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Мастерская по английской грамматике

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«Мастерская по английской грамматике»


Form 7

  1. Listening

Listening. Gap filling. (write the necessary words you will hear on the tape).

Don’t you think books 1______________________ thing in the world? I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t reading a book. 2______________________ memories of being in my school library when I was about five years old. I have been 3______________________ bookworm since then. You’ll usually see me 4______________________ buried in a book. I 5______________________ of books. Novels are great 6______________________ know other worlds and cultures. A good book is one where you never want the 7______________________ . I also like autobiographies because I think it’s interesting 8______________________ people’s lives. Encyclopedias are cool too – you can learn everything about everything in these. 9______________________  books to the Internet. Books need to be in your hand and 10______________________ .

  1. Match the words

1 alarm 
2 heavy 
3 beautiful 
4 crowded 
5 public 
6 door 
7 feel 
8 fresh 

A landscapes 
B transport 
C streets 
D traffic 
E system 
F isolated 
G air 
H chain

  1. Cross the odd word out.

1 scared - shocked - frightened

2 cape - uniform - pipe - hat

3 ordinary - typical - incredible - usual

4 comedy - mystery - science fiction - novel

5 mystery - drama - glance – myth

IV. Fill in the sentences with the correct word

  1. I know _____ she is sad. When / why / which.

  1. Where’s the milk ______ I bought yesterday? Which/who/where.

  2. The North Pole is the place _____ Santa Claus lives. Where/when/that.

  3. This is a man_______ son is a famous scientist. Who/whose/which.

  4. I’ll never forget the day _____I met you! Where/which/when.

V. Choose the correct word.

  1. Are you interesting / interested in sky diving?

  1. I'm looking forward to visiting my parents during the winter holidays. I’m so exciting / excited!

  2. Susan was really amazing / amazed when she learned she had won the first prize in the competition.

  3. Everybody was shocking /shocked to learn about the accident.

  4. This book is really boring / bored. It’s not surprising that I’m boring / bored.

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous

Choose the correct answer

1. The granny (to watch) TV now.

A – watch B – watches C – is watching D – are watching

2. Robert sometimes (to visit) the dentist.

A –visit B –visits C – is visiting D – are visiting

3. Look! Somebody (to walk) in the forest.

A – walk B – walks C – is walking D – are walking

4. I always (to clean) my room.
A –clean B – cleans C – is cleaning D –are cleaning

5. Smile! We (to take) pictures.

A – take B –takes C – is taking D – are taking

6. It’s 7 o’clock. I (to feed) the kittens.

A – feed B – feeds C – am feeding D – are feeding

VII. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

1 Max (cook) breakfast when he (hear) a noise in the bathroom. 
2 Nick (read) a book when the fire (start). 
3 My grandparents (watch) TV while I (sleep). 
4 When Sue (see) the snake, she (run) away.

VII. Choose the right answer

1 A: Do you fancy watching this? 
a Oh no, not that! 
b Shall we watch that, too? 

2 A: Can we watch this movie? 
a I don’t like reality shows. 
b Sure. 

3 A: I haven’t got any bad news. 
a That’s amazing! 
b Sure. 

4 A: Do you fancy watching it? 
a Why? What’s on? 
b I suppose so. 

5 A: Did you hear about it? 
a Yes. What a story! 
b That’s scary. 


Прочитайте текст. Установите соответствие утверждений A1—A7 содержанию текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение 1 -TRUE, если оно соответствует содержанию текста, 2- FALSE, если оно не соответствует или 3 - NOT STATED, если в тексте нет точной информации.

Famous people work in shops for a day

Boy George usually stays in bed on Saturdays, but last week he sold clothes in a shop. Actor Jeremy Irons sold flowers. And who did this man buy his knives and forks from? Uri Geller? It was all right.

Last Saturday, shoppers in Covent Garden in London had an unusual day. For 12 hours over 300 stars from television, pop music, sport and the cinema worked in shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants in Covent Garden. More than 100,000 customers came to see them.

Actress Kelly Hunter organized everything. The idea was simple. People came to see the stars, they bought things and the shop owners gave 5 % of the money to charity. But the stars didn’t only sell things. They signed thousands autographs and gave kisses to their fans.

One hundred policemen were there, but there was no trouble. It was a good day for everyone. Fans got autographs and kisses from their favourite stars, the shops got a lot of new customers and at the end of the day more than £ 100,000 went to charity.

A1 Covent Garden is in London.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Boy George works in a clothes shop every Saturday.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 There are only clothes shops in Covent Garden.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 All the stars were actors and actresses.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Kelly Hunter organized the proses.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 The shop owners gave all their money to charity.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 The police arrested nobody.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


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