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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Good morning! I am glad to see you again. I hope you are fine today. We continue to speak about our planet. Let`s start our lesson.

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Good morning! I am glad to see you again. I hope you are fine today. We continue to speak about our planet. Let`s start our lesson. Today we will speak about different environmental problems. The word “environment” means simply what is around us: the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk the water we drink. These are all parts of the environment. Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s life.

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«Good morning! I am glad to see you again. I hope you are fine today. We continue to speak about our planet. Let`s start our lesson.»

8 класс.


Тип урока: обобщение, закрепление лексического материала, формирование коммуникативной компетенции.


Обучающая – закрепление активной лексики, развитие коммуникативной способности, способности воспринимать на слух, развитие навыков говорения.

Развивающая – развитие активности, внимания.

Воспитательная – воспитание культуры общения, обучение общению в группах, воспитание чувства взаимопомощи.


- закрепление изученного материала по теме « защита окружающей среды».

- развитие способности к аудированию

- формирование навыков говорения

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

Good morning! I am glad to see you again. I hope you are fine today. We continue to speak about our planet. Let`s start our lesson. Today we will speak about different environmental problems. The word “environment” means simply what is around us: the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk the water we drink. These are all parts of the environment. Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s life.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

  1. Repeat after me, please:

Protect protection

Environment environmental problems

Chemical waste prediction

Pollute litter

Air pollution dangerous

Alarming recycle

Predict rubbish

  1. Now listen to the poem and say what are the most serious environmental problems mentioned in the poem?

Rub your eyes and look around,

Litter lying on the ground,

Bottles, cans and polythene –

Take the tip and change to green!

Forests going up in smoke,

Cities fit to make you choke,

Nowhere left to be that’s clean –

Take a breath and change to green!

Animals and plants have died,

People starve to feed the pride,

For the life that might have been

Take a stand and charge to green!

3.Закрепление активной лексики, восприятие на слух:

Listen to the sentences and translate them into Russian.

  1. Many species of animals and birds disappear.

  2. Go to the seaside and you will see pollution around you.

  3. Our air is polluted by factories.

  4. People pollute the environment.

  5. The predictions of our scientists are alarming.

  6. Rivers are polluted by chemical waste.

  7. There is a lot of litter on the beaches.

  8. Pollution is dangerous for wildlife and people.

  9. It`s an international disaster.

  10. We must help to protect our nature.

  1. Let’s check your home task. At home you were to make a poster about Environmental Problems. Will you present it?

  2. And what should or shouldn’t we do to protect our nature clean?

  1. Now I’d like to suggest you to watch a video about one of the famous national park in the world « Yellowstone».

Посмотрите отрывок из фильма о национальном парке США.

6. Работа c текстом.

Yellowstone, the First National Park

Yellowstone is the United States’ first and most famous national park. This large and wilderness area is very high in the Rocky Mountains. It is bigger than the smallest state in the US. Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872.

Yellowstone has many different kinds of unusual scenery. Although millions of people visit the park the land is still unchanged – still a wilderness. The valley of the Yellowstone River has beautifully coloured rocks and three large waterfalls. In early morning or evening visitors sometimes see moose. The high mountains around Yellowstone are covered with evergreen forests. Great grizzly bears live there. The bears sometimes come down to look for food. Other wild animals move around freely in the park.

Yellowstone Park has many areas with hot springs and geysers or hot water fountains.

When you visit Yellowstone why not live like a cowboy? You can stay at a “dude ranch”, an old country hotel. You can ride a horse or hike along one of the many paths. There are over one thousand miles of paths around Yellowstone. If you like excitement, take a boat trip down the fast Snake River. Or spend a quiet summer day fishing by a river or a blue mountain lake.

In winter Yellowstone Park is covered with heavy snow but visitors still come to ski and skate.

Say if the sentences are true or false.

  1. Yellowstone is located in the mountains.

  2. It is rather little.

  3. Yellowstone is the first national park in the world.

  4. The scenery of the park is wild and beautiful.

  5. There are three waterfalls on the Yellowstone River.

  6. Visitors can’t see wild animals in the park.

  7. The Snake River is very fast.

  8. People usually take boat trips down the Yellowstone River.

  9. There is a lake in the mountains.

  10. People don’t come to Yellowstone Park in winter because of heavy snow.

What words are they formed from?

Word building:

First, most, famous, national, bigger, smallest, different, unusual, unchanged, beautifully, visitors, freely, excitement.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where is Yellowstone National Park located?

  2. Is Yellowstone Park bigger or smaller than the smallest state in the USA?

  3. When did it become the world’s first national park?

  4. How many people visit the park?

  5. Is land still unchanged in the park?

  6. What can people see in the early morning or evening?

  7. Yellowstone Park has many areas with hot springs and geysers, hasn’t it?

  8. Is there much or little snow in the park in winter?

  9. Where do people live when they visit Yellowstone?

  10. How do visitors spend time when they live in Yellowstone?

  1. Грамматический материал урока.

Conditional II and III.

1. If we cut down fewer trees, the air would be clean and fresh.

2. If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, they would be full of fish.

3. If we planted more new forests, we would save wild animals.

4. If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste.

5. If we took care of our planet, we wouldn’t have so many environmental problems.

6. If people hadn’t polluted the planet, many species of animals wouldn’t have disappeared.

7. If countries had spent more money on scientific research, scientists would have solved some environmental problems.

8. Подведение итогов.

What would you do if you were a president?

If I were a president, I would …

9. Домашнее задание.

Home work:

Ex. 25,26, p. 48

Thank you for the lesson. Good – bye.

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Открытый урок по английскому языку

в 8 классе на тему:

«The world`s best friend is you».

The English teacher

Labazanova D.L.

2018-2018 уч.год


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