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Incey Wincey Spider game

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«Incey Wincey Spider game»

External Teacher Training



Activity Booklet

  1. Games:

  • Spider’s web

Divide Pp into groups of four or six. Six is the optimum number. They exchange names. Remaining Pp can act as observers and helpers for each group. Give the following instructions:

Take the right hand of someone who is not standing immediately next to you. Take the left hand of someone who is not standing immediately next to you, and who is not the person whose hand you are already holding. Unscramble yourselves back into an open circle. You may loosen your grip, but you must not let go of anyone’s hands. You have two minutes to complete this task.

  • Incey Wincey Spider game

Find a large area in the gym or the playground. Divide the class into two

teams in two lines. Give one team the name Incey and the other team the

name Wincey. Each group has their spiders on the end of a piece of string

and faces the other team.

Pretend that the space in-between is a river. The Wincey team ask the Incey

team Please Mr Incey, can we cross the river? The first person in the Incey

team has to reply Only if your name has the letter A in it. Explain to the

children that they may go over to the other team if this is correct.

Reverse the question so that the Incey team asks Please Mr Wincey, can we

cross the river? The first person in the Wincey team replies Only if your name

has the letter B/C, etc. in it. They must choose a letter and if this applies to

anyone in the other team they may cross the river with their spiders.

Continue until all the children have crossed the river at least once.

  • Play ‘Hairy Spider’

Pp sit in a circle. Each participant sits on his or her own chair. Remove any additional chairs. You remain standing to begin with. Choose three or four parts of the spider. Assign each P the name of one of the parts; one part per participant. In other words, in a group of fifteen, there may be four teachers who are legs, four teachers who are heads, four who are eyes, and three who are mouths. Name one of the parts, legs for example. All the teachers who are legs must stand up and sit down on a different seat. You must also sit down at this point. In other words, five people ( four children and the teacher) will try to sit down on four seats. The child who doesn’t find a seat is the next caller of the words. If the callers says ‘hairy spider’, everyone should stand up and sit down on a different seat.

  1. Rhyme:

  • Tell the children to look at the weather outside the classroom. Point to the sky and ask them What’s the weather like today? Ask them Is it hot today or is it cold today? Mime hot (by pretending to wipe sweat from your forehead) and cold (by shivering and chattering your teeth). Now answer the question yourself It’s sunny/cloudy, etc. Repeat the question and let the children answer in English, e.g. It’s raining today.

  1. Show the class the flashcard and talk about the picture; pre-teach and practice key vocabulary: spider, climb, spout (drainpipe), rain, sunshine, dry. Ask questions eg. Who is he? What is he? What’s he doing in the picture? Where is he going? Is it sunny? etc.

  2. Play the cassette or sing from the transcript. It also works well as a rhyme.


Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

So the Incy Wincy Spider went up the spout again

  1. Say ‘Listen and repeat’ and practice the song line by line

  1. Demonstrate the following actions to the class

  1. Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout – put your left thumb against your right forefinger and then your right thumb against your left forefinger and keep repeating this, gradually raising your arms in a climbing movement

  2. Down came the rain – start with your hands straight up above your head and gradually lower them, palms down, while wiggling your fingers to represent the rain falling

  3. And washed the spider out – dramatically sweep your hands downwards and outwards

  4. Out came the sun – open your arms in a wide circle over your head

  5. And dried up all the rain – same as down came the rain but in the opposite direction

  6. So the Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again – repeat the original climbing movement

  1. Ask the class to stand up and sing the song with the accompanying actions while you circulate to help, monitor and correct pronunciation

  2. Ask the class to sit down and give them the worksheet. Ask them to number the pictures in the correct order. Correct orally, explaining the sequence using weather vocabulary

Key: The order is c, d, b, a

  1. For the second exercise (large spider) pupils must color the picture with colors that rhyme with the words (zoo – blue etc.). Demonstrate by example if necessary

  2. Circulate to monitor, prompt and help. Correct the exercise orally

3. Picture Dictation

1.Draw three more legs for the spider.
2. Colour the spout green.
3. Draw nine more raindrops. (How many raindrops can you count now?)
4. Draw a happy sun.
5. Colour the sun yellow.
6. Draw a rainbow between the sun and the clouds.
7. Colour the clouds (dark) blue.

  1. Arts & Crafts

5. Mini Book

  • Demonstrate how to make the book following the instructions next to the book template.

Monitor and ensure that the students are doing it correctly.

6. Lap Book



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