Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Готовые ключевые этапы урока всегда будут у вас под рукой

Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока


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Представляю вашему вниманию свою разработку игры бинго по теме "Моя повседневная жизнь". Я использую эту игру на уроках, что очень облегчает запоминание новой лексики, свособствует развитию мотивации и повышению интереса к предмету. Ирать можно фронтально и в гуппах. Организовав групповую работу, вы обеспечите 100% участие всех учащихся в учебной деятельности, а также более глубокое закрепление новой лексики. 

В состав игрового набора входят 12 вариантов карточек, карточки для ведущего на английском языке и словарик. Чтобы закрывать названные слова, я нарезаю из цветного картона прямоугольнички,  которые играют роль фишек. Желаю удачи! делитесь впечатлениями!

Просмотр содержимого документа


Words which were used in the game.

be good at – быть способным к чему-либо

beat the carpets – выбивать ковры

clean teeth – чистить зубы

clean the floor – мыть пол

come home – приходить домой

cook dinner – готовить ужин

do exercises – делать зарядку

do homework – делать домашнее задание

do shopping – ходить за покупками

download files from the Internet – скачивать файлы с интернета

dust the furniture – вытирать пыль

email people – писать электронные письма

empty the dustbin – выносить мусор

favourite subject – любимый предмет

get up – вставать

get dressed - одеваться

give smb a ride – подвезти кого-либо на машине

go for a walk – ходить на прогулку

go to bed – ложиться спать

go to school – идти в школу

go to the swimming-pool – ходить в бассейн

have a rest – отдыхать

have breakfast – завтракать

have dinner – ужинать

have drawing lessons – брать уроки рисования

have lunch – обедать

help mother about the house – помогать маме по дому

household chores – домашние обязанности

make the bed – заправлять кровать

play chess – играть в шахматы

play football – играть в футбол

play the piano – играть на пианино

prefer – предпочитать

put on jeans – одевать джинсы

read a book – читать книгу

school finishes at 1:15 – школа заканчивается в 1:15

start – начинать

surf the net – путешествовать по интернету

take a shower - принимать душ

the lesson is over – урок закончен

vacuum the carpets – пылесосить ковры

visit websites – заходить на веб сайты

wake up – просыпаться, будить

wash hands and face – умывать руки и лицо

wash up – мыть посуду

watch TV – смотреть телевизор

water the flowers – поливать цветы

ходить за покупками


заправлять кровать

принимать душ


делать зарядку

идти в школу

делать домашнее задание


вытирать пыль



ходить в бассейн

писать электронные письма

готовить ужин

выносить мусор

играть в шахматы

путешествовать по интернету

читать книгу

урок закончен


приходить домой

поливать цветы

смотреть телевизор

ложиться спать

домашние обязанности

умывать руки и лицо




пылесосить ковры

выбивать ковры


мыть посуду

просыпаться, будить

играть в футбол

мыть пол

скачивать файлы с интернета

помогать маме по дому


кого-либо на машине

заходить на веб сайты

ходить на прогулку

одевать джинсы

школа заканчивается в 1:15

быть способным к чему-либо

брать уроки рисования

играть на пианино

любимый предмет

Put on jeans

household chores

do exercises

do shopping

water the flowers

play football


Have breakfast

have drawing lessons

Favourite subject

clean teeth

be good at

the lesson is over

dust the furniture

Play the piano

wake up

watch TV

take a shower

beat the carpets

Clean the floor

Make the bed

School finishes at 1:15

Download files from the Internet

have a rest

Help mother about the house

Go to school

read a book

visit websites

play chess

Go for a walk

vacuum the carpets

Get up


Do exercises

Play football

Go to school

wake up

visit websites

water the flowers

put on jeans

household chores

surf the net

Email people

Beat the carpets

go to bed

read a book

clean teeth

wash hands and face

have drawing lessons

Favourite subject

Download files from the Internet

the lesson is over

Get dressed

play the piano

dust the furniture

School finishes at 1:15

be good at

help mother about the house

Clean the floor

Have a rest

Give smb a ride

do homework

make the bed

have dinner

wash up

wake up


watch TV

water the flowers

Dust the furniture

The lesson is over.

