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Интерактивный тест PRESENT PERFECT-2

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Интерактивная презентация (тест) на закрепление темы "Present Perfect". Учащимся предлагается выбрать предложение, написанное в Present Perfect из нескольких предложенных.

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«Интерактивный тест PRESENT PERFECT-2»

Choose the right option.

Choose the right option.

They are planting a tree. They has planted a tree. They have planted a tree. They never planted a tree. They have planted a tree. ________________________________________________________

They are planting a tree.

They has planted a tree.

They have planted a tree.

They never planted a tree.

They have planted a tree.


They sold lemonade . They’re selling lemonade. They has sold lemonade. They have sold lemonade. They have sold lemonade. _________________________________________________________

They sold lemonade .

They’re selling lemonade.

They has sold lemonade.

They have sold lemonade.

They have sold lemonade.


She’s catching the bus. She has caught the bus. She have caught the bus. She was catching the bus. She has caught the bus. ____________________________________________________________

She’s catching the bus.

She has caught the bus.

She have caught the bus.

She was catching the bus.

She has caught the bus.


It have rested for an hour. It has rested for an hour. It rested for an hour. It’s resting for an hour. It has rested for an hour. _____________________________________________________

It have rested for an hour.

It has rested for an hour.

It rested for an hour.

It’s resting for an hour.

It has rested for an hour.


She has eat the apple. She have eaten the apple. She’s eat the apple.  She hasn’t eaten the apple. She hasn’t eaten the apple. __________________________________________________________

She has eat the apple.

She have eaten the apple.

She’s eat the apple.

She hasn’t eaten the apple.

She hasn’t eaten the apple.


Mom has receiving a letter. Mom have received a letter. Mom has receive a letter. Mom has received a letter. Mom has received a letter. _________________________________________________________

Mom has receiving a letter.

Mom have received a letter.

Mom has receive a letter.

Mom has received a letter.

Mom has received a letter.


The teacher has leave. The teacher has leaved. The teacher have left. The teacher has left. The teacher has left. _____________________________________________

The teacher has leave.

The teacher has leaved.

The teacher have left.

The teacher has left.

The teacher has left.


School is beginning. School has begun. School have begun. School has began. School has begun. _____________________________________________

School is beginning.

School has begun.

School have begun.

School has began.

School has begun.


She went to bed. She’s go to bed. She’s went to bed. She’s gone to bed. She’s gone to bed. ___________________________________________________

She went to bed.

She’s go to bed.

She’s went to bed.

She’s gone to bed.

She’s gone to bed.


It has rained. It has rain. It have rained. It’s raining. It has rained. _____________________________________________

It has rained.

It has rain.

It have rained.

It’s raining.

It has rained.


They has painted the fence. They’re painting the fence. They’ve paint the fence. They’ve painted the fence. They’ve painted the fence. __________________________________________________________

They has painted the fence.

They’re painting the fence.

They’ve paint the fence.

They’ve painted the fence.

They’ve painted the fence.



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