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ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский язык) СБОРНИК СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫХ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ ТЕКСТОВ И УПРАЖНЕНИЙ для специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения»

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Сборник упражнений по английскому языку составлен в соответствии с государственными требованиями к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускников по специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения».

Данный сборник упражнений предназначен для студентов 2 курса по специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения».

Цель пособия- обучение переводу текстов по специальности на английском языке; различным видам профессионально-ориентированного чтения (изучающего, ознакомительного, просмотрового и поискового).

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«ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский язык) СБОРНИК СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫХ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫХ ТЕКСТОВ И УПРАЖНЕНИЙ для специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения»»

Департамент образования и науки Кемеровской области

ГОУ СПО Профессиональный колледж г. Новокузнецка

Кафедра допрофессиональной подготовки


(английский язык)


для специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения»

Новокузнецк, 2013



Тексты и упражнения для обучения чтению

Раздел 1. Государственная и правовая система страны изучаемого языка.

Тема 1.1. Государственнаяиправоваясистемастраныизучаемогоязыка1.1.1. Text.Law

1.1.2. Text. The political system of Great Britain

1.1.3. Text. The political system of the USA

1.1.4. Text. Constitutions and constitutional law

Тема1.2. Судебная система страны изучаемого языка.

1.2.1. Text. Organization of courts in Great Britain

1.2.2. Text. Steve tells about English system of law

1.2.3.Text. Branches of law in The USA

Раздел 2. Виды права.

Тема 2.1. Семейноеправо.

2.1.1.Text. Family law

2.1.2.Text. Criminallaw

2.1.3. Text. Imposingonpenalties

2.1.4. Text. Correction

2.1.5. Text. Crimeandpunishment

Тема2.2.Правоиподростковая преступность.

2.2.1. Text.Crime

2.2.2. Text. Scopeofthepolicefunctions

2.2.3. Text. The most glamorous aspect of police work

2.2.4. Text. Criminal justice system : American Experience

3. Список выражений, рекомендуемых для работы с текстом

4. Список выражений, рекомендуемых для монологического высказывания

5. Лексика необходимая для ведения беседы


Сборник упражнений по английскому языку составлен в соответствии с государственными требованиями к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускников по специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения».

Данный сборник упражнений предназначен для студентов 2 курса по специальности «Право и организация социального обеспечения».

Цель пособия- обучение переводу текстов по специальности на английском языке; различным видам профессионально-ориентированного чтения (изучающего, ознакомительного, просмотрового и поискового).

Пособие состоит из текстов профессиональной направленности и упражнений для обучения различным видам профессионально-ориентированного чтения.

Структура данного сборника включает предтекстовые упражнения для снятия фонетических, лексических и грамматических трудностей; тексты;послетекстовые упражнения для развития навыков чтения, разговорной речи и интерпретации полученной информации.

В приложении данного учебного пособия входят разговорные клише и выражения, необходимые для пересказа текста и ведения беседы по его содержанию.

Тексты и упражнения для обучения чтению

Раздел1. Государственная и правовая система страны изучаемого языка

Тема 1.1. Государственная и правовая система страны изучаемого языка



  • constitutionalmonarchy- конституционная монархия

  • tosucceedtothethrone- взойтинапрестол

  • to have the power- иметь настоящую власть

  • to reign- править

  • tobeinpower- править, быть у власти

  • the House of Commons (Lords)- палатаобщин (лордов)

  • tointroducebills- представлять (вводить) законы

  • approval- одобрение

  • to sign (a bill, a document, etc.)- подписать (закон, документ и т.д.)

  • MP- (сокр.)- член парламента

  • to represent- представлять

  • to elect- избирать, выбирать

  • elections-выборы

  • the majority/ minority party- партия большинства/ меньшинства

  • the majority of seats- большинство мест (в парламенте)

  • the Shadow Cabinet- теневой кабинет

  • particular area of government- определеннаясферауправления

  • to be responsible for- отвечатьзачто-то

  • the Minister of Defense- министробороны

  • the armed forces- вооруженные силы

  • hereditary- наследственный

  • peer- пэр


Exercise 1. Определите по суффиксу, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведитеих.

Monarchy, finally, political, usually, large, responsible, become, universal, particular, formally, public, more, say.

Exercise2.Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на ударение.



repre'sent 'peerhe'reditary


Exercise 3.Образуйтеинфинитивотследующихглаголов.

is, has, consists, made, elected, known, been, formed, introduced.


Constitutional monarchy, monarch, British, Lord, political, party, Opposition, Cabinet Ministers, The Conservative party, Prime Minister, Social-Democratic party.

5. Read and translate the texts.

1.1.1.Text. Law

Law is a branch of the public law of a nation or state which treats of the organization, powers and frame of government, the distribution of political and governmental authorities and functions, the fundamental principles which are to regulate the relations of government and citizen, and which prescribes generally the plan and method according to which the public affairs of the nation or state are to be administered.


The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a monarch (a king or a queen) as its Head of State. The present British monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who succeeded to the throne in 1952. The monarch has very little power and can only reign with the support of Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Parliament and the monarch have different roles in the government of the country. In reality, the House of Commons is the only one that has true power, it introduce new bills. They then go to the House of Lords for approval, and finally the monarch signs them. Only then they can become laws.

The House of Commons is made up of 650 elected members, known as Members of Parliament (or MPs), each of whom represents an area of the UK. The political parties choose candidate in elections. The party which wins the majority of seats in the House of Commons forms the Government and its leader usually becomes Prime Minister. The largest minority party becomes the Opposition (or the “Shadow Cabinet”). The Prime Minister chooses about twenty MPs from his or her party and forms his or her Cabinet Ministers. Each minister is responsible for a particular area of government. For example, the Minister of Defense is responsible for defense policy and the armed forces, the Home Secretary for law and order and immigration.

The House of Lords consists of more than 1,000 hereditary lords and peers. It has very little power.

The two main political parties in Great Britain are the Conservative and the Labor party. Now the Conservative party is in power. The Conservatives have been in power since the 1970s and its main opponent, the Labor party has formed the Shadow Cabinet. At present John Major, the leader of the Conservative party, is Britain`s Prime Minister.

Among other political parties there is the Liberal party and Social-Democratic party.

The United Kingdom of Britain is a monarchy. The Queen is the head of the state. In law she is supreme authority. In law she I supreme authority, an integral part of Parliament, head of the system of justice and of the armed forces, and sole representative of the nation in international affairs. In practice the United Kingdom is governed by Her Majesty`s Government in the name of the Queen.

