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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс. УМК М.В. Вербицкая "Forward"

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 3 класс. УМК М.В. Вербицкая "Forward"»

Итоговое тестирование 3 класс 2016-17 уч.год

  1. Работа с текстом

Jim’s friend.

One Sunday morning Jim goes to the forest. He meets (встречает) his friend in the forest. His name is Mike. Mike is a bear. He is big, brown and funny.

Mike likes sweets, jam and honey, but he doesn’t like cabbage and carrots. Jim likes ice – cream and red sweet carrots.

Mike is clever. He visits Green School. He can read books. But he cannot play chess. Jim would like to teach Mike to play chess. They are good friends.

  1. Прочитайте предложения и отметьте верны ли они

  1. Mike doesn’t like honey.

  2. Jim goes to the park one Sunday morning

  3. The name of Jim’s friend is Mike.

  4. He doesn’t go to school,

  5. Jim and Sam are good friends.

2)Прочитай предложения и закончи их. Выбери правильный вариант.

  1. Jim has got …. a) a forest friend; b) ice-cream; c) sweet carrots; d) the bear

  2. Jim meets Mike … a) in the park; b) in Green School; c) in the forest; d) at home

  3. Mike can … a) play; b) run and jump; c) sing; d) read

  4. Jim would like to … a) read books together; b) play chess together; c) be strong; d) play football together

  5. Mike is ……. a) black b) grey c) brown d) red

II. Запиши числительные цифрами.

  1. thirty-two ...... 2) seven....... 3) eight....... 4) eleven........

  2. 5) twelve......... 6) thirteen....... 7) fifteen....... 8) twenty........

III. . Вставь в пропуски местоимения he, she, I, we, they, it.

1) "Are you ten?" "Yes,............. am."

2) "Is this a pen?" "Yes, ........... is."

3) "Where is Tom?" "............. is in the garden."

4) "Is Lisa eight?" "No,........... isn't."

5) "Are you and Maria sisters?" "No, ........... aren't."

IV. Вставь в пропуски am, is, are.

1) Anna and Nadia ............ friends.

2) Mrs Brown ............... a teacher.

3) The school ............... big.

4) I ............ Russian.

5) You ............ eight today.

6) Ben and I ................ brothers.

V. Подберите к картинкам предложение и напишите номер предложения под каждой картинкой.

1. It’s half past nine.

2. It’s six o’clock.

3. It’s eleven o’clock.

4. It’s five o’clock.

5. It’s quarter to five.

6. It’s half past two.

7. It’s two o’clock.

8. It’s quarter past twelve.

9. It’s half past four.


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