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Игра "Detectives" 5 класс

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«игра "Detectives" 5 класс»

Автор: учитель английского языка высшей категории Дмитрук Л.Е. DETECTIVES GAMES AND ACTIVITIES


учитель английского языка

высшей категории

Дмитрук Л.Е.



One volunteer is the detective and goes outside .

One volunteer is the detective and goes outside .

 One of the students is given a coin to hide on their person - he or she is the thief.

One of the students is given a coin to hide on their person - he or she is the thief.

The detective returns and accuses * any member of the class: The accused, whether guilty **  or innocent *** , answers: No, I didn't take the money, Mike took it. Did you take the money? accuse* - обвинять guilty** - виновный innocent*** - невиновный

The detective returns and

accuses * any member of the class:

The accused, whether

guilty ** or innocent *** , answers:

No, I didn't take

the money, Mike took


Did you take the money?

accuse* - обвинять

guilty** - виновный

innocent*** - невиновный

The detective then accuses Mike , using the same formula as before, and so on. He has three attempts. One of the named students should be the real thief.

The detective then accuses Mike , using the same formula as before, and so on. He has three attempts. One of the named students should be the real thief.

The detective watches the accused people and has to try to detect by their behavior, which one is lying. ? ? ?

The detective watches the accused people and has to try to detect by their behavior, which one is lying.




He chooses one of the three suspected * . You are a thief! *suspected - подозреваемый

He chooses one of the three suspected * .

You are

a thief!

*suspected - подозреваемый

If the detective is right the class shout: Yes, he is ! Yes, he is ! You are a thief ! *suspected - подозреваемый

If the detective is right the class shout:

Yes, he is !

Yes, he is !

You are

a thief !

*suspected - подозреваемый

If the detective is wrong the class shout: Yes, he is ! No, he isn’t ! You are a thief ! *suspected - подозреваемый

If the detective is wrong the class shout:

Yes, he is !

No, he isn’t !

You are

a thief !

*suspected - подозреваемый


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