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ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий для студентов 3, 4 курсов специальности 22.02.06 Сварочное производство профиля: технического очной формы обучения

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Методические указания предоставляют необходимый материал для работы по формированию лексических навыков, развитию речевых умений на основе изучения текстов профессиональной направленности. Использованы разноуровневые задания для организации эффективной работы во время практических занятий.

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«ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий для студентов 3, 4 курсов специальности 22.02.06 Сварочное производство профиля: технического очной формы обучения»




Сухарева Н. В.


Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий

для студентов 3, 4 курсов

специальности 22.02.06 Сварочное производство

профиля: технического

очной формы обучения

Керчь, 2019

Cоставитель: Сухарева Н.В., преподаватель цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ» СМТ_________

Рецензент: Вильшун Л.П., преподаватель цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ» СМТ_________

Методические рекомендации рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин СМТ ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ»

протокол № ___ от ___________2015 г.

Зав. цикловой комиссии ____________ Р.В. Попова

Методические рекомендации утверждены на заседании методического совета СМТ ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ»

протокол № ___ от ___________2015 г.

ФГБОУ ВО «КГМТУ», 2015 г




Unit 1. Metals……………….…………………………………...………


Unit 2. Welding Process Development (Part 1)…………………………


Unit 3. Welding Process Development (Part 2)…………………………


Unit 4. Welding………………………………………………………….


Unit 5. Gas welding………………………………………..…………...


Unit 6. Arc Welding………………...…………………………………...


Unit 7. Other Types of Welding (Part I)………………………………...


Unit 8. Other Types of Welding (Part II)……………...………………...




Список использованной литературы………………………………………………………………



Методические рекомендации для проведения практических занятий по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» созданы в соответствии с Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами среднего профессионального образования 3-го поколения и предназначены для студентов 3 и 4 курсов очного отделения, обучающихся по специальности 5.05050401 «Сварочное производство».

В разработке предоставлен необходимый материал для организации практических занятий по дисциплине «Иностранный язык». Целью данной методической разработки является обучение различным видам чтения оригинальной литературы по специальности, а также текстов общенаучного содержания и инструктивного характера.

Работа состоит из 8 уроков (Units) и комплекса заданий для каждого их них. Тексты снабжены словарями. Обеспечен последовательный и комплексный подход к обучению. Некоторые предлагаемые задания носят тестовый характер. В конце прилагаются ключи. Задания позволяют проводить работу по формированию и развитию лексических и грамматических навыков, развитию речевых умений.

Данная учебно-методическая разработка может использоваться на практических занятиях по иностранному (английскому) языку, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов.



Metals are materials most widely used in industry because of their properties. The study of the production and properties of metals is known as metallurgy.

The separation between the atoms in metals is small, so most metals are dense. The atoms are arranged regularly and can slide over each other. That is why metals are malleable (can be deformed and bent without fracture) and ductile (can be drawn into wire). Metals vary greatly in their properties. For example, lead is soft and can be bent by hand, while iron can only be worked by hammering at red heat.

The regular arrangement of atoms in metals gives them a crystalline structure. Irregular crystals are called grains. The properties of the metals depend on the size, shape, orientation, and composition of these grains. In general, a metal with small grains will be harder and stronger than one with coarse grains.

Heat treatment such as quenching, tempering, or annealing controls the nature of grains and their size in the metal. Small amounts of other metals (less than 1 per cent) are often added to a pure metal. This is called alloying and it changes the grain structure and properties of metals.

All metals can be formed by drawing, rolling, hammering and extrusion, but some require hot-working. Metals are subjected to metal fatigue and to creep (the slow increase in length under stress) causing deformation and failure. Both effects are taken into account by engineers when designing, for example, airplanes, gas turbines and pressure vessels for high-temperature chemical processes. Metals can be worked using machine-tools such as lathe, milling machine, shaper and grinder.

The ways of working a metal depend on its properties. Many metals can be melted and cast in moulds, but special conditions are required for metals that react with air.


  1. property

  2. dense

  3. arrangement

  4. malleable

  1. ductile

  2. to draw

  3. wire

  4. lead

  5. iron

  6. cast iron

  7. to hammer

  8. grain

  9. coarse

  10. treatment

  11. quenching,

  12. tempering

  1. annealing

  2. alloying

  3. rolling

  4. extrusion

  5. to be subjected (to)

  6. fatigue

  7. creep

  8. stress

  9. failure

  10. lathe

  11. milling machine

  12. shaper

  13. grinder

  14. to melt

  15. to cast

  16. mould

  1. свойство

  2. плотный

  3. расположение

  4. ковкий, податливый, способный деформироваться

  1. эластичный, ковкий

  2. волочить, тянуть

  3. проволока

  4. свинец

  5. железо

  6. чугун

  7. ковать (молотом)

  8. зерно

  9. грубый, крупный

  10. обработка

  11. закалка

  12. отпуск после закалки, нормализация

  13. отжиг, отпуск

  14. легирование

  15. прокатка

  16. экструзия

  17. подвергаться

  18. усталость металла

  19. ползучесть

  20. давление, напряжение

  21. повреждение, разрушение

  22. токарный станок

  23. фрезерный станок

  24. строгальный станок

  25. шлифовальный станок

  26. плавить, плавиться, таять

  27. отливать

  28. форма для отливки

Exercise 1.Translate the international words without a dictionary:

Metal; material; industry; metallurgy; atom; crystal; structure; orientation; gas; turbines; temperature; chemical; process; special.

Exercise 2. Form the new words by adding suffixes to the following words and translate them into Russian:

-ly (adverbs)

Wide; regular; great; hard; strong; natural; high; chemical.

-er (nouns)

To work; to produce; to slide; to heat; to control; engine; to design; to shape; to grind.

Exercise 3. Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

  1. Property

  2. separation

  3. dense

  4. arrange

  5. malleable

  6. fracture

  7. draw

  8. wire

  9. quenching,

  10. tempering

  11. annealing

  12. alloying

  13. rolling

  14. extrusion

  15. fatigue

  16. creep

  17. failure

  18. machine-tool

  19. lathe

  20. milling machine

  21. shaper

  22. grinder

  23. pressure vessel

а) располагать (организовывать)

б) проволока

в) повреждение

г) токарный станок

д) свойство

е) отпуск после закалки

ё) ползучесть

ж) cтанок

з) плотный

и) сосуд под давлением

к) ковкий, податливый

л) фрезерный станок

м) отжиг

н) ломать

о) строгальный станок

п) легирование

р) усталость металла

с) волочить, тянуть

т) отделение

у) шлифовальный станок

ф) экструзия

х) закалка

ц) прокатка

Exercise 4. Find inappropriate word among the words given below:

  1. Lead; copper; rubber; zinc; iron; tin; silver.

  2. To remember; to build; to deform; to bend; to draw; to hammer; to weld.

  3. Size; shape; orientation; production; composition.

Exercise 5. Fill in the table with the words given below in correspondence with the parts of speech they belong to:





Treatment; widely; separation; dense; slide; ductile; regularly; fracture; vary; soft; arrangement; crystal; crystalline; grain; coarse; add; pure; require; long; length; width; wide; cause; pressure; depend; melt; react; condition.

Exercise 6. Revise and write down three forms of the following verbs. Translate them into Russian:

Model: to know (знать) – knew (знал) – known (известный) – knowing (знающий)

To use; to study; to bend; to draw; to work; to depend; to control; to add; to require; to design; to cast.

