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Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе

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Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе, она же и итоговая , направлена на контроль уровня обученности лексико-грамматического материала за год обучения. 

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«Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе»

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс 
I вариант 
Блок А. Дополнить. 
1. __________ is the capital of Great Britain. 
2. John R. R. Tolkien is a famous English _______________. 
3. There is a special place for the Queen’s family in the ________Tussaud’s Museum. 
4. Mother’s or father’s brother is an _________. 
5. __________________ артикль употребляется только с существительным в единственном числе. 
Блок B. Выбрать правильный ответ. 
1. We bought… new dress. 
a) a b) an c) the d) – 
2. Washington is … capital of … USA. 
a) a/the b) an/- c) the/the d) - / - 
3. He has already … his puppy for a walk. 
a) took b) taken c) will take d) take 
4. His elder sister usually … care of their pets. 
a) is taken b) took c) has taken d) takes 
5. She is the … beautiful girl in our class. 
a) more b) most c) much d) - 
6. I … in the sixth form. 
a) am b) is c) are d) – 
7. My sister… got three sons. 
a) have b) has c) - d) had 
8. She plays tennis… 
a) … at this moment b)… last month c) … every Monday d)… next week 

9. Your mother’s sister is your … 

a) grandmother b) aunt c) cousin d) father 

10. Have you bought presents for all your … ? 

a)nicknames b) situations c) relatives d) pets 

Блок С. Заполнить пропуски следующими словами: 
Regent’s Park; London Zoo; 12,000; animals, birds, fishes and insects; 1839 

_________ is the most famous British Zoo. The home of London Zoo is _______ which is not far from the centre of London. It has been an attraction since _______. Today there are more than ________ animals at London Zoo. Different kinds of ___________________ live there. 

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс 
II вариант 
Блок А. Дополнить. 
1. London is the capital of ______________. 
2. Agatha Christie is a famous English _____________. 
3. Hyde _______ is famous for its outdoors entertainments and its Speaker’s Corner. 
4. Mother’s or father’s sister is an _________. 
5. ____________________ артикль употребляется с существительными, которые уже упоминались ранее. 
Блок B. Выбрать правильный ответ. 
1. This is …book. 
a) a b) an c) the d) – 
2. …USA is … largest country in America. 
a) a/the b) an/- c) the/the d) - / - 
3. The scientist has never … the little rhino. 
a) watched b) watching c) watch d) will watch 
4. Yesterday we … out and had a nice time at the disco. 
a) are going b) went c) go d) has gone 
5. It’s the … way to get to the address. 
a) better b) best c) good d) bad 
6. What … your name? 
a) am b) is c) are d) – 
7. We … English three times a week. 
a) have b) has c) had d) - 
8. She played tennis… 
a)… at this moment b)… last month c) … every Monday d)… next week 
9. Your mother is your father’s … 
a) sister b) daughter c) wife d) grandmother 
10. … must talk to their children more often. 
a) parents b) daughter c) dogs d) pets 

Блок С. Заполнить пропуски следующими словами: 
Children Zoo; good; they take their food; animal’s; London Zoo 

_________ is the most famous British Zoo. In the ______________ children can watch, talk to and touch young animals. A good time to visit the animals is when ______________. If you want to have a _________ time and enjoy watching the______________ world, welcome to London Zoo! 

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 
I вариант 
А. Дополнить. 
1. This festival is celebrated on 31 October. It’s______________. 
2. _____________ was invented by Alexander Bell. 
3. This country is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. It’s _____________. 
4. In Australia children between the ages of 6 and 15 go to ______________. 
5. В _______________________ залоге подлежащее не является действующим лицом. 
B. Выбратьправильныйответ. 
1. A person who helps others is … 
a) helpful b) boring c) lazy d) hardworking 
2. This film is worth … 
a) to see b) see c) seeing d) sea 3.Washington is in … 
a) Greece b) the USA c) the UK d) the Netherlands 
4. New year … all over the world. 
a) celebrates b) are celebrated c) is celebrated d) is celebrate 
5. Who … Math’s lesson today? 
a) will ask b) will asked c) be asked d) will be asked 
6. Whose ticket is this? It’s … 
a) you b) your c) yours d) it 
7. If you tried your chance, you … the game. 
a) will win b) would win c) win d) won 
8. If you … ill, I would visit you. 
a) is b) was c) am d) were 
9. I wrote a letter to Britain yesterday. 
a) Present Simple Active Voice c) Past Simple Active Voice 
b) Present Simple Passive Voice d) Past Simple Passive Voice 
10. She is liked by everyone. 
a) Present Simple Active Voice c) Past Simple Active Voice 
b) Present Simple Passive Voice d) Past Simple Passive Voice 
C. Перевести. 
Fast food café is a great place where you can find hamburgers and cheeseburgers, chips, ice cream and fizzy drinks. It’s a nice and lovely place, but it’s not worth going there too often. 
If you care for your health, eat more natural products: milk and low-fat meat, fish, eggs, porridge and certainly fruit and vegetables. They contain vitamins necessary for your body and brains. 

