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Форвард 9 класс Проверочная работа к разделу "Join the club!"

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Проверочная работа к разделу 4 УМК Форвард 9 класс

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«Форвард 9 класс Проверочная работа к разделу "Join the club!"»

Unit 4 Variant I

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs below.

bump into calm down fool around get on with hang around put up with

  1. In hot weather, the kids usually ____________________ the village square.

  2. You can ___________________ an old friend from school anywhere – even on holiday.

  3. He is often punished by his teacher because he likes to ____________________.

  4. I don’t want to ___________________ any more weight!

  5. How do they ________________? Pretty well.

  6. You can do nothing in this situation. Just ____________.

2. Поставьте в предложения подходящие возвратные местоимения

  1. Dinner is ready! Sit down and help …… to the chicken. (Ужин готов! Присаживайтесь и угощайтесь курицей.)

  2. Tom built the house …… (Том сам построил дом.)

  3. They amused …… by telling anecdotes. (Они развлекались, рассказывая анекдоты.)

  4. Kate hurt …… while she was playing volleyball. (Кейт поранилась во время игры в волейбол.)

  5. I really enjoyed …… at the seaside. (Я действительно отдохнул на море.)

3. Which is the correct order?

  1.   a blue beautiful sailing boat    an exciting French new band

  2.   a sailing beautiful blue boat    an new French exciting band

  3. a blue sailing beautiful boat    an exciting new French band

  4.   a beautiful blue sailing boat    a French new exciting band

  5.   a plastic big red hat    a Canadian small thin lady

  6.   a big red plastic hat    a small Canadian thin lady

Unit 4 Variant II

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs below.

bump into calm down fool around get on with hang around put up with

  1. When you live in a big city, you have to ____________________ noise, traffic and pollution.

  2. The doctor tried to ____________________ the patients down.

  3. Teenagers often do not ____________________ their younger brothers and sisters.

  4. Don’t ______________________ matches!

  5. Pedro _____________________ his teacher at the supermarket.

  6. They used to ________________the beach after school.

2. Поставьте в предложения подходящие возвратные местоимения

  1. She has to buy …… a new blouse tomorrow. (Ей нужно купить себе новую блузку завтра.)

  2. My granny knits all her socks and scarves …… (Моя бабушка вяжет все свои носки и шарфы сама.)

  3. It’s very delicious! Did you invent the recipe ……? (Очень вкусно! Ты сама придумала рецепт?)

  4. We painted the walls of our kitchen …… (Мы сами покрасили стены нашей кухни.)

  5. He chose the car …… (Он сам выбрал машину.)

3. Which is the correct order?

1. a bit plastic red hat      a small thin Canadian lady

2.a red big plastic hat    a thin small Canadian lady

3. a serving small Japanese bowl    an old wooden square table

4. a small serving Japanese bowl    a wooden old square table

5.Japanese small serving bowl    a square wooden old table

6. a small Japanese serving bowl    an old square wooden table


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