The Supreme legislative authority in the United Kingdom is the Queen in Parliament, that is to say, the Queen and the two Houses of Parliament – the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Queen formally summons and dissolves Parliament.

The House of Lords, presided over by the Lord Chancellor, is made up of both hereditary peers, and representative peers of Scotland and Ireland.

The house of Commons consists of 650 members elected by universal adult suffrage, each representing a constituency with about 57, 000 people.

A general election is to be held every five years, although it may be, and often is held at more frequent intervals. The main function of Parliament are to legislate, and to control the actions of the Government. No tax may be imposed or public money spent except with Parliament`s connect. Most public Bills are introduced by the Government.

Vocabulary notes:

  • head- глава

  • authority- власть

  • justice- правосудие

  • force- сила

  • representative- представитель

  • affairs- дела

  • legislative- законодательный

  • dissolve- распускать

  • summon- созывать

  • Scotland- Шотландия

  • adult- взрослый

  • constituency- конституция

  • is to be held- состояться

  • tax- налог

  • supreme- верховный

  • Ireland- Ирландия

  • suffrage- избирательное право

  • Bill- закон, законопроект

Exercise6.Answer the questions.

  1. Who is the head of the UK?

  2. How is the monarch`s power limited?

  3. What Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

  4. Where do Members of Parliament come from?

  5. Who forms the Government?

  6. How can a new bill become a law?

  7. What is the “Shadow Cabinet”?

  8. What main political parties are there in Britain today?

  9. Who is Britain`s Prime Minister at present?

  10. How long has Queen Elizabeth II reigned?

Exercise7.Выделите основную информацию каждого абзаца и озаглавьте их.

Exercise8.Составьте план текста и перескажите его по-английски.

Exercise9.Скажите, какие новые сведения вы узнали, прочитав текст.

Exercise10.Выскажите свое мнение относительно следующих утверждений.

1. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.

2. Parliament and the monarch have the different roles in the government of the country.

3. The Home Secretary is responsible for law and order and immigration.

4. The United Kingdom of Britain is a monarchy.

5. In practice the United Kingdom is governed by Her Majesty`s Government in the name of the Queen.



Exercise 1.Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на ударение.


repre'sentative 'bourgeois a'ppoint

popu'lation 'peacefula'ssemble

Exercise 2.Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих прилагательных.

great, young, many, long, good.

Exercise 3.Найдите в тексте прилагательные в превосходной и сравнительной степени.


America, capitalist, republic, Senate, Speaker, Senator, American President, Congress, Democratic Party, discrimination, interests, capital, committee.

Exercise5.Read and translate the text.


1. The United States of America is the greatest capitalist country in the world. The USA is the President republic. It means that the president is the head of the country. The President is elected for 4 years, together with the Vice-President, chose for the same term. He cannot be younger than 35 years old and he must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years, and be a civilian. He must do his job according to the Constitution. The President cannot serve more than 2 terms.

2. The Senate is made up of 100 members (2from each state), elected for a term of 6 years. One third of the Senate is elected every 2 years. To be elected a Senator, a person must be at least 30 years old and have been a citizen of the country for at least 9 years.

3. The House of Representatives comprises representatives from each state, elected for a 2-year term. The number of representatives from each state depends on it population, but every state is represented. To be elected a representative, a person must be at least 25 years of age and have been a citizen of the country for at least 7 years.

4. In general, Senators are better known than Representatives because they are fewer in number and serve for a longer time. Many American Presidents served in Congress before they became President. Presidents John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were all Representative and then senators before becoming President of the United States.

5. The presiding officer of the Senate in the Vice-President of the USA. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives, the Speaker, is elected by the house. The work of preparing and considering laws is done by the committees of both Houses. There are 15 standing committees in the Senate and 19 in the House of Representatives.

6. The job of the Congress is to make laws. The President can veto a bill. The Congress can pass the law anyway if it gets a two-thirds majority vote. The Congress can also declare the war. The House of Representatives can also impeach the President. This means that the House can charge the President with a crime. In this case, the Senate will put the President on trial. The Senate votes to approve the justice that the President appoints to Supreme Court. The Congress assembles at least once a year.

7. There are 2 main bourgeois political parties in the USA. They are the Democratic Party (was organized in the 1820s) and the Republican Party (was organized in the 1850s). They defend monopoly capital. The only party that defends the interests of the working people is the Communist Party. It was formed in 1919 inChicago. The Communist Party struggles for better way of life for the working people and it fights for the interests of Negroes and colored people, against all kinds of discrimination. The Communist Party stands for peaceful coexistence with other countries.

Vocabulary notes:

  • represent- представлять

  • elect- выбирать

  • civilian- гражданский

  • adopt- принимать

  • veto- запрет

  • comprise- включать

  • consider- рассматривать, обсуждать

  • citizen- гражданин

  • approve- одобрять

  • coexistence- сосуществование

  • bill- законопроект, закон

  • vote- голос, голосовать

  • impeach- сомневаться

  • appoint- назначать

  • assemble- собираться

  • treasury- сокровища, финансы

  • associate- помощник

  • obey- подчиняться

  • agreement- соглашение

  • struggle- бороться

  • for life- пожизненно

  • right- право

Exercise6.Answer the questions.

1. What is the USA?

2. What are the two major parties in the USA?

3. How many members are there in the Senate and the House of Representatives?

4. What is President responsible for?

5. How many branches does the USA consist of?

Exercise7.Закончите следующие предложения и переведите их.

1.It means that the president------------------.

2. He must do his job according---------------.

3. The senate is made up of 100 members--------------------.

4. Many American President served in Congress-----------.

5. The job of Congress is-------------------.

6. The Senate will put the President-----------------.

7. There are 2 main bourgeois political---------------------.

8. The Communist Party stands for peaceful--------------.

Exercise8.Найдите предложения, в которых говорится о:

  • сенате;

  • официальном представители сената;

  • работе конгресса;

  • возрастепрезидента;

  • сроке занимаемой должности президентом;

  • политических партиях США



Exercise 1.Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на ударение.


au'thority 'governance 'subsequent

a'ffair 'legislature 'abrogate

co'mmunity 'flexible dis'tinguish

Exercise 2.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции глаголов may, can, must.

  • Constitutions may be written or unwritten.

  • Constitutions, written or unwritten must be distinguished according to whether they are “rigid” or “flexible”.

  • Rigid are those constitutions at least some part of which cannot be modified in the ordinary legislative way.

  • Flexible are those whose rules can all be modified through the simple procedure by which statues are enacted.

Exercise 3.Переведите слова без словаря.

