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Функциональная опора по индукции обучение диалогической речи "Doctor and the patient "

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Функциональная опора по индукции обучение диалогической речи "Doctor and the patient "

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«Функциональная опора по индукции обучение диалогической речи "Doctor and the patient "»

Task 1

Study the following list of medical terms. If necessary, consult an English-English dictionary. Put it down in your copy-book.



Disordered stomach










Give an injection


Take part in the following guessing contest – say what call the following in sports. Mark your score, please, by marking the terms in your copy-book with (+) or (-) if you fail to guess it right.

What’s your score?

No mistakes –

1-2 mistakes –

8-4 mistakes –

5 mistakes –

You are an absolute champion!

Three “cheers” to the winner!

You are a medalist

Better luck "next time

Not bad but you should train harder.

Grasp an "English-English dictionary and study the sport terms. Success: attends you.

Task 2

You are at doctor’s. Express your complaints about your health.

Doctor: - Now what seems to be the problem?

Patient: - I think I’ve got an allergy.



  1. What seems to be the problem?

  2. How can I help you?

  3. What happened?

  4. What’s the matter?

  5. What brings you here today?

  6. Any complaints?

  1. Break

  2. Cold

  3. Disordered stomach

  4. Influenza

  5. Measles

  6. Tonsillitis

Task 3

Describe your symptoms for the doctor.

Doctor: - Can you describe your symptoms?

Patient: - Well, my nose is running, I sneeze all the time, and I have a headache.



Doctor: Ok, let’s take a look.


  1. I have a rash

  2. My leg/arm hurts

  3. I feel sick

  4. I’ve got an absence of appetite

  5. I’m coughing

  6. I have a diarrhea

  7. I have a fever

  8. I have a headache

  9. I feel pain in a stomach

  10. I have a weakness

  11. My skin is itchy

  12. I have a sore throat

  1. Let me have a look.

  2. Let's measure your temperature.

  3. I have to examine your (skin, temperature, throat)

Task 4

Listen to doctor’s diagnose, express your disappointments and ask for instructions.

Doctor: -I’m afraid you were right. You have measles.

Patient: - That’s too bad. What should I do?

Doctor: - You should put a cream twice a day.

Expressing disappointment, asking for instruction


Giving instructions



a) Break

b) Cold

c) Disordered stomach

d) Influenza

e) Measles

f) Tonsillitis

a) You should wear a cast for three months.

b) You need to take pills.

c) You have to keep diet.

d) You should be given an injection.

e) You shall put a cream.

f) I recommend you to drink a syrup.

  1. That’s too bad.

  2. What a shame!

  3. That's too bad.

  4. That's so disappointing!

  5. What a pity!

  1. What should I do?

  2. What do I need to do?

  3. So what shall I do?

  4. What do you recommend me?

Task 5

Take a prescription, thank the doctor and ask him if you should come again.

Doctor: I’ll write you a prescription.

Patient: Thank you. Should I come back and see you again?

Doctor: Only if it gets worse./ If it doesn’t get better, come back and see me again.

Patient: Ok, thanks again.

Doctor: You’re welcome. Goodbye! Get well soon.

Gratitude, Inquiry





  1. Here is a prescription for you to take to the pharmacy.

  2. Take this medicine.

  3. Here's your prescription.

  4. Take this medicine twice a day.

  5. I’m going to prescribe you this.

  1. Do I need to come here one more time?

  2. Do I have to make an appointment to come back to you?

  3. Shall I pass medical examination one more time?

  4. I should see you again, shouldn’t I?

  5. Is it necessary to come again?

Task 6 - Final

Make up a dialogue on the following; background, rehearse it with your partner and act it out in class.


Imagine you have some problems with your health. Act out a dialogue at the doctor’s surgery. Follow the plan.

Study the role-cards closely and look at the pictures which will help you. In the bubble there are illnesses and remedies that doctor can recommend the patient to take up?


Ask the patient what problem is. Ask about the symptoms. Take a look. Tell the patient what he should do.


Share your suggestions about your health state. Describe you symptoms. Express your disappointment about your problem. Ask the doctor what you should do.


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