Exercise 7. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian expressions in the text:

1)благодаря своим свойствам; 2) металлы можно сгибать, не ломая; 3) можно вытягивать в проволоку; 4) сильно отличаться; 5) обрабатывать молотом при красном калении; 6) упорядоченное расположение атомов; 7) ориентация и расположение атомов; 8) тепловая обработка; 9) небольшие количества; 10) чистый металл; 11) металлы подвержены усталости и ползучести; 12) принимать во внимание при конструировании;13) сосуды, работающие под давлением, для химических процессов при высокой температуре; 14) металлы можно обрабатывать, используя станки.

Exercise 8. Find the appropriate ending for each sentence:

1. Metals are materials most widely used in industry …

a) a crystalline structure.

2. The separation between the atoms in metals is small, …

b) they are ductile.

3. As the metals can be deformed and bent without fracture …

c) so most metals are dense.

4. As the metals can be drawn into wire …

d) the size, shape, orientation, and composition of these grains.

5. The regular arrangement of atoms in metals gives them …

e) by hand.

6. The properties of the metals depend on …

f) because of their properties.

7. Lead is soft and can be bent …

g) causing deformation and failure.

8. Metals are subjected to metal fatigue and to creep …

h) they are malleable.

Exercise 9.Choose the necessary conjunction from the given in the box and form a Compound Sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian:

than because while that so

  1. The separation between the atoms in metals is small, … most metals are dense.

  2. Lead is soft and can be bent by hand, …iron can only be worked by hammering at red heat.

  3. A metal with small grains will be harder and stronger … one with coarse grains.

  4. Special conditions are required for metals … react with air.

  5. Metals are malleable and ductile… their atoms are arranged regularly and can slide over each other.

Exercise 10.Define what Part of Speech are the ing-forms in the following sentences:

a) Participle I Active; b) Gerund; с) Verbal Noun

  1. Lead is soft and can be bent by hand, while iron can only be worked by hammering at red heat.

  2. Heat treatment such as quenching, tempering, or annealing controls the nature of grains and their size in the metal.

  3. This is called alloying.

  4. All metals can be formed by drawing, rolling, hammering and extrusion.

  5. Metals are subjected to metal fatigue and to creep causing deformation and failure.

  6. Both effects are taken into account by engineers when designing, for example, airplanes.

  7. Metals can be worked using machine-tools such as lathe, milling machine, shaper and grinder.

  8. The ways of working a metal depend on its properties.

Exercise 11.Answer the following questions:

  1. What are metals?

  2. What do we call metallurgy?

  3. Why are most metals dense?

  4. Why are metals malleable?

  5. What is malleability?

  6. What are grains?

  7. What is alloying?

  8. What is crystalline structure?

  9. What do the properties of metals depend on?

  10. What changes the size of grains in metals?

  11. What are the main processes of metal forming?

  12. How are metals worked?

  13. What is creeping?


Welding Process Development (Part 1)

Arc welding is a type of welding that uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. They can use either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current, and consumable or non-consumable electrodes. The welding region is usually protected by some type of shielding gas, vapor, and/or slag.

While examples of forge welding go back to the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, arc welding did not come into practice until much later. In 1802, Vasily Petrov discovered the continuous electric arc and subsequently proposed its possible practical applications, including welding. The French electrical inventor Auguste de Méritens produced the first carbon arc torch, patented in 1881, which was successfully used for welding lead in the manufacture of lead-acid batteries.

In 1881-1882 a Russian inventor Nikolai Bernardos created the electric arc welding method for steel known as carbon arc welding, using carbon electrodes. The advances in arc welding continued with the invention of metal electrodes in the late 19th century by a Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov (1888), and an American, C. L. Coffin.

Around 1900, A. P. Strohmenger released in Britain a coated metal electrode which gave a more stable arc. In 1905 Russian scientist Vladimir Mitkevich proposed the usage of three-phase electric arc for welding. In 1919, alternating current welding was invented by C.J. Holslag but did not become popular for another decade.

Competing welding processes such as resistance welding and oxy-fuel welding were developed during this time as well; but both, especially the latter, faced stiff competition from arc welding especially after metal coverings (known as flux) for the electrode, to stabilize the arc and shield the base material from impurities, continued to be developed.


  1. arc

  2. to supply

  1. to melt (melt)

  2. direct current

  3. alternating current

  4. consumable

  1. shielding (gas)

  2. slag

  3. forge (welding)

  4. continuous

  5. subsequently

  6. to propose

  7. application

to apply

  1. to invent



  1. carbon arc torch

  1. lead

  2. acid

  3. advance

  4. to release

  5. to coat

  6. to use


  1. decade

  2. to compete


  1. resistance

  2. to develop

  3. the latter

  1. to face

  2. stiff

  3. flux

  4. impurity

  1. дуга

  2. поставлять, подавать, обеспечивать

  3. плавить

  4. постоянный ток

  5. переменный ток

  6. плавящийся (расходный)

  1. защитный (газ)

  2. шлак

  3. кузнечная (сварка)

  4. непрерывный

  5. впоследствии

  6. предлагать

  7. применять


  1. изобретать



  1. горелка с углеродными электродами

  2. свинец

  3. кислота

  4. (передовое) достижение

  1. показать, обнародовать

  2. покрывать

  3. использовать


  1. десятилетие

  2. соревноваться


  1. сопротивление

  2. развивать, разрабатывать

  3. последний (из вышеназванных)

  4. сталкиваться

  5. жёсткий

  6. флюс

  7. примесь, загрязнение

Exercise 1.Translate the international words without a dictionary:

Electrode; metal; gas; bronze; practice; electric; patent; battery; method; steel; phase; stabilize.

Exercise 2. Form the new words by adding suffixes to the following words and translate them into Russian:

-ly(adverbs): usual; subsequent; successful; popular; especial.

-able(-ible) (adjectives): to rely; to response; to consume; to protect; to apply; to use; horror

Exercise 3.Study prefixes with the opposite meanings. Use them to build new words from those given below:

Отрицательные префиксы: un-, in-, dis-, non-.

Префиксыun-, in-,а также такие варианты последнего, как il- (перед l), ir- (перед r), im- (перед m и p) меняют значение слова на противоположное. Чаще всего они соответствуют русской приставке не:

official (официальный) – unofficial (неофициальный)

complete (полный) – incomplete (неполный)

legal (законный) – illegal (незаконный)

logical (логичный) – illogical (нелогичный)

reversible (обратимый) – irreversible (необратимый)

mortal (смертный) – immortal (бессмертный)

Префикс dis- может выражать и отрицание, и противоположное действие или понятие:

to like (любить) – to dislike (не любить)

connection (соединение, связь) – disconnection (рассоединение, обрыв связи)

Префикс non- чаще всего пишется через дефис, хотя американцы предпочитают писать его слитно:

conformity (соответствие) – nonconformity (несоответствие)

performance (выполнение) – nonperformance (невыполнение)

Regular; direct; consumable; usually; till; cover; continuous; possible; successful; known; stable; popular; purity.

Exercise 4.Explain the meanings of the compound words:

Lead-acid; three-phase; oxy-fuel.