Clean the floor

Go to school

beat the carpets

vacuum the carpets

take a shower

get up

have breakfast

Help m. about the house

be good at

Play the piano

favourite subject

put on jeans

play chess

School finishes at 1:15

surf the net

read a book

do exercises

go to bed

have dinner

Wash up

wash hands and face

do shopping

clean teeth

have drawing lessons

do homework

go for a walk

Download files from the internet


play football

clean teeth

beat the carpets

visit websites

do shopping

The lesson is over

read a book

wake up

put on jeans

come home

give smb a ride

Dust the furniture

water the flowers

have a rest

Go for a walk

watch TV

be good at

empty the dustbin

Favourite subject

have breakfast

Download files from the Internet

household chores

play the piano

School finishes at 1:15

Get dressed

Vacuum the carpets

have drawing lessons

Go to school

surf the net


wash hands and face

Help mother about the house

wash up

Play football

make the bed

Clean the floor

play football

take a shower


beat the carpets

wash up

household chores

wake up

play the piano

watch TV

go for a walk

do shopping

vacuum the carpets

Favourite subject

the lesson is over

School finishes at 1:15

do exercises

have a rest

have breakfast

give smb a ride

download files from the Internet

have lunch

go to the swimming-pool

put on jeans

Dust the furniture

wash hands and face

get up

Go to school

surf the net

go to bed

Clean the floor


Help m. about the house

be good at

clean teeth

have drawing lessons

school finishes at 1:15

the lesson is over


Go to school

beat the carpets

go to the swimming-pool

Play the piano

Get dressed

have dinner

read a book

have breakfast

empty the dust bin

go to bed

have lunch

play chess

Surf the net

wake up

Be good at

clean teeth

vacuum the carpets

wash hands and face

Download files from the Internet

Wash up

visit websites

get up

Water the flowers

do shopping

Clean the floor


Give smb a ride

watch TV

Help mother about the house

Dust the furniture

favourite subject

put on jeans

wash hands and face

have dinner

Go to school

household chores

Clean the floor

beat the carpets

Get dressed


do shopping

watch TV

play the piano

Dust the furniture

play chess

have breakfast

read a book

Visit websites

vacuum the carpets

Have lunch

put on jeans

go to the swimming-pool

Download files from the Internet

come home

empty the dustbin

be good at

the lesson is over

get up

go for a walk

have drawing lessons

clean teeth

Give smb a ride

take a shower

wake up

Help mother about the house

wash up

Email people

do exercises

vacuum the carpets

read a book

have dinner

put on jeans

do homework

Dust the furniture

have breakfast

clean teeth

surf the net

Be good at

Go to bed

clean the floor

cook dinner

Give smb a ride

come home

get up

have lunch

make the bed

Wash up

empty the dustbin

Email people

wash hands and face

Go to school


watch TV


Download files from the Net

household chores

Help mother about the house

wake up

Go for a walk

go to the swimming-pool

the lesson is over

beat the carpets

do shopping

wash up

get up

cook dinner

Help mother about the house

Get dressed

have dinner


wake up

come home

Dust the furniture

surf the net

The lesson is over

go for a walk

clean teeth

empty the dust bin

wash hands and face

do exercises

water the flowers

put on jeans

vacuum the carpets

Clean the floor

go to the swimming-pool

Give smb a ride

play chess

Be good at

go to school

email people

beat the carpets

do homework

school finishes at 1:15

Download files from the Internet

have breakfast


watch TV

go to bed

Watch TV

read a book

get up

have breakfast

Play chess


do shopping

wash hands and face

wash up

Do exercises

get dressed

have dinner

take a shower

surf the net

make the bed

vacuum the carpets

Come home

Clean the floor


Go to the swimming-pool

have lunch

the lesson is over

Help mom about the house

wake up

clean teeth

household chores

Cook dinner

Email people

Do homework

beat the carpets

have a rest

Download files from the Net

Go to school

water the flowers

Get dressed

water the flowers

play chess

household chores

do shopping

have breakfast

do exercises

Clean the floor

have lunch

clean teeth

Download files from the Net

watch TV

dust the furniture

read a book

visit websites


surf the net

Beat the carpets

go to the swimming-pool

put on jeans

Go to school

To give smb a ride

take a shower


Help mother about the house

make the bed

go for a walk

empty the dustbin

Play football

wake up

vacuum clean the carpets

the lesson is over

email people

have a rest

have dinner

come home

surf the net

clean teeth

have a rest

wake up

School finishes at 1:15

watch TV

Go to school

go to the swimming-pool

Help mother about the house

wash up

Clean the floor

take a shower


Dust the furniture

put on jeans

get up


water the flowers

have dinner

read a book

Be good at

do shopping

household chores

Get dressed

vacuum the carpets

empty the dustbin

Give smb a ride

Email people

Download files from the Net

have lunch

have drawing lessons

play the piano

beat the carpets

go for a walk


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

Свидетельство об участии БЕСПЛАТНО!