Organization, function, principle, plan, method, nation, group, alternative, document, act, convention, constitutional, Parliament.

Exercise4.Read and translate the text.


Constitutional law is the branch of the public law of a nation or state which treats of the organization, powers and frame of government, the distribution of political and governmental authorities and functions, the fundamental principles which are to regulate the relations of government and citizen, and which prescribes generally the plan and method according to which the public affairs of the nation or state are to be administered.

In the broadest sense a constitution is a body of rules governing the affairs of an organized group. Every political community, and thus every national state, has a constitution, at least in the sense that it operates its important institutions according to some fundamental body of rules. The only conceivable alternative to a constitution is a condition of anarchy. Constitutions may be written or unwritten; they may be simple or complex; they may provide for vastly different partners of governance.

Every state has a constitution, since every state functions on the basic of certain rules and principles. It has often been asserted that the USA has a written constitution, but that constitution of Great Britain is unwritten. This is true, but only in this sense that in the USA there is a formal document called the Constitution, where there is no such document in Great Britain. In fact, however, many parts of British constitution exist in written form, where important aspects of the American constitution are wholly unwritten.

The British constitution includes the Bill of Rights (1689), the Act of Settlement (1700-1701), the Parliament Act of 1911, the successive Representation of the People acts (which extended the suffrage), the statutes dealing with the structure of courts, the various local government acts and many others. These are not ordinary statutes, even thought they were adopted in the ordinary legislative way, and they are not codified within the structure of a single orderly document. Constitutions, written or unwritten must be distinguished according to whether they are “rigid” or “flexible”.

Rigid are those constitutions at least some part of which cannot be modified in the ordinary legislative way. Flexible are those whose rules can all be modified through the simple procedure by which statues are enacted.

The USA has a rigid constitution, because proposals to amend the constitutional document adopted in 1788 must have a two- thirds majority vote in each house of Congress or be made by a convention called by two- thirds of the states, with subsequent ratification, in either case by the legislature or specially elected conventions of three- fourths of the states. Great Britain has a flexible constitution because all of its constitutional institutions and rules can be abrogated or modified by an act of Parliament.

Vocabulary notes:

  • a constitutional law- конституционный закон

  • to treat- трактовать

  • a distribution- распространение

  • a relation- соотношение

  • a frame- структура

  • a function- функция

  • to prescribe- предписывать

  • an affair- дело

  • to reshape- преобразовывать

  • suffrage- избирательное право

  • to codify- кодифицировать

  • subsequent- последующий

  • to distinguish- различать

  • to assert- утверждать

  • to delimit- определять границы

  • abrogate- отменять

Exercise 5.Translate the sentences into English.

  • Конституция России приобретает новый вид.

  • Каждый гражданин обладает избирательным голосом.

  • Этот закон необходимо аннулировать.

  • Законодательная система должна выполнять определенные функции.

  • Власть определяет границы каждой из своей структуры.

  • Можно ли изменить это правило?

  • Каждые четыре года мы выбирали новое правительство. Однако сейчас эту процедуру упразднили.

  • Можешь ли ты описать мне политическую систему Великобритании?

Exercise 6.Complete the sentences.

  • Constitutional law is----------------------.

  • ---the Parliament Act of 1911------------.

  • This is true-----------------------------------.

  • -----------whose rules can all be modified.

  • -----------in 1788 must have---------------.

  • They may be----------------------------------.

  • Great Britain has a flexible------------------.

Exercise 7.Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. in the broadest sense a) иметьделос

2. thisistrueb) правила могут быть отменены

3. however c) согласно

4. the Bill of Rights d) этоправда

5. to deal with e) однако

6. according to f) последующееутверждение

7. the ordinary legislative way g) вширокомсмысле

8. subsequentratificationh) обычный законодательный способ

9. rules can be abrogated i) Декларацияправ

Exercise 8.Make up the sentences.


1. Constitutions may be written or 1. a rigid constitution

2. Many parts of British constitution 2. a constitution

3. A constitution is a body 3. or unwritten

4. Every state has 4. a flexible constitution

5. The USA has 5. exist in written form

6. Great Britain has 6. of rules governing the affairs of an

organized group

Exercise 9.True or false.

  • Constitutions may be written or unwritten.

  • The USA has an unwritten constitution.

  • The USA has a flexible constitution.

  • Great Britain has a rigid constitution.

  • Rigid are those constitutions some part of which can be modified in the ordinary legislative way.

  • Flexible are those rules can`t be modified through the simple procedure by which statues are enacted.

Exercise 10.Explain why.

1. The USA has a rigid constitution.

2. Great Britain has a flexible constitution.

Exercise 11.Answer the questions.

  • What is the constitutional law?

  • What does the word “constitution” mean?

  • Which parts of the British constitution do exist in written form?

  • What must be distinguished?

  • What kinds of constitution do you know? Call these kinds, please.

Exercise 12.Make a short summary of the text. Do it according to the following format.

  • 1. The title of the text is---

  • 2. The text is devoted to---

  • 3. It consists of------

  • 4. The first passage deals with---

  • 5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with---

  • 6. The main idea of the text is------

Тема 1.2. Судебная система страны изучаемого языка


  • to do everything possible-сделатьвсевозможное

  • judicial- судебный

  • civil law- гражданское право

  • criminal law- уголовное право

  • common law- общее право

  • judgement- судебное решение

  • lay- непрофессионал

  • justice of the peace-мировойсудья

  • county- графство

  • accused- обвиняемый

  • trial- судебное разбирательство

  • jury- присяжные

Geographical and proper names:

  • United Kingdom

  • Wales

  • Scotland

  • Northern Ireland

  • Old Bailey

  • Supreme Court

  • Court of Appeal

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Write 10 sentences with the new words.

Exercise2.Read and translate the text.

1.2.1. Text. Steve tells about English system of law

Steve told them about English law and English judicial system. Would you like to listen to his story?

There are three separate systems of law in the United Kingdom: the legal systems and law courts of 1. England and Wales; 2.Scotland; 3. Northern Ireland. However there are some common features to all systems in the United Kingdom: the sources of law, the distinction between civil law and criminal law. The sources of law include: 1. written law (i.e. statutes); 2. unwritten law (i.e. Common law and Equity) based on judicial precedent. We also call the common law as “case law” or “judge-made” law. It means that when one judge had decided a point of law, any judge who has the similar set of facts must decide the case in the same way as in the earlier judgement. In other words, the judge uses the process of analogy. And it is in this way that the generations of judges have built up the Common law. The structure of courts in England and Wales looks like this. (And Steve drew such scheme of court system.)





