he'll be back soon! Бен ушел в магазин купить что-нибудь попить, он скоро вернется!
been in Конструкция have been in употребляется, если кто-то где-то находится в момент речи. He has been in Australia for two years. Он находится в Австралии в течение двух лет (он уехал в Астралию два года назад и до сих пор находится там).

been in

  • Конструкция have been in употребляется, если кто-то где-то находится в момент речи.
  • He has been in Australia for two years. Он находится в Австралии в течение двух лет (он уехал в Астралию два года назад и до сих пор находится там).
Выберите правильный вариант ответа.   Have you ever been to/in New York? He has gone/been out. He’ll be back soon. Have you ever been/gone to the UK? Jerry has been to/in the army for years. Has Mum gone/been to the supermarket?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  • Have you ever been to/in New York?
  • He has gone/been out. He’ll be back soon.
  • Have you ever been/gone to the UK?
  • Jerry has been to/in the army for years.
  • Has Mum gone/been to the supermarket?
1. to 2. gone 3. been 4. in 5. gone.
  • 1. to
  • 2. gone
  • 3. been
  • 4. in
  • 5. gone.
Ex.5 1 to 2 gone 3 been  4 in 5 gone


  • 1 to
  • 2 gone
  • 3 been
  • 4 in
  • 5 gone
Ex.6 1 How long; 2 never; 3 last;  4 since;  5 just; 6 recently; 7 ago; 8 ever; 9 so far; 10 yet


  • 1 How long;
  • 2 never;
  • 3 last;
  • 4 since;
  • 5 just;
  • 6 recently;
  • 7 ago;
  • 8 ever;
  • 9 so far;
  • 10 yet
Ex.7 1 the; 2 The, the, —; 3 the, a;  4 —, a, the; 5 the, a; 6 the, an;  7 the;  8 —, the;  9 the, —


  • 1 the;
  • 2 The,
  • the, —;
  • 3 the, a;
  • 4 —, a, the;
  • 5 the, a;
  • 6 the, an;
  • 7 the;
  • 8 —, the;
  • 9 the, —
Fill in the gaps with a, an or the if necessary • There was ___ knock on___ door. I opened it and found ___ small dark man in ___ blue coat and ___ woolen cap. • Peter thinks that this is quite ___ cheap restaurant. • He first went to ___ Red Sea in ___ Swedish ship, so as well as learning ___ navigation he had to learn ___ Swedish language. • Emma dreams of going to China and see ___ Great Wall. • John works for ___ IBM. He used to work for ___ BP.

Fill in the gaps with a, an or the if necessary

• There was ___ knock on___ door. I opened it and found ___ small dark man in ___ blue coat and ___ woolen cap.

• Peter thinks that this is quite ___ cheap restaurant.

• He first went to ___ Red Sea in ___ Swedish ship, so as well as learning ___ navigation he had to learn ___ Swedish language.

• Emma dreams of going to China and see ___ Great Wall.

• John works for ___ IBM. He used to work for ___ BP.

1A, the, a, a, a. 2a 3 the, a, – , the 4 the 5 the, the
  • 1A, the, a, a, a.
  • 2a
  • 3 the, a, – , the
  • 4 the
  • 5 the, the
Ex.8 1 a lot of;  2 Very few; 3 much; 4 few;  5 many


  • 1 a lot of;
  • 2 Very few;
  • 3 much;
  • 4 few;
  • 5 many
Complete the sentences with much/many/(a) little/(a) few/a lot/plenty • He isn’t very sociable. He has ___ friends. • There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ___ of time. • She drinks ___ of tea. • We must be quick! We’ve ___ time. • I’m not busy these days. I haven’t got ___ to do. • I didn’t take ___ pictures on holiday. • I can’t tell you the final decision. I need ___ time.

Complete the sentences with much/many/(a) little/(a) few/a lot/plenty

• He isn’t very sociable. He has ___ friends.

• There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ___ of time.

• She drinks ___ of tea.

• We must be quick! We’ve ___ time.

• I’m not busy these days. I haven’t got ___ to do.

• I didn’t take ___ pictures on holiday.

• I can’t tell you the final decision. I need ___ time.

• few • plenty of • a lot of • little • much • many • a little

• few

• plenty of

• a lot of

• little

• much

• many

• a little

Ex.9 A: How long have you known your best friend? B: Since I was six./For ten years. How long have you been at this school? A: Since 2003./For seven years. How long have you lived in this area? B: All my life. What about you? How long have you lived here? A: For eight years. How long have you been studying English? B: For six years. A: Me too. Etc.


  • A: How long have you known your best friend? B: Since I was six./For ten years. How long have you been at this school?
  • A: Since 2003./For seven years. How long have you lived in this area?
  • B: All my life. What about you? How long have you lived here?
  • A: For eight years. How long have you been studying English?
  • B: For six years.
  • A: Me too. Etc.


Домашнее задание: SB, Grammar Check 1, с. 140-141; WB, с. 16,выучить новые слова
  • Домашнее задание: SB, Grammar Check 1, с. 140-141; WB, с. 16,выучить новые слова


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