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ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий для студентов 3, 4 курсов специальности 26.02.02 «Судостроение» профиля: технического очной формы обучения

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Материалы подобраны с учётом требований Рабочей программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена специальности "Судокорпусостроение". Разноуровневые задания позволяют эффективно организовать работу студентов с различным уровнем подготовки на практических занятиях

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«ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий для студентов 3, 4 курсов специальности 26.02.02 «Судостроение» профиля: технического очной формы обучения»




Сухарева Н. В.


Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий

для студентов 3, 4 курсов

специальности 26.02.02 «Судостроение»

профиля: технического

очной формы обучения

Керчь, 2015 г.

Cоставитель: Сухарева Н.В., преподаватель цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ» СМТ_________

Рецензент: Вильшун Л.П., преподаватель цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ» СМТ_________

Методические рекомендации рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин СМТ ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ»

протокол № ___ от ___________2015 г.

Зав. цикловой комиссии ____________ Р.В. Попова

Методические рекомендации утверждены на заседании методического совета СМТ ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ»

протокол № ___ от ___________2015 г.

ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ», 2015 г.




Unit 1. Merchant Ships Types………………………………………………….


Unit 2. Shipbuilding in Great Britain…………………………………………


Unit 3. The Hull (Part I) ………………………………………………………..


Unit 4. The Hull (Part II) ………………………………………………………


Unit 5. Hull assemblies and superstructures…………………………………


Unit 6. Universal Vessels……………………………………………………


Unit 7. Multi-Purpose Vessels……………………………………..............


Unit 8. Tankers……………………………………………………………...........


Revising tests……………………………………………………………………...


Список использованной литературы…………………………………………...



Методические указания к практическим занятиям по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» созданы в соответствии с Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами среднего профессионального образования 3-го поколения и на основе текстов по специальности из учебного пособия по английскому языку «Морские грузовые операции под редакцией Китаевич Б.Е., Короленко А.И., Калиновскя М.Я., методических указаний для чтения текстов на английском языке по судостроению Николаевского судостроительного университета (составитель Кузнецова Н.Я.).

Данная работа имеет целью систематизировать изучение лексики специальной направленности, автоматизировать употребление лексики и грамматических структур, облегчить изучение и понимание учебного материала.

Для занятий подобрано 8 текстов. Тексты сопровождаются различными лексическими и грамматическими заданиями, расположенными поэтапно в соответствии с методикой работы над текстовым материалом как общенаучного, так и профессионального характера. Соблюдается метод поэтапного освоения материала. Большое внимание уделяется тренировке употребления наиболее важных грамматических структур: глагол-связка to be; структура предложения; времена глаголов в действительном и страдательном залогах и др. Предусмотрены задания для развития речевых умений.

Методические указания содержат достаточный объём языкового материала, который позволяет получить полезные сведения по специальности, расширить лексический запас и автоматизировать употребление различных грамматических структур английского языка в речи.


Merchant Ships Types

At present there are about 160 types of ships. Merchant ships can be classified according to what they carry. Most are designed to carry cargo, but a few still carry passengers.

Cargo ships can be divided into two basic types. One type carries dry cargo, the other carries liquid cargo. However, an OBO ship is designed to carry both. Multi – deck vessels are a traditional type of dry cargo ship. The holds divided horizontally by one or two tweendecks t make stowage of individual packages easier. Dry bulk cargo is carried in bulk carriers. They do not have tweendecks as cargo as cargo is carried loose.

Container ships are the most modern type of dry cargo carrier. They carry containers of standard dimensions, consequently stowage is easier. A full load of containers can be put on board within 36 hours. One container can be loaded every two minutes.

Horizontal cargo handling (RO- RO, LO-LO and some other types) is also very economical when trailers can drive on at one terminal and drives off at the other.

Fruit, meat and dairy products are carried in refrigerated ships. Oil tankers are the most common type of a liquid cargo carrier. They are often very large because huge quantities of oil need to be transported and one large vessel is more economical to operate than two smaller ones.

The other types of liquid bulk carriers of growing importance are gas carriers (LNG) to transport liquefied gasses at very low temperatures and chemical carriers to handle corrosive, poisonous and volatile cargoes.

In comparison with cargo vessels, passenger ships are fewer in number and type. The traditional passenger ship is a passenger liner which can carry cargo as well. Another type of passenger vessels is a cruise ship. They are often converted passenger liners.

Ferries are the most common type of passenger vessels. Many of them are also designed to carry vehicles, therefore they have ramps (doors) at the stern or bow.













Word List

1. to design [di'zain] предназначать, планировать,


2. to divide [di'vaid] делить(ся), подразделять(ся)

3. dry [drai] сухой

4. liquid [likwid] жидкость, жидкий

5. OBO ship [Sip] универсальный корабль

6. both [boө] оба

7. hold [hold] трюм

8. tweendeck [twindek] твиндек

9. stow [stou] укладывать, размещать

10. stowage ['stouidz] укладка, размещение

11. in bulk [in bΛlk] навалом, в насыпную

12. bulker [bΛlk] судно для перевозки насыпного груза

13. dimention [dai'menSәn] размерение

14. to load [loud] грузить(ся)

15. unload [Λnloud] разгружать(ся)

16. to handle [hændl] обращаться, обрабатывать

17. handling [hændliŋ] обработка, перегрузка

18. quantity [kwәntiti] количество

19. to operate ['opәreit] работать, эксплуатировать

20. operator ['opәreitә] рабочий

21. corrosive [kә'rouziv] ржавый, разъединять

22. poisonous ['poiznәs] ядовитый

23. volatile ['volәtei] летучий, быстро испаряющийся

24. stern [stә:n] корма

25. bow [bou] нос

Pre-Reading tasks

  1. Translate the meanings of the international words in the text:

To classify; design; passenger; traditional; horizontally; tweendeck; individual; containers; modern; standard; minute; economical; trailer; transport; gas; temperature; chemical; liner; cruise.

2. Explain the forming of the following derivatives and give their meanings:

Multi-deck; traditional; horizontally; stowage; individual; package; container; handling; economical; graving; importance; poisonous; carrier.

3. Form new words with the prefixes and suffixes given below. Translate new words into Russian:

centre grad

culture comfortable

music - al recent - ly

industry easy

economic wrong

pass perform

break - age differ - ence

carry enter

leak depend

begin meet

skate begin

play feel

lecture - er (- or) spent - ing

make open

visit build

watch travel



multi- engine



4. Translate the verbs in Passive forms from the text. Change them into the verbs in Active forms:

Can be classified; are designed; can be divided; is carried; can be put; can be loaded; can be driven; to be transported.

Reading Tasks

5. Read the text and define its main idea.

6. Read the text once more and write down the key idea of each paragraph.

Post-Reading Tasks

7. Find in the text the sentences, where the following adjectives can be found. Translate them into Russian. Pay attention to the degrees of comparison:

Easier; fewer; smaller; the most common; more economical; the most modern.

8. Find in the text and translate into English the following expressions:

В настоящее время; можно классифицировать; спроектированы; два основных вида; перевозить оба (вида груза); трюмы; отдельные упаковки (грузовые места); можно погрузить; перевозчик жидкого груза; нуждаться в транспортировке; растущее значение; по сравнению с; наиболее обычный тип (груза).

9. Put the verbs in brackets to the right Passive form. Translate the sentences into Russian:

    1. Merchant ships can … according to what they carry. (to classify)

    2. Most of them … to carry cargo. (to design)

    3. Cargo ship can … into two basic types. (to divide)

    4. An OBO ship … to carry both dry and liquid cargo. (to use)

    5. The holds … in bulk carrier. (to carry)

    6. Dry bulk cargo … in bulk carrier. (to carry)

    7. Cargo … loose in bulkers. (to carry)

    8. A full load of containers can … on board within 36 hours. (to put)

    9. One container can … every 2 minutes. (to load)

    10. Transport can … at one terminal and … of at the other. (to drive)

    11. Fruit, meat and dairy products … in refrigerated ships. (to carry)

    12. Huge quantities of oil need … (to transport).

    13. Ferries … also to carry vehicles. (to design)

10. Answer Yes/No questions:

      1. Are there about 160 types of ships at present?

      2. Can merchant ships be classified according to their overall length?

      3. Can cargo ships be divided into 3 basic types?

      4. Is an OBO ship designed to carry only dry cargo?

      5. Is dry bulk cargo carried in bulk carries?

      6. Do bulkers have tweendecks?

      7. Are container ships the most modern type of dry cargo carrier?

      8. Are fruit, meat and dairy products carrier in refrigerated ships?

      9. Are gas carriers designed for transportation of liquefied gas at very high temperature?

      10. Can passenger liners carry cargo as well?

      11. Are cruise ships the most common type of a passenger vessel?

      12. Do ferries have doors at the stern and bow?

11. Write down the answers for the following questions and make a short report on the theme “Merchant Ships Types”:

  1. How many types of ships are there in service at present?

  2. In what way are merchant ships classified?

  3. What are cargo ships?

  4. What are passenger ships?

  5. What types of cargo handling are mentioned here?

  6. What are the ships for carrying liquid cargo?


Shipbuilding in Great Britain

The total tonnage of British merchant fleet is over 30.2 mln gross tons. It is one of the largest in the world. The average age of the ships is under 6 years.

The structure of the industry is complex: some vessels registered in the United Kingdom (under the British flag) are owned in other Commonwealth countries, while some British companies are controlled by overseas companies.

The organization which surveys and classifies ships as to their safety and operational efficiency is called Lloyd’s of Shipping. Nearly all goods constituting the foreign trade of Great Britain are carried by sea. There are about 130 regular shipping services. Among them there are long-distance passenger services and short-distance passenger services (to the rest of Europe and to the Mediterranean) and pleasure cruising.

The fleet today comprises wide range of vessels: general cargo ships, fishing vessels, oil tankers, liquefied gas carriers, chemical tankers, ore and bulk carriers, container ships, passenger liners, ferries, tugs, dredgers, cable ships. OBO ships, for example, are constructed for carrying oil, bulk, ore; they are very flexible. Liquefied natural gas tankers carry their cargo in specially insulated tanks at a temperature of about -161 C. Many cargo and container ships have refrigerated cargo spaces. Ferry vessels carry passengers, cargo, vehicles and railway wagons.

