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Г. А. Илизаров. Путь от пастуха до всемирно известного хирурга.

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«Г. А. Илизаров. Путь от пастуха до всемирно известного хирурга.»



A long way from shepherd in Azerbaijan to the world-famous

doctor…Life for people's happiness…His name is known to

thousands of people who live a full life thanks to his unique


Spotlight on Russia presents

Doctor Ilizarov

Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov was born on June 15, 1921 in the city of Belovezh in Belarus in a poor peasant family.

In search of work and food, the family moved to Azerbaijan. Little Gavriil worked as a shepherd on the farm. He went to school only at the age of 11.

In 1939 Ilizarov entered the medical Institute in Simferopol. In 1944 Gavril was graduated and received his appointment in Dolgovskaya regional hospital in Kurgan region. In 1950 Gavriil Abramovich was appointed as a traumatologist-orthopedist of the Kurgan regional hospital. In 1951 he developed a universal external fixation device for the treatment of bone fractures and deformations. Later, he developed methods of replacing defects of tubular bones with the help of his apparatus. Thanks to this method, it is possible to restore the missing parts of the limbs, including the foot, fingers, and extend the limbs.

In 1971 the Kurgan research Institute of experimental and clinical orthopedics and traumatology was founded. The "Ilizarov method" has become widespread all over the world.

Ilizarov is the author of more than 600 scientific works, 194 inventions, 13 foreign patents. For his outstanding discovery in the field of medicine, the unique results of the treatment of patients Ilizarov was awarded many titles, orders and medals.

A talented surgeon died and was buried in 1992 in Kurgan.

  • What qualities should a person have to become Doctor Ilizarov?

  • What is unique about the «Ilizarov method”?


On behalf of the relatives of the patient write a letter of thanks to the staff of the Ilizarov Institute.

Tell about the main stages of the great scientist's life.



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