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Грамматический тест по английскому языку. О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. "Rainbow English" (11 класс).

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«Грамматический тест по английскому языку. О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. "Rainbow English" (11 класс).»

Грамматический тест.

Choose the correct item

  1. My teacher ….. me to research all my options before I applied to a specific university.

A recommended B suggested C advised D insisted

  1. The curator asked us ….. any of the statues.

A to not touch B please stop touching C not touching D not to touch

  1. “You know, we’re running out of time on this project.”

“It’s precisely ….. we need more time that we should ask for an extension.”

A since that B due to C though D because

  1. “Can you afford ….. such an expensive car and maintain it?”

“Yes, I’ve recently been promoted.”

A to buying B buying C to buy D buy

  1. “The textile factory caught fire yesterday.”

“I know! The flames …… several miles away.”

A could be seen B saw C could see D were seeing

  1. The local residents were ….. the council’s decision to demolish the old theatre.

A disappointed of B disappointed from C disappointed to D disappointed with

  1. ….. her inexperience, she gave an impressive performance.

A Because of B Although C However D In spite of

  1. “Which one of ….. computer games should I buy Todd for his birthday?”

“I think he’d like that one.”

A this B them C these D theirs

  1. We ….. cleared up the beach without the help of volunteers.

A never have B may not be C could never have D had never

  1. “Have you seen my mobile anywhere?”

“Yes, you’ve left it on the ….. .”

A kitchen’s table B kitchen tables C kitchen table D kitchens’ table

  1. I spent ….. weekend revising for my final exams.

A most of the B most of C the most of the D the most


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