Exercise 5. Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

  1. a welding power supply

  2. to create an electric arc

  3. welding point

  4. welding region

  5. come into practice

  6. continuous electric arc

  7. possible practical application

  8. lead-acid battery

  9. carbon arc welding

  10. to release a coated metal electrode

  11. to propose the usage

  12. for another decade

  13. resistance welding

  14. to face stiff competition

  15. to shield from impurities

  1. свинцово-кислотный аккумулятор

  2. точка плавления (сварки)

  3. предлагать применение

  4. сварка сопротивлением

  5. защищать от примесей

  6. место сварки

  7. сварка углеродными электродами

  8. ещё одно десятилетие

  9. создавать электрическую дугу

  10. сталкиваться с жёсткой конкуренцией

  11. подача электроэнергии для сварки

  12. непрерывная электрическая дуга

  13. представлять металлические электроды с покрытием

  14. возможное практическое применение

  15. применяться

Exercise 6. Match the time and events in the development of welding:

  1. the Bronze Age and the Iron Age

  1. 1802

  1. 1881

  1. 1881-1882

  1. 1888

  1. around 1900

  1. 1905

  1. 1919

  1. A.P. Strohmenger released in Britain a coated metal electrode

  2. alternating current welding was invented by C.J. Holslag

  3. the invention of metal electrodes by a Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov

  1. Russian scientist Vladimir Mitkevich proposed the usage of three-phase electric arc for welding

  2. the first carbon arc torch was patented by Auguste de Méritens

  1. examples of forge welding

  2. Russian inventor Nikolai Bernardos created the electric arc welding method for steel

  3. discovering of the continuous electric arc by Vasily Petrov

Exercise 7.Translate the words and word expressions from the text into Russian:

a welding power supply; at the welding point; direct current; alternating current; possible practical application; thе advances in arc welding; a coated metal electrode; to propose the usage; stiff competition; shield from impurities.

Exercise 8.Find the following words and word expressions in the text:

создавать электрическую дугу; основной материал; плавящиеся электроды; неплавящиеся электроды; кузнечная сварка; успешно использоваться; производство свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторов; угольные электроды; ещё одно десятилетие; сварка сопротивлением.

Exercise 9.Change the Passive constructions into Active ones. Use the words “A welder”, “welders”, “they”, “we” and others as Subjects for your sentences where necessary:

  1. The welding region is usually protected by some type of shielding gas, vapor, or slag.

  2. The continuous electric arc was discovered by VasilyPetrov.

  3. The first carbon arc torch was produced by the French electrical inventor Auguste de Méritens.

  4. The electric arc welding method for steel was created by a Russian inventor Nikolai Bernardos in 1881-1882.

  5. Metal electrodes were invented by a Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov and an American, C. L. Coffin.

  6. In 1919, alternating current welding was invented by C.J. Holslag.

Exercise 10.Study the models and information in the box and use them in the sentences of your own:

Model 1: Arc welding came into practice in 1802. - Дуговая сварка стала применяться на практике в 1802 году.

Model 2: Arc welding did not come into practice until much later. - Дуговая сварка стала применяться на практике значительно позже.

To come into


existence practice

Not to come into


existence practice

  1. Forge welding / the Bronze Age and the Iron Age

  2. The continuous electric arc/ 1802

  3. The first carbon arc torch/ 1881

  4. The electric arc welding method for steel known as carbon arc welding/1881 – 1882

  5. The invention of metal electrodes / the late 19th century

  6. A coated metal electrode which gave a more stable arc / around 1900

  7. The usage of three-phase electric arc for welding / 1905

  8. Alternating current welding / 1929

Exercise 11.Answer the questions:

  1. What is arc welding?

  2. What does an electric arc serve for?

  3. Can only alternating current be used for arc welding?

  4. What electrodes are used for arc welding?

  5. What is the welding region usually protected by?

  6. Who discovered the continuous electric arc?

  7. What did the French electrical inventor Auguste de Méritens produce?

  8. What was carbon arc torch successfully used for?

  9. What is a Russian inventor Nikolai Bernardos known for?

  10. What did the advances in arc welding continue with?

  11. What was the advance of a coated metal electrode released by A. P. Strohmenger in Britain around 1900?

  12. What did Russian scientist Vladimir Mitkevich propose in 1905?

  13. What competing welding processes were developed in the beginning of the 20th century as well?

  14. What is used to stabilize the arc and shield the base material from impurities?


Welding Process Development (Part 2)

During World War I welding started to be used in shipbuilding in Great Britain in place of riveted steel plates. The Americans also became more accepting of the new technology when the process allowed them to repair their ships quickly after a German attack in the New York Harbor at the beginning of the war. Arc welding was first applied to aircraft during the war as well, and some German airplane fuselages were constructed using this process. In 1919, the British shipbuilder Cammell Laird started construction of merchant ship, the Fullagar, with an entirely welded hull; she was launched in 1921.

During the 1920s, major advances were made in welding technology, including the 1920 introduction of automatic welding in which electrode wire was continuouslyfed. Shielding gas became a subject receiving much attention as scientists attemptedto protect welds from the effects of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Porosity and brittleness were the primary problems and the solutions thatwere developed included the use of hydrogen, argon, and helium as welding atmospheres. During the following decade, further advances allowed for the welding of reactive metals such as aluminum and magnesium. This, in conjunction with developments in automatic welding, alternating current, and fluxes fed a major expansion of arc welding during the 1930s and then during World War II.

During the middle of the century, many new welding methods were invented. Submerged arc welding was invented in 1930 and continues to be popular today. In 1932 a Russian, Konstantin Khrenov successfully implemented the first underwater electric arc welding. Gas tungsten arc welding, after decades of development, was finally perfected in 1941 and gas metal arc welding followed in 1948, allowing for fast welding of non-ferrous materials but requiring expensive shielding gases. Using a consumable electrode and a carbon dioxide atmosphere as a shielding gas, it quickly became the most popular metal arc welding process. In 1957, the flux-cored arc welding process debuted in which the self-shielded wire electrode could be used with automatic equipment, resulting in greatly increased welding speeds. In that same year, plasma arc welding was invented. Electro-slag welding was released in 1958 and was followed by its cousin, electro-gas welding, in 1961.


  1. a rivet

to rivet

  1. to accept

  2. to allow

  3. torepair

  4. to apply (= to use)

  5. to construct (= to build)

  6. merchant

  7. entirely

  8. a hull

  9. to launch

  10. advance

  1. to introduce


  1. wire

  2. continuously

  3. to feed (fed)

  4. to attempt

  5. to protect

  6. a weld

  7. an effect

  8. oxygen

  9. nitrogen

  10. porosity

  11. brittleness

  12. a solution

  13. reactive

  1. in conjunction with

  2. to expand


  1. to submerge

  2. to implement

  3. tungsten

  4. to perfect

  5. to follow

  6. non-ferrous

  7. to require

  8. carbon dioxide

  9. flux-cored

  10. to result in

  1. to increase

  1. Заклёпка


  1. принимать

  2. позволять

  3. ремонтировать

  4. применять

  5. строить

  6. торговый

  7. полностью

  8. корпус

  9. спускать (зд. на воду)

  10. достижение (прогресс, продвижение)

  11. внедрять (вводить)


  1. проволока

  2. непрерывно

  3. подавать (питать)

  4. стремиться (пытаться)

  5. защищать

  6. шов

  7. воздействие

  8. кислород

  9. азот

  10. пористость

  11. хрупкость

  12. решение

  13. активный (вступающий в реакцию)

  14. в сочетании с

  15. расширять (-ся)


  1. погружать

  2. применять

  3. вольфрам

  4. совершенствовать

  5. следовать

  6. цветной (о металлах)

  7. требовать

  8. двуокись углерода

  9. с порошковым сердечником

  10. привести к (иметь результатом)

  11. увеличивать

Exercise 1.Translate the international words without a dictionary:

To start; steel; technology; process; to attack; fuselage; automatic; electrode; gas; atmosphere; problem; method; popular; electric; to debut; plasma.

Exercise 2.Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian words of the Latin origin:

Кислород; азот; водород: аргон; гелий; алюминий; магний; двуокись углерода.

Exercise 3.Form Participle I Active and Participle II Passive using the following verbs according to the example and translate them into Russian. Make two sentences of your own with one of the pair of Participles.

E.g.: to use – using (использующий); used (используемый)

To rivet; to accept; to allow; to repair; to apply; to implement.

