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ЕГЭ английский язык. Тест по словообразованию №3.

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Тренировочный тест на словообразование в формате ЕГЭ на основе материала УМК "Enjoy English", 10 класс

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«ЕГЭ английский язык. Тест по словообразованию №3.»

Enjoy English 10

Unit 3


  1. In the English language verbs can be used in ACTIVATE and Passive Voice.

  2. Your result DEPEND on your ABLE to concentrate.

  3. The POPULAR of Leo di Caprio has greatly increased after the film “The Titanic”.

  4. There will be an important meeting on Tuesday. Your ATTEND is requested.

  5. CURIOUS killed the cat.

  6. This information is RELY.

  7. What’s the DIFFER between these two meanings?

  8. HONEST is the best policy.

  9. What’s your PREFER in music?

  10. The danger is over, now can feel SAVE and sound.

  11. The use of ADVANCE technology can sustain the economic development of any country.

  12. Some scientists believe that HUMANITY body has not considerably changed since pre-historic times.

  13. The ORIGINAL of his thought impressed the public immensely.

  14. In the beginning of the XX century it was hard to imagine that ELECTRIC would be in every house.

  15. He could hardly stand somebody’s INTERFERE.

  16. This information was given to PUBLIC.

  17. Teenagers behaviour is usually DEPEND on their relations with their friends and parents.

  18. Detective Brown was responsible for the INVESTIGATE of the case.

  19. He was DISAPPOINT of the prize.

  20. Make-up can considerably change the woman’s APPEAR.

  21. There is FORMAL resemblance between these two notions.

  22. Don’t be afraid to sign this document – it’s a mere FORMAL.

  23. I can say it with CERTAIN.

  24. Did you see the announcement at the ENTER.

  25. If you have any questions – find the information in the REFER Grammar in your student books.

‘5’ – 0-1 m

‘4’ – 2-6 m

‘3’ – 7-11m


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