Now Britain has one of the world’s largest tanker fleet, the largest ore and bulk carrier fleet, one of the largest fleet of liquefied gas carriers.

Shipbuilding in Great Britain is concentrated on a number of estuaries. A majority of ships was launched on Clydeside (Glasgow region). Belfast has long specialized in smaller liners, motor ships and refrigerated vessels. There are smaller yards on Merseyside and at Barrow - in- Furness. A large machine-engineering industry supports each of these regions.

In spite of the fact that British shipbuilding is known all over the world, it is in decline now. There is a great percentage of unemployment due to the fall in the number of ships ordered and the introduction of automation. That is why the struggle for the right to work is the most important among the forms of struggle for economic and political rights of the workers.

This struggle is closely connected with the struggle for peace, international cooperation and against the threat of war.

Proper Names

1. Commonwealth countries страны Британского Содружества

2. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping судоходный регистр Ллойда

3. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Соединённое королевство

northern Ireland Великобритании и Северной


4. Glasgow Глазго

5. Clydeside Клайдсайд

6. Belfast Белфаст

7. Merseyside р-н р. Мерсей

8. Barrow -in-Furness Бэроу-ин-Фёнес

Word list

1. total tonnage [toutl tΛnidz] общий тоннаж

2. gross tonnage [grous tΛnidz] брутто – регистровый тоннаж

3. average age ['ævәridz eidz] средний возраст

4. complex ['kompleks] 1) комплекс; 2) сложный

5. to own [oun] владеть

an owner [ounәr] владелец

6. to survey ['sәvei] осматривать; инспектировать

7. safe [seif] безопасный

safety [seifti] безопасность

to save [seiv] 1) спасать; 2) экономить

8. operational efficiency [opә'reiSnәl i'fiSәnsi] эффективность управления

9. goods [gudz] товары

10. wide range [waid reindz] широкий спектр

11. general cargo ship ['dzenәrәl 'ka:gou] судно генерального груза

12. liquefied gas carrier [likwifaid gæz] перевозчик сжиженного газа

13. bulk carrier (=balker) [bΛlk] балкер

14. tug [tΛg] буксир

15. dredger [dredzә] земснаряд

16. cable ship [kæbl Sip] кабелеукладчик

17. flexible ['fleksbәl] гибкий

18. insulated tank ['insjuleitid tænk] изолированный танк

19. vehicle [vikl] перевозное средство, средство


20. estuary ['estjuәri] широкое устье

21. to launch [lә:ntS] спускать на воду

22. to support [sә'pә:t] поддерживать

23. in spite of [in spait of] не смотря на

24. decline [deklain] падение, упадок

to be on decline [on deklain] быть в состоянии упадка

25. to employ [imp'loi] применять, нанимать (на работу)

employer [imp'loiә] работодатель

employee (=employed) [imploi'i:] служащий, работающий по найму

employment [im'ploiment] служба, занятие, работа, занятость

unemployment [Λnim'ploimənt] безработица

26. to order ['o:də] приводить в порядок, заказывать

an order порядок, исправность

27. introduction of automation [itrə'dΛkSən ov o:tə'meiSən] введение автоматизации

Pre-Reading tasks

1. Form new words using suffixes given below. Translate them into Russian:

operation to carry

nature to employ

economic - al to construct - er

region to survey - or

politic to range

nation to cooperate

2. Explain the way of word building in the following words:

Overseas; Commonwealth; long- distance; railway; shipbuilding; airways; shipyard; motorvessel (m/v).

3. Form Participles II of the given verbs. Translate them into Russian. Add two or tree words to make right expression with the Participles:

Model: to register – registered: a registered shipping company; a registered letter.

to control to carry

to construct to liquefy

to concentrate to order

to know to own

to launch

Reading Task

4. Read the text and find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions:

1) Общий тоннаж торгового флота Британии более 30,2 млн валовых тонн.

2) Организация, которая изучает и классифицирует корабли относительно их безопасности и эффективности управления, называется Регистр судоходства Ллойда.

3) Почти все товары, составляющие внешнюю торговлю Великобритании, перевозятся морем.

4) Существует примерно 130 регулярных морских рейсов.

5) Сегодня флот включает в себя широкий спектр судов: суда генерального груза, рыболовецкие суда, нефтеналивные танкеры, перевозчики сжиженного газа, химовозы, перевозчики руды и навалочного груза, контейнеровозы, пассажирские лайнеры, паромы, буксиры, земснаряды, кабелепрокладчики, комбинированые суда, которые построены для перевозки нефти, руды, навалочного груза; они очень легко приспосабливаемые.

6) Многие грузовые и контейнерные суда имеют грузовые пространства, оборудованные холодильниками.

7) Крупная машиностроительная промышленность поддерживает каждый

каждый из этих регионов.

Post-Reading Tasks

5. Translate from English following expressions:

Average age; machine-engineering industry; a number of estuaries; ferries and tugs; dredgers and bulkers; road vehicles; refrigerated cargo spaces; general cargo ship; operational efficiency; pleasure cruising.

6. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian expressions:

Пассажирские рейсы на длинные расстояния; инспектировать и классифицировать суда; контролироваться зарубежными компаниями; суда, углубляющие дно и кабелеукладчики; поддерживать регионы; борьба против угрозы войны; самый большой в мире балкерный флот; сжиженный газ; товары, составляющие иностранную торговлю; грузовые пространства, оборудованные холодильными установками.

7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions:

1) The average age of British ships is … 6 years.

2) Some British companies are controlled … over seas companies.

3) LNG carry their cargo … specially insulated tanks … a temperature of about -1610C.

4) Shipbuilding is concentrated … a number of estuaries.

5) Belfast has long specialized … smaller liners.

6) Shipbuilding is … decline now.

7) The struggle … the right to work is the most important.

8. Explain what do these figures stand for:

30.2; -161; 130; 6.

9. Correct the mistakes using the following expressions:

a) You are wrong.

b) It’s false.

c) You are not right.

d) On the contrary.

e) I don’t think so.

1) The structure of shipbuilding in G.B. is simple.

2) The organization which surveys and classifies ships as to their safety is called British Airways.

3) Nearly all goods constituting the foreign trade of G. B. are carried by roads.

4) Among regular shipping services there are only short distance passenger services.

5) The fleet today comprises only tankers and general cargo ships.

6) Ro-Ro vessels are very flexible.

7) Liquefied natural gas tankers carry their cargo in containers.

8) Britain has the word’s largest fishing vessels fleet.

9) Shipbuilding is concentrated in ports in that country.

10) A majority of ships was launched on Belfast shipyard.

10. Answer the questions:

1) What is the total tonnage of the British merchant fleet?

2) What countries are some British ships owned in?

3) What parts of the world do short distance sea services connect the British Isles with?

4) What organization are British ships classified by?

5) What kind of ships is very flexible?

6) How is liquefied gas carried in LNG vessels?

7) What are ferries constructed for?

8) What shipyard has long specialized in smaller liners, motor ships and refrigerated vessels?

11. Prepare a written and oral report on the theme «Shipbuilding in Great Britain” according to the given plan:

  1. What is the total tonnage of the British fleet?

  2. What kind of vessels does the British fleet comprise today?

  3. What are the causes of decline in British shipbuilding?

  4. What society surveys and classifies ships in Britain?

  5. Where is shipbuilding in Great Britain concentrated?

12. Give your ideas as to following issues:

  1. The structure of shipbuilding in G. B.

  2. Causes of the decline in shipbuilding.

13. Imagine that you are eager to find work in G. B. as a hull constructor. Find out as much as you can about prospects of your getting job their.

Use the following expressions:

  • Diploma of Junior specialist;

  • To take a course of English;

  • To have some experience in construction and repairs of ships;

  • To be specialized in;

  • My last place of work was...

  • My position there was...

  • My wage was...


The Hull (Part I)

The main body of a vessel is called the hull. The hull is divided by vertical steel walls, called transverse bulkheads, into a number of watertight compartments.

The shell plating forms the ship’s watertight covering, which allow her to float. Bulkheads give the ship contour, shape, rigidity and strength.

The forward end of the hull is termed the bow and the after end, the stern.

The low most part of the hull is termed the bottom. The walls on either hand are referred to as the sides. The part of a hull topping it is called the deck. Consequently, the respective portions of the hull’s shell are defined as the bottom, side and deck plating.

The girderwork stiffening the shell is called the framing. Made up of intersecting strength members running either fore and aft or thwartships, the framing is secured to the bottom, side and deck plating.

Bulkheads subdividing the hull’s space into a number of sections, or compartments fall into two main groups: longitudinal bulkheads, and transverse bulkheads. Longitudinal bulkheads are erected in the fore-and-aft direction parallel to the centre line or the side plating. They divide the ship into longitudinal compartments.

Transverse bulkheads run thwartships to enclose a number of transverse compartments from side to side.

Bulkheads commonly extend from the ship’s bottom to the upper deck. The transverse bulkhead nearest to the bow is called the forepeak bulkhead and the space it encloses from side to side is referred to as the forepeak (forward compartment). The after most partition (лёгкая переборка) is termed the afterpeak bulkheads. It forms the forward side of the afterpeak.

Word List

1. transverse bulkhead [trænzvə:s 'bΛlkhed] поперечная переборка

2. watertight compartment ['wo:tə'tait kəmp'a:tmənt] водонепроницаемый отсек

3. shell plating [Sel'pleitiŋ] листовая обшивка

4. to cover [kΛvə] покрывать

a cover крышка; покрышка

covering [kΛvəriŋ] покрытие

5. to float [flout] плавать

6. to rigid ['ridzid] жёсткий

rigidity [ri'dzidəti] жёсткость

7. bottom ['botəm] дно, днище

8. side (s) [said(z)] борт

9. to top [top] зд. завершать; ограничивать

a top наверху

10. a girder girderwork [gə:də] балка, брус, перекладина, каркас

11. to stiffen [stifn] закреплять, крепить

stiffening ['stifniŋ] закрепляющий

12. framing ['freimiŋ] набор (судна)

13. member (s) ['membə(z)] пересекающиеся балки

14. thwartships [өwo:tSips] поперёк (корабля)

15. to secure [si'kjuə] зд. крепить

16. longitudinal [londzi'tju:dinəl] продольный

17. the former ['fo:mə] первый (из упомянутых выше)

18. the latter ['lætə] последний (из упомянутых выше)

19. to erect [i'rekt] возводить, сооружать,


20. fore-and-aft direction [fo:, dairekSn] направление от носа к корме


21. to enclose [in'klouz] окружать; огораживать, заключать

22. hull [hΛl] корпус

Pre-Reading Tasks

1. Reading skills:

[au] allow, now, how, bow, tower, flower.

