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Игровой конкурс Эрудит 3 класс УМК Forward

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«Игровой конкурс Эрудит 3 класс УМК Forward»

Игровой конкурс «Эрудит». 3 класс

  1. Reading. Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

I live in England. My favourite season is summer. In June, July and August the days are very long. When I come home from school, I do my homework and then go to play with my friends in the garden. We usually play football. In summer I also like to walk in the forest with my parents and my dog. Sometimes we go shopping. Mum loves shopping! On Sundays, when my parents don’t work, we have a picnic near the lake. We always have a lot of fun!

  1. The boy lives in England.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Doesn’t say

  1. His favourite season is winter.

a) True

b) False

c) Doesn’t say

3. In December, January and February the days are very short.

a) True

b) False

c) Doesn’t say

4. After school the boy plays basketball with his friends.

a) True

b) False

c) Doesn’t say

5. Sometimes the boy goes shopping with his parents.

a) True

b) False

c) Doesn’t say

6. They go shopping by bus.

a) True

b) False

c) Doesn’t say

7. They have a picnic on Sundays.

a) True

b) False

c) Doesn’t say

II. Vocabulary. Выберите нужный вариант ответа.

  1. Christmas in Great Britain is in:

  1. February

  2. December

  3. April

  1. New Year’s Day is in………

  1. September

  2. January

  3. March

  1. A tiger is….

  1. an animal

  2. food

  3. a toy

  1. Cows give us…..

  1. eggs

  2. milk

  3. water

  1. Когда желтеют и опадают листья?

  1. In winter

  2. In summer

  3. In autumn

  1. John likes skiing and skating. He doesn’t like when it is hot. His favourite season is…..

  1. Summer

  2. Spring

  3. Winter

  1. Your mum’s mother is your …….

  1. old mother

  2. big mother

  3. grandmother

  1. Выберите наибольшее число

  1. Sixty-nine

  2. Ninety-six

  3. Sixty-six

  1. У Макса есть 13 фунтов, а у его сестры – 6 фунтов. Сколько денег у них всего?

  1. Nineteen pounds.

  2. Thirteen pounds.

  3. Sixteen pounds.

  1. Выберите слово, которое не подходит к остальным

  1. Socks

  2. Boots

  3. Hats

  1. Найдите лишнее слово.

  1. May

  2. Monday

  3. March

  1. Выберите лишнее слово.

  1. Cow

  2. Wolf

  3. Horse

  1. Jack likes to………. a horse.

  1. read

  2. run

  3. ride

  1. Lena likes to …….. books.

  1. look

  2. read

  3. draw

  1. Отгадай загадку. It has four legs, a long tail and it can give milk.

  1. A sheep

  2. A big

  3. A cow

  1. Let’s have a picnic. It is …… today.

  1. rainy

  2. sunny

  3. cold

  1. Выберите вариант с цветами британского флага.

  1. White, red, blue

  2. White, orange, green

  3. White, blue, black

  1. Выберите вариант с цветами российского флага.

  1. White, orange, green

  2. White, blue, black

  3. White, blue, red

26. What colour are oranges?

a) Pink

b) Green

c) Orange

27. What colour are leaves in autumn?

a) Yellow

b) Red

c) Green

III. Grammar. Выберите нужный вариант ответа или слова.

  1. Can you write?

  1. No, I can’t.

  2. Yes, I do.

  3. I don’t know.

  1. Do you like playing football?

  1. Yes, I have.

  2. Yes, I do.

  3. No, I can’t.

  1. ………. do you go to bed?

  1. Where

  2. When

  3. What

  1. ……. is Sally from?

  1. When

  2. What

  3. Where

  1. …….. are my new jeans.

  1. These

  2. That

  3. This

33. Girls are usually afraid of……

a) mouse

b) mice

c) mouses

34. Выберите правильную форму множественного числа существительного child

a) Childs

b) Childrens

c) Children

35. Ann ……. speak English very well.

a) cans

b) can

c) can to

36. My mother ……milk with coffee.

a) not drinks

b) not drinking

c) doesn’t drink

37. Mary and Tom ……. tennis now.

a) play

b) plays

c) are playing

38. You can’t talk to him now. He…… .

a) sleeps

b) sleeping

c) is sleeping

IV. Look at the picture and choose the right variant. Посмотрите на картинку и выберите правильный вариант

39. Which room is it? It’s a … .

a) kitchen b) hall c) living room

40. What animal is sitting on the sofa? A … .

a) cat b) dog c) rabbit

41. What is there on the sofa?

a) flowers b) cat c) books

42. What is the mother wearing on her feet?

a) Slippers b) Shoes c) Boots

43. How many flowers are there in the vase?

a) Two b) One c) Three

44. Where is the floor lamp? It’s next to the … .

a) window b) TV set c) sofa

45. What is the mother doing?

a) Vacuuming the carpet b) Dusting furniture c) Washing the dishes

46. What is the boy doing?

a) Shopping b) Cleaning the window c) Cooking


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