Judge 1-3 judges

2 Magistrates COUNTY COURT

Jury Judge and Jury


3 Magistrates or 3 Magistrates

1 Stipendiary Magistrate

Criminal Civil

It is the Magistrates` Courts (sometimes called police courts) that try the majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases. Magistrates` Courts are presided over by lay.

Magistrates (also called justices of the peace – J.P. s) who work part-time and are unpaid. The courts consist of between 2 and 7 magistrates. In a few large cities there are also stipendiary magistrates who sit alone and have legal civil courts a Crown Courts deals with all the more serious criminal cases. It also hears appeals from magistrates` courts. The accused has the right to trial by jury. There is the Central Criminal Court in London (the Old Bailey). The High Court hears all those civil cases that cannot be decided by county courts. The Court of Appeal hears both criminal and civil appeals and the House of Lords is the final appellate tribunal. The judges in the House of Lords are the ten “Lords of Appeal in Ordinary” (the “law lords”).

Exercise 3.Nelly has not so well understood Steve`s story. Trying to retell it to her colleagues at work, she has made some mistakes. Correct her wrong statements with the help of a design “It is……that”.

  1. Written law is the only source of English law.

  2. The English judges only use statutes in trying cases.

  3. The High Court tries the majority of all criminal cases.

  4. There are stipendiary magistrates everywhere in England.

  5. County Courts are the main criminal courts.

Exercise4.Translate into English.

  • Только в марте я вспомнил о своем обещании.

  • Именно это судебное решение было для него главным.

  • Королевский суд рассматривает в основном серьезные уголовные дела.

  • Именно общее право является одним из главных источников английского права.

  • Именно мировые судьи рассматривают большинство уголовных и некоторые гражданские дела.

  • Именно защитник сделал все возможное, чтобы выяснить всю правду об обвиняемом.

Exercise5.Match the names of courts (on the left) and their jurisdiction (on the right)

  1. Magistrates` a)hears all civil cases that cannot be

Courts decided by county courts;

  1. County Courts b) is the final appellate tribunal;

  2. Crown Courts c) the main civil courts;

  3. High Court d) try the majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases;

  4. Court of Appeal e) hears both criminal and civil appeals;

  5. House of Lords f)deals with all the more serious criminal cases.

Exercise 6.Peter is sure, that there is no difference between concepts “justice of the peace” and “stipendiary magistrates”. And what do you think?

Exercise 7.When Steve was telling us the history, he used the plan though he did not show it to anybody. We are sure, that you can recreate his plan. Make the summary of the text under this plan.

Exercise 8.Answer the questions:

  • Are there three separate systems of law in the United Kingdom?

  • What do the sources of law include?

  • Are there any some common features to all systems in the United Kigdom? What is it?

  • How does the structure of courts look?

  • What is the Magistrates` Court?

  • What is the Crown Court?

  • What does the High Court hear?



Exercise 1.Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на ударение.





Exercise 2.Образуйте 2 и 3 форму от следующих глаголов, пользуясь таблицей неправильных глаголов.

To be, to put, to become, to have.

Exercise 3.Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв Present Simple Tense.

  • There (to be) three branches of federal government.

  • The President (to be) responsible for enforcing laws.

  • The Cabinet (to advise) the President on many matters.

  • The President (to appoint) the justices.

  • The Supreme Court (to make) sure people obey the laws.


Cabinet, army, Congress, secretary, Senate, federal, people, judicial.

Exercise5.Read and translate the text.


There are three branches of federal government: executive, legislative and judicial.

1. The executive branch of the government puts the country`s laws into effect. It head of the executive branch of the government; he appoints the members of the Cabinet. The President is responsible for enforcing laws, choosing high government officials, commanding the army, conducting foreign affairs, and recommending laws to Congress. When the president receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it, and then the bill becomes a law. The Cabinet advises the President on many matters and is composed of the heads often executive departments: Secretary of Senate, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defense and others.

2. The legislative branch of the US government includes Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and a number of administrative agencies. It represents all of the American states. The Congress was created by Article I of the constitution, adopted in 1787. Congress makes and changes laws, establishes federal taxes and takes decisions on funding the federal government. The Senate has 100 members, two from each state. The House of Representatives has 435 members who are divided among the states according to the population of the state.

3. The judicial branch of the government is the system of courts in all states. Its job is to enforce laws. The judicial branch of the government consists of the Supreme Court and the federal district courts located throughout the nation. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. It consists of 9 justices: one Chief Justice and 8 associate justices. The President appoints the justices, but the Senate must approve them. The justices are appointed for life. The Supreme Court makes sure people obey the laws. The Supreme Court can also decide if a law is constitutional, that is, if it is in agreement with the Constitution. The judicial branch works together with the legislative and executive branches to protect the Constitution and the rights of people.

Vocabulary notes:

  • executive branch- исполнительная ветвь

  • legislative branch- законодательная ветвь

  • judicial branch- судебная ветвь

  • to put into effect- привести в действие

  • to appoint- назначать

  • conduct foreignaffairs- ведение иностранных дел

  • a bill- законопроект

  • to become- становиться

  • Secretary of Treasury- министерство финансов

  • Secretary of Defense- министерство обороны

  • establish taxes- устанавливать налоги

  • take decisions- принимать решения

  • to protect- защищать

Exercise 6.Answer the questions.

1. How many branches of federal government are there?

2.Which duties does the executive branch have?

3. What is the President?

4. What is he responsible for?

5. What does the Cabinet do?

6. Which duties does the legislative branch have?

7. What are the House of Commons and the House of Representatives?

8. Which duties does the judicial branch have?

Exercise7.Выделите основную информацию каждого абзаца.

Exercise8.Make up a short summary to the model.

1. The title of the text is---

2. The text is devoted to---

3. It consists of------

4. The first passage deals with---

5. The second (third, forth, etc.) passage deals with---

6. The main idea of the text is--------

Раздел 2. Виды права

Тема 2.1. Семейное право


  • family law-семейное право

  • domestic relation- семейные отношения

  • adoption- усыновление, удочерение

  • separation- отделение; раздельное жительство супругов

  • custody=guardianship- опека, попечение, присмотр

  • support- поддержка, опора

  • child care- забота о ребенке

  • divorce- развод, расторжение брака

  • succession- наследование

  • to cohabit- сожительство, совместное проживание

  • torear- воспитывать, растить (детей)

  • household- семья, домашнее хозяйство


Exercise1.Write down the words.

Exercise2.Translate the sentences. Use the new words.

  • В институте я изучаю семейное право.

  • Усыновление- это сложный процесс.

  • Раздельное жительство супругов налагает на них определенные обязательства перед детьми.

