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"Hand-made a Christmas Tree" 6 класс

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Методическая разработка интегрированного урока по английскому языку и технологии "Изготовление рождественской елки". 6 класс.Данная разработка включает в себя технологическую карту урока, протокол (конспект)  урока и презентацию

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«"Hand-made a Christmas Tree" 6 класс»



Протокол интегрированного урока, проведенного в 6 классе



Замалетдинова Н.С.,

учитель первой квалификационной категории

декабрь, 2015

Ход урока.

  1. Самоопределение к проектной деятельности

  1. Good-morning, children!

How are you?

  1. Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it?

  1. Phonetic drill:

Read the tongue-twister and try to translate it.

Snow slows Santa’s sleigh.

Слайд 1

  1. Children, look at the slide. I have received a letter. Read it, please.

Dear children,

Soon the New Year, but my students and I haven’t time to make all Christmas and New Year’s presents. Help us, please!

Yours, Santa.

Слайд 2

- Whom does it come from? (from Santa-Claus)

- Who is Santa-Claus? (he gives the presents to children on New Year and Christmas Holiday)

- What does he ask you in the letter? (he needs help, he asked us to make presents for children)

- What presents can he give to children? ( a tree, a toy, a sweet and etc.)

- What need people to celebrate Christmas and New Year? (Christmas-tree)

- What do we make in the lesson? (I think, we’ll make a Christmas-tree)

- Well, you are right.

  1. Актуализация и пробные учебные действия

  1. Let’s read the poem about Christmas – tree.

One, two, three,

It’s a Christmas- tree!

Three, two, one,

Christmas is fun!

Слайд 3

- Will we the students of Santa? (одевают колпаки)

- What need we for the making it? (we need a thread, a button, a star…)

Ok, you are right.

(совместно с учителем технологии)

  1. - Look at the slide and read the new words.

We need [wi ni:d] – нам потребуется

glue [glu:] – клей

thread [θrә:d]– нить

scissors [si:zәs]– ножницы

paper cone[peɪpə kəun] – конус из бумаги

a sheet of paper [ᶴi:t әf peɪpə]– лист бумаги

needle [ni:dl]– игла

paper circle [peɪpə sз:kl]– круг из бумаги

balls of paper[ bɐls әf peɪpə ]– шарики из бумаги

decorations [dɪkɐreɪᶴn]– украшения

a star[sta:] – звезда

button [bʌtn]– пуговица

a present [ prezәnt]– подарок

bead [bi:d]– бусинка

bow [bɐu]- бант

слайд 4

  1. Поиск информации

  1. Read the instruction and put the sentences in correct order.

  1. Tread winding cone, starting from the bottom to the top. Cut the thread. We have to stick the edge of thread. We get a color tree.

  2. Take a preparation for Christmas-three – the cone. We have to make it hard. To do this, fill it with balls of paper.

  3. Our Christmas-tree is ready.

  4. We begin to decorate it: we need gifts, buttons, bows, beads. Glue the star on the top of the Christmas-tree. Buttons and beads we can sew the thread using a needle.

  5. Take a circle of paper. Close the bottom of the tree. Glue it. It got the bottom of the tree.

Слайд 5

  1. Take a preparation for Christmas-three – the cone. We have to make it hard. To do this, fill it with balls of paper.

  2. Tread winding cone, starting from the bottom to the top. Cut the thread. We have to stick the edge of thread. We get a color tree.

  3. Take a circle of paper. Close the bottom of the tree. Glue it. It got the bottom of the tree.

  4. We begin to decorate it: we need gifts, buttons, bows, beads. Glue the star on the top of the Christmas-tree. Buttons and beads we can sew the thread using a needle.

  5. Our Christmas-tree is ready.

Слайд 6

- It is your instruction to make a Christmas-tree.

  1. Динамическая пауза

Head and shoulders”

  1. Построение проекта (совместно с учителем технологии)

  • Now, you must to make a Christmas-tree following to the true instruction.

  1. Презентация проектов

Take your trees and show them to your classmates and guests, please

  1. Анализ созданного проекта. Обобщение затруднений во внешней речи.

What was too hard for you?

It was hard to me …

Слайд 7

  1. Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке

  • At the end of our lesson, answer my questions, please. You must underline appropriate form.

1. During the lesson I was

2. I am

3. The lesson seemed to be

4. I am

5. I feel

6. I think I

7. The homework seems to be

Active/ passive

Satisfied/ not satisfied with my work


Tired/not tired


Got /didn’t get the idea




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