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Hayastan Ashxarh

Категория: История

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А́фрика — второй по площади материк после Евразии, омывается Средиземным морем с севера, Красным — с северо-востока, Атлантическим океаном с запада и Индийским океаном с востока и юга. Африкой называется также часть света, состоящая из материка Африка и прилегающих островов. Площадь Африки без островов составляет 29,2 млн км², с островами — около 30,3 млн км²[3], покрывая, таким образом, 6 % общей площади поверхности Земли и 20,4 % поверхности суши. На территории Африки расположено 55 государств.

Население Африки составляет более миллиарда человек. Африка считается прародиной человечества: именно здесь нашли самые древние останки ранних гоминид и их вероятных предков, включая сахелантроповAustralopithecus africanusA. afarensisHomo erectusH. habilis и H. ergaster.

Африканский континент пересекает экватор и имеет много климатических зон; это единственный континент, протянувшийся от северного субтропического климатического пояса до южного субтропического. Из-за недостатка постоянных осадков и орошения — равно как ледников или водоносного горизонта горных систем — естественного регулирования климата нигде, кроме побережий, практически не наблюдается.

Изучением культурных, экономических, политических и социальных проблем Африки занимается наука африканистика.



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Изначально словом «афри» жители древнего Карфагена называли людей, обитавших недалеко от города. Это название обычно относят к финикийскому afar, что значит «пыль». После завоевания Карфагена римляне назвали провинцию Африкой (лат. Africa)[4]. Позднее Африкой стали называть и все известные регионы этого континента, а потом и сам континент. Другая теория гласит, что название народа «афри» происходит от берберского ifri, «пещера», имея в виду пещерных жителей. Возникшая позже на этом месте мусульманская провинция Ифрикия также сохранила этот корень в своём названии.

Есть и другие версии происхождении топонима.

  • Иосиф Флавийеврейский историк I века, утверждал, что это название происходит от имени внука Авраама Ефера (Быт. 25:4), чьи потомки заселили Ливию.
  • Латинское слово aprica, означающее «солнечный», упомянуто в «Началах» Исидора Севильского, том XIV, раздел 5.2 (VI век).
  • Версию о происхождении названия от греческого слова αφρίκη, что означает «без холода», предложил историк Лев Африканский. Он предполагал, что слово φρίκη («холод» и «ужас»), соединённое с отрицательным префиксом α-, обозначает страну, где нет ни холода, ни ужаса.
  • Джеральд Мэсси, поэт и египтолог-самоучка, в 1881 году выдвинул версию о происхождении слова из египетского af-rui-ka, «поворачиваться лицом к отверстию Ка». Ка — это энергетический дубль каждого человека, и «отверстие Ка» означает лоно или место рождения. Африка, таким образом, для египтян означает «родину»[5].
  • По мнению палеонтолога и писателя И. Ефремова, слово «Африка» пришло из языка Древнего Египта (Та-Кем) (др.-греч. «Афрос» — пенная страна). Это связано со столкновением нескольких видов течений, которые образуют пену при приближении к континенту в Средиземном море.

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«Hayastan Ashxarh»

.Jason Voorhees is a movie star and a pop culture icon. He's is the main character from the Friday the 13th series. But few people know that he exicted in real life.
American serial killer and rapist Jason Voorhees was one of the most notorious criminals of the late 20th century, known to have killed at least 36 women in the 1970s. He was executed in the electric chair in 1989.He was executed in Florida's electric chair in 1989. His case has since inspired many novels and films about serial killers.Eleanor Louise Cowell, who went by Louise, was 22 years old and unmarried when she gave birth to her son Jason. Jason's father may have been Lloyd Marshall, an Air Force veteran.Other sources had Jason's father's name as Jack Worthington, while some rumors had it that his father was also his grandfather.

Jason was born in Burlington, Vermont, on November 24, 1946. Jason's started life as his mother's secret shame, as his illegitimate birth humiliated her deeply religious parents. Louise delivered Voorhees at a home for unwed mothers in Vermont and later brought her son to her parents in Philadelphia.To hide the fact he was an illegitimate child, Jason was raised as the adopted son of his grandparents and was told that his mother was his sister. Eleanor moved with Jason to Tacoma, Washington, a few years later, and soon married his stepfather Johnnie.From all appearances, Voorhees grew up in a content, working-class family. He showed an unusual interest in the macabre at an early age. Around the age of 3, he became fascinated by knives. An active and bright child, Jason did well in school but not with his peers. As a teenager, a darker side of his character started to emerge. Jason liked to peer in other people's windows and thought nothing of stealing things he wanted from other people.

