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Итоговая контрольная работа для 6 класса к УМК Brilliant

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Итоговая контрольная работа для 6 класса к УМК Brilliant под ред. Комаровой Ю. А. 

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«Итоговая контрольная работа для 6 класса к УМК Brilliant»

Name______________________ Class_________ Date________________

  1. Listen and choose the correct answer.

  1. Josie likes________

a) doing Maths b) reading c) studying

  1. Josie doesn’t like________

a) doing Maths b) reading c) studying

  1. Josie’s Maths teacher is___________

a) angry b) OK c) great

  1. Josie studies every day because___________

a) he likes French b) he likes it c) he has a lot of exams

  1. Josie can read_________

a) German b) Russian c) French

  1. Match the halves and write down the phrases.

  1. listen

  1. scientist

  1. _______________________________

  1. read

  1. to the radio

  1. _______________________________

  1. tidy

  1. teeth

  1. _______________________________

  1. clean

  1. room

  1. _______________________________

  1. download

  1. music

  1. _______________________________

  1. cook

  1. magazine

  1. _______________________________

  1. become

  1. mushrooms

  1. _______________________________

  1. Complete the gaps

well attractive nephew difficult department store

  1. Jack has problems with English. It is ___________ for him.

  2. Mary takes care of her skin. She wants to be_______________.

  3. Kevin is the fastest runner in our class. He runs very___________.

  4. Jack is my sister’s son. He is my____________.

  5. I often go to this______________. I bought all my clothes and school objects there.

  1. Fill in the table







  1. Use the verb in correct form

Present Simple / Present Continuous

  1. Look! Ben ____________ (play) volleyball very well.

  2. I ______________ (always / visit) my grandparents at weekend.

  3. I ___________ (not / eat) mushrooms.

  4. She______________ (not / cook) fish and chips now.

  5. What _____________________(Jack / study) at the moment?

  6. Where ___________________ (your uncle / work)?

Past Simple

  1. Yesterday she ____________(buy) a new dress.

  2. We ______________ (visit) a new gallery last Saturday.

  3. She _______________(not / run) on the last competition.

  4. He ____________ (not / fly) to Mexico 4 days ago.

  5. ________________ (you / be) at school yesterday?

  6. _________________ (Mary / watch) this film?

  1. Read the text

You need some words:

wheelchair – инвалидная коляска, кресло-каталка

admire – восхищаться

selfish – эгоистичный

generous - щедрый

Rob’s special friend

Mark and I are thirteen years old, and we are very sporty. We often go to the gym – at least three times a week. Mark does exercises to make his arms strong. He can’t walk because of a car accident, so he goes everywhere in the wheelchair. But it doesn’t stop him doing the things that boys our age want to do.

Why do I admire Mark so much? Well, he sometimes feels scared and becomes moody, but he never stops. I play basketball with him and our friends and he always wants to win. Mark also works hard at school. People sometimes think he’s unfriendly when they meet him first time, but he isn’t. He always has time for his friends and he tries to help them.

If I have a problem, the first person I speak to is Mark. He’s very sympathetic and he doesn’t ask a lot of questions. He is good at listening. I think that a person that listens to other people is very generous. I don’t know a lot of people that are happy to give their time. I’m sometimes selfish so Mark is a good example for me.

Mark loves sport, computer games, going on the Internet and telling jokes. He’s good fun to be with. He is a very special friend.

Are the sentences true or false?

  1. Mark does exercises on his arms. _____

  2. Mark is a bad student. _____

  3. People like Mark when they meet him first time. _____

  4. Mark doesn’t speak a lot when a friend has a problem. _____

  5. Mark’s hobbies are different from other teenager’s hobbies. _____


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