[o:] call, wall, water, fall, hall, mall.

[ð]-[ө] the, that, strength, there, either, those, thwartships, this .

2. Translate the international words from English into Russian without a dictionary:

Vertical, form, contour, group, parallel, centre, line, forepeak, afterpeak.

Reading Tasks

3. Find in the text the equivalents to the following Russian sentences:

1) Переборки, как правило, идут от днища до верхней палубы.

2) Самая нижняя часть корпуса называется днище, в то время как стены по обеим сторонам называются борта, а то, что служит верхним завершением корпуса-палубой.

3) Каркас, подкрепляющий водонепроницаемую оболочку, называется набором.

4) Первые возводятся в направлении от носа к корме параллельно центральной линии или бортовой обшивке и т. о. деля корабль на продольные отсеки, а последние тянутся поперёк для образования нескольких поперечных отсеков, тянущихся от одного борта до другого.

5) Сделанный из пересекающихся балок (набор), тянущихся и к носу, и к корме или поперёк (корабля), набор прикрепляется к днищевой, бортовой и палубной обшивке.

Post- Reading Tasks

4. Translate from English into Russian:

Vertical steel wall; to allow to float; to give rigidity; forward end; lowermost part; on either homol; respective portions; bottom plating; intersecting strength members; to run thwartships; longitudinal bulkheads; fore-and-aft direction; nearest to the bow.

5. Translate from Russian into English:

Главная часть судна, поперечные переборки, продольные переборки, водонепроницаемые отсеки, листовая обшивка, позволять держаться на плаву, жёсткость и прочность, по обеим сторонам, соответствующие части обшивки корпуса, закреплять обшивку, продольное направление, поперечное направление, тянуться (идти) от днища до верхней палубы.

6. Find Russian an English equivalents in the both columns:

1) transverse bulkhead a) верхняя палуба

2) shell plating b) форпиковая переборка

3) stiffening framing c) поперечная переборка

4) forepeak bulkhead d) палубная обшивка

5) upper deck e) листы обшивки

6) thwartships f) укрепляющий набор

7) deck plating g) поперёк корабля

7. Make up true sentences joining the beginnings and the ends. Use the verbs in the box in Passive Voice forms:

to call; to term; to refer to; to erect

    1. The main body of a vessel… a) the bow

    2. Vertical steel walls dividing the hull… b) thwartships

    3. The forward end of the hull… c) sides

    4. The after end of the hull… d) fore-and-aft direction parallel to the centre line

    5. The lowermost part of the hull… e) the hull

    6. The walls on either hand… f) the stern

    7. The girderwork stiffening the shell… g) bulkheads

    8. Longitudinal bulkheads… h) the forepeak bulkhead

    9. Transverse bulkheads… i) the framing

    10. The transverse bulkhead nearest to the bow… j) the bottom

8. Define what Parts of Speech are ing-forms in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:

a) Gerund b) Participle I c) Verbal Noun

1) The shell plating form’s the ship’s watertight covering.

2) The part topping the hull is termed the deck.

3) The respective portions of the hull’s shell are defined as the bottom, side and deck plating.

4) The girderwork stiffening the shell is called the framing.

5) Made up of intersecting strength members running either fore-and-aft or thwartships, the framing.

6) Bulkheads subdividing the hull’s space into a member of sections, or compartments fall into two main groups.

9. Transform Direct into Indirect Speech:

  1. Jack: “The forward end of the hull is termed the bow.”

  2. Mary: “Are the walls on either hand referred to as the sides of a ship?”

  3. Mr. Green: “Don’t erect longitudinal bulkheads thwartships.”

  4. Teacher: “How do bulkheads commonly extend?”

  5. Student: “The girderwork stiffening the shell is called the framing.”

  6. Engineer: “Is the hull divided by transverse bulkheads into a member of watertight compartments.”

  7. Designer: “What is the framing secured to?”

  8. Worker: “Now we are topping the hull by the upperdeck.”

10. Transform Passive constructions into Active ones. Use the proposed words to begin your sentences:

    1. The main body of a vessel is called the hull. – They ...

    2. The hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments. – The constructors ...

    3. The forward end of the hull is termed the bow. – We ...

    4. The after end of the hull is termed the stern. – You must ...

    5. The low most part of the hull is termed the bottom. – He ...

    6. The walls on either hand are referred to as the sides. – The British ...

    7. The part of a hull topping it is called the deck. – They ...

    8. The transverse bulkhead nearest to the bow is called the forepeak bulkhead. – The engineers ...

    9. The space this bulkhead encloses from side to side is referred to as the forepeak. – The lecturer ...

    10. The after most partition is termed the afterpeak bulkheads. – Our guide ...

11. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) The main body of a vessel is called the hull.

2) The shell plating forms the ship’s watertight covering.

3) Bulkheads give the ship contour, shape, rigidity and strength.

4) The framing is secured to the bottom, side and deck plating.

5) Bulkheads fall into two main groups: longitudinal bulkheads, and transverse bulkheads.

6) Longitudinal bulkheads are erected in the fore-and-aft direction parallel to the centre line or the side plating.

7) Transverse bulkheads run thwartships.

12. Answer the questions:

    1. Is the main body of a vessel called the hull?

    2. What divides the hull into a number of watertight compartments?

    3. What does the shell plating form?

    4. What allows a vessel to float?

    5. What parts of the ship is called the bow and the stern?

    6. Is the lowmost part of the ship termed the bottom?

    7. How are the walls on either hands referred to?

    8. What is the part of a hull topping it?

    9. What is called framing?

    10. How is the framing made up?

    11. What compartments do longitudinal bulkheads divide the ship into?

    12. What do the transverse bulkheads do running thwartships?

    13. How long do bulkheads commonly extend?

    14. What is the space the forepeak bulkhead encloses from side to side?

    15. What forms the forward side of the afterpeak?


The Hull (Part II)

In addition to upright bulkheads, the shell is stiffened by a number of horizontal partitions defined as intermediate decks and platforms.

The space between any continuous decks is called a tweendeck. In a ship it is commonly of constant height. The intermediate decks and platforms consist of plates reinforced by girders.

The nomenclature of intermediate decks and platforms depends on their location in respect to the upper deck. Consequently, they are called the second or main deck, the third or lower deck, the first platform, the second platform, etc.

The bottom, side and deck plating consists of steel plates. The short sides of each plate are called the ends, and the long sides, the edges. Plates are joined end to end to form a panel of plating which runs forward and aft and is known as a strake. The joint between the ends of any two plates in a strake is known as a butt and that between two strakes, a seam.

What is called the flat plate keel is a line of plates forming the central strake in the ship’s bottom. The strakes next to it are garboard strakes, and those at the turn of the bilge, linking the bottom plating to the side plating, are termed the bilge strakes. The uppermost rows of side plating are called the sheerstrakes. They are attached to the edges of the upper deck’s outer plates, referred to as the deck stringers.

Since the hull tapers towards the ends, the plating of both sides meets at the bow and stern being secured there to rigid structure called the stem and sternpost, respectively. These give the shape to the fore and aft ends of the ship.

Word List

1. upright [Λprait] вертикальный

2. to stiffen ['stifәn] придавать жёсткость, подкреплять

3. partition [pa:'tiSәn] часть; лёгкая разделительная


4. to reinforce [ri:n'fo:s] усиливать; подкреплять

5. girder ['gә:dә] балка; ферма

6. nomenclature [no(u)'menklәtSә] обозначение; терминология

7. in respect to [in respekt tә] относительно

8. an end [әn end] зд. потеряй

9. an edge [әn endz] зд. брешток

10. a pannel of plating [pænl ov pleitiŋ] секция (панель) листовой

11. a strake [streik] обшивки, пояс (обшивки)

12. garboard strake [ga:bo:d streik] шунтовый пояс обшивки

13. bilge strake [bildz streik] скуловой пояс обшивки

14. a butt [ bΛt] стык

15. a seam [si:m] шов

16. flat-plate keel [flætpleit ki:l] горизонтальный (плоский) киль

17. at the turn [æt ðә tә:n] на повороте

18. uppermost rows [Λpәmoust rous] самые верхние ряды

19. outer plates [autә pleit] внешние (наружные) листы

20. to taper ['teipә] суживаться; заостряться

21. stem [stem] форштевень

22. sternpost [stә:npost] ахтерштевень

23. to secure ['sikjuә] укреплять

24. to rigid [ridzid] придавать жёсткость

Pre-Reading Tasks

1. Reading skills:

[Λ] bulkhead; number; upper; butt; hull.

[ә] girderwork; third; first; turn; termed; refer; stern; sternpost.

[S(ә)n]addition; partition; location; section; direction.

[ait] upright; watertight; light; night; right; height.

2. Translate the international words from English into Russian without a dictionary:

Horizontal, platform, tweendeck, panel, line, form, central, sheerstrake, stringer, sternpost.

3. Define the part of the speech the following words belong to according to their suffixes:

Addition, horizontal, partition, continuous, commonly, nomenclature, location, consequently, central, plating, structure, respectively.

Reading Tasks

4. Find excess information and exclude it from the sentences in the text as shown in the model:

Model: In addition to upright bulkheads, the shell is stiffened by a number of horizontal partitions defined as intermediate decks and platforms.

5. While reading underline the main important terms and expressions in the text.

Post-Reading Tasks

6. Translate from English into Russian:

Upright bulkheads; a number of partitions; intermediate decks; constant height; reinforced by girders; in respect to the upper deck; steel plates; a panel of plating; flatplate keel; central strake; garboard strake; bilge strake; to attach to the edge; to rigid structure.

