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Interesting facts about Christmas

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«Interesting facts about Christmas»


  1. You’ll be shocked to know that, according to an independent survey (исследование), Christmas holidays are the busiest time for American plastic surgeons.

  2. Each year, 30-35 million real Christmas trees are sold in US alone. There are about 21,000 Christmas tree growers in US, and trees are usually grown 15 years before they are sold.

  3. In Greek, X means Christ, that is where the word “X-Mas” came from.

  4. Father Christmas has two addresses, Edinburgh and The North Pole. During Christmas Holidays, letters addressed by the name ‘TOYLAND’ or ‘SNOWLAND’ go to Edinburgh, but letters addressed to ‘THE NORTH POLE’ have to be sent there because there’s actually a place with that name!

  5. US scientists calculated that on Christmas Eve, Santa would have to visit 822 homes a second to deliver all the world’s presents, traveling at 650 miles a second, obviously without any break!!!!!

  6. The traditional three colors of Christmas are green, red, and gold. Green has long been a symbol of life and rebirth; red symbolizes the blood of Christ, and gold represents light as well as wealth and royalty.

  7. According to data analyzed from Facebook posts, two weeks before Christmas is one of the two most popular times for couples to break up.

  8. Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nikolas of Myra (also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker), who lived during the 4th century. Born in Patara (in modern-day Turkey), he is the world’s most popular non-Biblical saint, and artists have portrayed him more often than any other saint except Mary.


  1. You’ll be shocked to know that, according to an independent survey (исследование), Christmas holidays are the busiest time for American plastic surgeons.

  2. Each year, 30-35 million real Christmas trees are sold in US alone. There are about 21,000 Christmas tree growers in US, and trees are usually grown 15 years before they are sold.

  3. In Greek, X means Christ, that is where the word “X-Mas” came from.

  4. Father Christmas has two addresses, Edinburgh and The North Pole. During Christmas Holidays, letters addressed by the name ‘TOYLAND’ or ‘SNOWLAND’ go to Edinburgh, but letters addressed to ‘THE NORTH POLE’ have to be sent there because there’s actually a place with that name!

  5. US scientists calculated that on Christmas Eve, Santa would have to visit 822 homes a second to deliver all the world’s presents, traveling at 650 miles a second, obviously without any break!!!!!

  6. The traditional three colors of Christmas are green, red, and gold. Green has long been a symbol of life and rebirth; red symbolizes the blood of Christ, and gold represents light as well as wealth and royalty.

  7. According to data analyzed from Facebook posts, two weeks before Christmas is one of the two most popular times for couples to break up.

  8. Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nikolas of Myra (also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker), who lived during the 4th century. Born in Patara (in modern-day Turkey), he is the world’s most popular non-Biblical saint, and artists have portrayed him more often than any other saint except Mary.


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