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Игра-квест “Literary Room” («В литературной гостиной»)

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План-конспект внеурочного занятия по английскому языку в 7-8 классе.

Тема: Игра-квест “Literary Room” («В литературной гостиной»)

УМК: Верещагина И. Н., Афанасьева О. В. Английский язык. 7 класс. Углублённое изучение.

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«Игра-квест “Literary Room” («В литературной гостиной»)»

План-конспект внеурочного занятия по английскому языку в 7-8 классе.

Тема: Игра-квест “Literary Room” («В литературной гостиной»)

Цель занятия: совершенствование навыков устной речи, повышение интереса и мотивации к изучению английского языка, воспитание интереса к чтению книг на родном и иностранном языке (формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся). развитие творческих способностей и умений работы в команде.активизация лексических навыков по теме «Книги» и грамматических по теме «Пассивный залог»; закрепление материала по теме и контроль его усвоения.


Обучающие: закрепление лексико-грамматического материала по темам «Чтение с удовольствием» и «Пассивный залог; » обеспечение применения обучающимися знаний по теме; создание условий для отработки навыков и умений в говорении и восприятии на слух; развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Развивающие: развитие коммуникативных навыков через разнообразные виды речевой деятельности (монологическая и диалогическая речь); развитие памяти, внимания, фонематического слуха; практика в использовании пройденного материала в определенных ситуациях общения (чтение книг); способствование развитию чувства языка и языковой догадки; развитие навыков перевода; умения дать оценку, высказать своё мнение на английском языке; развитие умения работать в группах; расширение словарного запаса, кругозора учащихся.

Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения учащихся друг к другу, к своей стране и стране изучаемого языка, к культуре другого народа; воспитание интереса к английскому языку, чтению книг; воспитание духа сотрудничества и взаимодействия; развитие творческих способностей и умений работы в команде, расширение эрудиции учащихся, их лингвистического и общего кругозора.

Практические: обобщить знание лексики по теме «Чтение с удовольствием», «Пассивный залог», способствование продолжению развития навыков речевой деятельности; продолжение развития коммуникационных умений в устной форме; выработка умения работать самостоятельно; продолжить формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки по теме.

Планируемые результаты.

  1. Личностные: формирование мотивации к изучению иностранных языков и стремление к самосовершенствованию в данной области; формирование мотивации и интереса к новому учебному материалу; развитие интереса к изучению культуры страны изучаемого языка, к чтению книг на родном и иностранном языках.

  2. Регулятивные: развитие умения самостоятельной работы, развитие способность организовывать свою деятельность; продолжить формирование самоконтроля и самооценки.

  3. Познавательные: осознанно и произвольно строить речевое высказывание в устной форме; осуществлять рефлексию деятельности по овладению иностранным языком.

  4. Коммуникативные: формирование понимания на слух иноязычной речи учителя и одноклассников, умения выражать свои мысли на иностранном языке; выработка умения слушать собеседника, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, строить понятные для слушающего высказывания.

Технологии и приемы: игровые технологии (квест), информационно-коммуникационные технологии, здоровьесберегающие; личностно-ориентированная технология, технологии личностно-дифференцированного подхода.

Форма работы: групповая, фронтальная.

Методы работы: обьяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, элементы проблемного и частично-поискового

Оборудование: презентация, экран, раздаточный материал по теме.

УМК: Верещагина И. Н., Афанасьева О. В. Английский язык. 7 класс. Углублённое изучение.

План мероприятия:

Первый этап: организационный (вступительное слово и распределение по командам; установка правил и настроя на работу)

Второй этап: основной (игра)

Заключительный этап: подведение итогов

Ход внеурочного занятия

Hello everyone! What a beautiful day today, isn’t it? Are you feeling good today? Great! Can you do one thing for me now? Please close your eyes for a second. Everyone. No peaking!! Imagine that you are in the room filled with books. It is dark. There is no window in the room. You can see a door, but it is locked. Imagined? Now open your eyes. TELEPORT (THE SOUND OF TELEPORTING) That’s where you’re now. Did you hear the sound of teleporting? I teleported you here. Do you want to know where you are and why you’re here? Are you ready to listen to the story?

Once upon the time there lived a man. And reading books was what he was interested in. He loved reading. He read all day and all night long. No matter when you saw the man he always read his books. Soon he became known as Mr. Bookworm. Do you know who is called “bookworm”? Yes, it’s a person who loves reading. But let’s go back to our story. So, Mr. Boorworm thought everyone had to love reading as much as he did. And he decided to test people and make them go through the “literature trial”. And for that Mr. Bookworm created a special place. People found themselves in a strange room filled with books. Not many of those people were able to get out of that room. The place is still known as The Literature Room. And that is where you are now.

Though you may think there is no exit, but there is one. Remember the door? It’s locked but you can open it. You need a password. Mr. Bookworm prepared some tasks for you and if you complete them successfully you will get the part of the code.