7. Find Russian and English equivalents in the both columns:

      1. Flat plate keel a) шунтовый пояс обшивки

      2. Garboard strake b) соединение в стык

      3. Sternpost c) средняя палуба

      4. Seam d) ровный киль

      5. Intermediate deck e) шунтовый пояс обшивки

      6. Bilge strake f) шовное соединение

      7. Girderwork g) ахтерштевень

      8. Butt joint h) каркас

8. Make up true sentences joining the beginnings and the ends. Use the verbs given below in Passive forms:

to stiffen (by); to call; to join; to know

      1. The shell... a) flat plate keel.

      2. The space between any continuous b) to form a panel of plates known as decks... a strake.

3) The short sides of each plate... c) a number of intermediate decks and platforms.

4) The long sides of each plate... d) the ends.

5) Plates... e) a tweendeck.

6) The joints between the ends of any two f) the edge.

plates is a strake...

7) The joints between two strakes... g) the sheerstrakes.

8) A line of plates forming the central strake h) a seam.

in the ship’s bottom...

9) The uppermost rows of side plating... i) a butt.

9. Find in the text the equivalents to the following Russian sentences:

      1. Промежуточные палубы и платформы представляют собой листовые полотнища, подкреплённые балками.

      2. Листовые полотнища соединяются потерями для образования панели листов, которая идёт от носа к корме и известна как пояс (обшивки).

      3. Кроме вертикальных переборок внутри корпуса судна могут устанавливаться горизонтальные диафрагмы, называемые промежуточными палубами и платформами.

      4. Так как корпус сужается к конца, обшивка обоих бортов соединяется на носу и корме, называемых форштевень и ахтерштевень соответственно.

      5. Так как корпус сужается к концам, обшивка обоих бортов соединяется на носу и корме, закрепляясь там для придания жёсткости конструкции.

      6. Верхний пояс бортовой обшивки называется ширстреком.

10. Define what parts of speech are ing-forms in the following sentences:

  1. Gerund, b) Participle I, c) Verbal Noun.

    1. The bottom side and deck plating consists of steel plates.

    2. The flat plate keel is a line of plates forming the central strake in the ship’s bottom.

    3. The strakes at the turn of the bilge, linking the bottom plating to the side plating, are termed the bilge strakes.

    4. The plating of both sides meets at the bow and stern being secured there to rigid structure.

11. Transform Direct into Indirect Speech:

      1. Supervisor:”The sheerstrakes must be attached to the deck stringers”.

      2. Designer:”How are the short sides of each plate called?”

      3. Constructor:”Does the hull taper towards the ends of the vessel?”

      4. Student:”What is called the stem and sternpost?”

      5. Foreman:” Reinforce intermediate decks and platforms by girders”.

      6. Worker:”The joint between the ends of any two plates in a strake is a butt”.

      7. Student:”What gives the shape to the fore and aft ends of the ship?”

      8. Teacher:”Are strakes next to the flat plate keel called garboard strakes?”

  1. Answer the questions:

1) What is the bow/stern/bottom?

2) What is framing?

3) What is the shell stiffened by?

4) What is called flat plate keel?

    1. What do we call tweendeck?

    2. How are the edges of the upper deck’s outer plates referred to?

    3. What is a strake/bilge strake?

    4. What joint connects the end of any two plates in a strake?

    5. What joint connects any two strakes?

  1. Translate from Russian into English.

      1. Горизонтальные структурные элементы (диафрагмы) корпуса – это средние палубы и платформы.

      2. Твиндек – это пространство между любыми двумя непрерывными палубами.

      3. Для образования поясьев судна листы (обшивки) соединяются в панели.

      4. Листы в панелях соединяются сваркой встык, а поясья соединяются шовной сваркой (пазами).

      5. Поясья, соединяющие днищевую и бортовую обшивки на скулах, называются скуловые поясья.

      6. Форштевень и ахтерштевень крепят обшивку обоих бортов, чтобы придать

жёсткость всей конструкции.

14. Work out a plan and give your ideas of the floatage of a vessel and the role of shell plating in it.


Hull assemblies and superstructures

A bottom assembly is a portion of stiffened bottom plating bounded by adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

A side assembly is a portion of stiffened side plating between adjacent transverse bulkheads and bounded also either by two successive decks or the lowermost deck and the bottom.

A deck assembly is a portion of stiffened deck plating receiving support from adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

Superstructures. In order to improve seaworthiness and provide additional space (mainly for management and accommodation purposes), nearly all ships have a portion of their hull raised above the upper continuous deck, enclosed by bulkheads and covered with another deck.

The superstructure may be composed of crew’s quarters, officers’ quarters (if passengers are carried), mess hall for crew, mess hall for officers, chartroom, bridge, wheelhouse and captain’s office.

The watertight superstructures erected at the extreme forward and after end of a ship are termed the forecastle and the poop, respectively, whereas the topside superstructure built about amidships is called the bridge.

The sides and decks of the forecastle, bridge and poop are of stiffened plating. In almost any ship the bridge or poop is topped by a light watertight structure consisting of four walls and a roof of the height of a tweendeck. Called the wheelhouse, this erection shelters the various instruments and equipment employed in ship’s navigation and general management.

The strake of shell plating about one metre in height, which forms an extension of the sheer strake and runs along the upper deck from the forecastle to the bridge and from the latter to the poop, is called the bulwark. Backed up by stays, it serves as a guard against losing deck cargo or men overboard. In ships with a forecastle, the bulwark usually tops the latter. On flush decks it is indispensable in the fore end, being replaced topped by life rails elsewhere everywhere.

Hatchways are rectangular openings provided in the decks of ships for passage of cargo. The raised iron fitted around a hatchway and properly stiffened is called a hatch coaming. Its upper edge receives a hatch cover. Deck beams interrupted by a hatch coaming to which they must be connected are termed halfbeams.

Word list

1. assembly [a'sembli] сборка, монтаж, узел

2. to bound [baund] граничить

3. successive [sək'sesiv] последующий; следующий друг за


4. lowermost ['louəmoust] самый нижний

5. seaworthy ['si:wə:өi] обладающий хорошими

мореходными качествами

6. crew’s quarters [kru:s 'kwə:təz] места для размещения команды

7. mess hall ['mes hə:l] кают-компания

8. chartroom ['tSa:t ru:m] штурманская рубка

9. wheelhouse [wi:lhaus] рулевая рубка

10. forecastle ['fə:kasl] бак, полубак

11. poop [pu:p] карма, полуют

12. amidships [ə'midSips] в середине корабля; на миделе

13. to shelter ['Seltə] давать приют; cлужить


14. bulwark ['bulwək] фальшборт

15. stay [stei] штаг

16. indispensable [indis'pensəbl] необходимый, обязательный

17. life rails [laif reilz] мерные ограждения

18. flush deck [flΛSdek] ровная палуба

19. hatchway [hætSwei] грузовой мок

20. rectangular [rek'tætSwei] прямоугольный

21. hatch coaming [hætS 'koumiη] моковый комингс

22. beam(-s) [bi:m] бимс

halfbeam(-s) [ha:fbi:m] полубимс

Pre-Reading Tasks

  1. Read and translate the international words without a dictionary:

Management, a portion, an officer, a structure, a tweendeck, an instrument, navigation, a metre, to form, a sheerstrake, coamings, beams.

  1. World building. Fill in the table with the following words according to the parts of speech they belong to:

Lowermost; seaworthiness; additional; mainly; management; watertight; wheelhouse; erection; extension; overboard; indispensable.




Reading Tasks

3. Find excess information if possible and exclude it from the sentences in the text as shown in the model:

Model: In order to improve seaworthiness and provide additional space (mainly for management and accommodation purposes), nearly all ships have a portion of their hull raised above the upper continuous deck, enclosed by bulkheads and covered with another deck.

4. While reading underline the main important terms and expressions in the text.

Post-Reading Tasks

5. Make the right words with the letters:

Model: recw – crew

sems –

opop –

wbuarlk –

alris –

awhtachy –

amebs –

ocsfelrate –

ariebg –

icmanog –

6. Find appropriate English and Russian equivalents in the both columns.

1) hatch coaming a) высота

2) bulwark b) на миделе

3) chartroom c) люковый комингс

4) to have seaworthiness d) продолжение

5) upper edge e) прямоугольная крышка

6) extension f) ровная палуба

7) amidships g) штурманская рубка

8) height h) обладание хорошими

мореходными качествами

9) blush deck i) верхний край

10) rectangular openings j) фальшборт

7. Choose the right definitions for the following terms:

1) Superstructures is

a) a portion of a hull comprising stiffened bottom plating bounded by adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

b) a portion of a hull raised above the upper continuous deck.

c) a portion of a hull consisting of stiffened deck plating receiving support from adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

2) A hatch coaming is

a) rectangular openings provided in the decks of ships for passage cargo.

b) a hatch cover, which tops the hatch.

c) the raised iron fitted around a hatch way and properly stiffened.

3) The bulwark is

a) a strake of shell plating forming an extension of the sheerstrake and running along the upper deck.

b) a guard against loosing deck cargo or men overboard.

c) an erection which shelters the various instruments and equipment.

4.) The forecastle is

a) a watertight superstructure erected at the extreme after end of a ship.

b) watertight superstructure erected at the extreme forward end of a ship.

c) A topside structure built about amidships.

8. Translate into Russian:

Stiffened bottom plating; adjacent transverse bulkheads; management and accommodation purposes; an upper continuous deck; crew’s and officers’ mess hall; an amidships topside structure; light watertight structures; a tweendeck height; shell plating strake; sheer strake extension.

9. Use the Possessive Case for the same expressions:

The quarters of the crew; the quarters of the officers; the quarters of our passengers; the office of there captain; the mass hall of our crew; the mass hall of their officers; a hatch cover of this hatchway; the sides and decks of the forecastle; the navigation of the ship; the management of our ship.

10. Form true sentences using the given verb links, beginnings and endings:

1) The wathertight superstructures erected at the extreme forward enot of a sheep.