  • Когда нет родителей, родственники могут оформить опекунство.

  • Каждому в этой жизни нужна поддержка.

  • Забота о ребенке- это важная часть семейного права.

  • Развод- плохо, но иногда он неизбежен.

  • Он обладает правом наследования.

  • Каждый может иметь крепкую и дружную семью.

  • Когда брак расторгается, отец платит алименты.

Exercise3.Read the text. Translate it.

2.1.1.Text.Family law

According to Law Dictionary family law is a branch or specialty of law, also denominated “domestic relations” law, concerned with such subjects as adoption, amendment, divorce, separation, paternity, custody, support and child care.

Family law shares an interest in certain social issues with other areas of law (criminal law). One of the issues that have received a substantially increased amount of attention, from various points of view, is the very difficult problem of violence within the family. This may take the form of physical violence by one adult member on another (in this case the woman is almost always the victim), or by an adult on a child, or of some other form of violent or abusive.

Difficulties can arise, when the wrongdoer returns to cohabitation with the person who has made a complaint.

In serious cases the only real solution may be a termination of cohabitation, or the removal of an abused child from the family unit. The problem is one of social importance, and some studies indicated that a high proportion of violent crime originates in family units.

Exercise4.Translate the underline words. Write them down.

Exercise5.Write the plan to the text.

Exercise6.Make a short report about “Family law”

Exercise7. Answer the questions:

  • What is a family law?

  • Who is a victim in the family?

  • What is the biggest problem in modern families?

  • What does family law do?

  • What must we do if the child is a victim?

Criminal law


  • anapprehension- задержание, арест, опасение, подозрение

  • anoffense (offence)- посягательство, правонарушение, преступление

  • an offender=lawbreaker- правонарушитель, преступник

  • trial- судебное разбирательство

  • charging- обвинение

  • retribution- воздаяние, возмездие, наказание, расплата

  • a punishment- наказание

  • convicted- обвиненный, осужденный

  • a guilt- вина

  • tort actions- действия гражданского правонарушения

  • injury- рана

  • victim- жертва

  • suspected persons- подозреваемые люди

  • penalty- штраф

  • tortlaw- закон о гражданском правонарушении

  • injury- обида, вред, ущерб, порча

  • a crime- преступление

  • a device- устройство

  • precision- точность

  • assure- гарантировать

  • protect the security- защищать безопасность

  • conduct- поведение

  • instilled- привитый

  • actual- фактически

  • a survival- выживание

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Write the words. Read them.

Exercise 2.Read and translate the text.

2.1.2. Text.Criminal law

Criminal law is the body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected persons, and fixes penalties and modes of treatment applicable to convicted offenders.

Criminal law is only one of the devices by which organized societies protect the security of individual interests and assure the survival of the group. There are, in addition, the standards of instilled by family, school and religion; the rules of the office and factor; the regulations of civil life enforced by ordinary police powers. The distinction between criminal law and tort law is difficult to draw with real precision, but in general one may say that a tort is a private injury while a crime is conceived as an offense against the public, although the actual victim may be an individual.

Exercise3.Name the words from the text.

  • религия гражданская жизнь

  • основа фиксировать

  • индивидуум задумать

  • инструкции общество

  • очертить

  • разница

Exercise4.Translate the words combinations into Russian:

  • the reform of the offender

  • rehabilitation of offender

  • penal (criminal) code

  • to repeal the law

  • to exert influence

  • to commit crime

  • community service

  • a life sentence

  • desertion from military service

  • criminal liability

Exercise5.Write 5 sentences with the new words.

Exercise6.Retell the text.


Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Translate the words.

  • арест

  • преступник

  • осужденный

  • кара

  • вина

  • подозреваемые люди

  • обвинение

Exercise2.Change English words into Russian.

  • Apprehensionпало на меня.

  • Каждому человеку будет retribution за его поступки.

  • Я- convicted.

  • Это-tort actions.

  • Сегодня состоится trial.

  • Я не совершал этого offense.

Exercise3.Write the sentences with the words.

  • charging – обвинение

  • victim- жертва

  • penalty-штраф

  • a crime – преступление

  • a punishment- наказание

  • lawbreaker- правонарушитель, преступник

Exercise4.Give associations to concept “criminal law”

Exercise5.Write down the new terminology.

  • found guilty-признанный виновным

  • aggravating- отягчающий

  • laid down- налагаемое

  • pass a sentence- вынести приговор

  • extenuate- ослаблять, смягчать

  • take into consideration- принять во внимание

  • guilty person- виновное лицо

  • abuse- оскорбление

  • strict- строгий

  • provide for- обеспечивать

  • article- статья

  • legislation- законодательство

  • prevention- предупреждение

  • recompense- возмещение ущерба

  • redemption- исправление

  • deprivation- лишение

  • corrective- исправительный

  • suspended sentence- отсрочка приговора

Exercise6.Read and translate the text.

2.1.3. Text.Imposing on Penalties

1. Punishment may be imposed only on a person found guilty of committing a crime. The court imposes punishment within laid down by the relevant article of the law providing for responsibility for the crime that has been committed, in strict accordance with the general provisions of criminal legislation.

2. In passing sentence the court takes into consideration the degree to which the crime committed is a danger to society or aggravating circumstances.

3. The circumstances extenuating responsibility included the guilty persons prevention of harmful consequences resulting from the crime committed, his voluntary recompense or redemption of the damage done; the commission of a crime as the result of the coincidence of grave personal or family circumstances: the commission of a crime under the influence of strong mental excitement caused by unlawful acts on the part of the victim.

4. The circumstances aggravating a crime include: the commission of a crime by a person who has previously committed a crime; the commission of a crime by an organized group; the commission of a crime having grave consequences; the commission of a crime for personal gain or other base motives involving excessive cruelty, or the abuse of the victim or that takes advantage of disasters, etc.

5. If those are considerable extenuating circumstancesor the court comes to the conclusion that deprivation of literary or corrective labor is undesirable, it may pass a suspended sentence.

Exercise7.Read and translate the text.

  • In what cases may punishment be imposed?

  • What does the court take into consideration in passing a sentence?

  • What are the main circumstancesextenuating criminal responsibility?

  • What are the main circumstances aggravating a crime?

  • When may the court pass a suspended sentence?

Исправительные учреждения США.