Exercise 4.Define the stems the following words were formed of and translate them into Russian:

Aircraft; airplane; flux-cored; self-shielded; electro-slag (welding); electro-gas (welding)

Exercise5. Define what Part of Speech are the following words and fill in the table:

Quickly; shipbuilder; introduction; merchant; continuously; construction; entirely; reactive; brittleness; development; ferrous; successfully; expensive; finally; equipment.




Exercise 6.Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

  1. riveted steel plates

  2. entirely welded hull

  3. major advances

  4. to feed continuously

  5. to attempt to protect

  6. developed solutions

  7. alternating current

  8. major expansion

  9. successfully implemented

  10. automatic equipment

  1. главные достижения

  2. пытаться защитить

  3. полностью сварной корпус

  4. переменный ток

  5. успешно применяемый

  6. клёпаные стальные пластины

  7. значительное распространение

  8. автоматическое оборудование

  9. подавать непрерывно

  10. разработанные решения

Exercise7.Find the English equivalents for the following Russian expressions in the text:

Начали использовать; вместо; стали больше применять; была впервые применена; он был спущен на воду; введение автоматической сварки; предмет, которому уделялось большое внимание; защищать сварные швы; влияние атмосферы; сварочная среда; в течение следующего десятилетия; быть усовершенствованным; проволочный электрод с само-защитными функциями.

Exercise8.Match the beginnings and the ends to make true sentences to speak about the development of welding processes in 20th century:

  1. Welding started to be used in shipbuilding in Great Britain in place of riveted steel plates …

  2. The welding process allowed Americans to repair their ships quickly after a German attack in the New York Harbor …

  3. Arc welding was first applied to aircraft…

  4. Some German airplane fuselages were constructed using welding process…

  5. The British shipbuilder Cammell Laird started construction of merchant ship, the Fullagar, with an entirely welded hull ….

  6. The Fullagar was launched ….

  7. The introduction of automatic welding in which electrode wire was continuously fed took place …

  8. Further advances allowed for the welding of reactive metals such as aluminum and magnesium…

  9. Submerged arc welding was invented …

  10. A Russian, Konstantin Khrenov successfully implemented the first underwater electric arc welding…

  11. Gas tungsten arc welding, after decades of development, was finally perfected .…

  12. Gas metal arc welding followed ….

  13. The flux-cored arc welding process debuted …

  14. Plasma arc welding was invented ….

  15. Electroslag welding was released ….

  16. Electrogas welding was presented ….

  1. … in the 30-s.

  1. …in 1957.

  1. …in 1941.

  1. … at the beginning of the war.

  1. …during the World War I.

  1. … in 1921.

  1. …in 1930.

  1. … during the WWI.

  1. … in 1920.

  1. …in 1948.

  1. ……during World War I.

l) …in 1957.

m)…in 1932.

n) …in 1961.

o) …in 1958.

p) …in 1919.

Exercise9. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Active:

  1. Shielding gas (become) a subject receiving much attention.

  2. Scientists (attempt) to protect welds from the effects of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere.

  3. Porosity and brittleness (be) the primary problems to solve.

  4. The solutions that were developed (include) the use of hydrogen, argon, and helium as welding atmospheres.

  5. This, in conjunction with developments in automatic welding, alternating current, and fluxes (feed) a major expansion of arc welding during the 1930s and then during World War II.

  6. Metal arc welding process quickly( become) the most popular.

  7. The flux-cored arc welding process (debut) in 1957.

Exercise10.Define what Parts of Speech ing-forms in the following sentences are:

  1. Participle I Active; b) Gerund; c) Verbal Noun

1. During World War I welding started to be used in shipbuilding in Great Britain in place of riveted steel plates.

2. The Americans also became more accepting of the new technology when the process allowed them to repair their ships quickly after a German attack in the New York Harbor at the beginning of the war.

3. Shielding gas became a subject receiving much attention.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions:

  1. In what fields of industry did welding start to be used in Great Britain, the USA and Germany during World War I?

  2. What merchant ship with an entirely welded hull was launched in 1921?

  3. What was the peculiarity of automatic welding introduced in 1920?

  4. What subject received much attention in the 20-s?

  5. What did scientists attempt to do?

  6. What properties of materials were primary to decide then?

  7. What solutions were developed?

  8. What metals were allowed for the welding?

  9. What new welding methods were invented during the middle of the 20thcentury?

  10. Which of these methods of welding allowed for fast welding of non-ferrous materials but requiring expensive shielding gases?

  11. Why did metal arc welding process quickly become the most popular?

  12. What developments resulted in greatly increased welding speeds?



Welding is a process when metal parts are joined together by the application of heat, pressure, or a combination of both. The process of welding can be divided into two main groups:

  • pressure welding, when the weld is achieved by pressure and

  • heat welding, when the weld is achieved by heat.

Heat welding is the most common welding process used today.

Nowadays welding is used instead of bolting and riveting in the construction of many types of structures, including bridges, buildings, and ships. It is also a basic process in the manufacture of machinery and in the motor and aircraft industries. It is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used.

The welding process depends greatly on the properties of the metals, the purpose of their application and the available equipment. Welding processes are classified according to the sources of heat and pressure used.

The welding processes widely employed today include gas welding, arc welding, and resistance welding. Other joining processes are laser welding, and electron-beam welding.


  1. a part

  2. to join

  3. to apply


  1. heat

  2. pressure

  3. both

  4. to divide

  5. to achieve

  6. common

  7. instead of

  8. basic

  9. to manufacture

  10. machinery

  11. almost

  12. to produce


  1. to depend (on)

  2. property

  3. purpose

  4. available

  1. equipment

  2. according to

  3. a source

  4. to employ

  5. to include

  1. часть, деталь

  2. соединять, присоединять

  3. применять


  1. тепло, жар

  2. давление

  3. оба, тот и другой

  4. делить, разделять

  5. достигать, добиваться

  6. общий

  7. вместо

  8. основной

  9. производить, изготавливать

  10. машинное оборудование

  11. почти

  12. производить, вырабатывать, добывать

производство, изготовление, добыча

  1. зависеть (от)

  2. (зд.) свойство

  3. цель

  4. доступный, имеющийся в наличии

  5. оборудование

  6. в соответствии

  7. источник

  8. применять

  9. включать (в себя)

Exercise 1.Translate the following international words into Russian without a dictionary:

Process; metal; combination; group; bolt; structure; type; motor; industry; classify; gas; laser; electron.

Exercise 2. Find in the text nouns of the verbs given below and translate them into Russian. Explain what method of word building is used:

To weld; to apply; to combine; to press; to construct; to resist.

Exercise3. Guess the meaning of the underlined words according to the contest and you own experience:

The welding processes widely employed today include gas welding, arc welding, and resistance welding. Other joining processes are laser welding, and electron-beam welding.

Exercise 4. Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

  1. application of heat

  2. pressure welding

  3. heat welding

  4. instead of riveting

  5. basic process

  6. manufacture of machinery

  7. aircraft industry

  8. arc welding

  9. resistance welding

  10. electron-beam welding

  1. основной процесс

  2. сварка сопротивлением

  3. самолётостроение

  4. применение тепла

  5. электронно-лучевая сварка

  6. сварка давлением

  7. дуговая сварка

  8. вместо заклёпывания

  9. сварка нагреванием

  10. производство машинного оборудования

Exercise 5. Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions in the text:

Применение давления; можно достичь; можно разделить; вместо закрепления болтами; мосты и здания; быть необходимым; во многом зависеть от; свойства металлов; цель применения; имеющееся оборудование; широко применяться.

Exercise 6. Transform Passive constructions into Active ones using Subjects of your own according to the model:

Model: Welding is widely used in industry. – Specialists use welding widely in industry.

