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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Howdo you get to school?

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Lesson theme: How do you get to school? Date: 11.03.2015 Level: 7v Materials for the lesson: pictures, cards, tables

Objectives The pupil will be able to: a) write 5-6 sentences using the adverbs b) say 6-7 sentences using the vocabulary c) Make up dialogue using the new theme

Procedure of the class

  1. Introduction
  2. Warm up
  3. Presentation of the new theme
  4. Practice
  5. Production
  6. Assessment
  7. Home task

Introduction T –Cl

  • Good afternoon children! Sit down, please. We`ll begin our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Thank you, sit down . What date is it  today? What day is it today? Today`s our new theme is “How do you get to school?”.

Warm up T—Cl

Now look at the blackboard and listen to me. Then you will repeat after me.

I live here, You live near, Tom and Ray live Far away

Presentation of the new lesson

Now open your vocabulary. We`ll write new words.

Bus - автобус Plane- самолет Train- поезд Car- машина Helicopter-вертолет Motorbike-мотоцикл Boat - лодка

Make up dialogues

P1: Where is your school? P2: It is not very far P1: How do you get there? P2: Never by car P1: We sometimes walk P2: And we sometimes run P1: And we sometimes catch bus 21 P2: And we sometimes in summer time P1: We roller skate P2: That`s really fine.


Now I`ll explain about the adverbials. The adverbials below usually go in mid-position:

Never       almost        always        really often        rarely          usually        ever just           nearly

Example: I never travel by underground                 I usually take a bus to go home.


Now open your notebooks and write down today`s date. We`ll do the ex.5 on page 132. Put the adverbials into the correct place in each sentences

  1. I have come from school        just
  2. He eats chocolates                  rarely
  3. Ooops! I fell over                            nearly
  4. I can understand him              always
  5. The teacher comes late           never
  6. I missed my mother                really


Production Talk to your partner about how you get to school

P1—P2                          P3—P4

Assessment Today you are very active. I`ll give your marks

Home task Open your date books and write down your home task ex7 p.133

Our lesson is over. Good bye!

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