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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе (Rainbow English)

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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе (Rainbow English)

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе (Rainbow English)»

Контрольная работа промежуточной аттестации (итоговая) по английскому языку в 6 классе (Rainbow English)

I. Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения после него.

I’m Sally and I’m 12 years old. For me summer is the best season of the year. I have a lot of good friends at school. So, when summer starts I get lots of free time to spend with my friends. We go to the park, ride our bikes and always eat a lot of ice cream.

My parents love to travel abroad while they are on holiday. So we always go to some foreign country in summer. As for me, I also like seeing new places and meeting new people.

Last summer was full of good things. In June my parents and I went to Italy for a week. The weather was warm and sunny. And the nature in this country is beautiful. We swam a lot in the sea, we sunbathed, then we went on some excursions to see the historic places around the country.

I met a nice girl from France there. We became friends. Now we write letters to each other. I hope she will visit me here in Moscow next summer.

When I came back from Italy, I went to visit my grandparents. They live in a village which is not very far from Moscow. The air there is always fresh and clean. At my grandparents’ I have some good old friends, so I wasn’t bored there. I spent a lot of time outdoors. We played basketball, hide-and-seek, and even went to pick mushrooms once.

I should say that summer was great and the weather was always wonderful! It’s a pity, that my favourite season ended so quickly.

  1. In summer Sally prefers to spend time___________.

a) at school b) with her friends c) with her grandparents

  1. When on holiday Sally’s parents___________.

a) like to go to the park b) prefer to live in another country c) enjoy travelling

  1. In Italy Sally didn’t___________.

a) swim in the sea b) go to see the sights c) learn Italian

  1. Sally and her friend from France___________.

a) are pen friends b) will go to Italy together c) spent some time in Moscow

  1. Sally wasn’t bored at her grandparents’ because___________.

a) she played with her friends there b) her grandparents played with her c) she met new friends there

6. Sally thinks that last summer___________.

a) was strange b) wasn’t long c) was too hot

II. Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами.

1. Ballerinas can stand on their _________ for hours.

a) fingers b) toes c) socks

2. When I saw Alice, she had a small elegant bag in her ________.

a) hands b) arms c) fingers

3. People who do sports are usually _________.

a) stout b) weak c) fit

4. Amanda, my best friend, is very______. She always helps me in different situations.

a) selfish b) reliable c) greedy

5. The little girl looks very cute and funny because she has a small _______ nose.

a) curly b) turned up c) good-looking

6. You can’t describe people’s faces as _______.

a) round b) oval c) thick

III. Прочитайте предложения. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1. Tom’s clothes (be) ______ scruffy and dirty when he came home from the playground.

2. My friend (leave) _______ for Berlin in a week. He has already bought the tickets.

3. - Look, what a beautiful shirt! I think I (buy) ______ it.

- You should! It’s very nice!

4. - The next train (arrive) ______ only at 5:30. Let’s have coffee together.

- Sounds good to me!

5. If my friend (not come) ______ soon, we’ll start the concert without him.

6. I don’t know when the class (begin) ______ tomorrow. You should ask the teacher.

IV. Соотнесите слова в двух колонках.

1. North America

2. New York City

3. Broadway

4. Texas

5. Washington, D.C.

6. Thanksgiving

a) the US capital

b) a street

c) a continent

d) a holiday

e) a state

f) the US biggest city



  1. b

  2. c

  3. c

  4. a

  5. a

  6. b


  1. b

  2. a

  3. c

  4. b

  5. b

  6. c


  1. were

  2. is leaving

  3. will buy

  4. arrives

  5. does not come

  6. will begin


  1. c

  2. f

  3. b

  4. e

  5. a

  6. d


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