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Исследовательская работа на тему:" Чтение с удовольствием, главный шаг к успешной сдачи ОГЭ"

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Исследовательская работа для научно-практической конференции .

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«Исследовательская работа на тему:" Чтение с удовольствием, главный шаг к успешной сдачи ОГЭ"»



Автор: Барышникова Ксения Владимировна, учащийся 7 «Б» класса МОУ « Средняя общеобразовательная школа им. Е.Р. Дашковой с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» г. Кременки Калужской области

Научный руководитель: Нечепуренко Ольга Васильевна, учитель английского языка


Работа по английскому языку на тему: «Чтение с удовольствием, главный шаг к успешной сдачи ОГЭ» имеет аналитический характер. Актуальность работы заключается в том, что без чтения, учащиеся не смогут сдать достойно экзамен по английскому языку в форме ОГЭ. Английский язык находится в преддверии введения обязательного экзамена по иностранному языку после девятого класса с 2020 года и обязательного ЕГЭ по иностранному языку с 2022 года», как заявил глава ведомства Сергей Сергеевич Кравцов на расширенном заседании коллегии Минобрнауки РФ.

Целью работы является анализ и перевод выражений и предложений из сказки «Алиса в зазеркалье», а также составление сборника тренировочных тестовых заданий, на основе прочитанного текста, чтобы через чтение с удовольствием мотивировать каждого ученика к успешной подготовки сдачи экзамена по английскому языку в форме ОГЭ.

В ходе работы были переведены выражения и предложения, которые не имели дословного перевода на русский язык. На основе прочитанного текста был составлен сборник тренировочных тестовых заданий. В сборник включены 4 главы по 10 заданий в каждой, а также ключи. Все задания составлены по аналогии заданий, которые чаще всего встречаются в ОГЭ. Автором был проведен опрос среди учащихся о значении их снов.

В ходе работы были сделаны выводы, что многие слова и предложения не имеют дословного перевода на русский язык. Многим ребятам снятся сны. Сны бывают счастливые, бывают несчастные. Также автором сделан вывод, что читая любимые произведения и выполняя на основе содержания задания в форме ОГЭ, можно успешно сдать экзамен по английскому языку.


First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Kseniya. I am thirteen years old. I am in the 7th grade.

I have chosen the topic about the pleasure of reading as my research work. I want to tell you about the pleasure of reading because reading plays a very important role in people’s life.

I think that nowadays improving schoolchildren’s reading skills is rather significant, because it increases the chances to pass BSE as successful as it is only possible. Moreover English is on the point of being introduced as a compulsory foreign language examination after the ninth grade by 2020 and as a compulsory USE in a foreign language by 2022, - stated the head of the department Sergey Kravtsov at an expanded meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The goal of the research is to investigate the sentences and words in the fairy-tale «Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there» by Lewis Carroll. The next objective is to compile from this fairy-tale the material for a workbook of special test tasks that would train the pupil’s reading skills. Thus as a result such reading with pleasure could motivate any learner to prepare to pass BSE successfully.

The research objectives are:

1. to choose the sentences and the words from the fairy-tale that are interesting, unusual and hard to translate.

2. to investigate a question among my classmates about their dreams.

3. to compile a workbook of training test tasks based on the fairy-tale “Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there” by Lewis Carroll.

The research hypotheses are:

1. to analyze the sentences and the words from the fairy-tale “Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there” by Lewis Carroll.

2. to question all my classmates about their dreams.

3. to create a workbook of training test tasks based on the fairy-tale “Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there” by Lewis Carroll.

Books help us to be good friends. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, to take care of it, to love our homeland.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

I want to tell you about Lewis Carroll and his fairy-tale «Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there»

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born on the 27th of January 1832 and died on the 14th of January 1898, better known by the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. He was an English author, mathematicianHYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematician" HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematician"and logician.

Research work

My research-work is the analyzes of the translation of the most interesting and unusual sentences and the words from the fairy-tale.

Analyzes of sentences and word combination

Here are some unusual sentences to translate:

Let’s pretend. - Давайте претворяться.