And my name is Kristina Andreevna and I’m going to assist you on your journey. Please, tell me your names. Amazing, it’s really nice to meet you. Before we start, I have a message from Mr. Bookworm himself. Do you want to listen to it? (VIDEO). What does he want?

Let’s do a little warm up before the challenge starts. You always need to warm up to get better results! СКОРОГОВОРКА TONGUE TWISTER

TASK1. We will have two teams. Each team will do their own task. For each completed task you will get a part of the code. But it will come in 2 halves. Each half for each team. So remember, you work in teams but you all work together for one goal – to open that door. Any questions? Good. Now let’s start. And you need to find your first tasks. Here, I have maps that will help you. Find them. You have sentences which are in the active voice and you need to turn them into the passive voice. You have 2 minutes.

TASK2. You aced the first task! Well done! It’s time for the second one. I’ve got some sentences that were written by people who did the same tasks as you, But there are so many mistakes! You need to find them and correct! There is one mistake in each sentence. Ready? Go! Again, you have 2 minutes.

TASK3. Good job! Look, you have got 2 out of 5 parts of the password! Keep it up! For the next task you need to simply follow my instructions and find the numbers. Here the both teams work together. Be very attentive. Are you ready? [Look at your desk! Look at the blackboard! Look at the ceiling! Look at the window!] [Look at the tree near school! Look at the windowsill! Look at the ceiling! Look at me!]

TASK4. Look at the screen. Oops, it seems like some of the words mixed up in the sentences. You need to sort it out and read the correct sentence. The upper sentence is for Team 1, the lower is for Team 2.

TASK5. To get your last task you need to stand up and say “I love reading!” Great! Take your seats and here you are. You need to match the authors and their books. Your answers should be like this: X was written by X. 2 minutes are yours.

Well done! You got all the part of the code. Do you think it is the password itself? Let’s think what the password can be. Solve this puzzle. Do you want a hint?

Let’s try. HURRAY!! The door is opened let’s see what’s here. Look, it’s a note from Mr. Bookworm. Dear boys and girls, my congratulations! You passed! You worked really hard. And for that you deserve the prize. But before that, tell me, why is reading important? Did you find the answers to this question on your journey? Thank you for your answers. Now, look at the map and find your REWARD.

Are you happy with your reward? Did you have fun today? Do you regret coming here today? Was it interesting to for you? Did you learn something new? Now please, rate our work. Put a sticker to the corresponding emoji. Thank you, I’ll give you 5 out of 5 too. Thank you for your rating it will be useful for other users.

And now close your eyes I’ll get you back to your classroom. (TELEPOSTATION SOUND). Here I say goodbye to your. Thank you for your time, amazing work and good mood.

Приложения. Задания.

TASK 1. Turn the active voice into the passive voice.

J.K. Rowling gave Dumbledore that name because it's actually an Old English word for "bumblebee".


Masha was learning Pushkin’s “Winter Morning” when her mother came back.


People have translated Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” into Japanese 13 times.


TASK 1. Turn the active voice into the passive voice.

J.K. Rowling named the character Hermione because it’s from Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, and she was meant to be clever.


Evgeny Schwartz turns 3rd grade student Petya Zubov into an old man in his book “The Tale of lost time”.


People have filmed Anton Chekhov’s works two hundred times.


TASK 2. Correct the mistakes.

When the teacher came in, the students was being reading Jack London’s “White Fang”.

“The Hobbit, or There and Back Again” is a children's fantasy novel by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was publish in 1937.

We has just been shown a new film based on Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”.

TASK 2. Correct the mistakes.

“Gulliver's Travels” was wrote by Jonathan Swift in 1726.

 Mark Twain wrote “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” in 1876. The main character's name have been derived from a jolly chief named Tom Sawyer.

Nikolay Gogol’s works are been discussed now.

TASK 5. Match the authors and their books. X was written by X

J.K. Rowling

Mark Twain

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Reading books improves memory and focus.

Reading books develops vocabulary and expands knowledge.

When you read you strengthen your writing skills.

Read a book before going to bed: it boosts your sleep.

Reading is proven to reduce stress.

Books help us to learn new things.

TASK 5. Match the authors and their books. X was written by X

Jack London

William Shakespeare

Mikhail Sholokhov

Alexander Pushkin


Whether the weather is fine,

or whether the weather is not.

Whether the weather is cold,

or whether the weather is hot.

We'll weather the weather

Whatever the weather

whether we like it or not.

Сообщение Мистера Букворма

Hello boys and girl! My name is Mr. Bookworm and I put you all in that room because I want to test your and your knowledge. I am fond of books and I want people to understand that reading is important. So here is my challenge. If you handle the test you will be able to find the exit from the room. Good luck. What did you say? It wasn’t recorded?? I need to repeat it once again??May I start? Hello boys and girl! My name is Mr. Bookworm and I put you all in that room because I want to test your and your knowledge. I am fond of books and I want people to understand that reading is important. So here is my challenge. If you handle the test you will be able to find the exit from the room. Good luck. Is it alright now? *THE END OF THE MESSAGE*


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