2) The erection which shelters the various instruments and equipment.

3) The erection of shell plating about one meter in height which runs along the upper deck and serves as s guard against loosing deck cargo or men overboard.

4) The topside structure built about amidships.

5) The raised iron fitted around a hatch way and properly stiffened.

6) Deck beams interrupted by a hatch coaming to which they must be connected.

is called

are termed to

are called

is termed

are referred to as

is referred to as

a) the hatch coaming

b) the bridge

c) hafbeams

d) the forecastle

e) the bulwark

f) the wheelhouse

11. Put the verbs in the brackets into the right Tense and Voice form:

  1. The superstructure may … of crew’s quarters, officers’ quarters, passengers’ quarters. (to compose)

  2. Nearly all ships … a portion of the hull raised above the upper continuous deck. (to have)

  3. The topside structure built about amidships … the bridge. (to call)

  4. The wheelhouse … the various equipment and instruments employed in ship’s navigation and general management. (to shelter)

  5. Bulwark … as a guard against loosing deck cargo or man overboard. (to serve)

  6. A hatch coaming’s upper edge … a hatch cover. (to receive)

12. Translate the Participles in the brackets from Russian into English. Choose the necessary voice form:

1) A bottom assembly is a portion of stiffened bottom plating … (ограниченные) by adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

2) A deck assembly is a portion of … (укреплённой) deck plating receiving support from adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

3) The watertight superstructures … (возведенные) at the extreme forward and after ends of a ship are termed the forecastle and poop, respectively.

4) The topside structure ... (построенная) about amidships is called the bridge.

5) A light waterlight structure … (состоящая) of four walls and a roof of the height of a tweendeck is called the wheelhouse.

6) Instrument and equipment … (применяемые) in ship’s navigation are kept in the wheelhouse.

7) Hatchways are rectangular openings … (предусмотренные) in the decks of ships for passage of cargo.

8) The roiued iron ... (установленное) around a hatchway and properly stiffened is called a hatch coaming.

9) Deck beams … (прерываемые) by a hatch coaming.

13. Answer the following questions:

1) What kind of hull assemblies (a bottom assembly/a deck assembly) do you know?

2) Is a portion of stiffened deck plating receiving support from adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides called a deck assembly?

3) How is a portion of a hall raised above the upper continuous deck enclosed by bulkheads and covered with another deck called?

4) What is the main aim for the superstructure construction?

5) What may the superstructure be composed of?

6) How are the watertight superstructures erected at the extreme forward end of a ship termed?

7) How are the watertight superstructures erected at the extreme after end of a ship referred to?

8) How is the topside structure built about amidships called?

9) What is the bridge or poop topped by?

10) What is the height of a wheelhouse?

11) What is the wheelhouse used for?

12) What is called the bulwark?

13) What is the bulwark backed up by?

14) What is the main purpose of the bulwark’s erection?

15) What are hatch ways?

16) What are hatch coamings?

17) What does a hatch coaming upper edge receive?

18) In what case are deck beams called halfbeams?


Universal Vessels

Universal vessels can carry practically any types of cargoes, including refrigerated goods and liquids (in special tanks). However, most of them are designed to carry certain types of goods.

Thus, liners are intended to carry general cargo, packaged cargo, containers, and also, in dependence of the route, special, liquid and refrigerated cargoes. Their deadweight2 varies between 2,000 and 20,000 tons and speeds between 10 and 22 knots. Tramps are designed, as a rule, to carry bulk cargoes and timber, but can also carry general cargo if necessary. These ships must be of sufficient size to carry a profitable cargo and must be able to cope with bad weather conditions in any ocean; they mast not be too large to enter the smaller ports of the world; speed is necessary but in increases running costs3, so that a compromise between fuel consumption4 and speed is desirable. The modern tramp travels at between 12 and 15 knots. Its deadweight varies between 2.000 and 10.000 tons.

The cargo spaces are holds, tweendecks and deep tanks. Holds and tweendecks are used to carry general and bulk cargoes. Deep – tanks may be of two types. The first type is designed to carry liquids only. The second type is designed to carry liquid and dry cargoes in turn5. Empty deep tanks are also used for liquid ballast. Liners may have special cargo spaces (to carry valuable or dangerous goods etc.) and refrigerated cargo spaces.

Conventional multi-deck vessels have hold divided horizontally by one ore two tweendecks known as upper and lover tweendecks. The bottom part of any hold with tweendecks is the lower hold.

Below is derided a typical universal design vessel:

The vessel is of 14,700 dwt (9,000 gross and 6,000 net tons). Her overall length is 450 feet, beam 69 feet, brought 31 feet. Her five holds are arranged so that numbers one to four holds are forward of the superstructure and only number five hold is abaft it. The holds are closed with electrically operated automatic sliding type hatch-covers. Each hold is served by its own 5-ton derricks mounted in pair. A single un-stayed mast is located forward , between numbers one and two holds; there is a pair of on-stayed cargo (=Samson) posts , between numbers three and another pair abaft the funnel with derricks for working number five hold. The winches are driven by electricity.

The hull is of the single Teaneck type with a raised forecastle and bridge superstructure of medium height.

With a single diesel engine and screw she has a service speed of 14.5 knots, her fuel consumption being around 22 tons per day.

She provides accommodation for a crew of thirty.

Since late 60s universal vessels have been superseded by specialized vessels. But world shipping crisis of mid-70s made shipbuilders and ship-owners new topes of universal and specialized combined vessels, as specialized vessels proved to be unprofitable due to their inflexibility.

This a new generation of universal vessels, better designed/ was dorm. It was then that multi-propose vessels, which are further development of universal vessels, papered. Nowadays universal and multi-purpose vessels make up about a half of all ships being built.

Notes to the text

  1. universal vessels – универсальные суда

  2. deadweight (dwt) – полная грузоподъемность

  3. running costs – эксплуатационные расходы

  4. fuel consumption – расход топлива

  5. in turn – попеременно

  6. automatic sliding type hatch covers – автоматически сдвигающиеся люковые


  1. un-staid cargo – бесштанговая грузовая колонка полумачта

  2. to supersede – вытеснять заменять

  3. specialized – специализированные суда оказались нерентабельными.

  4. inflexibility – негибкость

  5. it was then that multi-purpose vessels appeared – именно тогда появились многоцелевые суда

Word list

1. tramp [træmp] трамповое судно

2. timber [timbә] строевой лес

3. consumption [kәn'sΛmpSәn] потребитель

4. to be desirable [tә bi dizaiәrәbl] быть желательным

5. conventional [kәn'venSnәl] конвенциональный

6. beam [bim] бимс

7. abaft [ә'ba:ft] позади, в кормовой части

8. automatic sliding type [o:tә'mætik slaidiŋ taip автоматические люковые

hatch covers hætS 'kΛvәs] крышки скользящего типа

9. to mount [maunt] устанавливать

10. un-staying cargo ['ka:gəu] грузовая колонка

11. funnel [fΛnl] труба судна

12. height [hait] высота

13. screw [skru:] винт

14. per day [pə: dei] в день

15. to provide [prәvaid] снабжать, обеспечивать

16. accommodation [әkomә'deiSn] жилые помещения

17. profit ['profit] прибыть

18. flexible ['fleksəbl] гибкий

19. multi-purpose [mΛlti'pә:pәs] многоцелевой

Pre-reading Tasks

1. Make up new words using the prefixes and suffixes given below. Translate them into Russian

most desire

certain value

special -ly eat -able

general favour

necessary profit






un- stayed

in- packaged




2. Define what parts of speech are the following words. Translate them into Russian:

Practically; practical; contain; container; dependence; necessary; necessity; sufficient; profitable; profitability; consumption; value; valuable; dangerous; danger; horizontal; horizontally; arrange; arrangement; long; length; wide; width; widen; equip; equipment.

3. Take up participles I and II. Translate them into Russian:

Model: to provide – providing – provided

обеспечивать – обеспечивающий (обеспечивая) – обеспеченный (предоставлять – предоставляющий (предоставляя ) – предоставленный)

1) to include

2) to design

3) to carry

4) to enter

5) to increase

6) to use

7) to know

8) to describe

4. Put the words in brackets into the right form of Participle (I or II). Translate your expressions into Russian:

(to package) goods; (to refrigerate) cargoes; (to run) costs; (to divide) hold; electrically (to operate) hatch-covers; (to raise) forecastle; fuel consumption (to be) around 22 tons per day; (to specialize; to combine) vessels; (to design, to equip) vessels.

Reading Tasks

5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian sentences:

  1. Скорость необходима, но она повышает эксплуатационные расходы, поэтому желательно достичь компромисса между потреблением топлива и скоростью.

  2. Традиционные многопалубные суда имеют трюмы, разделённые горизонтально одним или двумя твиндеками известными как верхний и нижний твиндеки.

  3. Его пять трюмов расположены так чтобы трюмы с номера первого по четвёртый находились впереди надстройки, и только трюм номер пять находится позади неё.

  4. Oдна безштанговая мачта располагается впереди между первым и вторым трюмами: имеется пара безштанговых грузовых коленок между трюмами третьей и четвёртым и ещё одна пара позади трубы судна с грузовыми стрелами для работы в трюме номер пять.

  5. Корпус с одним твиндеком поднятым баком и надстройками для мостика среднего размера.

6. Make up a plan of the text. Use only affirmative sentences.

Post-reading Tasks

7. Translate the following word combinations:

In dependence of the route; to carry balk cargoes and timber ; to cope with bad weather conditions; to increase running costs; special cargo space; valuable or dangerous goods; a typical universal standard design vessel; to by forward of the superstructure; electrically operated automatic sliding type hatch-cover; a single un-stayed mast; abaft the funnel; to be driven by electricity; to by of single Teaneck type; raised forecastle; bridge superstructure of medium height; a single diesel engine end screw; fuel consumption; to provide accommodation; better designed and equipped.