  • correction - исправление

  • parole - условное досрочное освобождение

  • discharge - освобождать, выпускать на свободу

  • custodial - охранный, связанныйлишением свободы

  • isolate= segregate- изолировать, отделять

  • request= notice – просьба

  • investigation – расследование

  • takeplace – состояться

  • impose - выносить, налагать

  • probation - испытательный срок (вид наказания в Англии, Америке)

  • defendant - подзащитный

  • intent – намерение

  • conviction – осуждение

  • assist – помогать

  • appeal - прошение

  • execution - исполнение, казнь, наказание

  • inthefirstplace - в первой инстанции

  • penitentiary - исправительное учреждение (тюремного типа)

  • writ - судебный документ, распоряжение суда

  • habeascorpus - Хабеас Корпус (английский закон 1679 года о Неприкосновенности личности)

  • detention - арест, содержание под стражей

  • challenge - вызов

  • file – дело

  • occur – встречаться

  • involve – вовлекать

  • rehabilitation - реабилитация, восстановление

  • salient - выдающийся, характерный

  • completed - до конца срока, полный

  • justice - справедливость, правосудие, судья, расследование

  • sentence - приговор, решение суда

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Write down new terminology.

Exercise2.Read it.

Exercise3.Translate some sentences.

  • У него условное досрочное освобождение.

  • Его нельзя освобождать, потому что он опасен для общества.

  • Ты можешь выполнить мою последнюю просьбу?

  • Всех преступников изолируют от мирного общества.

  • Он ведет свое собственное расследование.

  • Суд состоится завтра.

  • Судья возложил на меня штраф за нарушение порядка.

  • Мой подзащитный – невиновен, я так считаю.

  • Каждый преступник может подать прошение.

  • Мы должны следовать распоряжению суда.

  • Каждый осужденный имеет право на реабилитацию.

  • Я не согласен с решением суда.

  • Мой арест произошел 2 недели назад.

  • Я не знал его намерений.

  • Он убил моего брата и должен понести наказание.

-Мой подзащитный содержится сейчас в исправительное учреждение тюремного типа.

Exercise4.Read the text. Translate it.


  1. Before the actual sentence is imposed, at the court's request, investigation by the probation office takes place to assist the judge in deciding on a penalty. It is also during this period that the defendant can give notice of his intent to appeal his conviction. As a rule the appeal stays the execution of the sentence. If the appeal is unsuccessful or the defendant decides not to appeal in the first place, he is placed on probation or sent to the penitentiary.

  2. In numerous cases, the defendant believes that he is in prison for no reason. He may file a writ of habeas corpus, which is a challenge based on constitutional grounds. It tests the legality of the basis for his detention in prison. Although the writ often is filed during the correction phase, it may be filed at any point in the criminal justice phase.

  3. In any event, the defendant is now involved in the corrections segment is physically isolated. Its institutions are segregated from the community either by walls or distance. It is here that rehabilitation of offenders is supposed to occur. This is the purpose of corrections. However, the custodial aspects are much more salient. Once the defendant has served his sentence or successfully completed probation or parole, he is discharged from the system.

Exercise5.Answer the questions.

  • When does an investigation by the probation office take place?

  • Does the defendant believe that he is in prison for some reason?

  • What may he file?

  • How are the corrections segregated from the community?

  • What is the purpose of corrections?

  • In what cases is the defendant discharged from the system?

Exercise6.Complete the sentences.

  • ......investigation by the probation office takes place to assist the judge.

  • It is also during this period...

  • .....not to appeal in the first place....

  • However ...

  • .....he is discharged from the system.

  • The defendant is now...

«Смертная казнь: за или против»


Pretext exercises:

Exercise1. Translate the words.

  • abolition

  • cruel forms

  • punishment

  • cold blood

  • murder

  • unarmed

  • behavior

  • to remain

  • "lifelong" imprisonment

  • commit

  • violence

  • to prevent crime

  • a fine

  • the average

Exercise2. .Translatethetext

2.1.5. Text.Crime and Punishment in Great Britain

The abolition of capital punishment in England in November 1965 was welcomed by most people with humane and progressive ideas. It seemed very progressive not to use cruel forms of punishment in the spirit of “an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth”.

Many of these people think differently today. Three unarmed policemen were killed in London by bandits who shot them in blood. This crime has drawn attention to the fact that since the abolition of capital punishment crime, and especially murder has increased throughout Britain. Today public opinion has changed. Many people begin to think that capital punishment may not be an ideal answer to criminal behavior, but it is better than nothing, especially when a sentence of “lifelong” imprisonment may last only 8 or 9 years.

So the problem remains: how to prevent crime, and especially murder. Some murders are committed by cold-blooded sadists, mentally disturbed people and hardened criminals. Society has to punish severely such criminals. Another problem is to stop the dangerous influence of violence in books, television and other mass media which influence criminal behavior.

About 90% of all crimes in Great Britain are dealt with by Magistrates` courts. Sentences- that are punishment decided by the court may be different but people who are found guilty usually pay a fine if the offence is not very serious. Magistrates` courts can impose fines of up to 2000 pounds or prison sentences up to six months. If the punishment is to be more severe, the case must go to a Crown court. The most severe punishment is life imprisonment: there is no death penalty in Great Britain, it was abolished in 1965.

The level of recorded crime and the number of people who were sent to prison increased during the 1970s and 1980s. By the end of that period the average prison population was more than 50 000 and new prisons had to be built as overcrowding had become a serious problem.

Exercise3.Remember the notes to the text.

    • sentence - приговор

    • capitalpunishment - высшая мера наказания

    • cold-blooded- хладнокровный

    • mentallydisturbedpeople- душевнобольными людьми

    • hardened criminals – рецидивистами

Exercise4.Write 7 questions to the text .

Exercise5.Translate the sentences.

  • He killed his wife with cold blood.

  • My behavior is not good.

  • Every of these people can be murder.

  • Police must prevent crime.

  • I pay during three months a fine for crime actions.

  • In our country isn’t capital punishment. It has only “lifelong” imprisonment.

  • There are very cruel forms of murder and violence.

  • The criminals must remain in prisons.




  • to aware – знать

  • powerless – бессильный

  • toreversethetrend – полностьюизменитьтенденцию

  • tothrive – процветать

  • adolescents – подростки

  • reliance – уверенность

  • thehouseholder – домовладелец

  • inturn – в свою очередь

  • tacklingseriouscrime – заниматься серьезными преступлениями

  • copingwithcrime –справляться с преступлениями

  • restwith – лежать на

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Write down new terminology.

Exercise2.Read it.

Exercise3.Translate some sentences.

  • Я знаю его историю.

  • Государство полностью должно изменить тенденцию своего развития.

  • Я бессилен в этом.

  • Они процветают в своем бизнесе.

  • Подростки очень часто совершают преступления.

Exercise4.Change the Russian words into English.

