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Грамматические упражнения для 5 классов

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Упражнения на отработку предлогов, порядковых числительных, оборотов there is/are, название комнат.

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«Грамматические упражнения для 5 классов»

  1. Complete the text with the correct answer.

  2. I live in a ____ of flats.

  3. My new  ______is big!

  4. I like the _____ but my favorite place is my bedroom.

  5. I live on the_____  floor.

  6. I like looking at the______  through my window early in the morning.

Block, flat, kitchen, second, garden

2. Let’s play a game! Find 5 ordinal numbers in the snake of letters.


3. Put the words in the correct column: “a person” and “a building”. 

About person

About building

Architect, great, keep fit, tall, famous, roof, ground floor, reception room, steps, price, high

4. Choose the correct answer.

1.We make food in the dining room/living room/kitchen

2.We clean our teeth in the bedroom/bathroom/dining room

3.We celebrate a big party in hall of residence/kitchen/living room

5. Type the ordinal numbers.

11th - __________________________

15th – _____________________________

1st – _________________________________

2nd – _________________________________

3rd –_____________________________________

6.Complete the phrases.

1. The________ is nice in your house.

2. Your grandma’s _________is perfect! There are so many flowers in it!

3. Are there any vacant __________________left?

4. This________________ is very tall!

5. My cousin likes his new _____________________

Bathroom, garden, rooms, tower, house.

7.Match the words to their translations.

keep fit

reception room




ground floor



первый этаж

великий, большой



зал для приема гостей

поддерживать (физическую) форму

8.Match the sentences to their translations.

There is a beautiful public garden near here.

There are some new houses down the street.

My grandma has a great garden near her house.

Вниз по улице есть новые дома.

Здесь недалеко есть красивый общественный сад.

У моей бабушки чудесный сад перед ее домом.

9.Read the sentence and choose the correct variant.

1. There are/is a carpet on the floor in the living room.

2. There am/is/are blue curtains in the bedroom.

3. Is/are there a TV set in the kitchen?

4. There is /are no radio in the flat.

10. Find five prepositions of place in the line.


11. Look at the picture and type the location of the objects.

The carpet is _____the armchair.

The painting is _____ the bed.

The bed is _____the bedside tables with lamps.

The armchair is _________the bed.


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