  1. Metal parts are joined together by the application of heat, pressure, or a combination of both.

  2. The process of welding can be divided into two main groups.

  3. The weld is achieved by pressure in pressure welding.

  4. The weld is achieved by heat in heat welding.

  5. Nowadays welding is used instead of bolting and riveting.

  6. It is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used.

  7. Welding processes are classified according to the sources of heat and pressure used.

Exercise 7. Insert appropriate prepositions into the gaps:

  1. Welding is also a basic process … the manufacture … machinery.

  2. The welding process depends greatly on the properties of the metals.

  3. The welding process allowed Americans to repair their ships quickly after a German attack in the New York Harbor at the beginning of the war

  4. Scientists attempted to protect welds from the effects of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere.

  5. Electro-slag welding was released in 1958 and was followed by its cousin, electro-gas welding, in 1961.

Exercise 8. Define the type of Subordinate Clauses in the following Compound sentences Put questions to the Subordinates according to the model:

Model: Welding is a process when metal parts are joined together by the application of heat and pressure. – What kind of process is welding?

  1. Pressure welding is a process when the weld is achieved by pressure.

  2. Heat welding is a process when the weld is achieved by heat.

  3. It is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used.

Exercise 9.Study the automatic translation of the following sentences and interpret them yourself according to the logical ties of the words and grammar structure of the sentences:

  1. Heat welding is the most common welding process used today.

Тепло сварка является самым распространенным процессом сварки используются и сегодня.

  1. Welding is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used.

Сварка необходимо практически во всех производствах, где металлы используются.

  1. Welding processes are classified according to the sources of heat and pressure used.

Сварочные процессы классифицируются в зависимости от источников тепла и давления используются.

  1. The welding processes widely employed today include gas welding, arc welding, and resistance welding.

Сварочные процессы широко применяются в настоящее время включают газовой сварки, сварки и сварки.

  1. Other joining processes are laser welding, and electron-beam welding

Другие присоединения процессов лазерной сварки и электронно-лучевой сварки.

Exercise 10.Revisethe Nominative with the Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject). Change the following Compound Sentences into Simple ones according to the model:

Model: We know that welding is widely used in the modern industry. = Welding is known to be widely used in the modern industry.

  1. It is considered that the process of welding is divided into two main groups.

  2. It is likely that heat welding is the most common welding process used today.

  3. It is sure that pressure welding is achieved by pressure.

  4. It is certain that heat welding is achieved by heat.

  5. It is known that welding is necessary almost in all productions where metals are used.

  6. It is thought that welding processes are classified according to the sources of heat and pressure used.

  7. It seems that welding process depends greatly on the properties of the metals, the purpose of their application and the available equipment.

  8. It proved that welding is used instead of bolting and riveting in the construction of many types of structures, including bridges, buildings, and ships.

Exercise 11.Answer the questions:

  1. What two main groups can the welding process be divided into?

  2. What welding process is the most common today?

  3. What processes is welding used instead of nowadays?

  4. What manufacture is welding a basic process in?

  5. What does the welding process greatly depend on?

  6. According to what are welding processes classified?

  7. What do welding processes widely employed today include?

  8. What other joining processes do you know?

Unit 5

Gas welding

Gas welding is a non-pressure process. They use heat from a gas flame in gas welding. The flame is applied directly to the metal edges to be joined and simultaneously to a filler metal in the form of wire or rod, called the welding rod, which is melted to the joint.

Gas welding has the advantage of using equipment that is portable and does not require an electric power source. The surface to be welded and the welding wire are coated with flux, a fusible material that shields the metal from air, which would result in a defective weld.


  1. Directly

  2. edge

  3. to join


  1. simultaneously

  2. filler metal

  3. a wire

  4. a rod

  5. to melt

  6. advantage

  7. equipment

  8. portable

  9. require

  10. surface

  11. to coat

  12. flux

  13. fusible

  1. прямо, непосредственно

  2. край, кромка

  3. соединять (ся), присоединять (ся)

соединение; соединённый, объединённый

  1. одновременно

  2. присадочный металл

  3. проволока

  4. прут

  5. таять, плавиться

  6. преимущество

  7. оборудование

  8. переносной, портативный

  9. требовать

  10. поверхность

  11. покрывать

  12. флюс

  13. Плавкость

Exercise 1.Fill in the table with the following words according to the Parts of Speech they belong to:





Equip; welding; directly; advantage; join; simultaneously; joint; advantageous; equipment; fuse; electricity; portable; require; defective requirement; electric; fusible; defect.

Exercise 2.Study prefixes with the negative meaning and form new words from the words given below. Translate the words into Russian:

Non- dis- un- im- ir- in-

Possible; pressure; directly; advantage; effective; coated; regular; cover; ferrous.

Exercise 3.Match the words in the both columns to form true word combinations:





















Exercise 4.Translate the following word expressions into Russian:

Non-pressure process; to apply directly; metals to be joined; surfaces to be welded; filler metal; welding rod; to be melted to the joint; fusible material.

Exercise 5.Translate the following words and word expressions into English:

Газовая сварка; газовое пламя; кромки металла; одновременно; проволока или прут; портативное оборудование; источник электроэнергии; покрывать флюсом; защищать металл; приводить к; дефективный шов.

Exercise 6.Find Compound Sentences in the text and define the type of the Subordinates. Put questions to the Subordinates.

Model: I shall go where I was born.(The Adverbial Clause of Place) – Where will you go?

Exercise 7. Insert the necessary prepositions into the gaps in the following sentences:

  1. They use heat … a gas flame in gas welding.

  2. The flame is applied directly … the metal edges.

  3. Welding rod is melted … the joint.

  4. The surface to be welded and the welding wire are coated … flux.

  5. A fusible material shields the metal … air.

  6. Air would result … a defective weld.

Exercise 8.Put the sentences in the logically right order according to the text.

  1. Gas welding has the advantage of using equipment that is portable and does not require an electric power source.

  2. The flame is applied directly to the metal edges to be joined and simultaneously to a filler metal in the form of wire or rod, called the welding rod, which is melted to the joint.

  3. Gas welding is a non-pressure process.

  4. The surface to be welded and the welding wire are coated with flux, a fusible material that shields the metal from air, which would result in a defective weld.

  5. They use heat from a gas flame in gas welding.

Exercise 9.Match the beginnings with the ends to form true sentences:

  1. Gas welding is …

  2. They use …

  3. The flame is applied …

  4. A filler metal is …

  5. The welding rod is melted …

  6. Gas welding has an advantage …

  7. Gas welding does not require …

  8. Flux shields the metal …

  9. Air can result in …

  1. … directly to the metal edges.

  2. … from air.

  3. … of using portable equipment.

  4. … a non-pressure process.

  5. … in the form of wire or rod.

  6. … heat from a gas flame.

  7. … a defective weld.

  8. … an electric power source.

  9. ... to the joint.

Exercise 10.Put the verbs in the brackets into the required Passive Voice form:

  1. The flame (to apply) directly to the metal edges and filler metal.

  2. The metal edges can (to join) by gas welding.

  3. A filler metal in the form of wire or rod (to call) the welding rod.

  4. The welding rod (to melt) to the joint.

  5. An electric power source (not to require) for gas welding.

  6. The surface to be welded and the welding wire (to coat) with flux.

  7. The metal (to shield) from air with flux.

  8. Special fusible material for welding (to call) flux.

Exercise 11.Answer the following questions:

  1. Is gas welding a pressure process?

  2. What heat do they use in gas welding?

  3. What is the flame applied directly to?

  4. What is melted to the joint?

  5. What advantage does gas welding have?

  6. Does equipment for gas welding require an electric power source?

  7. What are the surface to be welded and the welding wire coated with?

  8. What is flux?

  9. Why is flux necessary for a weld?

Unit 6

Arc Welding

Arc welding is the most important welding process for joining steels. It requires a continuous supply of either direct or alternating electrical current. This current is used to create an electric arc, which generates enough heat to melt metal and create a weld.