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 
II вариант 
А. Дополнить. 
1. On _______________people decorate their houses with pumpkins. 
2. The electric___________was invented by P.L. Shilling. 
3. This country is the second largest country in the world, it’s nearly as big as all of Europe. It’s _______________ 
4. Most children in the USA go to state or public______________, where education is free. 
5. В______________залоге подлежащее является действующим лицом. 
B. Выбрать правильный ответ. 
1. A person who likes to talk a lot is … 
a) boring b) talkative c) creative d) hospitable 
2. This book is worth … 
a) to read b) read c) reads d) reading 
3. Ottawa is in … 
a) Canada b) New Zealand c) the UK d) Italy 
4. The dog … Martin by my little sister. 
a) was named b) name c) was name d) were name 
5. In the 21st century Russian … in lots of countries. 
a) will be studied b) will study c) will be study d) will studied 
6. Whose computer is this? – It’s … 
a) her b) hers c) she d) he 
7. If I travelled this summer, I … Italy. 
a) will visit b) visited c) visit d) would visit 
8. If you … for help, I would help you. 
a) ask b) asked c) will ask d) would ask 
9. The party was arranged by the students. 
a) Present Simple Active Voice c) Past Simple Active Voice 
b) Present Simple Passive Voice d) Past Simple Passive Voice 
10. She made her Math’s homework last night. 
a) Present Simple Active Voice c) Past Simple Active Voice 
b) Present Simple Passive Voice d) Past Simple Passive Voice 
Fast food café is a great place where you can find hamburgers and cheeseburgers, chips, ice cream and fizzy drinks. It’s a nice and lovely place, but it’s not worth going there too often. 
If you care for your health, eat more natural products: milk and low-fat meat, fish, eggs, porridge and certainly fruit and vegetables. They contain vitamins necessary for your body and brains. 

Годовая контрольная работа 
8 класс 
Вариант 1 
Блок А . Complete the sentences: 
А 1. On Valentine’s Day people send ………….. 
А2. In the UK there are two Houses in the Parliament: the House of Commons and ………… 
А 3. When the Queen arrives in the House of Lords to open the Parliament, she sits on …………… 
A 4.If you copy the report that somebody else has written, it is …………… 
A 5.There are two main types of newspapers in the UK: broadsheets and …….. 
Блок В. Choose the right answer: 
В 1. I hope he’ll get …. this disease. 
a)up b)over c)back d)away 
В2. My friend …. on the project for two weeks. 
a)work b)worked c)has been working d)have been working 
В3. It was a very difficult text. I …. look up a lot of words in the dictionary. 
a)must b)have to c)had to d)can 
B 4.They can’t buy a car now but they …. buy it next year. 
a)had to b)must c)will be able to d)should 
B 5. You …. give up smoking. 
a)has to b)should c)may d)mustn’t 
B 6.The contract …. two days ago. 
a)was signed b)signed c)will be signed d)is signed 
B 7.The work …. tomorrow. 
a)has been done b)will be done c)was done d)does 
B 8.I didn’t like the new book. It was …. Interesting …. useful. 
a)both … and b)either … or c)and …and d)neither … nor 
B 9.He never thinks about his family. He always thinks about … 
a)himself b)herself c)him d)he 
B10. Kate has cooked dinner … 
a)herself b)myself c)she d)her 

БлокС. You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Tom who writes: 
…I don’t think it will be a problem for me to choose a good job in the future as I’m really interested in foreign languages, cultures and countries and I hope I’ll work as a translator or teacher of foreign languages some day. Have you already decided on your career? What job are you going to choose? Why? 
I’ve lived in the USA my whole life but I’d really love to travel to other countries… 

Write a letter to Tom. 
In your letter 
- answer his questions 
- ask 3 questions about his plans for travelling 
Write 100-140 words 

I was very glad ……….. . Sorry ……….. . How are you getting on? 
In your letter you tell me about your future profession and ask me about my choice. Of course I have decided on my future career. As for me I want to become ………….. . 
I know that you are fond of travelling. ………………………………………. . 
I must finish my letter because ……………………. . 

Годовая контрольная работа 
8 класс 
Вариант 2 
Блок А. Complete the sentences: 
A1. Valentine’s Day is on ………….. 
A2. In the UK there are two Houses in the Parliament: the House of Lords and …………… 
A3. …………. Sits on the Woolsack and presides over the House of Lords 
A4. If you used somebody’s ideas and thoughts in your report, you should make a reference to the author and use quotation ……….. 
A5. Originally broadsheets was bigger than ………….. 
БлокВ. Choose the right answer: 
B1. Some people get … at 7 a.m. every day. 
a)up b)over c)back d)on 
B2. The boys … football for two hours. 
a)play b)are playing c)have been playing d)played 
B3. When my parents went to school, they … do homework every day. 
a)should b)had to c)have to d)can 
B4. We … see this film tomorrow. 
a)will be able to b)can c)must d)were able to 
B5. You … take a bus to get to the museum. It is far from here. 
a)has to b)mustn’t c)may d)should 
B6. The room … every day. 
a)is cleaned b)cleaned c)has cleaned d)clean 
B7. A new car … tomorrow. 
a)was bought b)will buy c)will be bought d)have been bought 
B8. … crocodiles … cats can play football. 
a)neither … nor b)and … and c)both … and d)either … or 
B9. Mike has translated this text … . 
a)his b)himself c)ourselves d)he 
B10. I couldn’t answer this questions … . And I asked our teacher. 
a)herself b)my c)myself d)me 

Блок С. You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Andrew who writes: 
… My dad bought me a laptop yesterday. It’s cool! Now I can play computer games everywhere! But it drives my mum crazy. She says that all computer shooting games are stupid. 
What do teenagers in your country do in their free time? Do you like or dislike computer games? What do you use computers for? 
I’m very happy now because tomorrow summer holidays will begin……. 

Write a letter to Andrew. 
In your letter 
- answer his questions 
- ask 3 questions about his plans for the coming holidays 
Write 100-140 words 

Thanks …………… . I’m sorry ……………… . How are you getting on? 
You ask me about teenagers’ hobbies and my attitude towards computer. 
In my country teenagers ……………….. . 
As for summer holidays, it is great. ………………….. . 
I must finish my letter because ……………………. . 


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