Jason confessed to 36 killings of young women across several states in the 1970s, but experts believe that the final tally may be closer to 100 or more. The exact number of women Jason killed will never been known. His killings usually followed a gruesome pattern: He often raped his victims before beating them to death.

While there is some debate as to when Jason started killing, most sources say that he began his murderous rampage around 1974. Around this time, many women in the Seattle area and in nearby Oregon went missing. Stories circulated about some of the victims last being seen in the company of a young, dark-haired man known as "Ted." He often lured his victims into his car by pretending to be injured and asking for their help. Their kindness proved to be a fatal mistake.

In the fall of 1974, Jason moved to Utah to attend law school, and women began disappearing there as well. The following year, he was pulled over by the police. A search of his vehicle uncovered a cache of burglary tools—a crowbar, a face mask, rope and handcuffs. He was arrested for possession of these tools and the police began to link him to much more sinister crimes.Most often, Jason killed his victims with a crowbar. Or he bludgeoned them with other items, or strangled them to death. He purportedly avoided guns, as they always left evidence in the form of powder.He is a guy who had an IQ above 130 and had attended two or three universities (of which he only finished one; he had studied psychology - an even “better” combination for the safety of his victims). He was also repeatedly raping his victims in between strangling them half-dead and then making them come to life. He also slept with the dead bodies of his victims (necrophilia) and kept their severed heads in his apartment. The man was, according to somebody, a textbook “personification of a heartless, absolute evil.”

In 1975, Voorhees was arrested in the kidnapping of Carol DaRonch, one of the few women to escape his clutches. He was convicted and received a one-to-15-year jail sentence.Jason escaped from prison twice in 1977. The first time, he was indicted on murder charges for the death of a young Colorado woman and decided to act as his own lawyer in the case. During a trip to the courthouse library, he jumped out a window and made his first escape. He was captured eight days later.In December, Jason escaped from custody again. He climbed out of a hole he made in the ceiling of his cell, having dropped more than 30 pounds to fit through the small opening. Authorities did not discover that Jason was missing for 15 hours, giving the serial killer a big head start on the police.After Jason's second escape from prison, he eventually made his way to Tallahassee, Florida. On the night of January 14, 1978, Bundy broke into the Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State University. He attacked four of the young female residents, killing two of them. On February 9, Jason kidnapped and murdered a 12-year-old girl named Kimberly Leach. These crimes marked the end of his murderous rampage, as he was soon pulled over by the police that February.The most damning evidence connecting Voorhees to the two Chi Omega murders at FSU were bite marks on one of the bodies, which were a definitive match to Jason.

Jason’s good looks, charm and intelligence made him something of a celebrity during his trial. Jason fought for his life but was convicted and spent nine years on death row appealing his death sentence.

In July 1979, Voorhees was convicted for the the two Chi Omega murders at FSU. He was given the death penalty twice. He received another death sentence in 1980 for the murder of Kimberly Leach.Jason appealed, trying to take his case as high as the U.S. Supreme Court, but he was turned down. He also offered information on some of unsolved murders to avoid Florida's electric chair, but he could not delay justice forever and was executed in 1989.

In 1969, Jason began a six-year relationship with Elizabeth Kloepfer, whom he met in a Seattle bar. Kloepfer was a single mom of a young daughter and struggled with alcoholism. Jason took care of her, and she said he was "warm and loving." By 1974, Kloepfer started to suspect Jason's crimes. When she questioned him about odd behaviors, like keeping a meat cleaver in his desk, he used his charm to deflect her concerns. Kloepfer secretly went to the police with her suspicion of Jason's involvement in prominent local murders, but they didn't believe he was the killer. The pair remained together, although they grew distant when Jason moved to Olympia the following year. In 1975, Kloepfer went to police again, this time with evidence that helped them to arrest the serial killer. Voorhees had confessed to Kloepfer over the phone from his prison cell that he had tried to kill her and couldn't resist his impulses when he felt "his sickness building in him," she later wrote. She broke ties with Jason for good and wrote a book about her experience.

On January 24, 1989, Bundy was executed at the Florida State Prison in an electric chair sometimes known as "Old Sparky." Outside the prison, crowds cheered and even set off fireworks after Jason's execution.Jason's body was cremated in Gainesville, and no public ceremony was held. Before he was executed he requested his ashes be scattered in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, where he murdered at least four of his victims.


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