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English "Shopping"

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Lesson plan

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«English "Shopping"»

Date : 05.03.2024.

Form : 8 A

The theme of the lesson: Shopping

Materials: paper, markers, scissors, colored papers, paper money.

Objectives : pupils will be able to :

  1. Learn and practice shopping words and phrases

  2. Prepare one short presentation using new phrases

  3. Improve speaking , listening skills

I . Warm up : Brainstorm : what do we need to say / ask when we are shopping?

What do we need to ask / say when we selling something.

II. Word order activity:

Introduce the following phrases if not discussed in brainstorming activity:

  • Do you have any ….

Yes , we have….

  • How much does this cost?

It costs ……

  • That’s cheap/ expensive

I will give you a discount

It is on a sale

  • I will take (it/ 2 kg / etc..)

Here you are

  • Thank you for shopping with us

III. Set up: Each team comes prepared with paper items to sell in their assigned shop:

  • Fruits and vegetables stand

  • Butcher

  • Dukon

  • Clothes

  • Toys

  • Bakery

  • Pharmacy

IV. Making shopping lists

Each table assighned a task to buy things . students are introduced to make a shopping list at least 5 items to purchase from other’s stores.

  • You are having guests

  • You need new clothes for a party

  • You are getting ready to go back to school

  • It’s your little sister’s birthday

  • It’s your little brother’s birthday

  • You have a cold

V. Role play :

Students are given an allowance of fake money. They must purchase the items on their shopping list and negotiate the price to stay within their budget.


Debrief :

  • Introduce the questions : what did you buy? How much did it cost?

  • Guide students to answer in past simple.

  • 2 or 3 groups share what they bought using past simple sentences

Homework: In past simple , write about your task and experience shopping

How did your “event” go ? Make up a story of at least 10 sentences.



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