8. Explain what it means in one word or a word combination:

  1. A new generation of universal vessels.

  2. Goods carried in a ship.

  3. A box designed to carry something.

  4. A way taken or planned from one place to another.

  5. Money needed to operate something.

  6. Part of a ship below deck, where cargo is stored.

  7. Space between decks.

  8. Large crane for moving or lifting heavy weights.

  9. Part of a ship above the main deck.

9. Put general questions to the following sentences:

  1. Universal vessels can carry practically any types of cargoes.

  2. Their deadweight varies between 2,000 and 20,000 tons.

  3. Speed increases running costs.

  4. A compromise between bud consumption and speed is desirable.

  5. Holds and tweendecks are used to carry general and bulk cargoes.

  6. Liners may have special cargo spaces.

  7. She has a service spud of 14.5 knots.

  8. The modern tramp travels at between 12 and 15 knots.

  9. Since late 60 s universal vessels have been superseded.

  10. World shipping crisis of mid-70s made shipbuilders design new types of universal vessels.

  11. Multi-purpose vessels make up about a half of all ships being built.

10. Change Passive constructions into Active ones, beginning your sentences with the given words:

  1. Liners are intended to carry general cargo, packaged cargo, containers and special, liquid and refrigerated cargoes. - Ship builders …

  2. Tramps are designed to carry bulk cargoes and timber. - They…

  3. Hold and tweendecks are used to carry general and bulk cargoes. - We…

  4. Empty deep tanks are also used for liquid ballast. - Our crew…

  5. The holds are closed with electrically operated automatic sliding type hatch covers. - Stevedores…

  6. Each hold is served by its own 5-ton derricks mounted in pairs. - They…

  7. The winches are driven by electricity. - Sailors…

  8. Since late 60s universal vessels have been superseded by specialized vessels. -Specialized vessels…

11. Answer the following questions:

    1. What types of goods can universal carry?

    2. How does their deadweight vary?

    3. How does the speed vary?

    4. What are tramps designed for?

    5. What size must these share ships have?

    6. Is it necessary fore them to have big size? Why?

    7. What increases their running costs?

    8. What are speed and deadweight of universal vessels?

    9. What cargo spaces do they have?

    10. What is used for carrying general and bulk cargoes?

    11. Why are there two types of deep-tanks?

    12. Where is liquid ballast carried?

    13. What are known as upper and lower tweendecks?

    14. How are usually holds arranger?

    15. How are usually holds closed?

    16. What is each hold served by?

    17. How are winches driven?

    18. What types of vessel did the world crises of mid-70s make ship owners and shipbuilders design?

    19. What type of ships is further development of universal vessels?

    20. What part of ships being built do universal and multipurpose vessels make up?

12. Describe a typical universal standard design vessel using the following beginnings of the sentences:

  1. A typical universal standard designed vessel’s deadweight…

  2. Her overall length…

  3. Her beam…

  4. Her brought…

  5. She has…

  6. The holds are closed with…

  7. Each hold is served by…

  8. The winches…

  9. The hull is of…

  10. She has a single…

  11. Her service speed is…

  12. Her fuel consumption is…


Multi-Purpose Vessels

1. Nowadays universal vessels are gradually being transformed into multi-purpose vessels. Multi-purpose vessels, retaining versatility of universal vessels, that is their capability to carry different bulk and general cargoes, are becoming, to a certain extent, specialized. Thus, all multi-purpose vessels are adapted to carry standard containers. Some of them are also adapted to carry rolled vehicles or heavy/bulky cargoes.

Multi-Purpose Ships for the Arctic.

2. Operations in the Arctic require high ice-breaking capability. The «Norilsk» and her sister-ships are capable of moving continuously through ice over one meter thick with two-meter snow on it. As they are intended to sail independently of icebreaker assistance, they are designed to cope with all conditions prevailing in the Arctic.

3. The «Norilsk»-class ships are two-compartment full icebreaking vessels. Their hull is mainly of steel suitable for temperatures down to-50°C. They are designed to carry general cargo, lengthy items, pallets and unit loads of up to 80tons, 20 ft containers (including refrigerated) and 40 ft containers, trailers, trucks, explosives and inflammable liquids on voyages to the northern outposts, and bulk coal, ore and grain in the midship holds or concentrates in special 10 ft containers carried two layers on the tanktop and one layer on the tweendeck as well as sawn packaged timber on the upper deck on return voyages.

4. The cargo handling facilities comprise: deck cranes specifically designed for very cold conditions, wide hatches, a quarter ramp leading to the after tweendeck and allowing vehicles to move through bulkhead doors over a tweendeck and a 40 ton cargo capacity non-propelling hover craft² for discharging cargo on the ice, water or marshy land³.

5. Hatch covers. - The three midship holds (No. 2-4) are fitted with twinned hydraulically operated folding hatch covers. No.1 hatch on the raised forecastle has a two piece cover and No. 5 hatch aft of the superstructure is a single piece hinged cover operated by wire from its crane. All these covers extend right to the edge of coamings to prevent the build-up of ice.

The tweendecks are flush from the after end of No. 5 and up to the forward end of No. 2 and access to the hold below is by a combination of end and side-folding wire-operated covers. The long No. 3 tweendeck covers have portable hatch beams.

To ensure the watertight integrity, hydraulically-operated sliding bulkhead doors 5 m in width and 4.3 m in height are fitted throughout the tweendecks.

No. 1 hold, specially designed to carry explosives, has plastic faced timber linings fitted on battens and in the deckheads and coamings. The hatch cover rollers are of spark-proof material.

The weather deck covers are manually battened and the seals are of a special rubber which is compressible at-60˚C.

  1. Ventilation . - All cargo spaces are fitted with forced ventilation system. The rate of air exchange is 6 times per hour in holds 2, 3, 4; in RO-RO tweendeck and number 1 hold it is 20 times per hour.

  2. Ramp. - The quarter ramp giving direct access to No. 5 tweendeck is set at an angle of 65˚,to the centre line. It is 18m long with a driveway 5 m wide. The ramp is hydraulically operated and can handle loads up to 56 tons. It can be used on wharves varying from 1 to 4 m in height, giving a maximum slope of 13˚ at 8.5 m draught. Many of the Arctic outposts have no port facilities, and there the ramp can be lowered directly onto the ice provided the ice is at least 1 m thick.

  3. Cranes. - Conventional cargo handling is effected by means of four electro-hydraulic deck cranes (three of 22 ton capacity at 22 m outstretch and a twin 40 ton crane for hatches 2-3 at 20 m outstretch). The cranes are specifically designed for Arctic application with the machinery contained within the closed and heated housing, the exposed components of the cranes being of low temperature steel.

  4. Environmental protection. - To prevent pollution of the Arctic environment an oil-fired incinerator is installed and a sewage treatment plant is fitted in the engine room to meet IMO’s and other international and national requlations.

Notes to the text

  1. northern/Arctic outposts – отдаленные северные населенные пункты

  2. non-propelling hover-craft – несамоходный лихтер на воздушной подушке

  3. marshy land – болотистая почва

  4. hydraulically operated folding hatch cover – складное люковое закрытие с

гидравлическими приводом

  1. hinged covers – шарнирные люковые закрытия

  2. build-up of ice – образование льда; обледенение

  3. side-folding wire-operated covers – складывающиеся к бортам люковые

закрытия с тросовым приводом

  1. portable beams – съемные бимсы

  2. watertight integrity – водонепроницаемость, герметичность

  3. sliding bulkhead door – сдвигающаяся дверь в переборке

Word List

1. to retain [ ri'tein ] сохранять, удерживать

2. versatility [və:sə'tiliti ] многосторонность

3. capable ['keipəbl] способный

capability [keipə'biliti] способность

4. to prevail [pri'veil] преобладать, господствовать

5. pallet ['pælit] поддон, полет, подстилка

6. outpost [autpost] отдаленные пункты

7. sawn timber [so:n timbə] пиломатериалы

8. ramp [ræmp] аппарель

angle r. [æŋgl] угловая а.

bow r. [bau] носовая а.

bridge r. [bridz] внешняя а.

fixed r. [fikst] пандус

hinged r. [hindz] шарнирная а.

stern r. [stə:n] корм а.

quarter r. ['kwətə] кормовая а.

slewing r. [slu:iŋ] поворотная а.

9. non-propelling [non-prə'peliŋ несамоходный лихтер

hover craft 'hovə kra:ft] на возд. подушке

10. hydraulically operated[hai'dro:likæli 'opəreitid складное люковое

folding hatch cover 'fəuldiŋ hætS kovə] закрытие с гидравлическим


11. to be flush [flΛS] быть на одном уровне

12. portable beams ['po:təbl bi:mz] съемные бимсы

13. integrity [in'tegriti] нетронутость, целостность

14. sliding bulkhead door [ 'slaidiŋ 'bΛlkhed do:] двигающаяся дверь в переборке

15. plastic faced timber ['timbə внутренняя деревянная обшивка

lining 'lainiŋ] покрытая пластиком

16. batten [bætn] планка; брусок; баттенс

to be battened задраивать

17. deckhead ['dekhed] подволок (потолок) перекрытый

18. coamings [koumiŋs] комингс

19. roller ['roulə] ролик

20. seals [si:lz] прокладки

21. compressible rubber [kom'presəbl'rΛbə] резина, сохраняющая эластичность

22. forced ventilation [fo:st venti'leiSn система принудительной

system sistəm] вентиляции

23. rate of air exchange [reit əv eə iks'tSeindz] интенсивность воздухообмена

24. wharves (pl) [wo:vz] пристани

a wharf [wo:f] пристань

25. outstretch ['aut'streitS] вылет (стрелы крана)

26. heated housing [hi:tid hauziŋ] обогреваемый кожух (корпус)

27. exposed component [iks'pouzd kəm'pounənt] наружная часть

28. oil-fired incinerator [oil faiəd in'sinəreitə] мусоросжигатель, работающий на

жидком топливе

29. to install [in'sto:l] устанавливать

30. sewage treatment plant['su:idz tri:tmənt pla:nt] установка для очистки сточных вод

31. IMO (International Межправительственная

Maritime Organization) ['mæritaim] морская организация

Pre-Reading Tasks

        1. Translate the following international words into Russian without a dictionary:

Universal, to transform, to adapt, standard, a container, steel, temperature, a pallet, a trailer, a crane, coamings, a combination, material, manual, ventilation, electrically, a component, regulation.

