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Глобализация английского языка и его влияние на русский язык. Globalization of English and its influence on Russian.

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What is happening with the English language is a really completely new phenomenon. It continues to be the focus of the press around the world. Today a huge number of people speak English around the world and it became the second official language along with native in several countries.

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«Глобализация английского языка и его влияние на русский язык. Globalization of English and its influence on Russian.»

Глобализация английского языка и его влияние на русский язык.

Globalization of English and its influence on Russian.

МАОУ Домодедовская СОШ №2

Автор: Пелеванюк Елена Николаевна, учитель английского языка

English is called "XX century Latin" by right: about ¾ of words all borrowed in Russian at the end of the XX century are the share of English-Americanisms. Each of new words come to Russian from English. Today words of English get into Russian generally by the written way through texts of newspapers, magazines, books, international treaties and through radio and television.«Is English global?» Headings of thousands of newspapers and magazines dazzle using English words recent years. This statement is submitted so obvious that the majority of us will hardly challenge its justice.English is actually the language of the international communication. Politicians of all countries of the world appearing on television, speak English. Wherever you were, everywhere you can see the signs and advertisements written in English.

What is happening with the English language is a really completely new phenomenon. It continues to be the focus of the press around the world. Today a huge number of people speak English around the world and it became the second official language along with native in several countries.

Relevance of this study is due by increase of interest in the process of globalization of English. It also shows results of its influence on other languages of the world including the Russian language.

Purpose of this work: to study the process of globalization of English, borrowing English words and their functions in Russian.

Object of research- loan words of English.

Hypothesis - global spread of English led a great number of English words in Russian.

English is the language of international communication.

  1. International communication.

Language becomes a means of the international communication when its special role admits all countries.

There are two main ways of obtaining the status of an official language. Firstly, it can be recognized as an official language of any country for use as means of communication in areas such as governance, justice, media and education system. Secondly, in a particular language, even if it has no official status, the preference in teaching foreign languages is ​given.

In this case in the country appear conditions for its priority development as child-ren and adults who for various reasons had no opportunity to study English.

Since the language of international communication develops simultaneously in three directions (native, official and foreign) , then eventually it will inevitably surpass any language by number of speakers . That is exactly what is the case currently with the English. Almost a quarter of the world's population already owns them sufficiently. No language in the world can boast such a rate spread.

  1. Globalization of English.

International language — is a language, which can be used for communication by a significant amount of people of the world.

In Antiquity the Greek language was international. Then more than one thousand years later Latin was the major international language used for the international communication in all spheres of human activity. A lot of negotiations were con-ducted, commercial transactions were concluded, scientific works were written in English.

In the XVI—XVII centuries Spanish was used as international. At the beginning of the XVIII century French became the most important language of the international communication in Europe. In the XIX century the great value of people are got by German because of high achievements of the German scientists of that period of time. In parallel there was a development of English and Spanish as international languages. Thanks to the colonies of these countries English spread worldwide. At the end of the XX century English was approved as the major international language.

Why was English the language of international communication and not others? This question should be viewed from two perspectives : the historical- geogra-phical and socio - cultural . The first one shows us how English has reached a primary situation. The second explains why it continues to hold a leading position. The combination of these two factors made English the global language of the world.

By means of historical evidences it is possible to track distribution of English worldwide of the first expeditions of English seafarers to America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Today English is an official language in 45 countries. But not all speak English, even where it is official. Only in 12% of the countries in the whole world English is the native language. 4% of the international communication happen between native speakers of the different English-speaking countries, such as Americans and Australians. In this way 96% of the international communication happen in English.

  1. Reasons of spread

As a language of the international communication English forced out French which, in turn, succeeded Latin. In the Asian countries, as we know, earlier international language were Chinese and Arabian but they also speak English.

It is possible to allocate some reasons of transformation of English into language of global communication: the historical; political and economic, information, cultural, linguistic. We will carry the colonial past of Great Britain which extended the influence and the language worldwide to the historical reasons ( from XV century) . The political and economic reasons are connected with power and influence of the USA and Great Britain – according to the apt remark of D. Kristal, after the American dollar there is also an English found which in many countries began to be associated with kudos and a highly paid work. The information reasons – we need to use the uniting language in the modern century. Now people begin to speak about information revolution. The academic mobility, an exchange of scientific information, the Internet – all these phenomena begin to demand a uniform language of communication. The cultural reasons – acquaintance to other cultures and their distribution; tourism development. The advent of so-called contact literature, means fiction is written also in English. Now English is called secondary means of ethnic identity as to tell about themselves and the culture, it is necessary to speak the language clear. The linguistic reasons of distribution of English in the world are disputable, they aren`t recognized by all linguists. Those who speak about linguistic prerequisites of globalization of English, note its predisposition to loans and rather simple grammatical structure.


