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Итоговое тестирование за 5 класс к учебнику FORWARD

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Обязательное итоговое тестирование по предмету английский язык по учебнику FORWARD Вербицкой. Расчитано на 20 мин.

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«Итоговое тестирование за 5 класс к учебнику FORWARD»

5 класс итоговая контрольная работа

  1. I (go) for a walk with my dog every morning.

  1. go b) went c) goes

  1. My bike is (fast) then your bike.

  1. more fast b) fastest c) faster

  1. competition

  1. соревнование b) испытание

  2. тестирование

  1. много молока

  1. many milk b) much milk c) a few milk

  1. When she is …, she cries.

  1. angry b) bored c) sad

  1. He … just … (do) his homework.

  1. has done b) have done c) has did

  1. When the weather is very hot you … wear the hat.

  1. must to b) must c) mustn’t

  1. This text is ….

  1. easy b) easily c) easier

  1. I can do this exercise …

  1. easily b) easy c) easier

  1. на самолете

  1. on plane

  2. in plane

  3. by plane

  1. one hundred and twenty nine

  1. 1029 b) 129 c) 100 290

  1. 1931

  1. one thousand nineteen hundred and thirteen

  2. one thousand nine hundred and thirty one

  3. one hundred nine thousand and threety one

  1. Я должен убирать мусор каждый день. (моя обязанность)

  1. I must to take the rubbish out every day.

  2. I have to take the rubbish out every day.

  3. I mustn’t take the rubbish out every day.

  1. multi-storey building

  1. многоэтажный дом

  2. одноэтажный дом

  3. коттедж

  1. cartoons

  1. картон

  2. мультфильмы

  3. комедия

5 класс итоговая контрольная работа

  1. I (go) for a walk with my dog every morning.

  1. go b) went c) goes

  1. My bike is (fast) then your bike.

  1. more fast b) fastest c) faster

  1. competition

  1. соревнование b) испытание

  2. тестирование

  1. много молока

  1. many milk b) much milk c) a few milk

  1. When she is …, she cries.

  1. angry b) bored c) sad

  1. He … just … (do) his homework.

  1. has done b) have done c) has did

  1. When the weather is very hot you … wear the hat.

  1. must to b) must c) mustn’t

  1. This text is ….

  1. easy b) easily c) easier

  1. I can do this exercise …

  1. easily b) easy c) easier

  1. на самолете

  1. on plane

  2. in plane

  3. by plane

  1. one hundred and twenty nine

  1. 1029 b) 129 c) 100 290

  1. 1931

  1. one thousand nineteen hundred and thirteen

  1. one thousand nine hundred and thirty one

  2. one hundred nine thousand and threety one

  1. Я должен убирать мусор каждый день. (моя обязанность)

  1. I must to take the rubbish out every day.

  2. I have to take the rubbish out every day.

  3. I mustn’t take the rubbish out every day.

  1. multi-storey building

  1. многоэтажный дом

  2. одноэтажный дом

  3. коттедж

  1. cartoons

  1. картон

  2. мультфильмы

  3. комедия


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