  • I haven’t уверенность.

  • My father is домовладелец.

  • Вмоюочередь I will work in this firm.

  • Thepolicemustзаниматься серьезными преступлениями.

  • Theycannotсправляться с преступлениями.

  • This problem лежитнаme.

Exercise5.Read the text. Translate it.


Crime, as we are all aware, has been a growing problem all over the world in the last 30 years. But we are not powerless against crime. Much is being done - and more can be done - to reverse the trend. You can play a part in it.

The first step towards preventing crime understands its nature. Most crime is against property, not people. Property crimes thrive on the easy opportunity. They are often committed by adolescents and young men, the majority of whom stop offending as they grow older - the peak ages for offending are 15 Also and not surprisingly, the risk of crime varies greatly depending on where you live. This reliance by criminals on the easy opportunity is the key to much crime prevention.

In approximately 30 per cent of domestic burglaries, the burglar simply walks in without needing to use force; the householder has left a door unlocked or window open.

If opportunities like these did not exist, criminals would have a much harder time. The chances are that many crimes would not be committed at all, which would in turn release more police time for tackling serious crime.

Of course, the primary responsibility for coping with crime rests with the police and the courts. So if you care about improving the quality of life for yourself, your family and your community, you can help reverse the trend.

Exercise6.Answer the questions.

    • What is the crime?

    • What is the first step preventing crime?

    • What is the peak age for offending?

    • On what is the risk of crime depend?

Exercise7.Put the preposition in the sentences.

  • Crime, has been a growing problem all…the world …the last 30 years.

  • But we are not powerless …crime.

  • Property crimes thrive …the easy opportunity.

  • The risk …crime varies greatly depending ….where you live.

  • The primary responsibility …coping with crime rests …the police.

  • This reliance …criminals …the easy opportunity is the key …much crime prevention.

  • The burglar simply walks in …needing to use force; the householder has left a door unlocked or window open.

Exercise8.Write sentences with new words.

Превентивные меры по борьбе с правонарушениями

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Write down the words.

  • apprehend – арестовывать, задерживать

  • constitute - составлять

  • to cover the range – охватитьдиапазон

  • property - собственность

  • juvenile - подросток

  • tocounsel - советовать

  • lawenforcement – правовая деятельность

  • ordermaintenance – соблюдение порядка

Exercise2.Translate the sentences.

    • Хотя я был в другом городе он смог мне позвонить.

    • Он был арестован.

    • Мы должны составить протокол задержания.

    • Полиция должна работать с подростками.

    • Это – моя собственность.

Exercise3.Change English words into Russia.

  • Я counseled ему купить новый замок.

  • Вы должны covertherange многих проблем.

  • Полиция следит за ordermaintenance.

  • Это является lawenforcement?

Exercise4.Read and translate the text.

2.2.2.Text.Scope of the Police Function.

Although in the public image police may spend most of their time apprehending and arresting criminals, these functions constitute only part of the daily life of a police officer.

There is an opinion that law enforcement, order maintenance and community services are three basic areas of police functions in the United States of America. But police work is not confined to protecting life and property and enforcing the law. Various schemes have been suggested to cover the range of police functions. Here is a list of police functions performed by the police in most countries:

1. Protecting life and property.

2. Apprehending and arresting criminals.

3. Enforcing the criminal law.

4. Investigating criminal offences.

5. Patrolling public places and maintaining order.

6. Regulating traffic.

7. Controlling crowds.

8. Counseling juveniles.

9. Issuing permits and licenses.

Exercise5.Insert the prepositions where it is necessary.

    • These functions constitute only part …the daily life …a police officer.

    • There is an opinion ….law enforcement, order maintenance and …community services.

    • …police work is not …confined … protecting life and property and enforcing …the law.

    • Here is a list … police functions performed …the police …most countries.

    • Three are …three basic areas … police functions…the United States of America.


Правоохранительные органы по борьбе с правонарушениями несовершеннолетними


  • regard- отношение, расценивать, рассматривать

  • peace-keeping- поддержание мира

  • suffer- страдать

  • patrol duty- обязанность патрулирования

  • to solve the crime- раскрывать преступление

  • fail- терпеть неудачу

  • the preliminary investigation- предварительное расследование

  • the follow-up investigation - последующеерасследование

  • theinvestigationprocess - процесс расследования

  • aid–помощь

  • evidence- свидетельство

  • apreliminaryreport - предварительное сообщение

  • assignedto- назначенный на

  • request- запрос

  • toassistdetectives – помогать детективам

  • interrogationofsuspects - допрос подозреваемых

  • witness - свидетель

  • modusoperandi - принцип работы

  • resemble - напоминать

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Write down the words. Read them.

Exercise2.Read and translate the text.

2.2.3.Text.The most glamorous aspect of police work

Most police officers regard detective work as “real” police work. Detective work has a specific mission - apprehending an offender. The quality of work can also be measured by the number of arrests. This contrasts with patrol duty, which largely involves peace-keeping. Good detectives are believed to be able to solve most crimes, so the citizens become angry when the police fail to solve the crime, he or she suffered from.

The process of investigating a crime involves several different steps performed by at least three different units within a police department: patrol officers, detectives and field criminalists. The two major stages of the investigation process are the preliminary investigation and the follow-up investigation.

The preliminary investigation is normally the responsibility of the patrol officer who is the first to arrive at the scene of the crime. The five major responsibilities of the police here include: arresting any suspect or suspects, providing aid to any victims, securing the crime scene in order to prevent loss of evidence, collecting all relevant physical evidence, and preparing a preliminary report.

Once the responding officer has completed the preliminary investigation, the case is assigned to the detective bureau for the follow-up investigation. Technical specialists are normally located in a separate administrative unit. They are available upon request to assist detectives in the follow-up investigation.

The follow-up investigation includes the following steps:

  • interrogation of suspects;

  • interview of witnesses;

  • search of the crime scene for physical evidence;

  • modus operandi review to determine if the crime is similar to others under investigation or resembles the crimes committed by known suspects;

  • development of additional information from informants, contacts, official records, etc.

  • preparationofreports.

Exercise3.Write10 questions to the text.

Exercise4.Complete the sentences.

    • …..she suffered from.

    • ….administrative unit

    • They are available….

    • …..a specific…..

    • ….are the preliminary investigation….

    • ….securing the crime.

    • ….become angry….

    • …. review to……

    • …of the police here….

    • which largely…..

Exercise5.Translate the sentences. Use new words.

    • I regard this as a problem.

    • We need peace-keeping.

    • People suffer from illnesses.

    • He failed.

    • Can you give me aid?