We often meet in Russian English expressions, phrases, words. Why, how and where? Many linguists pay much attention to this question because some anglicisms gained the social importance.

  1. Is the foreign language fashion or need?

The entrance of foreign-language lexicon in Russian interested many linguists from the beginning of the XX century. There was a list the reasons, various in character - language, social, mental, esthetic etc.

Having analyzed all theoretical material, we can come to the conclusion that the reasons of borrowing can be:

  1. Universal tendency to internationalization of lexical fund;

  2. Needs for the name of new subjects, concepts and phenomena (laptop, organizer, scanner);

  3. Absence of the corresponding name - 15% of the latest anglicisms were included strongly into the dictionary of the businessman exactly due to the lack of the corresponding name in language receptor (the sponsor, spray, the digest, virtual);

  4. Needs to express by means of an anglicism multiple-valued descriptive turns (pilling-cream – the cream cleaning the top layer of skin, quiz – radio - or television game in questions and answers to various subjects with prizes);

  5. Replenishment of language more means of expression (image - instead of an "образ", a" прейскурант" – instead of the price-list, show – instead of "представление");

  6. Perception of the foreign-language word as more prestigious, "scientific", "beautifully sounding" (presentation – instead of "представление"; the exclusive – instead of" исключительный");

  7. Need of a specification of a word meaning (a sandwich – a hamburger, a fish burger, a cheeseburger, chicken burger; the killer – the professional murderer, the murderer mercenary)

  1. Education methods.

Among material borrowings distinguish oral, occurring "aurally", without a written image of the word in language – a source, and borrowings from written texts or taking into account written shape of the word. Oral borrowings are characteristic for older historical eras – before a wide dissemination of the letter, and during modern times they differ where mass household contacts between carriers of different languages without systematic use of written forms of communication take place. Written borrowings get through the book, the newspaper, through conscious studying of the corresponding language, etc.

Linguists call the words which came from English anglicisms. Do you know that you use them every day? Do you want to be convinced of it?

For a start we will understand as there is "introduction" o loan words.

  1. The direct: English words in Russian exist in the same value, as in the initial: выходной often is called weekend, деньги - money.

  2. Tracing-paper: such words as the password, a virus, a disk, the menu, club – completely correspond to phonetic and graphic shape.

  3. Semi-tracing-paper: at grammatical changes anglicisms in Russian take the forms according to grammatical norms: the drive – the drive "Very long ago I didn't test such drive". The impression that it is simply English words similar to Russians is made but they are borrowed.

  4. Exoticism: the expressions connected with national traditions, customs. Have no Russian synonyms: cheeseburger, hamburger, hot dog.

  5. Foreign-language impregnations: in fact it is expressive, expressional means: Ok, Wow.

  6. Composites: connection of two English words – in Russian is one concept. For example, video salon or second-hand.

  1. Anglicisms in modern Russian language.

The most part of borrowing belongs to the sphere of economy and trade (the price list, holding, the distributor, the dealer, the broker, barter, a charter). Quite big group of loans is a socio-political lexicon, the international legal nominations (parliament, the summit, consensus, the speech writer) and the nominations of public administration (impeachment, the speaker, inauguration, prefecture, electorate, the image maker). The third layer of foreign-language loans is connected with the sphere of culture (the clip, the music video director, a talk-show, the DJ, a sound, a casting). The sports lexicon (a dope, training, an arm wrestling) and household is frequency (a camping, a dance hall, shopping). Increase of number of Internet users led to distribution of computer lexicon (email, spam, the blog, a chat, the cursor, a flash card).

  1. The relation of modern society to use of foreign words in Russian.

In the course of my work I asked such question: how society reacts to such domination of anglicisms in the Russian speech?

Many pupils of our school consider that knowledge of English area complicates understanding of the speech filled with anglicisms. Some pupils, especially advanced age, use of the English words having quite suitable synonyms in Russian and ostentatious use of English words for headings and names of headings in newspapers for drawing attention and for advertizing creation irritates. The hobby for anglicisms became a peculiar fashion among younger generation, it is caused by the stereotypes created in youth society, ideals.


During the first half of the 20th eyelid English gradually became the main language of a set of the international political, scientific and educational organizations. The process of globalization is obvious also obvious its pluses and its minuses. However, prospects of this process cause disputes. One consider that English will become over time "the second native language" if not for all mankind, maybe for the most cultural and socially active part. Others call reality of such prospects into question.


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