Arc welding has several advantages over other welding methods. Arc welding is faster because the concentration of heat is higher. Also, fluxes are not necessary in certain methods of arc welding. The most widely used arc-welding processes are shielded metal arc, gas-tungsten arc, gas-metal arc, and submerged arc.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

For example, in shielded metal arc welding, a metallic electrode, which conducts electricity, is coated with flux and connected to a source of electric current. The metal to be welded is connected to the other end of the same source of current. An electric arc is formed by touching the tip of the electrode to the metal and then drawing it away. The intense heat of the arc melts edges of both parts to be welded and the point of the metal electrode, which supplies filler metal for the weld. This process is used mainly for welding steels.


  1. continuous

  2. to supply

  1. either … or

  2. direct current

  3. alternating current

  4. to create

  5. to generate

  6. enough

  7. several

  8. certain

  9. shielded metal arc (welding)

  1. gas-tungsten arc (welding)

  1. gas-metal arc (welding)

  1. submerged arc( welding)

  2. to conduct

  3. to touch

  4. a tip

  5. to draw away

  6. intense

  7. filler metal

  1. непрерывный

  2. обеспечивать, подавать, снабжать

  3. либо … либо

  4. постоянный ток

  5. переменный ток

  6. создавать

  7. производить, генерировать

  8. достаточно

  9. несколько

  10. определённый

  11. дуговая сварка металлическими электродами в защитной среде

  12. дуговая сварка вольфрамовыми электродами в среде защитного газа

  13. дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в среде защитного газа

  14. дуговая сварка под флюсом

  15. проводить

  16. касаться

  17. тонкий конец, кончик

  18. уводить, отодвигать (от)

  19. сильный, интенсивный

  20. наплавочный металл

Exercise 1.Translate the international words without a dictionary:

Process; electric; metal; method; electrode; steel; material; industry; special; technology; concentration.

Exercise 2.Translate the following derivatives according to the Part of Speech they belong to:

Metal – metallic – metallurgy; electric – electrical – electrically - electricity; weld – welding – welder; require – requirement; create – creator – creature - creation; concentrate – concentration; main – mainly.

Exercise 3.Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

  1. joining steels

  2. continuous supply

  3. alternating current

  4. to generate heat

  5. to create a weld

  6. several advantages

  7. widely used

  8. source of current

  9. to coat with flux

  10. to melt edges

  1. несколько преимуществ

  2. источник тока

  3. плавить кромки

  4. соединение сталей

  5. широко используемый

  6. покрывать флюсом

  7. непрерывная подача

  8. создавать шов

  9. переменный ток

  10. производить тепло

Exercise4.Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions in the text:

Постоянный или переменный ток; определённые методы; проводить электричество; присоединять к источнику; касаться конца электрода; дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в среде защитного газа; дуговая сварка под флюсом; дуговая сварка металлическими электродами в защитной среде; дуговая сварка вольфрамовыми электродами в среде защитного газа; подавать наплавочный металл

Exercise 5.Revise the Grammar rule for Degrees of Comparison of the Adjective and Adverb. Put the adjectives and adverbs in the brackets into the proper form:

  1. Arc welding is (fast) because the concentration of heat is (high).

  2. The (widely) used arc-welding processes are shielded metal arc, gas-tungsten arc, gas-metal arc, and submerged arc.

  3. Arc welding is (important) welding process for joining steels.

  4. Fluxes are not (necessary) in certain methods of arc welding.

Exercise 6. Insert the necessary preposition of those given in the brackets into the gaps:

  1. Arc welding is the most important welding process … joining steels. (to; for; of)

  2. Arc welding has several advantages … other welding methods. (over; above; on)

  3. A metallic electrode is coated … flux. (by; in; with)

  4. A metallic electrode is connected to a source of electric current. (in; with; to)

  5. An electric arc is formed … touching the tip of the electrode to the metal and then drawing it away. (by; with; for)

  6. The intense heat … the arc melts edges of both parts to be welded. (of; in; for)

Exercise 7.Change Passive constructions into Active ones according to the model. Use the proposed Subjects:

Model: Welding is used in many branches of industry. – They use welding in many branches of industry.

  1. This current is used to create an electric arc. – We…

  2. In shielded metal arc welding, a metallic electrode is coated with flux and connected to a source of electric current. – Our specialists…

  3. The metal to be welded is connected to the other end of the same source of current. – He…

  4. An electric arc is formed by touching the tip of the electrode to the metal and then drawing it away. – A welder…

Exercise8. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Present Simple:

  1. Arc welding (to be) the most important welding process for joining steels.

  2. It (to require) a continuous supply of either direct or alternating electrical current.

  3. Arc welding (to have) several advantages over other welding methods.

  4. The metal electrode (to supply) filler metal for the weld.

  5. Fluxes (not to be) necessary in certain methods of arc welding.

  6. An electric arc (to generate) enough heat to melt metal and create a weld.

  7. A metallic electrode (to conduct) electricity.

Exercise 9. Study the automatic translation of the following sentences and interpret them yourself according to the logical ties of the words and grammar structure of the sentences:

  1. Arc welding requires a continuously supply of either direct or alternating electrical current.

Дуговой сварки требует непрерывного питания либо постоянного или переменного электрического тока.

  1. Also, fluxes are not necessary in certain methods of arc welding.

Кроме того, потоки не нужны в определенных методов сварки.

  1. In shielded metal arc welding, a metallic electrode, which conducts electricity, is coated with flux and connected to a source of electric current.

В дуговой сварки в защитных металл, металлический электрод, который проводит электричество, покрыта потока и подключения к источнику электрического тока.

  1. The metal to be welded is connected to the other end of the same source of current.

Свариваемого металла связан с другого конца того же источника тока.

  1. An electric arc is formed by touching the tip of the electrode to the metal and then drawing it away.

Электрическая дуга образована, касаясь кончиком электрода на металл и рисунок его.

  1. The intense heat of the arc melts edges of both parts to be welded and the point of the metal electrode, which supplies filler metal for the weld.

Зной дуги плавится обеих частей для сварки и точки металлический электрод, который поставляет наполнитель металла сварного шва.

Exercise 10. Define the type of the Subordinate Clauses and put questions to them:

  1. This current is used to create an electric arc, which generates enough heat to melt metal and create a weld.

  2. Arc welding is faster because the concentration of heat is higher.

  3. A metallic electrode, which conducts electricity, is coated with flux.

  4. The intense heat of the arc melts edges of both parts to be welded and the point of the metal electrode, which supplies filler metal for the weld.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the most important welding process for joining steels?

  2. What does arc welding require?

  3. What is the current used for?

  4. Does arc welding have any advantages over other welding methods?

  5. Why is arc welding faster?

  6. Are fluxes necessary in all methods of arc welding?

  7. What are the most widely used arc-welding processes?

  8. What is a metallic electrode coated with in shield metal arc welding?

  9. What is a metallic electrode connected to?

  10. Is the metal to be welded connected to the other end of the same source of current?

  11. How is an electric arc formed?

  12. What does the intense heat of the arc melt?

  13. What does the metal electrode supply?

  14. What is shielded metal arc welding mainly used for?

Unit 7

Other Types of Welding (Part I)

Non-consumable Electrode Arc Welding

As non-consumable electrodes tungsten or carbon electrodes can be used. In gas-tungsten arc welding a tungsten electrode is used in place of the metal electrode used in shielded metal arc welding. A chemically inert gas, such as argon, helium, or carbon dioxide is used to shield the metal from oxidation. The heat from the arc formed between the electrode and the metal melts the edges of the metal. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld. This process can be used with nearly all metals and produces a high-quality weld. However, the rate of welding is considerably slower than in other processes.

