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Интеллектуальный квест по английскому языку "Customs and traditions of the United Kingdom"

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Интеллектуальный квест направлен на систематизацию знаний по страноведению Англии,формированию у обучающихся лингвострановедческой компетенции,творческой активности.Познавательный интерес развивается в процессе иноязычной деятельности,воспитывается ответственность ,умение работать в команде. В разработку входят викторины,кроссворд,задание на соответствие картинок и текстов.Квест состоит из спортивной,музыкальной,, культурной,грамматической и др станций.Здесь представлена только  одна станция"Традиции и обычаи Великобритании".Квест организован с целью сетевого взаимодействия среди общеобразовательных школ г.Курска.

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«Интеллектуальный квест по английскому языку "Customs and traditions of the United Kingdom"»

Интеллектуальный квест по английскому языку "Customs and traditions of the United Kingdom"

Стригункова МД, 

учитель анг языка

МБОУ «СОШ №59 . им.Г.М Мыльникова»

г.Курск ,2022

Классы: 8

Ключевые слова: английский язык, интеллектуальный квест, станция обычаи и традиции Великобритании



  • систематизация знаний по страноведению Англии;

  • формирование у обучающихся лингвострановедческой компетенции;

  • формирование творческой активности.


  • развитие познавательного интереса и инициативы в процессе иноязычной деятельности


  • развитие памяти, мышления и внимания



  • воспитание уважения и толерантного отношения к культуре и традициям других народов;

  • воспитание ответственности и умения работать индивидуально и в команде.

Оборудование: постеры, плакаты, презентация с изображением традиций и обычаев Великобритании., раздаточный материал для командной работы.

Ход мероприятия

T: Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the station" Customs and traditions of the United Kingdom"!

You can explore the pages of the customs and traditions of the UK which illustrate interesting facts. This game shows traditions in holidays, cuisine, costumes. There are both ancient and modern traditions and customs. Welcome to discover interesting facts about the United Kingdom!


T: There are a variety of interesting practices and traditions that stay current in today`s world. Customs and traditions are involved in national and local holidays.

1) What is a well-known tradition of the New Year? 
a) the tradition of first kissing; 
b) the tradition of first footing; 
c) the tradition of first dancing.

2). What fruit was presented as a symbol of love and beauty on February 14th?
a) an apple;
b) a peach;
c) an orange.

3) What is the traditional colour of St. Patrick`s Day? 
a) red;
b) green;
c) yellow.

4) What is held at Easter?  
a) a costumed parade;
b) a sports tournament;
c) a religious service.

5) What do children hang over a fireplace for presents at Christmas?
a) mittens;
b) stockings;
c) caps.


T: British culture is original and rich in traditions that affect even food intake. The native cuisine of Britain, and especially of England, is considered to be simple but nutritious. Do tasty guiz.

F ood

Traditional customs of Great Britain

1 . Whose is this traditional food?

  1. Scotland’s

  2. England’s

  3. North Ireland’s

A nswer: b) England’s

It is an English dough dish. It is prepared a few weeks before the holiday, then "ripens" in a cool place and is served on the first day of Christmas. There are sweet puddings, puddings with meat, liver, fish, crayfish, oysters and vegetables.

2. What is Scotland’s traditional food?

a) Black pudding

b) Fish fingers

A nswer: a) Black pudding

A Scottish national dish, one of the variants of British black puddings. It has a significant addition of oatmeal to the meat filling.


  1. England’s

  2. Scotland’s

  3. Wales

. Whose is this traditional food?

Answer: c) Wales

Cawl is a meat soup with salted bacon or lamb and vegetables (potatoes, rutabaga, carrots, leeks). For density, oats can be added to it. It is very satisfying and rather resembles a juicy stew.

4. What is Ireland’s traditional food?

a) colcannon

b) porridge

Answer: a) colcannon

Mashed stew of cabbage, potatoes and cabbage (brauncol) with seafood



1. What’s an integral part of British cuisine?

a) coffee

b) tea

c) juice

2 . How is early afternoon meal called?

  1. Lunch

  2. Dinner

  3. Snack

3. What was one of Harry Potter’s favorite dishes?

  1. Fish and chips

  2. Scotch egg

  3. Yorkshire pudding

4 . What is a charlotte?

  1. An apple pie

  2. A pumpkin pie

  3. A meat pie

K eys

  1. B

  2. A

  3. C

4 A


T: Each country has its own types and styles of clothing. Traditional British costumes show differences in style of clothing between regions of Britain. Do puzzles and match texts with pictures, (Разрезанные картинки собираются , к картинкам подбираются тексты)


2 3

      1. Probably the best knows traditionally costume in the UK is the Scottish kilt with its distinctive tartan pattern. Kilts were pleated woolen skirts, worm only by men, and fastented in front with a special pin. A goatskin bag called a sporran was worn around the waist and a cloak was draped over one shoulder. Each clan or family had its own tartan. design. The kilt is still worn on special

occasions today.

B) What everyone recognises about the Welsh costume is its tall black hat or «beaver hat», worn over a lace cap. Women in the past wore it with a long full skirt and a white apron. A shawl, usually red, was worn around the shoulders. The outfit was complete with black shoes and stockings, and ladies carried a basked.


C) Morris dancing with its traditional make costumes is a familiar sight in England. These dances are performed outdoors in country villages during the summer. The dancer wear white trousers, a loose white shirt and a pad of bells around the bottom half of the leg. Their hats are decorated with ribbons and flowers, and they wave handkerchiefs in the air as they dance.

D) Irish traditional costumes make you think of Irish folk dancing. Female dancers wear a long- sleeved dress, knee-high white socks and black shoes. The colorful patterns on the dresses are based on Celtic designs.

2. The Englishmen’s favourite drink.
4. Something that the English put into tea.
6. Where does the coronation of Kings and Queens take place.
8. The theatre where W.Shakespeare worked as an actor.
9. Pre-Christmas fast starting 4 weeks before Christmas.

10. The nickname of London in England.
12. The traditional color of taxis in London.

1. The birds living in the Tower of London.
3. The traditional activity of English people. Is _______ about the weather
5. The most popular holiday in Great Britain.
6. The large bag of wool on which the Lord Chancellor sits in the Houses of Lords.
7. Traditional British meal.
9. What is the most scary day of the year in Great Britain.
11. The national emblem of England


Holidays: 1b 2а 3b 4b 4c 5b

Cuisine: ответы на вопросы смотри в викторине1 и 2

Costume: 4c 3b 2a 1d

Обычаи и традиции Великобритании (travelask.ru)

30 Fun & Unique British Traditions You Should Know About - Discover Walks Blog

Customs and Traditions in the UK - Globelink Blog


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