I wish you could talk!- Как жалко, что вы не умеете


If you don’t hold your tongues, I’ll pick you! — Если

вы не замолчите, я вас сорву.

Don’t make excuses! — Не оправдывайся!

Can you keep from crying by considering things?-The

Queen spread out her arms and went flying after it.

I’ll just call — Я просто забегу ненадолго

It isn’t manners for us = We don’t think it is polite.

As if you ever saw anybody! – Можно подумать, что ты хоть что-нибудь видела в жизни!

I should advise you to walk the other way. – В этих словах содержится явный намёк на то, что «вперёд» и «назад» в зеркале меняются местами. Идите к зеркалу – изображение двинется навстречу вам, т.е. в обратном направлении.

It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place = if you want to stay at the same place, you should run as fast as you can.

I only wish such eyes – Мне бы такое зрение.

What impertinence! – Какая наглость! (Какая чушь!)

Here are some unusual words and words combinations to translate.

Let me be, let me alone —оставьте меня в покое,

не трогайте меня.

Rocking-horse-fly —rocking horse — конь-качалка

to live on= to eat

Arm in arm- под руку

Excuse me! –I beg your pardon!- Прошу прощения!

twists = turns again and again

shape = form

far grander = much more important

to keep up with her = to move as fast as she does

principal = the most important, the biggest

Gnat – комар

A poor sort of memory = bad memory

Humpty Dumpty – известный персонаж детских стишков не только во времена Кэрролла, но и в наши дни С.Я. Маршак называл его Шалтай-болтай.

I have chosen theses sentences and the words and I have made the conclusion that these sentences and words don’t have the word for word translation.

Questioning among classmates

I think that this fairy-tale is about Alice’s dream and that’ why I decided to ask some questions my classmates:

  1. Do you like your dreams?

  2. Are they happy or bad dreams?

  3. Do you tell your dreams to anyone?

My classmates should answer “yes” or “no”, “happy” or “bad”


Do you like your dreams?

Are they happy or bad dreams?

Do you tell your dreams to anyone?


Avercheva Alyona





Baryshnikova Kseniya





Do you like your dreams?

Are they happy or bad dreams?

Do you tell your dreams to anyone?





After this questioning I have made the conclusion that 50 per cent of my classmates like their dreams and 50 per cent don’t like their dreams. 50 per cent of my classmates can say that their dreams are happy and 50 per cent of my classmates tell their dreams to anyone.

I can’t imagine my life without reading. Books teach us what is right and what is wrong, to understand the world and people in it. It educates a person, enriches his intellect.

My workbook of test tasks in the form of BSE

Having read the tale «Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there» by Lewis Carroll I decided to make my workbook of test tasks. My workbook consists of 4 chapters with 10 tasks in each one. Each chapter corresponds to one of the tale. All test tasks are compiled by me similarly to the test tasks in the form of Basic State Exam. I think that children by reading their favorite books and completing the tasks based on the text read will successfully prepare for passing the English exam in the form of BSE.


After my research work I can say that it was very interesting to write about the fairy-tale «Through the Looking-glass and what Alice found there»

It was very interesting and useful to choose the sentences and word combinations from this fairy-tale that are unusual to translate.

I understand that many sentences and word combination in English should not be translated word for word. We should understand the meaning of sentences and word combinations.

I have got to know that most of my classmates like their dreams and they like to tell about their dreams to anyone.

It is argued that dreams are a kind of threat rehearsal mechanism and play an important role in the development of human cognitive capacities.
It has also been said that dreams are the result of random neural activity.
Dreams seem to have some connection with the spiritual world and I think dreams will continue to be viewed as mysterious for a very long time...

I believe that through reading with pleasure, with the training material, pupils will pass the exams successfully.

List of literature

1. Akhamanova O.S. Russian –English Dictionary; Moscow -2014.

2. Lewis Carroll. «Alice in Wonderland»; Moscow -2017.

3. Lewis Carroll. «Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There»; Moscow -2017.

4. Muller V. Complete English – Russian Dictionary; Moscow-2014.


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