Gas-Metal Arc Welding

In gas-metal arc welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air by surrounding it with argon or carbon dioxide gas and sometimes by coating the electrode with flux. The electrode is fed into the electric arc, and melts off in droplets that enter the liquid metal of the weld seam. Most metals can be joined by this process.


  1. non-consumable

  2. tungsten

  3. carbon

carbon dioxide

  1. to shield

  2. oxidation

  3. to melt

  4. an edge

  5. to add

  6. bare

  7. quality

  8. rate

  9. considerably

  10. to surround

  11. to coat

  12. flux

  13. to feed (fed)

  14. a droplet

  15. a seam

1. неплавящийся

2. вольфрам

3. уголь

углекислый газ

4. защищать, укрывать

5. окисление

6. плавить(ся), таять

7. кромка, край

8. добавлять

9. оголённый

10. качество

11. скорость

12. значительно

13. окружать

14. покрывать

15. флюс

16. (зд.) подавать, кормить

17. капля

18. шов

Exercise 1. Translate the international words without a dictionary:

Electric; electrode; inert; gas; metal; chemical; argon; helium; process; system; specialist; expert; industry.

Exercise 2. Translate the derivatives into your native language according to the Parts of Speech they belong to. Explain the methods of word building in every case:

Chemistry – chemist – chemical – chemically;

Сonsumer – consumable – non-consumable;

Oxide – dioxide – oxidation;

Heat (2) – heater – heating;

Use – user – useful – useless – usage;

Produce – producer – product – production – productivity;

Weld (2) – welder – welding;

Consider – considerable – considerably

Exercise 3. Find English and Russian equivalents in the both columns:

  1. non-consumable electrode

  2. in place of

  3. carbon dioxide

  4. to melt the edges

  5. may be added

  6. a bare wire

  7. a point of the weld

  8. the rate of welding

  9. to coat with flux

  10. to melt off into droplets

  11. a weld seam

  12. to be joined

    1. покрывать флюсом

    2. оголённый провод

    3. плавить кромки

    4. соединяться

    5. неплавящийся электрод

    6. скорость сварки

    7. вместо

    8. расплавляться на капли

    9. сварочный шов

    10. можно добавлять

    11. углекислый газ

    12. место сварки

Exercise 4. Match English and Russian names for different kinds of welding:

1. Дуговая сварка неплавящимся электродом

2. Дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде защитного газа

3. Дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в защитной среде

4. Дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в газовой среде

a) gas tungsten arc welding

b) gas metal arc welding

с) shielded metal arc welding

d) non-consumable electrode arc welding

Exercise 5. Define what functions the words ending in –ed (Participles II Passive) have in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into your native language:

1 – Part of a Predicate expressed by the verb in the form of Passive Voice

2 – Attribute expressed by the Participle II Passive

1. As non-consumable electrodes tungsten or carbon electrodes can be used.

2. In gas-tungsten arc welding a tungsten electrode is used in place of the metal electrode used in shielded metal arc welding.

3. A chemically inert gas, such as argon, helium, or carbon dioxide is used to shield the metal from oxidation.

4. The heat from the arc formed between the electrode and the metal melts the edges of the metal.

5. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld.

6. This process can be used with nearly all metals and produces a high-quality weld.

7. In gas-metal arc welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air.

8. A shielded bare electrode was applied in this type of welding.

Exercise 6. Define what Parts of Speech the words ending in –ing belong to. Translate the sentences into your native language:

1 – Gerund

2 – Participle I Active

3 – Verbal Noun

1. They are using tungsten or carbon electrodes as non-consumable electrodes in the process of welding you can see now.

2. In gas-metal arc welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air by surrounding it with argon or carbon dioxide gas and sometimes by coating the electrode with flux.

3. The melting edges of the metal are joining now.

4. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld.

Exercise 7. Study the automatic translation of the following sentences and interpret them yourself according to the logical ties of the words and grammar structure of the sentences:

  1. As non-consumable electrodes tungsten or carbon electrodes can be used.

В неплавящимся электродами из вольфрама или угольные электроды могут быть использованы.

2. The heat from the arc formed between the electrode and the metal melts the edges of the metal.

Тепла от дуги образуется между электродом и металлических расплавов края металла.

  1. In gas-metal arc welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air by surrounding it with argon or carbon dioxide gas and sometimes by coating the electrode with flux.

В газо-дуговой сварки, голым электродом защищено от воздуха вокруг него с аргоном или углекислого газа, а иногда и покрытие электрода с потоком.

  1. The electrode is fed into the electric arc, and melts off in droplets that enter the liquid metal of the weld seam.

Электрод подается в электрическую дугу, и тает от капель в которые входят жидкого металла сварного шва.

Exercise 8. Insert the necessary preposition of those given in the brackets into the gaps:

1. In gas-tungsten arc welding a tungsten electrode is used … place … the metal electrode used in shielded metal arc welding. 2. A chemically inert gas is used to shield the metal … oxidation. 3. The heat from the arc formed … the electrode and the metal melts the edges … the metal. 4. Metal … the weld may be added … placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld. 5. This process can be used … nearly all metals. 6. … gas-metal arc welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air … surrounding it … argon or carbon dioxide gas. 7. The electrode is fed … the electric arc, and melts … in droplets.

Exercise 9. Put questions to the words in bold type:

1. As non-consumable electrodes tungsten or carbon electrodes can be used. 2. Non-consumable electrode arc welding produces a high-quality weld. 3. A bare electrode is shielded from the air. 4. A bare electrode is usually surrounded with argon or carbon dioxide gas. 5. The electrode is fed into the electric arc.

Exercise 10. Read the imperative sentences and put them into right order to form the instruction for non-consumable electrode arc welding:

  • Melt the edges of the metal by the heat from the arc formed between the electrode and the metal.

  • Produce a high-quality weld.

  • Use a tungsten electrode in place of the metal electrode for non-consumable electrode arc welding.

  • Add some metal by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld.

  • Shield the metal from oxidation by a chemically inert gas, such as argon, helium, or carbon dioxide.

Exercise 11. Answer the questions:

  1. What can be used as non-consumable electrodes?

  2. What electrode is used in gas- tungsten arc welding?

  3. What kind of welding is the metal electrode used in?

  4. What chemically inert gases do you know?

  5. What are the chemically inert gases used for?

  6. What is formed between the electrode and the metal?

  7. What does the heat from the arc result in?

  8. How may metal for the weld be added?

  9. What produces a high-quality weld?

  10. Is the rate of welding faster or slower in non-consumable electrode arc welding than in other processes?

  11. How is a bare electrode shielded from the air in gas-metal arc welding?

  12. What is done to the electrode fed into the electric arc?

  13. Where do the droplets of the melting electrode enter?

  14. What can be joined by gas-metal arc welding?

Unit 8

Other Types of Welding (Part II)

Submerged Arc Welding

Submerged-arc welding is similar to gas-metal arc welding, but in this process no gas is used to shield the weld. Instead of that, the arc and tip of the wire are submerged beneath a layer of granular, fusible material that covers the weld seam. This process is also called electro-slag welding. It is very efficient but can be used only with steels.

Resistance Welding

In resistance welding, heat is obtained from the resistance of metal to the flow of an electric current. Electrodes are clamped on each side of the parts to be welded, the parts are subjected to great pressure, and a heavy current is applied for a short period of time. The point where the two metals touch creates resistance to the flow of the current. This resistance causes heat, which melts the metals and creates the weld. Resistance welding is widely employed in many fields of sheet metal or wire manufacturing and is often used for welds made by automatic or semi-automatic machines especially in automobile industry.