2. Explain methods of wordbuilding and define what parts of speech the words are:

a) multi-purpose; nowadays; ice-breaking; capability; two-meter (snow); two-compartment (ship); midship; outpost; tanktop; tweendeck; superstructure; watertight; side-folding; wire-operated; drive-way;

b) long-length-lengthy; special-specialize-specialized; operate-operation-operational; depend - independ-independent-independently; environment-environ-mental-environmentally; nation - international-internationally.

Reading Tasks

3. Read the text and exclude the information which is unnecessary for the main content.

4. Point out the most common sentences in each paragraph.

Post – Reading Tasks

  1. Translate the following word combinations:

Two-compartment full ice-breaking vessels; sawn packaged timber; cargo handling facilities; forty tons cargo capacity; non-propelling hover craft; hydraulically operated folding hatch cover; a two piece cover; a single piece hinged cover; hydraulically-operated sliding bulkhead door; plastic faced timber linings; sparkproof material; air exchange rate; electro-hydraulic deck cranes; law temperature steel crane.

  1. Put in the gaps appropriate verbs in correct forms. Use the words given below:

to cope to comprise to batten to operate to design

to fit to set to use to install

  1. The quarter ramp giving direct access to No. 5 tweendeck … at an angle of 65˚, to the centre live.

  2. Cargo handling facilities ... deck cranes, wide latches, a quarter ramp an a 40 ton cargo capacity non-propelling hover craft.

  3. The weather deck covers ... manually and the seals are of a special rubber.

  4. “Norilsk” and her sister-ships are designed ... with all conditions prevailing in the arctic.

  5. The ramp can ... on wharves varying from 1to 4 m in height.

  6. To prevent pollution an oil-fired incinerator ... and sewage treatment plant is fitted in the engine room.

  7. They ... to carry general cargo, lengthy items, pallets and units loads of up 80 tons, containers, trailers, bulk cool, are and grain and many other kinds of cargo.

  8. The quarter ramp ... hydraulically and can handle loads up to 56 tons.

  9. The tree midships holds ... with twinned hydraulically operated folding hatch covers.

  1. Translate the following sentences putting attention to the meanings the verb to meet (met, met):

1) We met each other quite by chance.

2) Our club meets every Friday at 8 p.m.

3) Meet Mr. Wilson. He is our new engineer.

4) I am afraid you proposal hardly meets the case.

5) We can meet all the expenses.

6) All equipment meet IMO΄s requlations.

  1. Put verbs in brackets into correct forms of Passive Voice:

        1. Nowadays universal vessels a … gradually into multi-purpose vessels. (to transform)

        2. All multi-purpose vessels … to carry standard containers. (to adapt)

        3. As they … to sail independently of icebreaker assistance, they … to cope with all conditions prevailing in the Arctic. (to intend) (to design)

        4. They quarter ramp giving direct access to No. 5 tweendeck … at an angle of 65˚ to the centre line. (to set)

        5. This ramp can … on wharves varying from 1to 4 m in height. (to use)

        6. The ramp can … directly onto the ice. (to lower)

        7. Conventional cargo handling … by means of four electro-hydraulic deck cranes. (to effect)

        8. An oil-fired incinerator (to install) and a sewage treatment plant … in the engine room. (to fit)

  1. Define: what Parts of Speech are -ing forms in the following sentences. Translate the sentences:

    1. Gerund; b) Participle I ; c) Verbal Noun

        1. The “Norilsk” and her sister-ships are capable of moving continuously through ice over one meter thick with two-meter snow on it.

        2. Multi-purpose ships for the arctic are designed to cope with all conditions pervading in the Arctic.

        3. The cargo handling facilities comprise deck cranes, wide hatches, a quarter ramp.

        4. There is a quarter ramp leading to the after tweendeck and allowing vehicles to move through bulkhead doors.

        5. There is a 40 ton cargo capacity non-propelling hover craft for discharging cargo on ice, water or marshy land.

        6. The machinery is contained within the closed and heated housing.

        7. Conventional cargo handling is effected by means of four electro-hydraulic deck cranes.

        8. No.1 hold, specially designed to carry explosives, has plastic faced timber linings fitted on battens and in the deckheads and comings.

  1. Explain the function of Participles in the following sentences:

        1. Multi-purpose vessels, retaining versatility of universal vessels, are becoming specialized.

        2. They are designed as well to carry sawn packaged timber on the upper deck on return voyages.

        3. There are deck cranes specially designed for very cold conditions.

        4. No.1 hold, specially designed to carry explosives, has plastic faced timber linings fitted on battens and in the deckheads and comings.

        5. No.1 hatch on the raised forecastle has a two piece cover.

        6. It can be used on wharves varying from 1 to 4 m in height, giving a maximum slope of 13˚ at 8.5 m draught.

  1. Study the plan to the text. Match the sentences or word combinations from the text with the plan issues:


1) Universal vessels transformation. a) They extend right to the edge of coamings

to prevent the build-up of ice.

b) They are specifically designed for Arctic application with the machinery contained

within the closed and heated housing.

2) General description of Multi-purpose c) Capability to carry different bulk and

ships for the Arctic. general cargoes.

d) An oil-fired incinerator is installed and

sewage treatment plant is fitted in the engine

3) The cargo and handling facilities room.

e) They are two-compartment full ice- breaking vessels.

4) Hatch covers. f) The rate of air exchange is 6 times per hour

in holds 2, 3, 4.

g) Deck cranes, wide hatches, a quarter ramp

5) Ventilation. and a non-propelling hover craft are provided.

h) It is set at on angle of 65˚, to the centre line.

i) They are designed to cope with all

6) Ramp. conditions prevailing in the Arctic.

j) The exposed components of the cranes are of low temperature steel.

7) Cranes. k) The seals are of a special rubber which is

compressible at – 60 C

8) Environment protection. l) It is 18 m long with a driveway 5 m wide.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are all multi-purpose vessels adapted to?

  2. What are some of them adapted to?

  3. What do operations in the Arctic require?

  4. What conditions are the “Norilsk” and her sister-ships capable of moving continuously?

  5. What kind of steel is their hull made of?

  6. What kind of cargo are they designed to carry?

  7. What do their cargo handling facilities comprise?

  8. Why do all covers extend right to the edge of comings?

  9. What are fitted throughout the tweendecks?

  10. How are the weather deck covers battened?

  11. What is the rate of air exchange in holds 2, 3, 4 and in Ro-Ro tweendeck and in number 1 hold?

  12. Where can the ramp be used?

  13. What means is conventional cargo handling effected by?

  14. What is the special design of the cranes?

  15. How are IMO’s and other international and national requlations met?

  1. Prove that:

  1. Multi-Purpose vessels, retaining versatility of universal vessels, are becoming, to a certain extent, specialized.

  2. The “Norilsk”-class ships meet all the requirements of the Arctic conditions perfectly.

  3. There are some special features of the vessel construction at Multi-Purpose ships for the Arctic.

  1. Describe hatch covers of the vessel, combining suitable part of the sentences and linking them with appropriate verbs.

1) No. 1 hatch




are fitted



a) hydraulically operated sliding bulkheads doors.

2) Three midship holds No. 2, 3, 4.

b) portable hatch beams.

3) No. 5 hatch

c) manually battened.

4) The long No. 3 tweedeck covers

d) by a combination of end and side-folding wire-operated covers.

5) The access to the hold below the tweendecks from the after end of No. 5 and up to the forward end of No.2

e) a single piece hinged cover operated by wire from its crane.

6) Throughout the tweendeck

f) of a special rubber.

7) The weather deck covers

g) a two piece cover.

8) Seals

h) Tweened hydraulically operated folding hatch covers.




At present about 1\3 of the world's shipping tonnage is tanker tonnage. Tankers are specially designed to canny liquids (mainly oil products) in bulk. Their construction is entirely different from that of dry cargo ships: they are built in cellular system by which the vessel is divided longitudinally and transversely into compartments. Tankers are equipped with pipes valves and pumps to transfer cargo from\to the shore and from one tank to another if necessary. They also vary in size, from 2,000 dwt coasting tanker to supertankers of 70,000 dwt. The average size is between 20,000 and 40,000 dwt, and speeds vary between 10 and20 knots.

Nowadays there are also mammoth tankers of 70,000 to 150,000 dwt, very large crude carriers (VLCC) of 150,000 to 300,000 dwt, ultra large crude earners (ULCC) of 300,000 to 800,000 dwt and even megatankers of 1,000,000 dwt and larger. VLCCs and ULCCs require 65 to 90 ft channel depth and sufficient space in which to turn. They are 300-400 meters long. The deepest ports have depths of 45 to 60 in dredged channels. Only 60 ports in the world have depth of 65 ft and can accommodate most of the VLCC size vessels. In addition to dredging of certain harbours, two other solutions show much promise. The first one is lighter age operation: the VLCC is hove to in deep water and offloads its cargo into smaller tankers. But the lighterage operation may require up two weeks, while it is possible to unload this size ship in only 36 hours where there are deep water terminals. Thus lighter age greatly reduces the economic advantage of using VLCCs. The second solution is the "single-point mooring" or the "buoy mooring" system which has proved its economic and ecological benefits. The SPM system permits great flexibility in port location. By using mooring buoys a deepwater port can be created almost anywhere along a coastline. The buoys need not be anchored close to shore; they are placed far out to sea.

A tanker spends most of time at sea, as the loading and discharging of liquids is effected very fast. As a tanker is never long in the port, overhauls and repairs are difficult to be effected. Moreover, no repairs which might spark off a fire can be made unless the tankers are free from gases which might cause an explosion.

