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How Jack went to seek his Fortune

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«How Jack went to seek his Fortune»


One morning a boy named Jack goes to seek his fortune. He walks and walks. He meets a cat. Jack says, “I want to seek my fortune.”

“Can I go with you?” the cat says.

“Of course,” jack says and they go together.

They meet a dog. Jack says, “We want to seek our fortune.”

“Can I go with you?” the dog says.

“Of course”, says Jack and they go together.

They meet a goat. Jack says, “We want to seek our fortune.”

“Can I go with you?” the goat says.

“Of course”, says Jack and they go together.

They meet a bull. Jack says, “We want to seek our fortune.”

“Can I go with you?” the bull says.

“Of course” Jack says and they go together.

They meet a rooster. Jack says, “We want to seek our fortune.”

“Can I go with you?” the rooster says.

“Of course”, Jack says and they go together.

In the evening they see a house. There are robbers in it. Jack looks through the window. The cat meows, the dog barks, the goat bleats, the bull bellows, and the rooster crows. The robbers are scared. They run away.

The friends come in. they see bags with gold. They understand that the robbers will come back soon. The cat sits in the chair, the dog sits under the table, the goat sits upstairs, the bull sits in the cellar and the rooster sits on the roof. Jack goes to bed.

At night one robber comes. He wants to take his gold. But he runs back. He is scared. He tells his story to his friends. “I go back to the house. I try to sit down on the chair, but I can not. There is an old woman in the chair. She spins and her needles are sharp.” It is the cat, you know. “Then I go to the table. There is a shoemaker under the table. His knife is sharp.” It is the dog, you know.

“Then I go upstairs. There is a man upstairs. He has a mallet.” It is the goat, you know.

“Then I go down cellar. There is a woodman in the cellar. He has an axe.” It is the bull, you know.

“But the most terrible thing is a little boy on the roof. He cries, “Chuck him up to me-e!” Of course, it is the rooster, you know. It cries “Cock-a-doodle-do!”


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