  1. instead of that

  2. beneath

  3. a layer

  4. granular

  1. fusible

  2. to cover

a cover

  1. a seam

  2. efficient

  1. to obtain

  2. resistance

  3. a flow

to flow

  1. current

  2. to clamp (on)

  1. each

  2. side

  3. to be subjected to

  4. pressure

  5. to apply (to)

  6. to touch

  7. to create

  8. to cause

a cause

  1. to employ

  1. a sheet

  2. to manufacture

1. вместо этого

2. под

3. слой

4. гранулированный


5. плавкий

6. покрывать

покрытие, крышка

7. шов

8. эффективный



9. получать

10. сопротивление

11. поток


12. ток

13. зажимать (в)


14. каждый

15. сторона

16. подвергаться

17. давление

18. применить (к)

19. касаться, притрагиваться

20. создавать

21. вызывать


22. применять,


23. лист

24. производство


Exercise 1. Translate the derivatives into your native language according to the Parts of Speech they belong to. Explain the methods of word building in every case:

Weld – welder – welding; granule – granular; lay – layer; fuse – fusible – fusibility; efficient – efficiently; use – usage – user – useful – useless; resist – resistance - resistor; employ – employer – employee – employment - unemployment; manufacture – manufacturing – manufacturer; automat – automatic – automatically

Exercise 2. Fill in the table with the words given below in correspondence with the parts of speech they belong to:





Similar; shield (2); tip; greatly; submerge; layer; cover (2); seam; wide; process (2); slag; efficient; heat; similarly; obtain; heavy; clamp; efficiently; great; heavily; beneath; cause (2); melt; widely; especially

Exercise 3. Find the synonyms in the both columns:

  1. beneath

  2. to cover

  3. a cover

  4. effective

  5. to obtain

  6. resistance

  7. to flow

  8. a flow

  9. each

  10. pressure

  11. to create

  12. to cause

  13. a cause

  14. to employ

  15. to manufacture

  16. manufacture

    1. to stream

    2. a reason

    3. current

    4. under

    5. fabrication

    6. to get

    7. a top

    8. to produce

    9. opposition

    10. efficient

    11. to coat

    12. to use

    13. to produce

    14. every

    15. to make

    16. stress

Exercise 4. Write the following sentences in plural changing the grammar forms where possible:

Model: This welder is a very qualified specialist. – These welders are very qualified specialists.

  1. In this process no gas is used to shield the weld.

  2. Fusible material covers the weld seam.

  3. It is very efficient.

  4. An electrode is clamped on the side of the part to be welded.

  5. The point where the two metals touch creates resistance.

Exercise 5. Change Passive constructions into Active ones according to the model. Use the proposed Subjects:

Model: Welding is used in many branches of industry. – They use welding in many branches of industry.

  1. In this process no gas is used to shield the weld. – Specialists …

  2. The arc and tip of the wire are submerged beneath a layer of granular, fusible material. – A specialist …

  3. This process is also called electro-slag welding. – We …

  4. It is very efficient but can be used only with steels. – … welders …

  5. Heat is obtained from the resistance of metal to the flow of an electric current. – He …

  6. Electrodes are clamped on each side of the parts to be welded. – A welder …

  7. The parts are subjected to great pressure. – I …

  8. A heavy current is applied for a short period of time. – A specialist …

  9. Resistance welding is widely employed in many fields of sheet metal or wire manufacturing. – Specialists …

  10. It is often used for welds made by automatic or semi-automatic machines especially in automobile industry. – They …

Exercise 6. Define the type of Subordinate Clauses in the following Compound sentences. Put questions to the Subordinates according to the model:

Model: Welding is a process when metal parts are joined together by the application of heat and pressure. – What kind of process is welding?

  1. The arc and tip of the wire are submerged beneath a layer of granular, fusible material that covers the weld seam.

  2. The point where the two metals touch creates resistance to the flow of the current.

  3. This resistance causes heat, which melts the metals and creates the weld.

Exercise 7. Study the automatic translation of the following sentences and interpret them yourself according to the logical ties of the words and grammar structure of the sentences:

1. Instead of that, the arc and tip of the wire are submerged beneath a layer of granular, fusible material that covers the weld seam.

Вместо этого, дуги и кончик проволоки погружены под слоем гранулированного, плавкие материал, который охватывает сварного шва.

2. It is very efficient but can be used only with steels.

Это очень эффективно, но могут быть использованы только с сталей.

3. Electrodes are clamped on each side of the parts to be welded, the parts are subjected to great pressure, and a heavy current is applied for a short period of time.

Электроды крепятся на каждой стороне свариваемой детали, детали подвергаются большим давлением, и тяжелые ток подается в течение короткого периода времени.

4. The point where the two metals touch creates resistance to the flow of the current.

Точка, в которой два металла сенсорным создает сопротивление потоку тока.

Exercise 8. Chose the right description for each type of welding mentioned in the left hand column:

  1. gas tungsten arc welding

  1. gas metal arc welding

  1. shielded metal arc welding

  1. non-consumable electrode arc welding

  1. submerged arc welding

  1. resistance welding

    1. A metallic electrode, which conducts electricity, is coated with flux and connected to a source of electric current.

    2. Electrodes are clamped on each side of the parts to be welded, the parts are subjected to great pressure, and a heavy current is applied for a short period of time.

    3. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld.

    4. The arc and tip of the wire are submerged beneath a layer of granular, fusible material that covers the weld seam.

    5. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld.

    6. The electrode is fed into the electric arc, and melts off in droplets that enter the liquid metal of the weld seam.

Exercise 9. Insert the necessary prepositions into the gaps:

  1. Submerged-arc welding is similar … gas-metal arc welding. (for; to; in)

  2. Submerged-arc welding is very efficient but can be used only … steels. (with; for; to)

  3. In resistance welding, heat is obtained … the resistance of metal to the flow of an electric current. (form; to; opposite)

  4. Electrodes are clamped … each side of the parts to be welded. (to; for; on)

  5. The parts are subjected … great pressure. (to; for; at)

  6. A heavy current is applied … a short period of time. (during; on; for)

  7. Resistance is often used for welds made … automatic or semi-automatic machines. (by; with; on)

Exercise 10. Use the chain of the verbs to describe the resistance welding process:

To be clamped – to be subjected to – to be applied – to touch – to create – to cause – to melt - to create – to be employed – to be used

Exercise 11. Answer the questions:

  1. What type of welding is submerged-arc welding similar to?

  2. Is gas used in submerged-arc welding?

  3. What material are the arc and tip of the wire submerged beneath?

  4. What is covered with a layer of granular, fusible material?

  5. How is submerged-arc welding also called?

  6. What material can this process be used with only?

  7. How is heat obtained in resistance welding?

  8. Where are electrodes clamped?

  9. Are the parts subjected to pressure?

  10. How long is a heavy current applied?

  11. What creates resistance to the flow of the current?

  12. What does this resistance cause?

  13. In what fields of industry is resistance welding employed?

  14. What machines are used for resistance welding in automobile industry?


1. Агабекян И.П. Английский для технических вузов. Сер. «Учебники и учебные пособия». Ростов н/Д: «Феникс». – 2000.

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5. Буренина Л.К. и др. Учебник английского языка для средних специальных учебных заведений. – 6-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Высш. школа – 1982.

6. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Сборн. упражнений. – 4-е изд., - СПб.: КАРО. – 2003.

7. Козак С.В. Английский язык: Учеб. пособ. по грамматике англ. языка для курсантов 1-2 курсов// Одесская национальная морская академия. – О.: Феникс, 2008.

8. Англо-русский словарь 20000 слов. Под ред. О. С. Ахматовой и А. М. Уилсон, изд. 25, стереотип. М.: «Русский язык». – 1976.

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