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Интеллектуальная игра "Weakest link" , посвященная Первому Президенту РК.

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Интеллектуальная игра "Слабое звено", приуроченная ко Дню Президента и посвященная жизнедеятельности Президента Республики Казахстан -Н.А.Назарбаева.

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«Интеллектуальная игра "Weakest link" , посвященная Первому Президенту РК.»

3 раунда, после каждого игру покидает один игрок (путем голосования игроков как слабейший), 4 раунд-финал. Задача игроков «выстроить»цепь правильных ответов (1 ответ-10 б), зарабатывая баллы до 70. Если один из игроков отвечает на вопрос неверно, баллы сгорают и команда начинает их набор сначала, пока раунд не закончится по отведенному времени (1 раунд - 2минуты, 2 раунд-1 минута 50 секунд, 3 раунд -1 минута 40 секунд, финал-1 минута 30 секунд на каждого игрока).

3 раунда, после каждого игру покидает один игрок (путем голосования игроков как слабейший), 4 раунд-финал.

Задача игроков «выстроить»цепь правильных ответов (1 ответ-10 б), зарабатывая баллы до 70. Если один из игроков отвечает на вопрос неверно, баллы сгорают и команда начинает их набор сначала, пока раунд не закончится по отведенному времени (1 раунд - 2минуты, 2 раунд-1 минута 50 секунд, 3 раунд -1 минута 40 секунд, финал-1 минута 30 секунд на каждого игрока).

The first President of the Republic of  Kazakhstan .

The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev

Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev

 When was born N.Nazarbayev?

When was born N.Nazarbayev?

on 6 th   of July 1940

on 6 th of July 1940

The father’s name of our President.

The father’s name of our President.



Where was N.Nazarbayev born?

Where was N.Nazarbayev born?

Chelmogan village, Kaskelen region, Almaty oblast

Chelmogan village, Kaskelen region, Almaty oblast

What was the mother’s name of our President?

What was the mother’s name of our President?



How years old is N.Nazarbayev now?

How years old is N.Nazarbayev now?



What kazakh clan is N.Nazarbayev native of?

What kazakh clan is N.Nazarbayev native of?



Who has given the name to a long –awaited boy in the family of Abish and Alzhan ?

Who has given the name to a long –awaited boy in the family of Abish and Alzhan ?

grandmother Myrzabala

grandmother Myrzabala

How many children has N.Nazarbayev?

How many children has N.Nazarbayev?

3 daughters

3 daughters

When was N.Nazarbayev elected as  the nation's first President?

When was N.Nazarbayev elected as  the nation's first President?

in December 1991

in December 1991

The name of President’s wife.

The name of President’s wife.

Sara Alpys k yzy

Sara Alpys k yzy

How many brothers and sisters has N.Nazarbayev?

How many brothers and sisters has N.Nazarbayev?

2 brothers Bolat and Satybaldy and a sister Anipa

2 brothers Bolat and Satybaldy and a sister Anipa

How was called N.Nazarbayev in childhood in his family?

How was called N.Nazarbayev in childhood in his family?



Who from President’s ancestor was especially famous ?

Who from President’s ancestor was especially famous ?

general Karasai-batyr Altynayuly

general Karasai-batyr


What music instruments can N.Nazarbayev play in childhood?

What music instruments can N.Nazarbayev play in childhood?

 the dombyra and the accordion

the dombyra and the accordion

Teenager Nursultan had a pen-friend from China. What was his name?

Teenager Nursultan had a pen-friend from China.

What was his name?

Tzhou Bai Syao

Tzhou Bai Syao

When is the Day of the first President in Kazakhstan?

When is the Day of the first President in Kazakhstan?

On the 1 st of December

On the 1 st of December

What religion does N.Nazarbayev confess?

What religion does N.Nazarbayev confess?

 Sunni Islam

Sunni Islam

How many times was N.Nazarbayev elected as President of Kazakhstan?

How many times was N.Nazarbayev elected as President of Kazakhstan?

4 times

4 times

The residence of N.Nazarbyaev in Astana.

The residence of N.Nazarbyaev in Astana.



Who is from the family Nazarbayev at the head of International Fund “Bobek”?

Who is from the family Nazarbayev at the head of International Fund “Bobek”?

Sara Nazarbayeva

Sara Nazarbayeva

The activity of the highest public office does not leave much free time, but N.Nazarbayev has hobbies. What hobbies has he?

The activity of the highest public office does not leave much free time, but N.Nazarbayev has hobbies. What hobbies has he?

a communication with nature, sports (skiing, tennis), music (playing dombyra), reading

a communication with nature, sports (skiing, tennis), music (playing dombyra), reading

At the head of what Party is N.Nazarbayev ?

At the head of what Party is N.Nazarbayev ?

“ Nur Otan”

“ Nur Otan”

When had N. Nazarbaev  finished technical school in Dneprodzerzhinsk?

When had

N. Nazarbaev  finished technical school in Dneprodzerzhinsk?

in 1960

in 1960

Who is the author of the book about our President “Nursultan Nazarbayev. Biography”, published in 2012?

Who is the author of the book about our President “Nursultan Nazarbayev. Biography”, published in 2012?

Makhmud Kasymbekov

Makhmud Kasymbekov

When and where began N.Nazarbayev his career  ?

When and where began N.Nazarbayev his career ?

as a technician at a metalworks facility in Karaganda in 1960

as a technician at a metalworks facility in Karaganda in 1960

When got N.Nazarbayev the official status –Elbasy- Leader of the Nation?

When got N.Nazarbayev the official status –Elbasy- Leader of the Nation?

on 15th June 2010

on 15th June 2010



What symbols and signs of presidential power has our President?

What symbols and signs of presidential power has our President?

the breastplate of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan and the Standard

the breastplate of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan and the Standard

Who is the Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan?

Who is the Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan?



 When was N.Nazarbayev  the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet (head of state)?

When was N.Nazarbayev  the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet (head of state)?

from 22 February to 24 April 1990

from 22 February to 24 April 1990

Who from the daughters of N.Nazarbaev is at the head of the Fund of Education named N.Nazarbayev?

Who from the daughters of N.Nazarbaev is at the head of the Fund of Education named N.Nazarbayev?

Dinara Nazarbayeva

Dinara Nazarbayeva

 When was Nazarbayev named the first President of Kazakhstan by the Supreme Soviet? (On 24 April 1990)

When was Nazarbayev named the first President of Kazakhstan by the Supreme Soviet? (On 24 April 1990)

On 24 April 1990

On 24 April 1990

Is N.Nazarbaev the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Kazakhstan Army?

Is N.Nazarbaev the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Kazakhstan Army?

Yes, he is.

Yes, he is.

The End Thank you!

The End

Thank you!


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