Word List

1. entirely [in'taiәli] полностью

2. cellular system ['seljulә] ячеистая система

3. to vary ['vєәri] изменять; (колебаться)

4. crude carrier [kru:d 'kæriә] танкер для пер. сырой нефти

5. to require [ri'kwaiә] требовать; просить

6. dredged channels [dredzd 'tSænl] углубленные каналы

7. to accommodate [ә'komәdeit] вмещать; принимать

8. accommodation [ә'komәdeiSn] жилые помещения

9. in addition to [in ә'ditSәn tu] вдобавок; к тому же

10. coasting tanker [koustiŋ tænkә] каботажный танкер

11. to show much promise ['promis] каз. очень перспективным

12. lighterage operation ['laitəridʒ opə'reiSn]разг./погрузка лихтерами

13. to be hove to in deepwater ['di:pwo:tə] останавл. на глубокой воде

14. benefit ['benifit] выгода, польза

to benefit приносить пользу

15. single-point mooring ['siŋgl-point 'mυəriŋ система точечных

system 'sistəm] терминалов

(=single buoy mooring system) ['siŋgl-boi 'mυəriŋ 'sistəm]

16. anchor ['æŋkə] якорь

to anchor становиться на якорь

17. overhaul ['əυvəho:l] подробный осмотр (с целью ремонта)

18. repairs which might [ri'peəs wits mait огневые ремонтные

spark off a fire spa:k of ə 'fa(i)ə] работы

Pre-Reading Tasks

1. Fill the table with the appropriate parts of speech and give their Russian equivalents:

Mainly; different; longitudinally; supertanker; entirely; transversely; carrier; mega tanker; larger; depth; addition; solution; lighterage; economic; ecological; flexibility; location; coastline; necessitate.





2. Match synonymous words in the bath columns:

1) coast a) unpacked

2) oil tanker b) now

3) at present c) to vary

4) solution d) fore and aft

5) in bulk e) thwortships

6) to be different f) speed

7) port g) shore

8) longitudinally h) to be fitted

9) transversely i) crude oil carrier

10) to be equipped j) to place

11) velocity k) harbor

12) to accommodate l) decision

Reading Tasks

3. Write in English and translate into Russian the following abbreviations:

Dwt; VLCC; ULCC; ft; SPM;

4. Explain what these figures mean:

1/3; 2.000dwt; 70.000dwt; 20.000 to 40.000dwt; 10 to 20; 70.000 to 150.000dwt;

150.000 to 300.000dwt; 300.000 to 800.000dwt; 1.000.000dwt; 65to 90; 300-400; 45-60;


Post – Reading Tasks

5. Fill in gaps with the appropriate forms of verbs in Passive Voice:

1) The vessel … longitudinally and transversely into compartments. are divided

be divided

is divided

2) Tankers …with pipes, valves and pumps to transfer cargo from/to be equipped

the shore. am equipped

are equipped

3) By using mooring buoys a deepwater port can … almost anywhere is created

along a coastline. be created are created

4) The buoys … far out to sea. are placed is placed

was placed

5) As a tanker is never long in the port, overhauls and repairs are effected

are difficult … . is effected

to be effected

6) No repairs which might spark off a fire can … unless the tankers be made

are free from gases which might cause an explosion. was made are made

6. Put questions to the underlined words in the following sentences:

1) Tankers are especially designed to carry liquids in bulk

2) Tankers are equipped with pipes, valves and pumps to transfer cargo from one tank to another.

3) Tanker very in size.

4) VLCCs and ULCCs require 65 to 90 ft channel depth.

5) The lighterage operation may require up to two weeks.

6) Litherage greatly reduces the economic advantage of using VLCCs.

7) “Single-buy mooring” has proved its economic and ecological benefits.

8) A tanker spends most of time at sea.

7. Answer the questions:

  1. What part of the word’s shipping tonnage is tanker tonnage?

  2. How are tankers usually built?

  3. What are tankers equipped with to transfer their cargo?

  4. What is dwt of coasting tankers?

  5. What is the average size of tankers?

  6. What large tankers do you know?

  7. What do VLCCs and ULCCs require?

  8. What depths in dredged channels do the deepest ports have?

  9. How many ports in the word can accommodate most of the VLCC size vessels?

  10. What does the lighterage operation include?

  11. Why does the lighterage greatly reduce the economic advantage of using VLCCs?

  12. What system has proved its economic and ecological benefits?

  13. What flexibility does the SPM system permit?

  14. How can a deepwater port be created by using SPM system?

  15. Why are overhauls and repairs difficult to be effected?

8. Point out the function of the verb “to be” in the sentences:

1) About 1/3 of the world’s shipping tonnage is tanker tonnage.

2) Tankers are built on a cellular system.

3) Tankers are equipped with pipes, valves and pumps to transfer cargo.

4) As a tanker is never long in the port, overhauls and repairs are difficult to be effected.

5) Their construction is entirely different from that of dry cargo ships.

6) The port authorities are to arrange the “single-point mooring” system by the 12th of May.

9. Define what parts of speech are the following ing-forms in the sentences:

a) Gerund, b) Participle 1, c) Verbal Noun.

1) In addition to dredging of certain harbours, two other solutions show much promise.

2) Lighter age greately reduces the economic advantage of using VLCCs.

3) The second solution is the “single-buoy mooring”.

4) By using mooring buoys is the “single-buoy mooring”.

5) The loading and discharging of liquids is effected very fast.

10. Make a report on the following issues:

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of mammoth tankers.

b) Difficulties connected with the large tankers usage and possible ways of their solution.

Revising Tests

Test №1 (Merchant Ships Types)

I Variant

Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

1) refrigerated ships a) пассажирский лайнер

2) Ro – Ro ships b) нефтеналивной танкер

3) passenger liner c) судно - рефрижератор

4) ferry d) балкер

5) oil tanker e) судно с горизонтальной

обработкой груза

6) bulk carrier f) паром

II Variant

Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

1) OBO ship a) контейнеровоз

2) cruise ship b) перевозчик сжиженного газа

3) dry cargo carrier c) перевозчик химических веществ

4) LNG d) сухогруз

5) container ship e) универсальное судно

6) chemical ship f) круизный корабль

Test № 2 (Hull assemblies and superstructures).

I Variant

1. Form the words of the given letters. Translate them into Russian:

sems alris

wbuarlk opop


2. Find English and Russian equivalents in the both colomns:

1) hatch coaming a) штурманская рубка

2) chartroom b) ровная палуба

3) amidships c) прямоугольные крышки

4) flush deck d) люковый комингс

5) rectangular openings e) на миделе

3. Finish the sentences with the appropriate ending and translate your sentences into Russian:

1) Superstructure is …

a) a portion of a built comprising stiffened bottom plating bounded by adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

b) a portion a hull raised above the upper continuous deck.

c) a portion of a hull consisting of stiffened deck plating receiving support from adjacent transverse bulkheads and the sides.

2) A hatch coaming is …

a) a rectangular opening provided in the decks of ships for passage cargo.

b) a hatch cover which tops the hatch.

c) the raised iron fitted around a hatch way and properly stiffened.

II Variant

1. Form the words of the given letters. Translate them into Russian:

amebs driebg

ocsfelrate icmanog


2. Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

1) bulvark a) верхний край

2) upper edge b) продолжение

3) height c) мореходность

4) seaworthiness d) фальшборт

5) extension e) высота

3. Finish the sentences with the appropriate ending and translate your sentences into Russian:

1) The bulwark is …

a) a strake of shell plating forming an extension of the sheerstrake and running along the upper deck.

b) a guard against loosing deck cargo or man overboard.

c) an erection which shelters the various instruments and equipment.

2) The forecastle is …

a) watertight superstructure erected at the extreme after and of a ship.

b) a watertight superstructure erected at the extreme forward and of a ship.

c) a topside structure built about amidships.

Test № 3 (General Knowledge)

1. Match Russian and English equivalents in the both columns:

  1. single screw a) очистка танков

  2. segregated ballast b) регистр судостроения

  3. tank washing c) одновинтовой

  4. to pollute water d) противопожарное оборудование

  5. Register of shipping e) загрязнять воду

  6. firefighting equipment f) изолированный балласт

2. Make up true sentences with the words given below:

1) Is; one-deck; a; the; single-screw; „Pobeda“; motor ship.

2) Six-tier; a; there; superstructure; is; this; on; tanker.

3) Is; into; is; dated; double-side; ballast; pumped; double-bottom; spaces.

3. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. anti pollution equipment

  2. a bulb bow

  3. to maintain temperature

  4. a cargo hatch

  5. risk of oil spillage

  6. arrangement of a ship

  7. a fuel purification plant

  8. a lubricating oil pump

  9. a firefighting crew

  1. 4. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. чистый регистровый тоннаж

  2. осадка

  3. длина максимальная

  4. мощность главного двигателя

  5. высота борта

  6. водоизмещение

  7. ширина максимальная


  2. Основная литература

  1. Агабекян И. П., Английский для ссузов: учебное пособие / И. П. Агабекян. – М. : Проспект, 2015. – 288 с.

  2. Агабекян И. П., Английский для технических вузов/ И. П. Агабекян, П. И. Коваленко. – Изд. 15-е, стер. – Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2015. – 347 с.

  3. Барановская Т. В. Тесты по грамматике английского языка. = English Grammar Tests/ Т. В. Барановская. – Киев: ООО»ИП Логос-М», 2015. – 192 с.

  4. Камянова Т. Г.English Grammar Rules and Exercises. Сборник упражнений к основным правилам грамматики английского языка для школьников /Т. Г. Камянова. – М. : ООО «Дом Славянской Книги», 2014, - 416 с.

  1. Дополнительная литература

  1. Китаевич Б.Е., Короленко А.И., Калиновская М.Я. Морские грузовые операции. Учеб. пособие по английскому языку, 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Рос Консульт, 1999 - 160 с.

  2. Кузнецова Н.Я., Майстренко В.В. Филиппова Н.М. Методические указания для чтения текстов на английском языке по судостроению – Николаев: Типография ЭОЗ НКИ Николаевского кораблестроительного университета им. Адмирала С.О.Макарова, 1988 - 49 с.

  3. Белкина С.С. Англо-русский словарь по судостроению и судовому машиностроению. – Ленинград: Государственное союзное издательство судостроительной промышленности, 1958 - 579 с.

  1. Наталья Владимировна Сухарева

  2. Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий

  3. для студентов 3, 4 курсов

  4. специальности 26.02.02 «Судостроение»

  5. очной формы обучения

  6. Судомеханический техникум ФГБОУ ВО «Керченский государственный морской технологический университет»

  7. 298309 г. Керчь, Орджоникидзе, 123


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