    • The police have much evidence.

    • He hadn’t the investigation process.

    • I work with your request.

    • They don’t solve the crime.

    • The follow-up investigation saw that he was guilty.

    • I cannot assist detectives.

    • He was assigned to this post.

Exercise6.Write your own sentences with the following words.

patrolduty- обязанности патрулирования

  • apreliminaryreport - предварительное сообщение

  • interrogation of suspects - допросподозреваемых

  • witness - свидетель

  • modusoperandi - принцип работы

Исправительные учреждения для малолетних


  • the criminal justice system – уголовная системаправосудия

  • agencies - учреждения

  • enforcethelaw – претворять в жизнь закон

  • preserve - сохранять

  • to apprehend – арестовать, задержать

  • to prosecute – преследовать по суду

  • to convict - обвинять

  • to sentence - приговорить

  • to correct - исправлять

  • offender – преступник, правонарушитель

  • corrections - исправления

  • the same goal – та же самая цель

  • the rehabilitation of offenders – реабилитацияпреступников

  • the burglary - кража

  • to report to police – сообщаютполиции

  • found guilty – признать виновным

  • prosecutable – преследованный по суду

  • insufficient evidence – недостаточность свидетельств

Pretext exercises:

Exercise1.Match the words.




тюрьма округа












профессиональное обучение


учреждения для малолетних преступников



Exercise2.Write 4 sentences with the following words.

  • detention

  • totakeintocustody

  • permit

  • delinquent

Exercise3.Write down the words.

Exercise4.Read and translate the text.

2.2.4.Text.Criminal Justice System:American Experience

The criminal justice system is composed of those agencies which must enforce the law that society has enacted to protect and preserve itself. Theoretically, it is an integrated apparatus whose functions are to apprehend, prosecute, convict, sentence and correct offenders.

The system is composed of three components: police, court, corrections. Each component must contribute to the same goal — the prevention and control of crime and the rehabilitation of offenders.

But at present the criminal justice system does not work successfully. Of several million serious crimes reported every year to police, ranging from murder to car theft, only one in nine results in a conviction.

Murder is usually reported, and 86 per cent of all reported murders lead to arrest. Among those arrested, however, only 64 per cent are prosecuted and not more than 43 per cent are convicted.

In contrast, only 19 per cent of all the burglaries reported to police lead to an arrest. Four out of five arrested are prosecuted and 56 per cent are found guilty. So, for every twelve reported burglaries there is one conviction.

Robbery — taking property from a person by force or threat of force - is a crime of violence, dangerous to life and increasing rapidly. But chances of a robber being convicted are small. Only 27 per cent of all robberies lead to an arrest. Of those arrested, 63 are prosecuted, of whom one half are convicted.

Less than two-thirds of the cases, in which individuals are charged with murder and robbery, are prosecutable. Often the reasons are: insufficient evidence, mistaken identity, unprofessional work of law enforcement agencies, etc.

Exercise5.Complete the sentences.

  • …of all reported murders…

  • Less than…

  • The criminal justice system….

  • …unprofessional work…

  • …is composed of…

  • …reported burglaries…

  • Robbery — taking….

Exercise6.Retell the text.

3. Список выражений, рекомендуемых для работы с текстом:

1. The text is about----------

is devoted to-----

deals with--------

touches upon-------

presents some results---------

2. The aim (purpose, object) of the text

is to give some information about---

to determine-------------

to present some data about-------------

3. The text is divided into 5 parts (paragraphs)

The first part deals with ----------

second part is about----------

third part touches upon----------

fourth part describes-----------

fifth part gives some information about--------------

4. In conclusion the text (the author) says that--------------

5. To my mind, the text is interesting (informative, important, of great value), because-------------------

I`ve got some facts about--------------------

4. Список выражений, рекомендуемых для монологического высказывания:

Itisdescribedinshort (indetail) – описываетсякратко (подробно)

Itisshown- показано

Itisdealtwith- рассматривается

It is analyzed- анализируется

Conclusions are drawn (made) – делаютсявыводы

5. Лексика необходимая для ведения беседы:

I think (see)-ядумаю

First of all- во-первых

The fact is that – деловтом, что

As far as I know – насколькоязнаю

Lookhere!- послушайте!

Конец беседы:

In conclusion- взаключении

That`s all – этовсё

Onthewhole- в целом

Точка зрения или мнение:

It`s my opinion that----- по-моему---

I think (believe, suppose, hope) that---ядумаю(верю, полагаю, надеюсь), что---

Tomymind- по-моему


I`vegotsomequestions- у меня несколько вопросов

Iwouldliketoaskyouabout- Я хотел бы спросить вас о----

Willyousayafewwordsabout- не скажете ли несколько слов о—

I`dliketoaddafewwords---я хотел бы добавить несколько слов о---


Iagreethat- я согласен

I think so- ядумаютакже

That`s right- верно

Howrightyouare!- Вы абсолютно правы


I cannot agree with you!-янемогусогласиться

I`m afraid you are mistaken- боюсь, выошибаетесь

It`s a pity, but—жаль, но---

Незнание фактов:

Sorry, Idon`tknow- простите, я не знаю

I`mafraid, I`venoidea- боюсь, что не имею представления об этом

список использованных источников

1. JustEnglish. Английский для юристов. [Учебное пособие] / Ю. Л. Гуманова, В. А. Королева, М. Л. Свешникова, Е. В. Тихомирова; под ред. Т. Н. Шишкиной. – М.: Гуманитарное знание, ТЕИС, 2006. – 198 с. : ил. - 3000 экз. – ISBN 5-7218-0033-х

2. Зеликман, А. Я. Английский для юристов. [Учебник]. / А. Я. Зеликман. – 5-е, изд. допол. иперераб. - Ростов н/ Д: Изд-во «Феникс», 2008. – 416 с. – 10000 экз. – ISBN 5-222-02443-1.

3. Павлова, Е. К., Шишкина, Т. Н. Английский язык для юристов. Branchesoflaw. Серия «Учебники МГУ». [Учебник]. / Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н Шишкина. - Ростов н\ Д: Изд-во «Феникс», 2010. – 320 с. -5000 экз. - ISBN 5-222-02791-0.

4. Рубцов М.Г. Обучение чтению английской научной и технической литертатуры. [Учебное пособие] - М.: Наука, 2005.

5. Рыбаченко Л.Е., Тюканова Р.А. Обучение техническому переводу. [Учебное пособие] - Томск:2005.

6. Хведченя Л.В., Васючкова О.И., Елисеева Т.В. Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения. [Учебное пособие].- М.: Высшая школа., 2002.


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